Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xervir

  1. Item despawn time

    In minecraft it was just fine if you died and all of your stuff hung around for about 5 or 10 minutes before disappearing, but it TFC not so much. I logged off for about a month and completely forgot about a 1x1 hole that I had uncovered, after logging on again I immediately fell through it to my death and subsequently died two more times trying to sprint the ~2 km there from my respawn point. After eventually making my way there I was stunned to see that my stuff was still there at the bottom of the chasm, so I gathered some thatch and scaled the cliff while dodging skeleton javelins. The second I touched the chasm floor, two real days worth of iron mining plus all of my food and tools despawned before my eyes. Could we get stuff to hang around longer? Because what I carry in my inventory is now a LOT more valuable than ordinary minecraft stuff.
  2. New device: Range: mid-game replacement for fire pit Getting tired of having a beautiful kitchen of stone counters and hand quern marred by a pile of burnt sticks and embers? Well we have the solution for YOU! Try the TFC inc.'s NEW and improved Range! It's a beautiful construct of stone or metal that you can simply place in your kitchen! No chimney required! It may not get as hot as our amazing forge, but unlike the forge it will consume coal and charcoal very, very slowly! You can use it to heat your home! You can use it to cook your food! You can use it to set sticks on fire! You can even use it to dispose of Hansel and Gretel, we won't judge! With it's lovely expanded size you can even cook them both at once! Order yours NOW from TFC inc.! Some assembly required The range could have a stone base and small number of tier I or tier II metal parts, such as the grill that the cookery would rest on. I would consume coal and charcoal at a WAY slower rate than the forge, but would only be able to heat things to Very Hot****, and it would get them there slowly. User interface: 1: Accepts only a stack of coal or charcoal 2: Fed by 1, consumes coal to keeps temperature up 3: Accepts any stack of anything 4: Fed by 3, heats items to Very Hot**** if the temperature permits 5: Fed by 4 should the item in it change to something else (like uncooked to cooked, or stick to torch).
  3. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    I despise babysitting what is essential a giant ceramic bowl. What about being able to put a stack ore into the input slot from which it takes one ore at a time?Maybe make two output slots: things can be added and removed to slot 1, but things can only be removed from slot 2 if there there are ceramics molds in slot 1 (which can accept a stack) and there is nothing in slot 2, subtract one mold from slot 1 and add one mold to slot 2. If there is a non-full ceramic mold in slot 2, the crucible has molten ore in it, button reads open (maybe), and the crucible is hot enough for the metal in it to be molten, the mold in slot 2 slowly fills and the crucible slowly empties. SIMPLY PUT: Take a stack of meltables one at a time off of the input slot Stack of ceramic molds feeds into output slot maybe add open-close button so that it won't pour if it isn't the right alloy yet
  4. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Wikipedia: Deep partial thickness (Second-degree) Extends into deep (reticular) dermis[10] Yellow or white. Less blanching. May be blistering.[10] Fairly dry[6] Pressure and discomfort[6] 3–8weeks[10] Scarring, contractures (may require excision andskin grafting)[6] Full thickness (Third-degree) Extends through entire dermis[10] Stiff and white/brown[10]No blanching[6] Leathery[10] Painless[10] Prolonged (months) and incomplete[10] Scarring, contractures, amputation (early excision recommended)[6] Fourth-degree Extends through entire skin, and into underlying fat, muscle and bone[10] Black; charred witheschar Dry Painless Requires excision[10] Amputation, significant functional impairment and, in some cases, death.[10] I have excluded the rather graphic images so as not give the mods a headache, but it you like you can see them in the link. I emphasize the fact that anything deeper than superficial second degree is merely uncomfortable or painless. I love the idea of illness, but I don't think that it should be implemented until the developers get around to overhauling mobs. Bare in mind that ANY thing can be cured simply by dying and respawning, and that should NEVER go away. There needs to be some sort of way to make this a toss up. I would recommend the implementation of corpses. If you die your body will still be where you left with all your stuff (this would be a pleasant way to keep all of your junk from despawning if dying puts you back to spawn and the chunk unloads because you were nomadic for a time). One can use a shovel on a corpse, and one can right click on a corpse to drag it one block closer to you (make sure you can drag it up a set of stairs), however simply being near the corpse (within several hundred blocks) makes you liable to contract anything it had when it died, touching (dragging) the corpse would give you a good chance to contract things every time you touch it without protecting yourself (maybe introduce body bags?). One can bury a corpse by dragging it into a 2x1x2 hole and covering it in dirt. This dirt will be fertile for trees and grass, but can never be used as farmland. Lastly on can drag the corpse into a 2x1x1 pit kiln and cremate it. Either option will rid the area of the nearby-contract-illness problem. Then you would need to clean up, anything other than stone that the corpse spent any time on (or was dragged across) would have blood, bile, or other filth soaked into them and carry the same risk as touch when you walk in it, these will need to be mined up and burned, stone and brick can be washed clean with a mop.
  5. How to solve the lose of crops in winter.

    A greenhouse really doesn't take that much to manage. Haven't you ever heard of the greenhouse effect? It's the reason that your car feels like a sauna on cool summer day, though a car bleeds heat too fast to know the difference in winter. As to the rest of the thread:Why not differentiate between annuals that need to have their seeds recovered and harvested, which should be an option from harvesting them, and perennials which will over-winter under ground?
  6. Plans

    I have now changed my signature.
  7. Avoiding The Grind

    A ravine or cliff could be deeper as previously suggested, but could also occur at the dividing line between two types of surface rock. Fossil record? Don't know what you could use fossils for, but they could tell you what biome it was millions of years ago when the deeper layers were surface layers...
  8. Dupping iron sheets

    After heating sheets and placing on the side of grass blocks, I am unable to reproduce this bug. I will preform more experiments. EDIT: After setting up the beginnings of a blast furnace I am still unable to reproduce this bug. Try cut/pasting your config file somewhere that forge can't find it and trying it again on creative.
  9. Bug Report - Chisel Detailed Mode

    Bug confirmed, very annoying. Makes me unable to mine up the empty space to call it empty too. EDIT: New information, if you mine up all 512 micro-blocks with the chisel, instead of shaving off sheets and moving to micro-mode when there is not much left, the chisel still does this. Suggested workaround: put warning on the wiki under the "issues" section
  10. [Solved] Brass wont cast?

    Don't feel bad, I made the same mistake. I was super excited to find copper and zinc, because I knew I could use it to make a tier 2 alloy that started with "b". Surely that meant that could skip the copper age!
  11. Friend Cannot connect to my privately hosted server?

    If you're sitting in the same room, then it cannot be that the ports need to be forwarded, however you still need to make sure that your firewall is allowing the game through. Assuming you are using windows you will want to enter the firewall settings, click on "Change Settings" and make sure that "Java Platform SE Binary" is permitted through the firewall in the list below on public and private networks, there should be two listings, allow them both.If this program is not listed, go to "Allow another program..." and try to find Java listed there. If both of the above do not result in two listings of Java, click on "browse" and go to C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin (if you are using 32-bit java on a 64-system it will .../Program Files (x86)/... and you need to download 64-bit java) and add "java.exe" (the ".exe" may not be visible depending on your settings) and "javaw.exe". Make sure both of these programs are listed and allow them in your firewall.Last ditch step if nothing above has allowed you to find java and add it to you firewall, go to the Firewall Advanced settings and add an inbound and an outbound rule for any program using port 25565 to be allowed.
  12. Similar here. I'll make a forge out of bricks that protrudes from the floor and carve the walls until it looks a little less bulky (this work best if your floor is a 1/2 high block so that is protrudes up half a block). Then Ill make a chimney two blocks away with a pit kiln underneath it. This looks reasonable for a kitchen or a forge, but it takes up so much space.Maybe instead of a range a wood stove. That would make the "heat your home in winter" make way more sense, and you can still cook on the thing. I love my wood stove, I have about 2,500 ft² and if costs about half a chord of wood to heat my home through the winter day and night.
  13. What about a craft in place item made my using the chisel to cut down a stone object to a slab on top and surrounding that on four sides with metal? That would let you customize the appearance by using any brick, stone, stone brick or (if you're REALLY clever) cobblestone you choose for the top. The result would be mineable/movable.
  14. To my dismay adding bronze to my mixture off: BRONZE 10% tin 90% copper Resulted in: UNKNOWN 9.5% tin 85.5% copper 5% bronze This resulted in the wasting of 1050 units of bronze. It would make sense for if the alloy added to the crucible is the alloy in the crucible already for either the amount added to be ignore, not calculated, or treated as if it were a mixture of ores that falls within the acceptable range, this way you could remelt your alloys into the crucible without having to empty out the crucible into ingots and melt all of your ingots over again.
  15. Traps

    I think that traps have a better potential than food as well. If I had a pitfall I could set it up around my house to kill the nightly zombie rush without all of them making a bee-line for the only bridge. What about a spring trap? You could combine a sapling with a knife head and a string in the crafting table to make it and those can be used on reasonably sizable game. Anyway, if you're going to add trapping you have to add curing and methods of storing meat long-term.
  16. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    Okay, it took me long enough but I found the previous thread. Sorry to waste your time. If I want it that badly, I'll wait for the full version and figure out a way to do it myself (this is probably a pipe dream, but my Skyrim mods have received nothing but good reviews, so wish me luck as I teach myself java). </pointless_thread>
  17. Two weeks ago I used the dry-stone method to build a 4x3x2 foot fire pit, it required no tools and it took me 3 hours.I understand that the goal is believability, but I have difficulty believing that a guy who can haul around hundreds of 1 meter cubes of stone and craft a wooden house with thatched roof using nothing but stone axes is unable to stack some rocks.
  18. BUG: Stacking ingot in a certain space

    After a quick test I cannot reproduce this bug in 78.17, attempting to place an ingot in block occupied by a weapon rack does not crash, nor does it place the ingot. I recommend that you delete your config file, if that doesn't work it must be one of the other mods.
  19. BUG: Stacking ingot in a certain space

    You shouldn't be able to stack ingots in the same block as a weapon rack anyway, they take up a block of space. The fact that you are ABLE to do so without the game rejecting the placement of the ingot is a little weird.
  20. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    Unfortunate, but understandable. I will attempt to find the aforementioned discussion, thank you.
  21. [78.17] [SMP] Skills not updating

    Same deal here. I find it very disturbing, because I don't whether I'm supposed to still be able to produce a higher quality pickaxe by forging or not.
  22. I was actually talking to a friend of mine about the idea and he raised the thought of wood. I didn't like it originally because I thought it would keep it nice and uniform to have one fuel source for all your things in mid to late game, but it would make sense to be able to use wood. A decision like wood, charcoal, vs either one would take play testing I think. I never said it had to be a big stack, I just want to be able to walk away from it without being to afraid of it going out for a while. Ooh! I didn't think of clay! You could make it fire clay if you wanted to keep it mid-game.That's a lot more clay than molds though, realism would say that it would take more than 5 pieces (multiple uses for multiple parts assembled together perhaps?), but practicality says clay is a nothing resource anyway, so why bother. To keep it after stone-age how about crafting it out of fire clay on the crafting table in the same pattern as a chest out of planks? Technically this would be an oven though...
  23. Irrigation / Water Channels

    Add a carving mode to the chisel to make an aqueduct block? The block would match the water level and flow direction of the highest of the two water levels on the two open ends. If it is a source, then this block would be source. Mining the aqueduct results in air, and an aqueduct cannot match the wall of another aqueduct, only the opening. Using this method one could theoretically still connect two bodies of water (if they were on the same x or z), but barring that, one could not create and infinite water supply, only extend its range.
  24. Water bottle abuse!

    They could be replaced with jars that can be filled with any type of water, booze, or vinegar, and that differentiates between fresh and salt. Salt could be distilled from the saltwater on a fire pit or forge.
  25. How to fix alcohol issue

    The easiest solution is to make some sort of crafting recipe that consumes a certain amount of food from your apples or grain gives you something else to put in the barrel.The other solution is to let the barrel detect the weight of the food in it and refuse to seal unless that weight is either 160 oz, or falls into a weight range (This would certainly give a reason for the ability to cut foodstuffs in half)