Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by XxAkrati0xX

  1. My IGN:BlattImPopo Age:15 timezone:UTC-5 why I want to join: because I LOVE survival games like minecraft but for me minecraft is not survival enought so I discoverd terrafirma and played on 1 server for like 1month with a guy who was friendly and helped me a little bit. Then the server went down and I searched for antoher one but didnt find one... so I tried singleplayer but its REALY boring and now after some time I found this thread and everything looks like I imagine a perfect TFC server. How often will I play: I will play on the weekends maybe 1-8 hours it depends on how friendly the community is and how I feel in the server. In mid-week I will play for 1-3 hours it also depends on how I feel. Tell us something about you:I lived in Germany before but I moved to Lima (perú) and I LOVE all kinds of survival games. l played Rust for some time but there are to many players and then the new game Reign Of Kings came out but my PC is to shitty for it.. so I went back to Terrafrima and I hope to be able to play on your server (I know my english is not perfect im still learning it )
  2. Age: Age:15 Minecraft Username:XxAkrati0xX Why would you like to join?: I was addicted to terrafirma a while aggo but hen the server I played on closed and now i cant find any other and this one here looks realy nice What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I play minecraft for 2 years now and I think terrafrima in total for 1/2 year but I stopped playing for 2 month or so Any additional information that would help your case: I would like to play in team and have a lotof fun with other players Time zone, location, name(*Optional): UTC: -05.00 (peru)
  3. there should realy be a complete map reste because its impossible to find seeds or animals in the world i run at z+31501 and i havent found nothing so for the new plaers its usualy impossible to get any food exept if another player helps them and that isnt very common
  4. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN:XxAkrati0xX age.14 why this server: beacuse i want to play the awesome terrafirmacraft mod together with other players. I would realy enjoy to play with other players terrafirmacraft complely from beginning
  5. they server is nomrla minecraft 1.7.2 without any mod
  6. is the server down right now? because i tried to connect for like 2 days and it always says:Cinnection refused:connect
  7. Age: 14 Username:XxAkrati0xX why would i like to join: because i started playing terrafirmacraft for a few days now and I feel a little bit lonley so i would like to play with other players and discover the mod with them. any additional information that would help youre case: i love playing mutliplayer games and make friends and the thing that i want is a game like terrafirmacraft where the animals get preganant you need to drink etc. there is no game/mod so terrafirmacraft is AWESOME timezone,location,name: UTC/GMT -5h, Peru,lima