Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GismoT

  1. Old flames

    just sayin ^^
  2. A multi-OS minecraft mod manager & launcher

    i dont wont to bash your work but mojang is already working on something like that, so if you dont see it as an exercise its propably wasted time btw look at multi mc it kinda does what you are doing, but has its problems with buggy code and unusal mods -> flans etc
  3. What Am I Gonna Do With You?

    you could also dry it in tundra/taiga "biomes" you could actually freeze them in forest biomes you could smoke it ( more wood) near the sea salt it or you could use rocksalt found underground -> white gold, salt was so important that at some points salt mines were richer than smiths etc. another method could be pickling eg jams, juice, alc, pickle jar
  4. What Am I Gonna Do With You?

    what would you guys think about this : every non preserved food turns after a while to rotten flesh/vegetable/fruit ? the veggies/fruit could then be put on a compost for humus same for eggs and milk
  5. What Am I Gonna Do With You?

    one could use the rotten flash to create poisen, and the bones for starch -> caaaaaake or jam
  6. Arrests

    since it is not a discovery thing -> how to do this/that find a new veggie etc so you ether close the thread, or post the decision and than close it and while you at it hand me that exquisite necklace over there and that watch, chop chop i hear the cops, MOVE IT already, no you won´t drag meto prison again you bastards
  7. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    why is it a double post ?
  8. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    so what do you guyss think about my knappoing idea ?
  9. Arrests

    there is always a diffrence between a griefer and an rp thief/robber to defend jed´s but also mead´s point of view
  10. Tree Grafting

    maybe becouse its most used in france, austria and bavaria ( old empires/kingdoms/ big vine exporters) and its a damn hard work, the 2 plants have to be familiar, at least the same order/family depending on the class
  11. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    and thats why i do it, no i like it, or i will blame it on some creepers *hint* *hint* because of you i will stop, or maybe i dont lets have a look how it works out
  12. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    but its a suggestion not a commandment ^^ they have to decide how much work something is worth
  13. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    they did it with stone tools ^^
  14. Specified World Gen.

    thats sooo ceeeewl
  15. i think it should be expanded on other biomes ,or whatever their future name is, there are valleys in deserts and jungles too you know XD
  16. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    off topic: how many people could a resonable priced server take? (kinda thinking of organising a semi oficial TFC server from the forums, since your testing server cant handle many people at once)
  17. Bloomary alerts

    lets call ash, he can deal with it shotguns seem to work well
  18. What Am I Gonna Do With You?

    HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?i have an eye on you
  19. you guys are so awesome i always dreamt of doing that (my dwarfy instincts started with the mining scenes of disneys snowwhite) in middle/eastern europe almost every square centimeter is in corporate hand-> quarry style and i never was a good deskjockey
  20. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    this is so hellraiser ^^
  21. Specified World Gen.

    and ("") creepers ("") <- hand ^^ of course
  22. Bloomary alerts

    sound effects are always awesome^^
  23. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    guys what would you think about taking the knapping gui? you have your colourd wool made into string kinda sleeping beauty style with a spindle ^^ then you "knapp" on a noncolloured base zickzack string kinda like IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII the colours but the spindle and the weaving loom should be extremly expensive (like they were and still are) but it woulkd pay of since you could make not only carpets but cloth -> make clothes ,with another expensive workstation(maybe a tailor bench ?), eg a crimson red cape for a king
  24. Exploring Leather and Mechanical Power

    again a awesome post was "obsolete" due to beeing already planned- > due to not telling people , if you are looking for ideas......, you already have stuff planned etc.^^ just sayin