Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Zinc use beyond Teir 0

    I'd like to suggest a new usage for Zinc, beyond Tier 0 starter tools. Galvanization. In the real world, iron and steel items can be galvanized, either through electroplating (beyond TFC thematically) or by dipping in molten zinc (plausible). This increases their durability, because the zinc coating is more chemically active then the iron/steel, so wears away first. To quote Wikipedia: I imagine this being applied by combining an iron or steel tool head with liquid zinc, either as an anvil weld, or on the metallurgy table. This could either create a new type of material head (Galvanized Steel Pickaxe Head), or could act as a durability buff. A spin off of that idea is, it could act as a repair method (re-galvanizing a worn item). Just throwing the idea out there. Because I always end up with Saphlerite as my starter metal, for some reason...
  2. Since you have implemented a long pregnancy period and male/female animals there are a few suggestions to go along with this. Some sort of nest object to incubate chicken eggs. First thing, need to be able to tell WHICH animals are male, this is not just a size issue, male cows dont have udders. Chickens should molt feathers at some regular interval, and one should have the ability to harvest some feathers from a chicken (this should visibly change the chicken to indicate that it cannot be done again until the chicken recovers.) Butchering/Leathercrafting When an animal dies, it should spawn an immobile corpse entity that you then have to butcher with appropriate tools to obtain useful items. In the case of chickens, killing a chicken should give a fair number of feathers, and when you butcher it you get the meat as usual. Lamb/Mutton should be added as well as veal now that you have put animal ages in. and since we're implementing this butchering thing why not go whole hog and add a either leather type for each animal or at least the ability to collect leather from all appropriate animals. (pretty much all except chicken) So before collecting the meat, one has the opportunity to skin the beast and collect the raw skin. The skin then must undergo the tanning process, however you will desire to implement this is fine. I know it involves stripping the fur and stretching the hide to allow it to dry, beyond that I'm a bit fuzzy. Butchering the animal should provide meat items proportional to its SIZE (since you implemented size), and appropriate for the general sizes of each animal type. Getting only a chance of 1-3 steak and 1-3 leather per cow (or however this drop rate stuff works) results in a lot of dead cows and no meat which is just silly with such a long breeding process. Butchering the animal and removing the meat should leave a skeleton, which you can break to get some number of bones. (and maybe skull items for decorations) idea: (a way to make wall trophies, like animal heads, from the corpses) This means: Cows and Bears produce a lot of meat Sheep, Pigs, Dogs would produce medium amounts of meat (deer if you ever add them will have a fair amount of variability in their size so they're likely to waver between a lot and medium amounts, unless you kill a young one, where you'll barely get anything.) Chickens will just produce the one chicken, and ether a weaker sort of bone than mammals, or no bone at all, if you prefer that.. animal types that would be fun to see implemented: Deer Horses Mountain Lions & Bobcats Other birds. Water creatures (frogs/toads/etc) More types of fish, that are actually mobs rather than just food items spawning from fishing pole on water. We dont want this to turn into mocreatures, but I think you're doing a better job already.
  3. Seen as how the forge GUI has 4 auxiliary slots, be it to let things out of the fire to avoid overheating them but also to store coal, molds, food,etc(right now you can store anything, but it can be locked to certain items); why don't we have auxiliary slots on, for example, the scribing table?, but ONLY for plans, and one for a stack of markings, and the paper slot to be able to store a full stack of them. That way the nerfed chests won't be such an issue because you won't need them for, in this case, paper, markings or plans. Another example would be a cooling slot for the anvil, or 2 slots, to avoid using a chest for that pourpose.(that would be, in fact, a solution for the cooling problem THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE WATER, or a new block for that matter) I had this ideas to handle the reduced storage brought by the nerfed chests. Maybe Bioxx has already considered, maybe not. But if they are easy to code, they would bring some relief while the storage system is being designed/worked.
  4. Cooking Overhaul

    Hello there! I'm fairly fresh to TFCraft but grasp most mechanics, and one that bothers me is cooking. Notably, I did find someone talking bout this. Check her out http://terrafirmacra...nd-food-itself/ I'm also bumping this back up thanks to this thread But, my ideas: Looking at my ideas to now and the a fore mentioned post (Support her, go check it out), I've come up with this: Food is overly under complicated. if TFCraft is a full-conversion mod, then how come cooking has basically just carried over over? if the goal is to make it more surreal or realistic, then how can you make bread out of 3 pieces of wheat. In our world of realness here on the 3rd rock, when cooking you always lose something, be it fat or grease or burnt organic material into ash. So, there should be tiers of cooking added. Simple foods that can be cooked like bacon and warmed meats should need a spit (Crafted with rocks and sticks?) that you right click to spin so the food is thoroughly cooked. You'd place the spit over a fire pit (Possible?) so it can have dual purpose. And maybe the next tier should be a fireplace you can build to place pots and cauldrons on or over (again, the spit would be implemented). And as a final tier, you'd have stoves and ovens, and pans. Eggs could only be cooked with a pan on a stove. Continuing my ramble, plates, bowls, and cups (A drink system, hmmmmm?) would be required to hold the stuff. Tiers could be here too, with ceramic stuff, glass or porcelain next, and then metal (I don't like the metal because it seems too utilitarian, but it would hold the most food). This could also be implemented with spoons, forks, knives, and sporks required for cooking. Knives would have the most variety for cutting your meats (Definitely see butchery) and spoons for stirring soups and stews (And maybe drinks? O.O) and forks for pulling things out of the fire and into the plates and stuff (too complicated?) I think i've covered my original stuff, but go check out the other post! some cool ideas are posted there. I DO NOT HOLD complete originality FOR COOKING mechanics. Just most of the ones listed here. EDIT: Forgot this, but in MC there are two foods bars, we only see one. There's hunger and saturation. For example, a melon only saturates a tiny bit, while a pork chop saturates a lot. So higher tier foods equals higher saturation.
  5. -added tier system of cooking set/ cooking tools and food the simplest way of cooking your food is the fire pit, but it is quite hard to keep your food from burning to coal. the cooking process shouldnt complete itself, like in rl, you have to whait near your food while its cooking to prevent a mistake. its suppose to work like my agriculture ideas: http://terrafirmacra...tilizercompost/ simple and fast cooking nearly possible, but to get the best results, you have to take more time for it. you can still eat it, when its overdone, but it doest refill that much hearts/hunger points. and when you use the right wood, you dont have to panik, just go back at the right time and you food is done. and the oven is more "save" in this case, food does not burn that fast inside a oven, so you have more time. later, you should be able to build better ovens (with iron or copper, copper pots ect) where you dont have to worry that much. and when your gonne cook a soup for example, it can take some more minutes, but a good stew is fast burned, if you doesnt stir up the stew... it all depents on, what you are cooking! food should spoil after time, but it should be possible to make it more durable. like drying meat or fruits or pickle the meat. dryed and pickled food isnt that good like fresh food, but it lasts longer until its spoil. cooked food is more durable like uncooked one. in order to cook at a fire, you have some choices: food on stick (meat/bread) to cook inside a pot (pottery?) or a pan diffirent food types need a diffirent amount of heat to cook properly, it has to maintain its heat for some time, until its done. to do that you can use the special wood that dont burn quite hot, so you can maintain the needet heat until your food is done. the same goes with pottery, but pottery will get cracks, when it burnes to hot, but it needs much larger heat than the food. it is possible to burn small pieces of pottery in a fire pit, but for larger pottery or food you need a oven. the first oven was the earth oven: for tfc: dig a 2 block deep hole and start a fire at the bottom. then place a block of whet straw (like wood logs) above the fire. then throw your food/pottery via q on top (should work like the forge). at last put a block of dirt on top like a characoal pit and done. now you have to take the right time for your food, so you can eat it. tier systems each food has 5 stages: spoiled (nearly no foodpoints and a hard debuff) raw (low food points and a small debuff [but not all types of food, some of them are raw eatable]) nearly done (good food points, no buff/debuff [includes overdone]) perfektly done (perfekt food points, buff/debuff) burned ( small foodpoints, no buff/debuff) cooking set each set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance time to completion, better energie consumption and stables the heat. all sets need a fire pit inside to work cooking sets: tier 0 is the fire pit (simplest cooking set) oven (like earth oven and better materials like stone/copper and iron) just for baking like bread and other stuff cooker (stone up to steel) just for cooking smoker (wooden smokehouses up to steel smokeovens) just for smoking meat and fish and needs no tool cooking tools each cooking set has 4 tiers, eacht tier enhance the time to completation, reduces the chance of burning the meal and durability tier 0 is the stick (simples tool for cooking food) cooking tools: pan (copper up to steel) mostly for meat/fish dishes pot (pottery up to steel) for stews/ soups and boiling eggs (and other stuff) shell (pottery up to steel) for oven bake cakes, meat and other stuff food each food "types" has 3 tiers, each tier raise the ganed food points and add other buffs like reduced food points loss or something else (workspeed?) tier 4 are combined dishes out of 2 or more food types, like spaghetti bolognese out of pasta and soup. the have the most food points and the largest buffs tier 0 food uses all types of tools. meat/fish/bread/vegetables on stick, boiling a egg (pot), pickled meat (no tool, but is a tier 0 food, but is long time durable) flourstew (pot), spoup (needs always a pot) stews (needs always a pot) meatdishes (needs mostly a pan or a shell) includes smoking recepies pasta (needs mostly a shell, sometimes a pot) cakes (needs allways a shell)
  6. Name Change Title

    It's just a little suggestion but i think it would be nice for the maker of this mod to change The Starting Title, Instead of It saying mince craft it can say TerraFirma Craft What is your opinion no hate comments. Thanks!!
  7. Well, that's it. I was going to photoshop some screenshots with the planks but when I saw in the changelog that the mechanic was being introduced with the chisel I prefered to wait so everybody can understand what I'm saying. The thing is what happens to stairs and slabs, well,it could be like the stones, crafted using the saw on a placed plank or craft it in the table and place it as an item at fixed cuantites, 3 slabs and 4 stair, I think. The first case allows us to have stairs and slabs of every wood color(neat!), but I think it will force them drop nothing when destroyed, the same way stone works. Maybe it can be fixed, Bioxx may answer this, take in mind that vanilla 1.3 will add the different slabs and stairs, it could be using the damage value, who knows. The second case circunvent all this trouble. There is also the posibility of having different modes for the saw, one for each fourniture, and let Bioxx model them, like a stair, chair, table, big table corner and central piece, window frame, column and beams(to replace the support beams), etc. What do you think?
  8. Small fix that adds ton of realism

    I think that mod would be lot more realistic if ''mining'' leaves would drop branches (item, stackable- 32 per stack) and using knife on those branches (in 2x2 crafting grid) would then get you sticks ready to use on tools. Knife would lose durability during the process and instead of sticks, branches should be used to create a firepit BUT sticks will be required for firestarters. Constructive criticism please! P.S. Bioxx please remove stone knife- using flint tools for that purpose is more realistic.
  9. Water Barrel - metallurgy

    I've been busy recently so this is why I wrote this so late but I found in a change log that chests cools metals 3x times normal. And then I came up with an idea that there is possibility to make something like a Barrel. It would be a chest in minecraft, but it will look like a barrel of water! The recipe could be something like already existant bucket How do you like this idea?
  10. New types of clay.

    Already in TFCraft, we have dozens of kinds of real-life minerals and vegetation. However, only one kind of clay exists in the mod. I don't know a lot about clay, but that's not right. I was thinking that multipe kinds of clay could exist, each spawning in different areas. There would be, of course, multiple kinds of brick to go with, and certain clays might have specific uses later in development. Thoughts? And feel free to tell me that my idea isn't good (I like honesty) or that I'm a noob for missing the incredibly obvious thread about the same thing. Because I probably did miss that thread.
  11. Plant Dyes For Terrafirmacraft

    Orange: Perhaps carrots could be used to dye wool orange. Red: Elderberry when the fruits were mixed with wool would give a reddish hue. Purple: Blackberry Fruit would give a strong purple hue to wool. Blue: Indigo leaves would make a blue color when mixed with wool. Green: Spinach leaves could be used for dying wool a dark hue of green. Yellow: Celery Leaves could be used to dye wool yellow. Taken from:
  12. So my idea is to add a new furnace, that would allow people to mix materials like carbon and sand to make glass or mix metals to enforce them and make them better. The furnace could be made like a normal furnace but out of smooth stone, smooth x2 stone or stone bricks, I dont mind the recipe you guys can make it up...
  13. Temperature

    So, apparently we already have temperature in TFC. I really don't noticed it, but we have it on the Calendar.(Default 'N' on the keyboard.) But as I can notice, is not fully implemented and do nothing yet. So, I totally overhauled my idea and got some research on the TFC as it now. TEMPERATURE I writed down some temperatures that I found in the game already, and apparently it changes by biome, and time. (Hours and season) Jungle -> 35C Taiga6 -> 0C River Taiga6 -> 1C Desert3 -> 37C (All at Spring) I actually stayed on the Jungle for some minutes, and the temperature changed a little, going between 33C and 35C, and Desert going far for 37C and 46C, in the same spot. So the temperature of each biome have some min and max limit, but have a medium temperature. The hour afect the temperature as well. By midnight at Desert, for example, I noticed going and staying at 34C~32C for a long time. And of course, the season afects the most on the temperature. On the Summer at Desert for example, I got more than 50C on the same spot as before. But, from all of this testings, I don't see any change when I went deep. I think this should be implemented. The more deep you go, into a cave, the more wet the place is, so the temperature should drop enough. The same for high places. I noticed snow on the top of the Hills biome. And we all know that high montains have snow peaks (Really high places, and places that could snow. Some countrys, like here, on Brazil, don't snow at all. And we have a lot of high montains, and only one of them, the highest one, have snow at the peak only a few days on the year.) SUGGESTIONS -UI At the left we have the Temperature icon. It's divided on 10 levels, and the goal is to maintain in the middle. (The four bars.) Entering the far left/right starts to hazard the player, altough entering the "danger" zones (Stages 2,3 and 8 and 9 of the thermometer), just alert the player that he is getting too hot/cold. Maybe blinking, of shaking the bar. On the right, we have the Wet icons. That is another thing that I thought about, and will come to it later on this thread. - CHARACTER Temperature is a hazard on the wild, and we all know that. But what we can add to this? First, lets think on the character itself. Things that can be done on the player. Things that can help him, and things that are not that good. Being really hot or really cold could end on some serious damage on the health of the player. We could have some metods of increasing/decreading the temperature of the character by: - Eating. He could increase the temperature by eating some flesh, but could refresh himself by eating fruits, for example. Or maybe adding beverages, drinks, or just drinking water. - Shelter. We can get more hot going inside of a place with roof/walls. But as I said, the more deep you go, you should have a lower temperature, so a shelter on a cave, on the winter, on a Snow biome, is not THE perfect place to live, but since is a very cold biome, this could be good in any ways. For example, creating a snow house, like a iglu, could shelter you the same, but not very hot. You can live. ^-^ - Water. You can swim, and refresh yourself. But, hot places like the desert, could have a hotter water, so you can refresh, but not a lot. And entering water on the snow biome could have you really cold, maybe giving some frezze status... I don't know. - The screen could have some visual changes when the player enter the danger zones of the thermometer. Changes such as shacking the screen a bit, when the player is too cold, and maybe some blur, on too hot. - After entering the hazard zone (Stages 1 and 10 of the thermometer), the player starts to slowly lose hearts. (In a slow mood, different of hunger, maybe 2x less.) The thermometer changes in a slow mood as well. So you lose some time to warm/chill yourself. - ENVIRONMENT Environment chance on the season and on biome. We already have fruit trees that change on the season. But entering the agriculture, we know that different places wield different plantations. We have wet places, and dry places. I really think you can't plant wheat on the desert, by just putting some dirt around. That's silly. - Agriculture. As I said, we could have some seeds that grow quicker (Or maybe just say 'Grow') on different temperatures/biomes. I'm really not into agriculture, but I think you can plant some food in deserts areas, and at places with snow, probably. - Water. We already have the vanilla change on water on snow biomes, and that is the ice blocks. And we know that deserts don't have pools os water, just some weels that Jeb made. And I think, with the upcoming Finite Water resorce of Bioxx, we could have some floods when it really rain on some places (Not waves, but lower places covered in water), and maybe some dry times as well, when you really can't find water in some usual waterly places (rivers/lakes), not only in desert. This could be linked to the already Jeb's moon fases, and make the Ocean drop a little! Buts thats too complicated. - Trees. The same way that Fruit Trees slowly grow from day to day, we could have some overhaule on the trees. I don't know if the seasons already do that, I only noticed change on colors and temperature, but some trees could lose leafs on winter, of maybe just don't drop saplings/sticks on some season/temperature. This could enter the suggestion on logs being too wet to work with, too soft. Or maybe too dry sa well. WET Wet is just something that could be added to enhance the termperature that I just figured out. Wet is like a joker status: It could help you on the self temperature, but could damage it as well. Getting wet could: - Refresh the character. Entering water or going into rain/snow storm add Water Drops to the character, and refresh it if he is too hot. - Freeze. The same way that water can become ice if goes into a snowy/cold place, the character could be very cold if he is still wet and goes into a low temperature place. This however, is not a "slow walk"/"paralysis", like a RPG fantasy game. Is just a state that player start to lose a lot of body heat, and the thermometer fall quickly.
  14. Animals Tamed or Untamed

    So, this is my first topic post so I am Kind of weary about it. The idea that I propose is such that involves animals and some sort of trust factor. In vanilla minecraft, you give a dog a bone, It loves you for life. I believe that you should be required to feed your pets to keep them alive. If you feed a dog a bone, you can only TAME it. It still shouldn't trust you. You have to gain its trust via its wants and needs. I also think that it should expand this idea to all non-hostile animals. Hurting the animal degrades the trust factor, feeding them not only keeps them alive, but happy as well. Also, a way to give the pets water, like taking them to a lake or feeding them with a bowl. The minecrafter should require water as well. I hope you like my first Suggestion!
  15. I read the update about Bioxx's ideas for building just now and thought of some ideas. I think it would be cool if you could still build things without the need of mortar, nails, so forth, but adding these things in would make them sturdier and stronger. For instance cobblestone normally falls to the ground, but if you add mortar to it you could then put it between two other cobblestone blocks and it wouldn't fall down. Same could be done with nails and wood, however, that will require wood to have physics which right now it doesn't. These are a few ideas, post yours below or what you think of mine so Bioxx can have a concise Topic to go to. Cheers!
  16. Bow types

    I think it would be really cool if a type of system that adds a Bow verience. In to more depth in bows sutch as long bows, short bows, recurve bow. exc... It could use different woods to make different bows and posably use a similer system to Blacksmithing. I think it would fit well with Terrafirmacraft style if you got enough of a progresion it could add some verience so you dont have to metalergy all the time. You could combind the Blacksmith and a Bowyer, with crossbows the limbs being metal. and the Stock wood. Thankyou for your time
  17. Creation of Clothes

    I've seen bits and pieces around about clothing but nothing that really brings it together. It incorporates the topics of adding clothes, making cloth and clothing, and environmental damage. To start 4 equipment slots would become 8 to give each corresponding body part the ability to be clothed in addition to being armored. Clothing and sewing of all kinds would be done at a sewing station, which would be crafted by first making a loom: I = stick S = string I I I I S I I I I Then on a crafting table you would add a loom, crafting table, and wooden bucket to form a sewing station. (Justification being that at the sewing station you would be potentially weaving, sewing, or dying clothes, leathers, etc.) Wool (perhaps cotton?!) could be spun into string, woven into cloth, dyed as desired, then sewn using needles crafted from bone or metal using string into whichever type of clothing using a sewing pattern like blacksmithing uses. Raw cloth or leather could also be sew with raw wool to form insulating padding that could be added to clothing to provide protection against colder climates, whereas clothing with no padding would be best against the heat of deserts. Applying dyes would require using a bucket to bring water to the station, and adding it and the dye of choice to the dye section. Bucket empties after application. An either hidden or displayed number for resistance to the current environment would be given to the player that affects how quickly their hunger goes down as they try to cope with the temperature, or take gradual direct damage if extremes are in place, like no clothing in a desert or tundra. One option would be a sideways bar much like the temp gauge on the forge or firepit that ranges from blue for freezing to red for burning. Created an image file example, and I have no idea how to upload it to be viewable. is the best I can do right now. No clothing at all, even in temperate climates would probably increase need for food due to body protecting itself from sun and wind. Potential other uses would be treating clothes to make them waterproof for when in the rain or swimming. Not sure if there's anything in game currently that could be used for it chemically though; specially boiled or cooked cactus perhaps? Either way, it could be done by placing bucket of water and waterproofing material in the dying section.
  18. Logic way to make sticks

    Hey guys, The idea came in very quick when i started playing minecraft with tfc. My idea is to make a new recipe that is crafted with 3 saplings on top of eachother to form 4 sticks (the value doesn't really matter for the idea, this can be changed ;D) i came on this idea when i was breaking leafes, i wanted to plant a minimum of 1 sapling/tree but at the end i had like 15 saplings and 1 place for a tree so i had 14 saplings left. And i had a lack of sticks so yeah. That's my idea. Please say what you think of it, anything is welcome, negative of positive! cya'll Morgorath
  19. OK, so, SeanyGlass wanted me to put this in a new thread, so blame him if you get mad at this. Now, This is about the enchantment system that I came up with mostly, It is built in a way that Bioxx can use his old code if he decides to use it and, it's balanced to the point where it is late-game, just like Vanilla Minecraft. GUI S'cuse me, it might be a little small. Ok, the way it works is, you put your weapon in the top slot, your hammer in the Hammer Slot and your gem(s) in the Gem Slot. The slot above the gauge is where you can put your water buckets, but we'll get to that later. OK, now the good stuff, like ENCHANTMENTS, i'm going to give a list of gems and what enchantments they give depending on their type/level Ruby; Gives the 'Heat' enchantment; The heat enchantment makes a percent of your ores become nuggets, the nuggets stack to 64 instead of 8. Increases with level, goes to level 5. (Only on Picks) Sapphire; Gives the 'Chill' enchantment; Turns a percentage of ore you mine into ore dust from extreme cold, The dust can stack to 64. Percentage increases with level, goes to level 5. (only on picks) Topaz; Gives the 'Weight' enchantment; The weight enchantment Increases the power behind a bow. Goes up to level 5. (only on bows) Tourmaline; Gives the 'void' enchantment; DESTROYS low-level materials (cobble/dirt) to increase efficiency. Goes to level 5. Higher levels increase boost, (all tools) Agate; Gives the 'Flame' enchantment; Ignites enemies on hit. Goes to level 1. Lower-quality gems are harder to enchant with. (all weapons) Amethyst; Gives the 'Crystallize' enchantment; Forms enemies into crystals on hit, when enemies are crystallized, they take reduced damage and eventually break out of it but are slowed drastically Goes to level 1 Lower-quality gems are harder to enchant with. (all weapons) Beryl; Gives the 'speed' enchantment; makes your attack speed faster or your move speed faster. Buff increases with level. goes to level 5. (Weapons and Armour) Diamond; Gives the 'regeneration' enchantment; makes your item regenerate it's durability slowly over time. Goes to level one. Difficulty is reduced with higher-tier gems. (all tools, armor, and weapons) Emerald; Gives the 'terra' enchant; Makes your harvest have a chance to regrow or replant instantly. Chance goes up with level. Goes to level 5. (Scythes and axes) Garnet; Gives the 'Vampire' enchantment; Makes you regenerate health when you kill an enemy, but lowers power when in daylight. (goes on all weapons) Jade; Gives the 'Poison' enchantment; Poisons your enemies when they are struck, (note, zombies and skeletons take no poison damage) Jasper; Gives the 'integrity' enchantment; Gives your item a chance to take no damage. Goes to level 3. Chipped and Flawed give level one with respective difficulties. Normal and Flawless give level 2 with respective difficulties, and Exquisite gives level 3. (all tools, armor, and weapons) Opal; Gives the 'Resistance' enchantment; Gives increased damage resistance, up to 5 hearts. Goes to level 5, reduction is greater per level. (all armor) Ok, now that you know what each Gem's enchantment is and what it does, you may be wondering, 'Wow Blue, thats pretty nice, but how do we do it' well this is how. 1 Place your weapon in the input slot in the center 2 Place your Gem in the slot 3 Place your hammer in the Hammer slot 4 Keep an eye on the heat bar and water bar, the water will save you from destruction if you accidentally melt your item from working it too much This is the working interface, it works like a forge This is the difficulty level, it always starts at one but goes up the easier it is. See what i mean by it works like a forge, but instead of depleting heat, it generates it. Now finally after you work your gems into your item by crafting it multiple times, your finished item will pop out here Now you should know the basics, but now the cons. If you work it too fast, your item will overheat and melt, the water can save some of it but it will lose a lot of it's durability. If you take the item out of the enchanter before you finish it, it will break and not work before you fully enchant it. most enchantments need to be done 3-4 times and each time requires another gem of the EXACT SAME TYPE, if you try to mix and match your item will also break. Have fun guys, this is the end, If you like it, let Bioxx know so i can send him the source-GUI for him to use. --Blue
  20. Enchants!

    ok so i know there is an enchantment system post out there, and i have seen plenty of enchanting system ideas out there and a few enchants suggested. but there does not seem to be a thread desiganted to just enchants. so here is your chance. post your ideas, enchants you would like to see in TFCraft. lets try to fill this thread up with a ton of great ideas. Remember, list the enchants in an easy to follow way, enchant followed by iths effect and purpose. and any other tibits you might want to see added to the enchat itself, like the more _____ you kill the stronger the enchant gets. or during the day this causes more damage. and remember to be constructive not destructive. if you see something that you think is either a terrible idea or explained in a terrible way, instead of attack the person, please give ideas to either improve or change the idea. give reasons for why you think it needs to be altered and help the community out by helping to build or improve upon your own and ideas and the ideas of others.
  21. More realism

    I feel like this mod is lacking in many things, for instance transportation, realism tweaks and possibly more things to do. When I first started playing TerraFirmaCraft I thought it was fun and exciting but after a while I realized that all we really do is create tools, It's like we're all blacksmiths and I find that fairly boring. You may want to add more things like, more animals for hunting, more plants/ vegetables for agriculture (I did read the things for June agriculture and how you said the art is annoying, just get help with the "art") and maybe more industrial things, not to far into the future, like steam engine machines. A few realism tweaks that I thought of were thirst and climate, thirst and climate will go well into each other because the hotter the area the more you need to drink. Maybe light sources have generate heat for cold winters. Another thing that you could do is more transportation, I know you are trying to add simply horses but that's simply not enough, maybe boats and bikes or something. Thank you for reading my suggestion, tell me what you think.
  22. Personally i think that watermelons should be added to terrain generation just like the pumpkins were added to terrain generation.... It would be quiet good for agriculture. What do you think about this simple idea?Comment down bellow with your personall view...
  23. With pre37, sticks have become a bit of a problem for players to deal with. Having various types of sticks could allow for some interesting gameplay (increased durability for tools, different power for bows/javelins, etc) but the problem remains that having different stick types makes gathering/carrying them in the early game, and storage later on, a bit of a nuisance. What I suggest is a system to have a general "Stick" icon in the inventory, and then clicking on that icon could allow for an expanded window to pop up and allow the player to see all the various types of sticks they're carrying. Naturally each stack would still have a maximum limit of 64 sticks, but this system would allow numerous types of sticks all to be held within that single stack of 64. This system could also be carried over to other types of materials, such as stone and wood. Another, slightly unrelated idea, would be to have the player be able to tie up sticks, using string, into "bundles" in order to increase the number of sticks that could be carried at once, possibly doubling the stack size from 64 to 128.
  24. The Problem with Trees - Seeds

    As the title suggests, I do believe there is a kind of problem with the trees. Sure, they drop saplings for new trees, but sometimes they don't drop any. Naturally, you just go and look for another tree, but what if there isn't one for miles? In real life, tree's simply make seeds, a TON of seeds. If this were put into TFCraft, I feel as though it might add even more realism, but not make the game too hard or easy. For example, oak tree's drop acorns; not year round, but every now and again during autumn. All tree's follow this kind of natural order. If I could count the amount of those damn 'helicopter' seeds I get in my backyard, I think I'd get a world record for the most time ever spent counting seeds. What I'm thinking is that trees should drop just a few more saplings or some sort of seed during the autumn season in-game, and thus give us the feel of all those seeds piling up in our backyards (unless you live in the plains, lol). It would allow players to gather enough seeds to repopulate their tree farms, but it would also take time for this to happen; you couldn't just get a dozen saplings in the winter or spring. What do you guys think about it?
  25. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    Here is a visual flow chart that could show a potential tiered domestication for wheat: See if you can figure out what advantages and disadvantages each wheat varieties have.