Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Economy Ideas

69 posts in this topic

Haha :P "The Battle of Our Time", the biggest question ever asked will be answered by minecraft .. Which system is best ? :L

thats a question that should be addressed

what is the best system to run a community of individuals?

personally i am going with a socialist democracy

people put money into the government and the government gives back in useful ways

(though in my opinion this only really works when your community is small to medium in size)


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thats a question that should be addressed

what is the best system to run a community of individuals?

personally i am going with a socialist democracy

people put money into the government and the government gives back in useful ways

(though in my opinion this only really works when your community is small to medium in size)

I'm inclined to agree. A kingdom has it's advantages though, such as the ability to make decisions quickly and reduced potential for infighting in the government :P

I think I'd opt for a monarchy with representatives to bring the concerns of the people to the government.

Here's an interesting idea though, a professional military. You could arm and equip a military force then pay them per battle.


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I'm inclined to agree. A kingdom has it's advantages though, such as the ability to make decisions quickly and reduced potential for infighting in the government :P

I think I'd opt for a monarchy with representatives to bring the concerns of the people to the government.

Here's an interesting idea though, a professional military. You could arm and equip a military force then pay them per battle.

perhaps a monarchy similar to that of Britain ?

and for a military i would go for something similar to what parts of the middle east, where if you opted out of paying taxes, you had to do a minimum of military service.


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Collecting taxes will not be very easy, someone could hide money or hide themselves what if they are afk. And what benefits come from being under a ruler? Protection? That doesn't seem to work quite right


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Collecting taxes will not be very easy, someone could hide money or hide themselves what if they are afk. And what benefits come from being under a ruler? Protection? That doesn't seem to work quite right

Protection is really the main benefit. Being able to work with others to achieve a greater goal than you would alone. A leader would probably rent his land as opposed to selling it, so having land to work would be one. Having a voice in the grander political movements of the server and not falling victim to raiding because you're alone. There are many benefits to being a member of a faction and not a lone wolf. Especially because a world where everyone else is in teams usually turns lone wolves into lone turkeys, waiting to be snapped up by the team players :P

Collecting tax would be surprisingly easy I think. Make it regular, so that everyone knows when it is due. If they don't pay, burn their house to the ground and take all of their possessions. Simple :P

perhaps a monarchy similar to that of Britain ?

and for a military i would go for something similar to what parts of the middle east, where if you opted out of paying taxes, you had to do a minimum of military service.

Yep, seeing as I am British (for now anyway) that would make sense :L

Hmmm .. That sounds interesting, but I would still supplement that with a traditional military. Perhaps a Swiss style "everyone is military" would also work :)


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I would highly recommend you all take a look at CivCraft (official subreddit -> )

It DOES NOT use TerrafirmaCraft (though there is talk of either implementing it if/when the map resets or implementing their own tech tree) but its goal is to simulate societies and economies through minimal moderation by admins and implementation of specific mods that allow players to reinforce blocks (using smooth stone, iron, and diamond, in order of increasing protection) implement security systems, and imprison players. It depends on arbitration among players and "societies" emerging to protect shared interests.

CivCraft was designed by a few Anarcho-Capitalists, but currently has individuals from very unique political backgrounds playing, including communists, libertarian-socialists, and moderates. Huge cities have risen and fallen and much drama has been had.

What it's proven to me more than anything is that in order to have a Minecraft server that accurately simulates economies, less intervention is better. Letting players arbitrate themselves and form communities out of necessity results in a much more interesting and "realistic" scenario. Currencies emerge naturally (the "Redstone-Market" helped push for the adoption of redstone as a major currency in Columbia, before Columbia's eventual collapse) but bartering is still common. Communes and capitalist cities emerge from different philosophical background but out of the same necessity (if a griefer imprisons you and sends you to The End, it's useful to have either a group of friends, or a payed security team to help break you out.)


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I hail from civcraft, I used to play there, not so much anymore. (got bored of vanilla)

It is by far the best server I have ever played on, admin-wise and community-wise. As pete1 has pointed out, basically non-intervention (from admins) in terms of economics (the only real intervention was against cheaters, and even that was more or less within the confines of the game, which was imprisonment (in the end), albeit of somewhat more hardcore, more inescapable character) has proven to be most the accurate in creating an economy minecraft I've seen.

The only mods used were mods that didn't require client-side modding. Plugins like shopchests that allowed for a lot of resources to be traded for other resources, the players setting the value themselves, locally.

I think, based on my experience there compared to other servers with economies, that focus should be on having as little as possible "set in stone", letting players create their own economies, with as many options as possible.

Edited by barkingnoise

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Last time i checked, the sluice box/goldpan did not generate Exquisite Gems.

So why dont use the exquisite/flawless?

  • They are hard to come by, they would not be craftable nor being crafted into something
  • If somebody wants to crash the economy. he would need a loong time.
  • And there would be no huge artificial shortage of money, wich is the root of all evil :P (the dept circle)
  • No Bank or Admin is needed to create money since it is already generated
  • The number of gems found would be at a good rate -> no price increase due money accumulation of a few people
No currency can be created -> no dept circle (bank creates money to pay loan .......)

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Last time i checked, the sluice box/goldpan did not generate Exquisite Gems.

So why dont use the exquisite/flawless?

  • They are hard to come by, they would not be craftable nor being crafted into something
  • If somebody wants to crash the economy. he would need a loong time.
  • And there would be no huge artificial shortage of money, wich is the root of all evil :P (the dept circle)
  • No Bank or Admin is needed to create money since it is already generated
  • The number of gems found would be at a good rate -> no price increase due money accumulation of a few people
No currency can be created -> no dept circle (bank creates money to pay loan .......)

That's kinda what I meant by:

"Maybe you could have a chance of destroying the base gem when trying to cut it into a currency. Maybe the chance for sucess not the ratio would increase with better quality. Simular to this: Chipped 10%, Flawed 25%, Normal 50%, Flawless 75%, Exquisite 90%. In this you would have a way to use those gems finally and still not flood the servers ridiculously fast. Also your civilization could chose wether they accept: agate, amethyst, beryl, diamond, emerald, garnet, jade, jasper, opal, ruby, sapphire, topaz, or tourmaline. If they accept all then cool if they want their money to mean more and are more restrictive then also cool. This would add a new element to government as they would have to approve of a currency that would be already in place. Also it might mean more jobs as gypsies and money changers would start being needed for cross civilization trading."


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what ever the economic system, company's and corporations will form and i plan to head at least one of them !

stores will need to buy goods form suppliers, and they will buy from factories

stores will sell goods to the miners working at the mines that supply the factories with metals :D


specializing in all your logging, mining, farming, construction, and transportation needs ! :D


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lol sounds like TFC is getting industrialized. I like it. May have to add in hugely expensive (resources, not money) machines to put in your factories lol.

I have an idea..... hmmm... I wonder if it would work though... could make TFC really cool and create a huge boost for industry though...


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lol sounds like TFC is getting industrialized. I like it. May have to add in hugely expensive (resources, not money) machines to put in your factories lol.

I have an idea..... hmmm... I wonder if it would work though... could make TFC really cool and create a huge boost for industry though...

if you want some ideas go look around my winches, pulleys, water wheels and pumps thread, i think some of them could work well within terrafirma craft


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if you want some ideas go look around my winches, pulleys, water wheels and pumps thread, i think some of them could work well within terrafirma craft

Every time a thread pops up that I haven't read I give it a look :). I saw your thread, good job, although I think some of those things existed with in the scope of TFC's current time period. I was referring to machines and more uses for metals...

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Every time a thread pops up that I haven't read I give it a look :). I saw your thread, good job, although I think some of those things existed with in the scope of TFC's current time period. I was referring to machines and more uses for metals...

well most metal equipment was struck down so i didn t include anything

we could have metal belt wheels and chain drives if that sounds better ?


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I put this idea on bioxx's kingdoms thread. But it got Maybe this is a better place for it.


For money to work in tfc it has to be more convenient to carry and trade than goods...which is probably the main reason currency was even invented....but in minecraft, convenience is screwy...i mean, you can carry as much stone as wheat. Maybe implement a money purse that is totally separate from the usual inventory interface. The purse can carry infinite amount of money.

Also, i'd like to see towns mint and set the value of their own currency. Whatever the currency is made from is irrelevant, it just needs the town sigil on it to be considered legal tender.

A town should be able to build a market or bazaar to sell the goods of its citizens or to allow any player to trade. And it seems a robust stock exchange mechanic is right up tfc's alley.


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I put this idea on bioxx's kingdoms thread. But it got Maybe this is a better place for it.


For money to work in tfc it has to be more convenient to carry and trade than goods...which is probably the main reason currency was even invented....but in minecraft, convenience is screwy...i mean, you can carry as much stone as wheat. Maybe implement a money purse that is totally separate from the usual inventory interface. The purse can carry infinite amount of money.

Also, i'd like to see towns mint and set the value of their own currency. Whatever the currency is made from is irrelevant, it just needs the town sigil on it to be considered legal tender.

A town should be able to build a market or bazaar to sell the goods of its citizens or to allow any player to trade. And it seems a robust stock exchange mechanic is right up tfc's alley.

Many reasons have been hypothesized for the reasons for the invention of currency. One of them is that when bartering, some items are worth more to certain people and worthless to others. Money is universally useful.

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Except on desert islands lol... but i do like the idea of a monetary amount seperate from inventory, it might be too iffy to add however, and i see making money stack higher being more useful, like 8 stone equals 1 coin, and one can hold stacks of 64 coin, resulting in a higher resource value density factor.


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I like it and want an economy, and will be fine with anything. But for gods sake and daiumm give all the good info on the first post!


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I proposed seals in the kingdoms thread, but there was, eh, a cave in of cobbleposts.

So, what can seal do, basicly? It allows its bearer to mark some papers or stamp money.

Seal could have next "textfields": slogan, official text. The creator's name is added authomatically.

Both slogan and official part are plain java.lang.Strings. So, game doesn't bear responsibility - writer does. If he is tricker and deceiver, he will be declared as enemy, or just robbed to replenish losses.

As instance, one could stamp [paper]money with the next fields:

"J, the guildmaster of `The Anvil` guarantee, that bearer of this could equally exchange this for the pig iron ingot",

"Let the good trade unite us!"

"Seal of J"

They should have a plenty of iron ingot after they put it in circulation, btw.

As, bonus, a group could unite their seals in one:

"We, the guildboard of `The Anvil`: K, J and L, guarantee...",

"Qui prodest?"

"Seal of the guildboard of `The Anvil`: J, K and L"

I also want to propose "barter table": after you and your opponent rightclick, the gui appears. The gui has two parts - what you and your opponent wants to sell. There also two buttons - LOCK and TRADE.

TRADE could only be pressed on LOCKed state and will act ONLY on locked state to prevent "grab goods and run" tactics. Simple words, when you and your opponent are satisfied with goods you both press LOCK. After you both have verified, that state is valid - if it is not, you just say in him chat what you think or move some items and reLOCK - you both press TRADE. If one presses TRADE and the other one moves item - the state is reset. So, literally - you could only TRADE what you have LOCKed.


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