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Make hunger decrease even when your not doing activities

61 posts in this topic

Irl, if you just sit around, you'll still get hungry and eventually die from hunger if you go long enough without eating, but not in Tfc. The knowledge that if I really wanted to survive in Terrafirmacraft, I could just go in a hole and not move, takes some of the fun away from the game for me. This seems like quite an easy fix as well.


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I'm against any change that punishes players for hanging out and chatting/afking. I think those two activities build server communities.


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I thought it already did this. huh. oh well.


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I'm against any change that punishes players for hanging out and chatting/afking. I think those two activities build server communities.



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I'm against any change that punishes players for hanging out and chatting/afking. I think those two activities build server communities.

... How does afking help in any way to build server communities? It's like saying i could save the world from it's end by simply standing still, looking at some random direction, doing absolutely nothing. And, for what i have seen, one can stop what he is doing, write something, and continue what he was doing. So chatting wouldn't be punished...

So yeah, here you have, you earned a -2.


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If I was punished for not moving, you can be damned sure I will not ever speak on any server ever again. Minecraft is about streamlining and doing things as fast and as efficient as possible before the next server reset.

The ONLY restrictions in any minecraft game is time.

How did you learn to first hunt for diamonds? I was told to not ever use stone picks because they wasted a ton of time. Iron picks only, right?

Talking to each other does build community. I'm not sure what servers you guys play on or whatever crap you think that chatting is oh so bad for you but if I didn't talk to so many people on my server, I wouldn't have nearly as many friends. Nearly as many people to group up with. Grouping up with people gets you much much farther in a short amount of time (remember that secret word?) than you would by playing alone. Consistently.

Would you let an unknown person live with you if you couldn't talk to them? I sure as hell wouldn't. I need to know who the hell you are first, otherwise you're not getting past my defenses and you're not being told where all the chests I've hidden are.


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If I was punished for not moving, you can be damned sure I will not ever speak on any server ever again. Minecraft is about streamlining and doing things as fast and as efficient as possible before the next server reset.

The ONLY restrictions in any minecraft game is time.

How did you learn to first hunt for diamonds? I was told to not ever use stone picks because they wasted a ton of time. Iron picks only, right?

Talking to each other does build community. I'm not sure what servers you guys play on or whatever crap you think that chatting is oh so bad for you but if I didn't talk to so many people on my server, I wouldn't have nearly as many friends. Nearly as many people to group up with. Grouping up with people gets you much much farther in a short amount of time (remember that secret word?) than you would by playing alone. Consistently.

Would you let an unknown person live with you if you couldn't talk to them? I sure as hell wouldn't. I need to know who the hell you are first, otherwise you're not getting past my defenses and you're not being told where all the chests I've hidden are.

You still could chat, and you wouldn't really be punished for it. You would just get slightly hungrier. And by this, I mean loosing maybe 1 hunger point every 20 minutes or something. Typing something to another player takes much less time than that.


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If I was punished for not moving, you can be damned sure I will not ever speak on any server ever again. Minecraft is about streamlining and doing things as fast and as efficient as possible before the next server reset.

The ONLY restrictions in any minecraft game is time.

How did you learn to first hunt for diamonds? I was told to not ever use stone picks because they wasted a ton of time. Iron picks only, right?

Talking to each other does build community. I'm not sure what servers you guys play on or whatever crap you think that chatting is oh so bad for you but if I didn't talk to so many people on my server, I wouldn't have nearly as many friends. Nearly as many people to group up with. Grouping up with people gets you much much farther in a short amount of time (remember that secret word?) than you would by playing alone. Consistently.

Would you let an unknown person live with you if you couldn't talk to them? I sure as hell wouldn't. I need to know who the hell you are first, otherwise you're not getting past my defenses and you're not being told where all the chests I've hidden are.

If that's your mentality then why do you even play minecraft? Isn't it wasting precious seconds of your life? Standing around doing nothing isn't going to deplete your hunger very quickly at all, (humans can survive for 3 weeks without food) but if you get trapped underground by a cave in, you're not going to just sit there for a year until someone digs you out. You're going to die in that hole.

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>dat avatar

what about it hmm?

you tryin to say somethin eternal?


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what about it hmm?

you tryin to say somethin eternal?

Chrysalis is kinda hot

Jus' sayin'.


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Chrysalis is kinda hot

Jus' sayin'.

A white dragon and a pony... O_o wtf...


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A white dragon and a pony... O_o wtf...

First off, its silver, not white. That is an insult, and if you check out the various D&D dragons you'll see why.

Second, that's why I've got ice shard here

Posted Image

Edit: Also, hardcore thread derail


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A white dragon and a pony... O_o wtf...

Magical Flying Fire-Breathing Dragon-ponies...

*Brain Asplodes*


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... How does afking help in any way to build server communities? It's like saying i could save the world from it's end by simply standing still, looking at some random direction, doing absolutely nothing. And, for what i have seen, one can stop what he is doing, write something, and continue what he was doing. So chatting wouldn't be punished...

So yeah, here you have, you earned a -2.

Players would be encouraged to log out at night/during any period of inactivity until they have a huge stockpile of food saved up. That's dumb.


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Players would be encouraged to log out at night/during any period of inactivity until they have a huge stockpile of food saved up. That's dumb.

You think that, by standing, you would loss hunger at the same rate you do when running and jumping? now, that's is dumb. You would loss hunger at a very, very lower rate. And, While i understand why people would "log out at any period of inactivity" on your point of view, why would they while sleeping? it's not like you stayed in the bed the whole night, the night is just skipped when you use a bed.


First off, its silver, not white. That is an insult, and if you check out the various D&D dragons you'll see why.

Second, that's why I've got ice shard here

Posted Image

Edit: Also, hardcore thread derail

Sorry, Eternal, didn't meant to insult your awesome avatar ._.

And i'm not gonna say anything about the blue unicorn pony with an ice shard back there :


Magical Flying Fire-Breathing Dragon-ponies...

*Brain Asplodes*

I think i just found a signature :3


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Magical Flying Fire-Breathing Dragon-ponies...

*Brain Asplodes*

this needs to happen right now

Players would be encouraged to log out at night/during any period of inactivity until they have a huge stockpile of food saved up. That's dumb.

seriously? like dunk said, you wouldnt die of hunger from staying up one night, it would take weeks of just sitting there to kill you.

read the WHOLE THING before you comment on someone's post


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this needs to happen right now

No... No it doesn't... My brain didn't asplode from the awesomeness... It asploded from the absurtity... *shudders* it would be horrible...


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If that's your mentality then why do you even play minecraft? Isn't it wasting precious seconds of your life?

I love it when people don't read.

This is how I play minecraft. Minecraft. A game. Is your mentality of minecraft and how you play the game the same way you handle and approach RL? I sure as hell hope not.


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I love it when people don't read.

This is how I play minecraft. Minecraft. A game. Is your mentality of minecraft and how you play the game the same way you handle and approach RL? I sure as hell hope not.

if you had anything interesting to say I might read it.

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No... No it doesn't... My brain didn't asplode from the awesomeness... It asploded from the absurtity... *shudders* it would be horrible...

too bad

-throws Magical Flying Fire-Breathing Dragon-Pony spawner down in the middle of Arthur's house-


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if you had anything interesting to say I might read it.


The fuck.



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Oh no, someone has a different opinion than the majority! Let's make fun of their playstyle! Honestly, I expected better from you dunkleosteus.


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You think that, by standing, you would loss hunger at the same rate you do when running and jumping? now, that's is dumb. You would loss hunger at a very, very lower rate.

A gameplay mechanic that is specifically designed to have no effect on player behavior is pointless. Either it's irrelevant and wouldn't change anything, or it's not irrelevant and players will log out when not doing anything worthwhile to avoid its ill effects. If you are suggesting that a gameplay mechanic that will have no effect on anything, then I suppose I'm not against it. How could I be?

And, While i understand why people would "log out at any period of inactivity" on your point of view, why would they while sleeping? it's not like you stayed in the bed the whole night, the night is just skipped when you use a bed.

I'm afraid I don't understand this part of the post : But I assure you that sleeping is not a thing widely done on multiplayer servers.


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