Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 66 results

  1. I accidentally played TerraFirmaCraft with the latest version of Minecraft (1.7.10), and not with forge. Now when I try to play with forge, and in version 1.6.4 of MC, it crashes. Help please. Crash Report:
  2. Is there a way to fix this?
  3. I was following the 'no nonsense' guide on the wiki, but I couldn't find enough food to sustain myself. Most of the berry bushes and fruit trees were not ripe yet, and the few that were just weren't enough. I could only find around 5-7 fruits/ vegetables. I'm using a seed that was on this forum and other people recommended as well, so other people could find enough food.
  4. In need of help!

    Hello everyone, vvI apoliguize in advance for the randow topic of the forum but you see, I lost the aplication thred when I created my account. I really do not want ot put my aplication in just some reandom spot of the forum so is someone will point me in the right direction the would be wonderfull. P.S. I don't know is the ip is given once the application is accepted or not but I could not find the anywere either so I will be needing that as well. Look forward to joining the terrafirmacraft comunity! John (mastachief117)
  5. I am attempting to put terra firma craft on a server so other people can join me but I keep failing. When I start the server it tells me this; any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Annoying Block Texture Rendering Glitch.

    I just downloaded Terrafirmacraft and it works but when I got into the game i got these annoying texture glitches ... its almost as if the blocks are connecting properly or something its only on the edges of the blocks and on top of plants. I've tried re downloading everything and changing all my video settings but nothing seems to work. please help me it would me much appreciated thank you Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about. Here are the links for the other pictures:
  7. Alcohol making problem

    I've just started playing Terrafirmacraft (after a looong break from it) & now that you can make alcohol & cheese, I'd really like to do that. However, it would seem the alcohol making is disabled. No alcohol- no vinegar- no cheese. So how do you overcome this? Any suggestions are welcomed!
  8. Forge help

    When I try to open the forge gui it won't do anything. Even when I try to restart minecraft or the save.
  9. Mods for servers

    Starting up a new server with NFO, new to Forge in general. What mods do you guys run on your servers? Also, anyone know how to get MyTowns to work?
  10. Hey, i have searched the wiki, youtube, and just about every place i can and i CANNOT figure out how to make a blast furnace work. Same with the crucible as well. I made a Blast Furnace and the block does not place down unless i place it in a 4x4 brick enclosed structure, then i can right click it and make it work however when i put coal in the top and fill it up i cannot place any ores into it. Can anyone please give me a tutorial or teach me how to make a Blast furnace and Crucible work?
  11. Anvil trouble

    Hey guys I downloaded this mod several days ago, and I am constanly discovering more and more of the mod, which is great! Only problem is, getting my first pickaxe...I've deforestated every forest and killed every cow and sheep available, so it's time to mine.I've searched a DOZEN times for a smithing tutorial on how to use the (new, I think) anvil GUI, I can't figure it out :/I've gone through the whole process of collecting and smelting ore (bismuth in the picture) and created an ingot from the crafting screen (I saw ppl on YT do it very differently, like smith is, but I didn;t have to), also I created the plans for the pickaxe/prospick, and put them in the anvil GUI as shown in the picture. Yet no rules to be seen, the green marker doesn't move when I hit the green/red buttons. Also, I saw in earlier videos that the anvil GUI had pictures as where to put an ingot and where to put your plans. (I tried the ingot and plans on ALL fields, none worked). Im quite annoyed :/ Why doesn't it work?Hope some one can help me...
  12. Charcoal Pit Help?

    So I know how to make a charcoal pit and stuff. I just wanted to know if a trapdoor counted as air?Also, the wiki said that doors don't count as air but are vanilla doors included in that?Last thing, can you put a floor in the charcoal pit? can the firepit in the center be on a different block? or does it matter?
  13. launcher help please

    the launcher boots up but it will not launch the game. i would like to not have to remod a jar, but if i have to i will. is there a fix for: "Failed to install TerraFirmaCraft. An unknown error occurred:`.json" maybe this was already talked about but i did a few searches so unless it wasnt tagged right. i cant seem to find anything about this. help please but chance? and if i put this in the wrong place sorry. oh and on a side note i do already have the main directory installed from a prior install. to my recollection it hasnt been tampered with either.
  14. Charcoal Pit

    Hey guys, i recently started playing this mod with some friends. gotta say i love the new survival aspect, even though i did have to lose out on some of my other favorite mods. The issue im having is with the charcoal pit. I got the actual charcoal, filled up the storage logs to the max, set them on fire and covered it all in dirt. The pit collapsed and found myself with my first creating of charcoal. According to all the guides ive seen, you are supposed to dig it out with a shovel. But not matter how long i go at it it fails to be extracted. The shovel takes damage and eventually break, but the charcoal just keeps getting to the point were its about to break then instaly replenish(can see this from the texture update) The only thing ive noticed is this while running forge: TerraFirmaCraft(TerraFirmaCraft:Build 76 Hotfix 17): () forge seems to see it as 17 and not 18, not sure if every1 else is like that. Further details: mods being used- [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.5.2] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ConfigMod for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CoroAI for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtendedRenderer for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file InventoryTweaks-1.54b.jar [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory rei_minimap [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Weather v1.5 Mod for MC [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Zombie Awareness v1.85 Mod for MC Core Mods: GUI API MultiMine Also as a side not, any1 have a link to TFC for MC 1.4.7? the ones is tried all seemed to fail, wanted to try it out with RP2, and if so is there a specific version of forge i would need
  15. HELP! Login failed

    Hey guys i just need help because i am wanting to play this amazing game, I am using the launcher for ease but when i try to log in up come's up saying (net.tfcl.utils.GeneralException: Error connecting to login servers) If you could help it would be much appreciated, thanks your time
  16. Seed confusion

    It would appear that my TFC seed has absolutely no forests. There is nothing but plains and mountains, the only trees to be found are on top of those. Is this a generation bug or a seed issue? The grass textures for various forest biomes exist, but are totally bare. I've struck out on numerous expiditions but they've returned nothing. Any help or commentary would be greatly appreciated thanks! (I didn't know whether this should be in support or seeds) Edit: I forgot to mention, Jungles exist, but nothing else.
  17. Random Invisibility Bug I am Getting a bug that when I crate a world, it runs fine for about 30 seconds, and then every block goes invisible. All mobs are still seen, but all blocks are gone. Then, after another 30 seconds, the game crashes. When I go back into the world, the blocks are still invisible, and the game crashes promptly. Any Help Would be appreciated!!! Thanks, robofish723
  18. Have a problems with this mod. 1) When im starting minecraft with: MC 1.5.1 - Player API universal 1.5 fml-universal-1.5.2- ( tried with "minecraftforge-universal-1.5.1-" too, but it doesn't work ( read down)) And TFC Beta Build 76 Hotfix 14 For MC v1.5.1. The black screen appears. I DELETED META-INF FILE SO DONT ASK ME ABOUT THIS ! 2)About minecraftforge-universal-1.5.1-, it's doesn't even downloads the files what he should download 6_9. 3)How can i launch TFCLauncher currectly, because i dont have any .bat files inside TFCLauncher.jar ( yes this .jar file downloads automatically, when i push TFCLauncher button :C)
  19. TFC Launcher Opening Normal Minecraft

    Whenever I use the Star.bat file it opens the TFC launcher and when I press login it opens normal minecraft. And it's been doing this since hotfix 9.
  20. Help with the stone anvil?

    I'm on my server playing TFC I have the unshaped tin in the stone anvil and when I click the buttons like "Light hit" nothing happens heres a picture of the screen:
  21. Help Server World fail

    Hello,me and my Friend wanna play TFC on SMP we maked a Server,and we joined the Server,and then the World is generated so crazy..there were Pistons and all the Block we tried to go to a Online Server but theres the same problem and we put our SinglePlayWorld in and the same problem pls Help me sorry for my english i am German
  22. Server Crash, Help Me!

    When I start my server I always get this one error: Pastebin of crash report ------> Hello Help me, I've tried everything I can think of.
  23. Crash :(

    Installed forge. Then put TFC build 75 in mods folder, crashed. Won't let me put the crash report in. I will as soon as I can.
  24. OK sooo i've updated minecraft,patched it installed the forge and the universal API player thing and they work and my game works and creates and opens worlds. now i add the TFC mod file and open up my minecraft again and create a new TFC world and it sits on the loading world converting world screen and nothing more happens i realize it takes awhile to load but it's been trying to load for 2 hours now [no jokes] i have no other mods in or anything can someone help me please?
  25. Strange Server Glitch

    I set up a server and it loads up and does everything fine, but when i get on, random parts of the land are replaced with random vanilla blocks in huge chunks, but not going up to the sky. ive even put in worlds from my single player but it still loads theese glitches. im using the most recent build and have forge and player api in. btw this isnt just me who gets these glitches when i go on. if anybody comes on they have these issues to.