Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Make fruit trees drop wood.

    Why not make fruit trees drop a small amount of wood when you cut them down? I mean, if you go and cut down an apple tree irl, you'll get lots of wood. So why is it that the wood in fruit trees magically disappear when it's cut down? Also, this would make it easier surviving in biomes where the only tree is fruit trees.
  2. Indestructible Stone

    I brought this up in another thread a while back, but I'm going to put this on the table again: Making raw stone, cobblestone, stone bricks, and smooth stone indestructible without either a hammer or a pickaxe. There's a precedent with trees, and I think it entirely makes sense. Discuss? Shoot down? ?
  3. Ornamentation

    This Idea builds on some recent talk of finding uses for less practical metals and gems. My idea is to allow them to be used for ornamentation on gear. For example someone has a suit of iron armor they can after forging or during (doesn't really matter) ornament it. To take the idea a bit farther there should be three tiers of ornamentation each more ostentatious than the last and each will require more mats and skill to create meaning a smaller window of error during forging. Please hit me back with any thoughts.
  4. Reclamation of Metals

    I've seen hint of this elsewhere, and if so please redirect me, but this has to do with reclamation of metals from tools and anvils. Basically, it makes no sense that metal could just sit around with no major use and no ability to recast it, pretty sure scrap and reclaimed metal was a common source of metals for blacksmiths. For tools you would put said used tool in a crafting grid by itself, and you would receive a tool head with the same damage level and, if higher than maybe 50-60% durability is left, a stick. The damaged tool head could then be thrown into the bloomery like an ore and smelted back down into raw metal at a 10-15% loss of metal. So a tool that had 50% damage to it would regain you roughly 43-45% of a new ingot. Anvils would require a hammer made of at least 1 tier higher metal and would be placed in a crafting table with the hammer to be "broken down" into either raw double/single ingots for simplicity, or "scrap metal" that can be put back in a bloomery for recasting, again at a 10-15% loss.
  5. Stupid Ideas

    This is a meta-thread for crappy/stupid/silly suggestions. Suggestions that never will and never should happen. I made this so you can all be silly and get all those strange thoughts out of your system. In part, it is also for new members to get a good idea of what suggestions TFC frown upon. Lastly, I made this for the lulz. Let me begin: Tamable sabertooth lions which one uses for defense/decoration/beauty pageants. WEEK ONE UPDATE: September 4, 2012. Alright doods, you've all been really nice and helpful towards this thread, and I thank you for that. Some lovely ideas mentioned so far: -dirt tools (for teh lulz) -charcoal items not de-spawning (debatable) -angry trolls galore -pidgeons -braised animal (or human, I was unsure) anus as a sort of end-game food (very debatable) -overly-realistic, dynamic inventory -moar to come! NOTE: This is NOT a place to troll or judge. We are all friends here, after all.
  6. Haven't you ever wanted to carve the history of your world into the walls of your castle? As a minor addition for some fun playability, why not add a setting to the chisel that allows a would-be mason to carve a message ( using the same interface as with a sign) on any chisel-able block? Text color could be white on darker stones, and black on paler stones. While this does essentially do the same thing as a sign, it allows for a more aesthetic method of conveying your message. I personally would love to see this added just because it would make my Romanesque map more believable
  7. Eels.

    Eels should be a new mob for a few reasons, they can be cooked(or smoked) over a firepit to make food. When cooked over a firepit put a container(something like a jug) into the output slot and aswell as the cooked eel meat, you will get eel oil. Eel oil can be used for oil quenching in metalsmithing, and the oil can be used like naptha to create fire bombs of some sort. There can be different kinds of eel like giant eels in the ocean, electric eels in the jungle, and swamps, and normal eels just about everywhere else. Lastly, eels are good for philosopizing.
  8. The Craft.

    For a long time now, me and my friends have called minecraft the simple, cool name of "The Craft." However, minecraft hardly stands up to this name, as crafting is unrealistic and quite limited. So far in terrafirmacraft, bioxx and friends have implemented one big element that I consider the one true Craft, and that is smithing. However, I have not come here today to talk about how fantastic smithing is. For this game to truly live up to the name of "The Craft" all sorts of crafts must be expanded upon and improved. And I'm not talking about the sissy arts & crafts class your mommy signed you up for at summer camp. I am talking about the manliest of the manly crafts (no gender isolation intended), Carpentry and tanning. Part I: Carpentry I've noticed a big issue with tools, and that's the woodworking around it. Even your finest red steel tools require nothing more than a twig you pulled out of a tree. Pretty silly if you ask me. Just as new metals are required to make better tools in later tiers, so should new handles. The first form of handle is the tree branch, which you easily fashion from some wood you snapped off a tree branch (leaves). This is the worst of tool handle, and contributes to a low durability and tool efficiency. You'll only be using these crap handles for stone tools. The sticks we love and know that somehow magically fall out of trees perfectly smooth and round will have to be renamed to "crude stick" or "tree branch" and need a rougher looking texture. (If you are good with art and you're interested, please do make a concept picture!) Tier One Woodwork If you ever want to get past the days of stone tools, you will need to catch up on your woodshop skills. To do some basic woodwork, you'll need your first woodworking table. (Kinda like a stone anvil.) This is made by plopping down a 2 x 1 "desk" made of wooden planks. You then must use your stone knife and axe to convert it into a proper workspace, in the same way one uses a stone hammer to turn a piece of raw stone into an anvil. In the interface for a basic woodwork table, to the right there is a slot for inserting a knife, and to the left a slot for inserting a an axe. On the axe side of the interface is a vertical meter, that sorta looks like a stick. On the stick is a bioxx (synonamous to a notch, or indent on a surface) which indicates how far one must chop with his axe to get a proper length stick. To chop the stick, you use action buttons similar to hit, punch, draw, etc in an anvil. The woodworking actions are much simpler, however, like, long chop and short chop as the two core actions. On the other side of the interface, the knife side, is where you smooth and debark the stick, to make it a proper handle. Just like the axe side, you use action buttons (shave, chip, slice to name a few) to meet the required amount of cutting on the stick-meter. Just like in the anvil, using action keys moves one arrow in order to line up with another one. Once both requirements are met, out pops a lovely wooden handle. (TO BE CONTINUED. I can edit this later, right?)
  9. Hello there and sorry if this particular idea has already been suggested. I've only seen remotely similar ideas thus far, but please let me present my take on this. Rationale: The new agriculture system incorporates nutrients, there are differently colored dirt types and TFC is typical for the "a player can be valuable because he masters a difficult profession" kind of touch. I noticed how I would go for modification of nutrient values, and that it'd have to do with ash. The idea in short: Instead of actually different dirt types, the dirt color is dependent on their nutritional values and can be modified with ash gathered from burning logs in a fireplace. Different logs give different ash, so that tree types that aren't useful for burning or charcoal can be made nutritious and valuable again. Farmers would need a good eye in distinguishing color, and they'd try to use fireplaces more. Part one: Dirt colors Say, for example, that the nutrient groups A, B and C are each represented by a color hue. Let's take the additive base colors red, green and blue as an example, although there might be better/more realistic choices. Now, let's also add that under- or overnourished dirt loses color intensity and gains brightness: You want to reach pitch black dirt. What would a greenish hue on a piece of farmland mean? It could mean there's too much B or too little A and C. If the color is dark, it means the dirt is basically in good shape, so if you have a dark, greenish dirt you might want to plant something that eats up some B. Differently colored ashes could indicate what nutrients they contain. Even if you're not that experienced as a farmer: If your dirt is extremely pale and red, you give it some of the cyan-ish ash. Which leads to Part two: Ash types Everytime you burn logs in your fireplace, it drops two ash piles in the right slots. These you can place on dirt like you would do with bonemeal. Differnt kinds of connections could be made: Fast-growing trees like willows could be extremely low in nutrients, but give a balanced mix. Long-burning wood could be full of nutrient group A, hot-burning wood could mean it's full of B, or similar! I suggest we'd make it so the less popular trees would make for ash that is most useful, ash where you, for instance, have only one component so that you can manipulate the easiest. This idea is best shown with numbers: If a pile of, say, Sycamore ash has a nutrient value of (150,125,90) - it's an allround wood that grows quickly. Would we now take spruces into the mix, which have no significant strong points, it may turn out the have a value of (0,0,100). This allows an experienced farmer with a good eye to manipulate their soil to their exact wishes. What does it lead to? Apart from different kinds of work (like the fireplace and forestry) being linked to agriculture as well and thus giving a interaction point for players in SMP, and so maybe even being a good idea for the Kingdoms/Politics update, this could lay the foundation to a more complex climate system. Dirt could eventually desertify as a result of this idea being developed further... Seqouia and Kapok could gain totally new qualities: Their ash could be an "easy way" to do it right: Instead of oversaturating, their ash could manipulate all values into a favorable direction. Or they could be "mending ash" that only de-saturates the soil's oversaturated components. What do I think are its greatest weaknesses? There are two major problems I see, apart from how difficult it would be code-wise: Unless every dirt block that has not been made into farmland had statically preset nutrient values, item stacks of dirt may become even more difficult to handle than now. A simple solution in terms of "ooh quick idea" comes to mind: craft different dirt types together into the artihmetically average dirt.People with color deficiencies will hate this idea. At least as part of a config file, there should be an option for a right click to check the dirt and diagnose it via text messages. It could have multiple levels of verbosity, from "This soil is in order" or "This soil is somewhat sour" over "The soil is slightly magenta, but fairly dark" up to "109%, 112%, 75%: Need more C, else fine". This should also be possible for debug purposes.Thanks for reading! What do you think?
  10. Smart Movement

    Since many TFC users also use smart movement, i thought make it more tfc style 1. new items, grappling hook,spurs, rope,ropelocks,shoes,trousers (you are naked after you spawned)etc these would be used to climb rocks (you could climb 2 maybe 3 meters high to the next platau without tools) The tools could be used to rech higher places and of course constrouction ( !bridges!, reach ledges for towers etc.) but also for mining (ravines, caves mountain sides etc) 2. if you swim with your inventory without any special clothing, you will lose temprature and some items, the same for tundra mountains etc 3. fast moving has an impact on temprature and waterbar as well what do you think mark new ideas with a coloured hashsign, if they are well liked, i will add them to the list
  11. Scorched ground

    My idea is basically that fire turns grass and dirt to dry, scorched land. I was watching a video of the once-again wildly spreading fire in Snapshot 12w34a where they burnt down a jungle. What was left was a nice lively green meadow, I think it would be great if there was a mechanic in tfcraft where as fire causes dirt/grass blocks to turn into scorched earth blocks, leaving a desolate landscape after forest fires & takes time for grass & plants to grow back like irl. pros it is way more realisticit gives more aesthetic diversity (maybe build dark fortress with a lava moat in the middle of a burnt forest ;] or etc. )it might provide more attention to fire safety which is an ecological concern /there have been a lot of forest fires this summer.../-it provides a nwecallage to the player : rebuild the damaged environment consit will probably make the already hefty large fires even more CPU intensiveit might lead to some rage/grief after your carefully and slowly build, organised and nurtured fruit tree farm burns down to usles dirtit doesn't seem like an essential aspect of tfcraft /but it would be cool to have it/it might be hard and/or time consuming to codeA simpler alternative...maybe? Just having the grass turn back to dirt after it burns. Should still create the "desolate look" with less work. " + easier & faster to make, less CPU load - not quite as nice looking/realistic /but much more doable?/ Please add any pros/cons, ideas, opinions and such you might have
  12. True Survival: HUD

    There is a TL;DR for you all at the bottom Personally, Vanilla is fine. I mean, it is great for starting you off with the MC universe. You learn the basics of how to play and from there you pretty much understand what any other mod would be about. In essence, its training. but... and this is why I've signed up to these forums and made it my mission to play this mod, is it lacks some more realistic aspects. Now, the one that bugs me THE MOST, is the total disregard for basic human needs. In minecraft, you never, EVER need water. In fact, the only effect water has on you is "ohhh noo, i drowned. - Bruce, Family Guy"; Then there is hunger... Currently, its an 'Okay' mechanic. Not great, but it is not that bad either. There is the issues of health generation and temperature being entirely ignored for the player, while the environment shows all forms of alteration. I aim to give you, the users, and the devs some way of changing that. Now, because I believe minecraft to be Open ended, I refuse to detail buff items used for any mechanics. I leave that purely to the developers here . Heads Up Display(HUD): Currently, its rather crude, and bulky. After being entranced for several days by a very professionally done DayZ mod for ARMA II playthough, I have come to understand the HUD used and like how it tells so much, yet is so simple. I aim to do away entirely with the current HUD and replace it with a similar(to what i have seen) design. Of course, the coding behind this is far more advanced then what will appear on the surface. First, before i bother explaining in detail, the HUD must only replace its self when not played on a server using TFC. I suppose a simple check for this would be done for this, and the major issue is actually replacing it without causing bugs. Now, onto what it looks like. For those that don't know, the HUD im talking about has four main icons. Temperature, water, blood(HP), and Hunger. all four icons are displayed in a single column in the lower right of the screen. There is no displayed quickbar. And that is how it should be. status' of the player alters the icon colours from a green, to a red. When red, it blinks, on and off, the exception naturally being HP, where if that blinks, you are dead. Temperature(Temp): So you placed your smelting operation in the middle of the desert did yah? For shame! Now you've doomed yourself to thirst. Whats that? You moved to the arctic thinking WHAT? Well buddy, your going to starve there. Yes, Basically, now temperature has a major playing role here. Depending on the temperature tells how fast your thirst declines, your hunger increases, and is one of the stats that effects the slow process of healing. Also, Illness is factored here. Now, lets detail: Heat: -Caused by season, biome, altitude, time, buildings*, proximity to lava, fire, active fireplaces, active smelting equipment, and any other heat source i may have not mentioned -Low heat warms the player slowly. Moderate heat begins to increase thirst faster. High heat increases hunger some and thirst very fast. Extreme heat does all of the former, and lowers health saturation very quickly. -Effects at extreme are closer fog line. Cold: -Caused by season, biome, altitude, time, proximity to water, ice, snow, and rain. -Low Cold cools the player slowly. Moderate Cold begins to increase hunger faster. High Cold increases thirst some and hunger very fast. Extreme Cold does all of the former, and lowers health saturation. -Effects at extreme are shaking cam, and closer fog line. Temp can not rise or fall beyond your circumstances and is not immediate. instead it is gradual. Moving from high heat to high cold(or vice versa) has a chance to cause health damage and/or illness. Tempering: Some people can walk out into the ice in nothing but underwear(or less). I'll admit to being one of those. Some people can walk into the desert and be fine for days. Im not one of those, but im sure there are some. and some people cant handle even a degree of change. I feel sorry for them. anyhow, Tempering, or the act of exposing yourself to something to build tolerance or immunity. Every player would have an extra stats concerning tolerance. Why? because in real life its possible. I dont care about balance, I care about making things rewarding and theoretically real. Now, tolerance is never gained in a day, and shouldn't be. In order for this mechanic to work at all, it would need to be broken down into a simple to understand stat: Tolerance range: a stat that is what you can handle within a range. If a heat catagory falls in this range, it has no effect on you other then bringing you back to your 'average temp' This range can not exceed high temprature of any kind and starts off with both ends of the range being solidly at low cold/heat. When raising either side of the range, the side attempting to be raised with rise slowly(VERY SLOWLY) and the one opposite will lower even slower. visual examples: Newly spawned tolerance: ------LC-|-----M-----|-LH------ Newly spawned subjected to high heat for a week(in game): ------LC--|----M------LH--|---- If you notice, the player after being exposed to heat now can handle a larger degree of heat later, but a smaller range of cold. this works both ways and ultimately can end with someone who handles heat and cold almost perfectly. However, just because one of the ranges reaches max, does NOT mean it cant lower. Concerning the balance statement, building tolerance would require far too much time to be considered imbalanced. old players might find it does nothing after a while, but thats normal in any game with stats. Thirst: The life giving element humans cant live very long without: Water. This stat nearly mirrors hunger, however at a quicker pace. The stats are Thirst level(what is displayed on screen), Thirst saturation(a timer that ticks down until when the next thirst level stat can be lowered), and finally, thirst exhaustion(every action adds to this, when it reaches zero, thirst is subtracted from and this stat resets. Saturation must be zero first.) Dehydration: thirst being zero If this happens to happen, and im sure it will, you will begin losing health saturation very rapidly, thus start dying. the visual effect is shake cam. Cure is raising the stat above zero. there is not much to put into this mechanic without describing items, something I wont do. Health: Vanilla heath is a single stat. 20 bars of HP... Im not complaining, it works well, but it is unrealistic. under the premise of making it understandable however, lets leave the 20HP rule and add some other less ambiguous stats. also, Health does not increase solely from hunger stat anymore and instead increases when temperature is 'acceptable,' Hunger is not 'starving,' thirst is not 'dehydrated,' and Illness not 'true.' All four must be taken into account. Health saturation: All newly spawned start with this at full. when it reaches Zero, though any of the many, many ways, the player loses 1 HP. the stat then resets, and continues to deplete until the debuff causing it to lower is cured or ends. I want to focus on the debuff known as 'bleeding' ass it effects only this stat. Bleeding: is caused by any attack against the effected player that may wound. Bleeding lowers health saturation fairly rapidly, for a unlimited time unless otherwise stated. blunt attacks would by far have the smallest chance of this, where as slash and stab would be higher. bites from animals would cause limited bleeding. Stopping bleeding is simple, and requires the only item I'll describe. A bandage. bleeding is displayed as a + overlaying the HP icon. Illness: ANY debuff triggers this. as long as this is 'true' then HP CAN NOT by any mean(excluding vanilla) increase. Simple, crude, effective. Bleeding, Cold, Overheated, fire, starvation, dehydration, poisoning. all are debuffs. Poisoning: Unlike vanilla, This can kill you. It does not effect Health saturation, and instead attacks the health. One HP is lost per second. you die if it reaches zero. Hunger: Classic Hunger lacks any sort of depth or worry. you can stand in place for years in MC and be fine. I am sure it has been brought up about changing it before, and while i agree, my take is here. This stat nearly mirrors Thirst, however at a slower pace. The stats are Hunger level(what is displayed on screen), Hunger saturation(a timer that ticks down until when the next thirst level stat can be lowered), and finally, hunger exhaustion(every action adds to this, when it reaches zero, thirst is subtracted from and this stat resets. Saturation must be zero first.) Starvation: hunger being zero If this happens to happen, and im sure it will, you will begin losing health saturation very rapidly, thus start dying. the visual effect is shake cam. Cure is raising the stat above zero. there is not much to put into this mechanic without describing items, something I wont do. spent a while writing this, not sure if i wrote everything i thought of when i started writing it... sooo, deal, ok? TL;DR? Oh well. I spent MANY hours writing this, and took only one break during this: Sleep. Either read it all, or click that other topic you didn't read yet. lazy bums... ;P
  13. Irl, if you just sit around, you'll still get hungry and eventually die from hunger if you go long enough without eating, but not in Tfc. The knowledge that if I really wanted to survive in Terrafirmacraft, I could just go in a hole and not move, takes some of the fun away from the game for me. This seems like quite an easy fix as well.
  14. Explosives!

    Haven't seen explosives suggested yet, so I'll throw in my opinion. I think the base ingredient should obviously be black powder. Black Powder should be made from: Sulfur (Spawns on the rocks next to lava) Potassium Nitrate/Saltpeter (Spawns in bat guano/limestone caves) Charcoal By throwing these together in a crafting grid, you get black powder. Black powder can be placed on the ground (like redstone, they join up and connect) If you strike any part of the black powder trail with a firestarter/flint and steel, a spark travels down the line at the speed of a player sprinting, with each block with gunpowder on it bursting into flames as the spark passes over. Now that sound fun and all, but what about something more civilized? If the player crafts a ceramic pot (hopefully used for storage too) in the fire and fills that with black powder, you get a black powder pot. This pot doesn't do anything unless you use a black powder trailer as a fuse leading up to the pot. When the player lights the trail and the pot goes boom, you get the same blast radius as vanilla TNT in dirt, but the pot's effectiveness against stone is much decreased, and effectiveness against wood increased. Thats all for now, pitch in you ideas and lets see where this goes (who knows it might even lead into the bedroom ;D)
  15. Dragons

    Since the End was , IN MY Opinion since some people dont read words like in my opinion, my knowledge, i will highlight them ^^ a screwup, is there a chance to salvage the awesome dragon, maybe reskin it/and or other stuff (predefined due to their biome) give them a nice lair with a treasure or a nether/end portal or a something else nice ?
  16. Terrafirma minimap

    I think we can agree a in-game craft-able map is much more acknowledged as being a more accepted Idea. so their are a number of dyes already in Minecraft, my basis for an in-game map would be a Cartography type map. here is some ground work that still needs to be finished. 1) craft a Cartography table using 1 red dye 1 blue dye, 1 ink sac, and one orange dye(made from yellow and red) 1 green dye along the top in that order, 3 pieces of paper along the middle section of a crafting table with the bottom being in this order; planks, red stone, planks. placed any ware the player decides to use it. 2) craft Cartography paper using wool and paper and ink plus leather. in this order in a 2X2 grid on the crafting table; ink-leather(top)-wool-paper(bottom) to get a section of cartography paper, meaning that the map can be expanded using the cartography table in a 2 block grid to add two pieces together to make a bigger size for example; tiny-very small- small- medium- large-very large- huge. each expanding the map grid from(tiny being only a 15X15 block radius) to very small being a 25X25 block radius. and from very small to small being 35X35 etc. 3) gather dyes from flowers and ink and bone meal along with cactus green, and heat them in a fire pit or forge till hot then use a hammer to smash the pigments our of the dye to gain "(color) cartography ink" this will allow the use of a cartography table to design the map according ONLY to the players knowledge, no help from the game AT ALL. 4) it is up to the player to paint accurately so as not to get lost through poor surveying skills, also the map can be painted over and over again as to add details little by little as the player surveys the area around him along with updating any details such as new buildings or walls or towers or hills, and ETC. 5) due to the map quality being based on the skill of the player, a master cartographer can trade his or her map that they painted in bartering for what we all can agree a good amount based on the skill and time it will take to be good at making the map itself along with the materials needed to get the table and paper and cartography ink. 6) i have mentioned the points of paper, and cartography inks(made through the detailed process on page one). Red stone(yes i know it is pretty much electricity) because it would but mapping in a more advanced stage of Terrafirmacraft. and also the fact that you could just take the cartography table with in the field because it is easier to link to GUI the a block. Also terrafirmacraft is made to be a challenge for expert mine crafters but simple enough for new players also. and even though cartography was done on ordinary tables, the cartography table includes all the tools cartographer used to chart the maps anyway. (i will edit this post when i have finished gathering ideas from other players and their positive feed back on the subject, HINDMOST'S concept is a considerable one using different dyes in the game to sorta "paint a players perspective of the landscape around him/her with his own custom details. But i will return to this after some more detailed thought and feed back. current help in the idea; Hindmost Srgnoodles DocStine(along with a friend)
  17. Better Food

    Better Food To be able to cook one needs more then a campfire. This is why i propose the oven, the fire kettle and the hearth Oven The Oven is used to bake stuff -> bread, cake, roasts etc Tier 1 a hollow brick cube placed like the forge but up to 7x7, in the middle is always a campfire rightclicking the oven opens a gui, for wood/coal and the to be cooked meal Tier 2 made out of iron like the vanilla stone oven, has only room for 1 meal, but longer burntime and faster cooking kettle is a metal kettle placed over a campfire -> soups, gulash etc hearth for stakes eggs etc similar to the vanilla oven Tier 1 bricks Tier 2 metal the recipe maybe : XXX X X Meals pizza -> upcoming tomatos perhaps ? sausages stews soups -> pumkin soup ? fruit cake etc. what do you guys think ?
  18. Jobs / industry suggestions

    I've only heard of this mod a few days ago and already it's one of my favourite minecraft mods. The attention to detail is stunning and at the same time it doesn't become any less fun in the process. However, I do believe that a few things should be looked into for the mod, such as evolving past the iron age and to move on to basic technology related to various things. I have various ideas that touch on this subject, so I'll do my best to break it all down and to organize it properly. Basics At the moment, the game is focused on forging and mining. It would be nice if you could branch off into other professions to fill in other roles needed for survival. Essentially, to create multiple jobs for the player to do. This would work best on an SMP server, where different people could be given different jobs to do in whatever settlement you have created. By gathering resources and building the proper machinery and structures needed, you can branch off into different aspects of that particular profession. The tech tree doesn't exist in a physical form, it's progressed through by crafting and making the things that allow you to do new things. I'll keep adding to this post later on, as this is an idea I've had only recently and still require time and feedback to build upon it. I'll start with the more basic professions for early on. Professions Professions are just titles given to the various tasks in the game. Each of them evolve in their own right as you progress and offers flexibility to what you can do in the game. tier zero professions -Farmer [works with basic agriculture, digging and managing livestock.] -Miner [works with basic mining, support building and cave exploration.] -Blacksmith [works with fabricating weapons, tools and basic armors.] -Tailor [works with fabricating light armors, textiles and bags/baskets.] -Mason [works with a hammer and chisel to carve out blocks and works with wood.] -Cook [works with preparing food, preserving food and providing drinkable water.] -Hunter [works with hunting for food, exploring the surface world and fighting against foes.] tier one professions -Landscaper (farmer) [works with crop irrigation, clearing land and working with improving the soils.] -Fruit/vegetable Farmer (farmer) [works with planting, nursing and harvesting fruits and vegetables.] -Tree Farmer (farmer) [works with farming different types of trees for different uses.] -Livestock Farmer (farmer) [works with feeding, breeding and exploiting livestock.] -Prospector (miner) [works with scouting out depths for ore and other dangers*, digging passages and fighting foes in the underground.] *the other dangers that I'm mentioning is an idea shared with the OP of this thread http://terrafirmacra...ground-ecology/ regarding underground gases.* -Foreman (miner) [works with supporting the mines, lighting the caverns and is in charge of getting the ore and any other miner out of the mine safely.] -Demolitionist (miner) [works with fabricating explosives, using explosives and general ore mining.] -Weapon Smith (blacksmith) [works with fabricating various types of weapons] -Armor Smith (blacksmith) [works with fabricating various types of armors] -Tool Smith (blacksmith) [works with fabricating various types of tools for other professions to use] -Leather Worker (tailor) [works with curing hides into workable leather and fabricating various light armors.] -Cloth Weaver (tailor) [works with weaving fabric together to make articles of clothing to combat weather and temperature.] -Basket Weaver (tailor) [works with weaving bags, baskets and backpacks for players to use.] -Brick layer (mason) [works with a hammer and chisel to make different types of brick. Can work with cement and a cementing knife to make reinforced brick.] -Woodworker (mason) [works with various types of wood to fashion various pieces of furniture and storage units.] -Butcher (cook) [works with the chopping and preservation of various meats.] -Brewmater (cook) [works with many types of herbs to create special brews.] -Amateur Chef (cook) [works with meats, fruits/veggies, wheat and brews to make delicious meals.] -Adventurer (hunter) [works with scouting out settlements on the surface, finding surface resources and mapping the terrain.] -Militant (hunter) [works with defending settlements from dangerous threats.] -Trapper (hunter) [works with specialised hunting tactics, such as the placement of traps and baiting enemies into them. Equips long range weapons and can work with poisons.] These are the professions that I've made for now. Let me know what you think.
  19. Caves?

    Can we get some caves like in vanilla Minecraft and maybe some resources on walls.I started 3 worlds for testing but there are no resources or caves.I downloaded mod 6 days ago and i love the mechanics but i cant find any caves. Also contact Jeb to implement this mod into original game but with the special button when starting a world to select or maybe implement this into hardcore Minecraft?
  20. Meltable Anivils

    I think it would be cool to be able to melt down your old anvils to the metal they were made of. For example say you have a bronze anvil but you have a old copper anvil you could melt it down for 12-14 unshaped copper not all 14 as the anvil has taken some damage from working on it.
  21. Rock Piles

    What if the cobblestone block was replaced with a rock pile, similar to the log pile? You would create it by left-clicking with a rock in hand, and it could store some reasonable number of rocks. The texture would be the same as before, and the type of stone would be decided by the kind of rock in the first inventory slot of the pile. When/if construction is implemented, you could combine rocks with mortar to make a block with the same properties as the old cobblestone (for structural purposes, it would be too easy too take down any building made out of rockpiles).
  22. I've created this post to recognize the fact that in vanilla minecraft AND tfc, there is an inherent design to the game that makes it nearly impossible to learn how to play without help or seeking outside knowledge (such as a wiki). In game design, this is generally regarded as being a negative aspect. However, providing direct instruction is also frowned upon as well (e.g. HINT: "Place three sticks on the ground and right click with a firestarter to make a fire!!!!" Achievement: You made a fire!) So this thread is a place for suggestions on how to make Terrafirmacraft more intuitive and possible to learn without sacrificing complexity. 1. More Solutions or Indicators to show Success in Knapping The greatest barrier to the game right now is that no one could ever expect to know how to make an axe, shovel, hoe, knife or hammer, because there are over 50,000 knapping combinations and only 5 correct solutions. Compare this to blacksmithing, where you get an actual indication that you're making progress to completing an item. Therefore, knapping needs to somehow show you're progressing towards actually creating something. Partial/Crude stone heads. One idea would be that if your knapped item is very similar to the correct plan, you would still be able to create the stonehead, but it would be crude or already damaged. This would be similar to how creating a metal item without having the green and red arrows lined up leave it slightly damaged. So, take for example this simulation of successfully completing a stone axe: Sound effects are always a great well to indicate progression. A rock-breaking sound could be played every time you break one piece of rock in the knapping screen. Any time you break a square in the grid that will progress to an actual item, the rock-breaking sound could go up in pitch. Any time you break a square in the grid that is less like an actual item, a sound would go lower in pitch, or indicate to the player that click was a poor choice. Here's another example showing the contrast of unsuccessfully completing an item: 2. More intuitive ways to make a firepitMaking your first firepit is a necessity, and yet it requires a very precise way of doing it that makes it incredibly difficult to ever discover on your own. What could make firebuilding more intuitive? Well, right-clicking places sticks on the ground similar to stacking logs would be a start. If it requires a number of sticks to make a fire, why not make a sound effect that plays for each stick you place which increases in pitch until you have the correct number of sticks? Anything that can indicate to the player they are on the right track is a good idea. It's also difficult to realize that a firestarter is actually working. A sound effect is also needed here. Currently, even if you do figure out how to use a firestarter, there is no indication from the game that you are doing it correctly! If I've already right clicked sticks 3-4 times, why would I continue trying when it seems like nothing is happening? Again, something must indicate to the player that their actions are leading to the right direction, and that they should keep trying what they are doing. TFC did a great job giving sticks for punching leaves, since it's actually more intuitive than making sticks from wood. What if a player placed logs or planks on the ground, and thought a firestarter could light them? It seems logical they could be lit on fire, so how can the game hint to the player that they're on the right track, but should use sticks instead? Again, sound effects could indicate that logs and planks might be burnable, but too difficult to light with simply a firestarter.
  23. Surveyors, and other things

    so, i had a really great burst of thoughts the other night on the server i have been playing on. i have no clue if it has been mentioned already or not simply because there are just so many posts to try and go through. The first idea i had was the Surveyor. it would be either a place able block or a hand held item. i personally see it as a item block. this could be a very handy tool in later stages of the game as a way to explore the land to get an idea of what is near bye. without having to hop into creative mode and fly around drilling random holes in the ground to see what kind of stone you have beneath you. its functions it would act like what surveyors use today to take core samples. when placed right clicking on it will open a cui that gives you a list of information about the biome you are in, while it wont tell you what kind it is, it would tell you basic information about the area you are in. such as what the layers of rock are near you and what order they are in, as well as a relative list of the ores near bye. i imagine you could utilize the same scan criteria that is used in sluices and small rocks to give you a general idea of what is there, except with this block i would give it a wider search radius. now i honestly cant decide if it would be better to have it be a crafted block only, or to make it similar to the bloomery, where you make the item, but you need to build around it in order for it to function, a high end component for this would be a forged item called the drillbit or whatever you want to call it. this would be made the same way as all other things at the anvil with a pattern like this O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O my thoughts for a crafting pattern for the surveyor are this. O O O O = Plank O = Air O O O O = Drill bit O O O O = Stick as far as how to place it, im still a bit fuzzy on the details. my first thought is to simply make it stand alone. like an anvil something that can be placed and picked up relatively easily. the second thought is to make something that you must place this block in to make it work, such as the method the bloomry uses. but i really cant think of any good patterns to work at the moment. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Idea Two my next idea was to simply make gems a placeable block. the best idea i can think of for this would be to make them take shape depending on their size, the smallest being 1/10 by 1/10 the largest being 5/10 by 5/10. no i am absolutely no coder. nor do i pretend to understand how all that mumbojumbo works, but looking at it from a logic stand point i think the best method for this would be using the same setup as the chiseled blocks use. im not sure how easy this would be to make them set sizes but if you can, then i think combining that with how the torches and levers have place specific patterns. like if you place a torch on the wall its slightly slanted and if its on the ground its straight up and down. if you could figure this out im sure you could apply this to ingots as well. this would be a fantastic way to show wealth on servers and open up the door to even more creativity. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ i know this mod already exists but i think it would be fantastic to have something else to keep you company in single player, as well as serve function in mp. i dont know if it would be possible for the two of you to chat a bit to see if the mode might work together. this is only a simple idea not one that i would really press a lot of energy for.
  24. After a look into the forum history I noticed that there are quite some nice ideas for the gems, but most are for the enchantment system. Since the gems have no use in TFC so far, I thought of a system to decorate and improve your tools with them. I kinda got this idea from Dwarf Fortress but I think it could suit the TFC minecraft style quite well: After you have finished your tool you should be able to use it on a gem setting table. You can caft this table out of 7 smoothed stone blocks in an U-shape with a normal (not flawed or cracked, 3.quality) gem in the middle. Here you can insert all kind of gems into the handles of your tools, maybe to improve their resistance against durability loss. Basicallyyou should be able to see the change on the tool. Different gem qualities bring better boosts, of course, but they have their cost: While you can insert the lowest tier gems without any additional materials you will need leather pieces for the second, wool for the third, and even silver and gold bars for the highest tiers. In addition to that it would be great t if the gems could be set into wooden or stone surfaces. So you could make mosaics or wand decorations out of them: Imagine a giant hall of polished Granite, Basalt colums are towering to the ceiling, encrusted with garnets and rubys all the way up. At the end a golden throne with emeralds is glistening in the dim light of the torches. Besides the durability improvement I haven't thought of other boosts at the moment, because I'm not sure how far you should go without leaving the TFC borders and without drifting into enchantment. But maybe you could add the feature for special gems types to glow when they are near a specific ore (saphire glows near sphalerite for example). This effect is very weak and gets a bit stronger when you use a better gem. (As I said, maybe a little bit to "magic", but just an idea). Mainly this system is thought as an optical improvement. Of course you may think: why should I need a diamond-encrusted pickaxe if it doesn't do much difference from a normal one. But come on: Everyone can swing a normal pickaxe, but thats so cave-man-like. And until now there is no real use for the gems, so they only use up space in the chest. Maybe you can think of any other "normal" improvements that the gems can bring with them. Please let me know your thoughts and ideas and how you like the idea.
  25. Charcoal Pit Change Ideas

    Sorry, just saw the post earlier, delete this post please.