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Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

141 posts in this topic

hey, I like that idea. Don't know where it can be implemented, but hell... why not?


perhaps like villager trading? Only less retarded?

Or perhaps gold ingots could be tossed at it like logs at a firepit, and 'enough' would make a chest of goodies spawn


Hey watch the mouth buddy, you're supposed to be all about being civilized. Silver Dragon... you're acting more like a white dragon.

1) How dare you insult my intelligence so

2) I curse like a sailor, and if that's the worst you hear from me consider yourself lucky

3) A racial alignment listed 'always' still has certain rare exceptions. I'm CG bitch, deal with it B)


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But where.... i think it would be cool, if we could find different kinds of dragons, ie black in a swamp, white in a mountain-top cave etc. each with different offers, of course they would be extremely rare.


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But where.... i think it would be cool, if we could find different kinds of dragons, ie black in a swamp, white in a mountain-top cave etc. each with different offers, of course they would be extremely rare.

I sincerely doubt Dunk is gonna make 10 distinct types of dragon, all with different AI, just to give D&D players a nod


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D&D players

Oh... You're those kinds of nerds :P.

A lot of guys where I'm from play Magick or whatever, "I'm like da fuq? Why you playin' pokemons?"


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Lol twas a passing fancy, nothing more XD


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Oh... You're those kinds of nerds :P.

A lot of guys where I'm from play Magick or whatever, "I'm like da fuq? Why you playin' pokemons?"

I also play MtG

In fact I make my own custom cards

And tho I haven't played pokemon since I was 14, I can see why some adults still do - you can rake in some nice cash from that shit


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Mtg, pokemon, ahh the memories :D


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I think I might get into D&D style games once the Pitfalls and Penguins come out, just because I need some cohesiveness to whatever wild and whacky thing my head decides to whip out


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I also play MtG

In fact I make my own custom cards

And tho I haven't played pokemon since I was 14, I can see why some adults still do - you can rake in some nice cash from that shit

I am glad I don't play MtG as I listen to guys playing it over my shoulder. I would say get a life, but I can't because I have like half of one... So yeah, I'm the guy who doesn't play card games in fear of turning back (I won't explain my life story, but two year ago I definitely had no life and was a metalhead bitch, unhappy). I've gotten somewhere now, not talking all popularity shit (though that's what it is), I'll actually go places after highschool now.

I have about 400 pokemon cards from when I was 9, unless you gamble with pokemon, I'm sure I can get a bit out of that.

So... have we derailed enough, or are people going to stalk me after this?


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We're not looking to get sued here. Hold off on the dragons for the time being lol


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Here's a thing. The current wolves and jungle cats really need a size revamp, glowing eyes or not those tiny wolves seem more like they have red eye disease than they want to bite my throat off......silly Ood

Edited by antimattergizmo

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Here's a thing. The current wolves and jungle cats really need a size revamp, glowing eyes or not those tiny wolves seem more like they have red eye disease than they want to bite my throat off......silly Ood

Ocelots are realistically sized though. I don't think they need to be changed. As for wolves, I don't know. I think minecraft really throws you off as far as perspectives go, because your character's head is almost a foot wide.

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Ocelots are realistically sized though. I don't think they need to be changed. As for wolves, I don't know. I think minecraft really throws you off as far as perspectives go, because your character's head is almost a foot wide.

After Mo' Creature all game cats deserve to die, if you have never had one of those cats, I swear they are 20x worse than real ones, ocelots are pretty stupid in my opinion, pointless. Please turn them into jaguars or something. As for wolves, don't you have wolves in Ontario? They are huge mangy dogs with giant teeth almost the size of a Great Dane, if not bigger, and they can kill most things, excluding mountain lions, bears, jaguars, tigers, lions, etc. And I would be on the wolves in a fight between hyenas and wolves. Speaking of, what about hyenas as a substitute for wolves in jungles, I know they live in savannas, but it's got the feel to it, I think.

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I would say creeper prevention is not pretty stupid, they are much more useful than the wolves.


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After Mo' Creature all game cats deserve to die, if you have never had one of those cats, I swear they are 20x worse than real ones, ocelots are pretty stupid in my opinion, pointless. Please turn them into jaguars or something. As for wolves, don't you have wolves in Ontario? They are huge mangy dogs with giant teeth almost the size of a Great Dane, if not bigger, and they can kill most things, excluding mountain lions, bears, jaguars, tigers, lions, etc. And I would be on the wolves in a fight between hyenas and wolves. Speaking of, what about hyenas as a substitute for wolves in jungles, I know they live in savannas, but it's got the feel to it, I think.

The reason I got into doing TFC's animals is because of a vast quantity of knowledge I have in the field of animals (not a biologist though). My attention to detail is much too great to let hyenas spawn in the jungle. Ever.

That said, I have seen a wolf before, but only at the zoo. Ontario is a pretty big place lol. If you actually look at the size of wolves in terrafirmacraft, (with the proper scale) you'd see that they actually ARE life size. You're character is just fricking enormous. (in fact, did you know that I made bear 1.6 times their original size? It felt wrong otherwise. TFC bears are like 1.6 m at the shoulder)


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I would say creeper prevention is not pretty stupid, they are much more useful than the wolves.

I had no idea they did that. If they were tamable jaguars they would fit more, do a bit more damage and attack you if they saw you, but not you them. They would be very interesting to tame.

The reason I got into doing TFC's animals is because of a vast quantity of knowledge I have in the field of animals (not a biologist though). My attention to detail is much too great to let hyenas spawn in the jungle. Ever.

That said, I have seen a wolf before, but only at the zoo. Ontario is a pretty big place lol. If you actually look at the size of wolves in terrafirmacraft, (with the proper scale) you'd see that they actually ARE life size. You're character is just fricking enormous. (in fact, did you know that I made bear 1.6 times their original size? It felt wrong otherwise. TFC bears are like 1.6 m at the shoulder)

Hyenas just a thought, any jungle dogs? The minecraft character is like 1.7m, hes pretty small, you sure you're sizing right? I'm sure you are but I want to see that a gigantic bear is not 5'2" at the shoulder.

Sorry for any late updates, my internet is being really slow.

Edited by Deathbytac0

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I had no idea they did that. If they were tamable jaguars they would fit more, do a bit more damage and attack you if they saw you, but not you them. They would be very interesting to tame.

Do you KNOW anyone with a tame jaguar? We're not going to do things because you think it would be cool.

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Yeah, they growl, and creepers run away from them, so base protection is a valid use for Ocelots (at least in vanilla)

Dunk, i lol'd at that.


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Hyenas just a thought, any jungle dogs? The minecraft character is like 6'6", hes pretty big, but very possible, you sure you're sizing right? I'm sure you are but I want to see that a gigantic bear is not 5'2" at the shoulder.

Sorry for any late updates, my internet is being really slow.

quite sure. If you think about it, everything seems smaller. If your house had 10 foot ceilings, that would feel pretty high, but that's just 3 blocks. Gray wolves are on average 80-85 cm tall, and that's about how tall they are in MC

each layer you shave off with a chisel is 4 inches thick.


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After a little research and my internet going out the character is 1.7m, he's about the average female height. And bears are 4ft. Well that concludes that.

Do you KNOW anyone with a tame jaguar? We're not going to do things because you think it would be cool.

Crap, didn't think of that. :) so it's not tame and you keep it in a bamboo cage, it still growls at creepers and follows you to simulate you pulling it. How's that. :P

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Why did you change measuring standards mid sentence... anyways, yeah, most dimensions are nice mob wise, and if steve became realistic, that would look unsettling.


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Why did you change measuring standards mid sentence... anyways, yeah, most dimensions are nice mob wise, and if steve became realistic, that would look unsettling.

Because I am an American that uses the metric system. And after seeing some irl dimensions I agree.

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After a little research and my internet going out the character is 1.7m, he's about the average female height. And bears are 4ft. Well that concludes that.

Crap, didn't think of that. :) so it's not tame and you keep it in a bamboo cage, it still growls at creepers and follows you to simulate you pulling it. How's that. :P

concludes? "with an average shoulder height of 102 cm" -wikipedia. that's 1 m

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concludes? "with an average shoulder height of 102 cm" -wikipedia. that's 1 m

Yes? I pulled up a grizzly bear and got about 4ft toe to shoulderblade from ChaCha, I meant I see you did a good job there and there is no problem I can see. I really just hate Minecraft's awkward looking sizes.

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Yes? I pulled up a grizzly bear and got about 4ft toe to shoulderblade from ChaCha, I meant I see you did a good job there and there is no problem I can see. I really just hate Minecraft's awkward looking sizes.

yes, minecraft kinda sucks in that way. No worries.

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