Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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66 posts in this topic

Im actually all for Hemp for the simple fact its wide array of uses. And if you read the wiki that the OP has, then you would understand that Hemp its self is NOT the illegal substance(however the US does not actively distinguish between it and its better known cousin Marijuana)

If people want to stay stupid and choose not to play over a plants name, thats on them. If they want to be smart, they should do the research.

I understand Ignorance(lack of knowledge), but have no tolerance for Stupidity(choice to not gain knowledge)

This is exactly my point yes it has a lot uses but not a single of its (useful) uses can't be easily replaced by another plant. So why the hell would we put in the game if its going to lose us fan base and bring the stupid druggies that support us for plant choice.

All people are stupid, all people are ignorant the fact is, is that almost no one researches things like this as sad as that is. There is no way to get rid of stupid people besides making this a private mod.

I once more don't give a crap if its illegal or if only part of it is bad or it cures cancer. I don't care what you think about it. I know that some of the stupid people i was talking about earlier i was included in this group think that it is bad for whatever reason.

Unless you change everyones opinions through a world-wide campaign there will be people that will see the word hemp and think of how drugs are bad and not download.

Why hemp? Some people act like there isn't another way to make rope.


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If you're so closeminded and uninformed to not download because of a plant, this isn't the mod for you.

The devs are this for the fun of it, not to gather a huge fanbase. If they add X and it drives people away, too bad. The community and mod will be better for it, cause we'll have X for our own insidious uses, and we'll all have less idiots to deal with.


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I keep introducing people to this mod. wanna know why they dont stick in the community? Because the HUGE difficulty gap between this mod and vanilla(or tekkit as is often the case). They often talk about the days of using BTW, and other mods, but as soon as they realize this mod changes inventory, or you cant punch a tree, they run. Its not the items in the mod that turns the general public away, its how in depth this mod is in bringing difficulty to minecraft. the very goal of this mod turns them off, not the items in it. Otherwise, BTW would have almost no user base(seriously, flowerchild is not the 'nicest' dev around). Hemp is a multi-use item and one of the most believable ones at that, especially because it is 'in era'.

also, no, it does not cure cancer. It helps recovery from chemotherapy. If it cured cancer then whatever smear against it would be washed away very fast.


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This is exactly my point yes it has a lot uses but not a single of its (useful) uses can't be easily replaced by another plant. So why the hell would we put in the game if its going to lose us fan base and bring the stupid druggies that support us for plant choice.

All people are stupid, all people are ignorant the fact is, is that almost no one researches things like this as sad as that is. There is no way to get rid of stupid people besides making this a private mod.

I once more don't give a crap if its illegal or if only part of it is bad or it cures cancer. I don't care what you think about it. I know that some of the stupid people i was talking about earlier i was included in this group think that it is bad for whatever reason.

Unless you change everyones opinions through a world-wide campaign there will be people that will see the word hemp and think of how drugs are bad and not download.

Why hemp? Some people act like there isn't another way to make rope.

lol world-wide?

You mean american-wide

The rest of the world is much kinder to cannabis.

Visit northern or central europe sometime, friend


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Nonetheless it isn't a trip he will soon make.

ECC I want you to answer one question why hemp vs. flax or sisal or kapok what are its benefits?


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I don't see why we should avoid hemp, if we add 5 different plants that each do one thing hemp does its just going to be more plants to tend, hemp is much easier to implement as it is one plant, and also doesn't make the system over-complicated. Plus, i hope we would be using hemp for it's other uses (like hemp cloth), and not just rope (or string). ( I DO NOT mean weed, while I'm not against it morally, I don't see a reason to have it in minecraft or TFC :/ )


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Nonetheless it isn't a trip he will soon make.

ECC I want you to answer one question why hemp vs. flax or sisal or kapok what are its benefits?

well ima answer it too

theres no real reason for hemp over those plants it's just the first one that came to our minds when we thought of a plant to make string out of


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On wikipedia I found four uses that are usable in TFC, string/rope, textiles and mesh related structures, The fact that it chokes out weeds and finally it can be used as a fuel. We don't need things to choke weeds as we have no weeds to choke. I have stated plenty of options (including kapok a tree that is already in-game) that can do the first two. So we are left with fuel, I remember the plan being tallow last time I checked but if we wanted bio-fuel we would get it from corn.

So I will ask again specifically to ECC, why Hemp?

Edit: apparently it can also be eaten but I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Bioxx will add plenty of things to eat.


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Hemp can also be used for cooking oil, as was discussed in the oil (not petrol) thread.

(no one brought up hemp, but it is a plant that produces a decent oil.)


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Cotton would be fun, but would we need the tools to use it? Not to mention the rest of this. With the exception of vines and bark, most materials have to be converted into string. I'm not trying to put down the idea, I love it. I'm just wondering if we would end up adding spindles, spinning wheels, and such.


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there is no easy answer, as no matter where I take the debate 'pro vs con' it will end in both of us not willing to move on our beliefs.

for the sake of the argument though, Hemp is a wide use product, where as other mentioned items, are more specialized. the closest viable competitor for this discussion is sisal. I know this isn't the answer you where after, but really looking over the information Hemp appears to have by far weighed out all other options. I would honestly consider however the implementation of redundant flora, including an emphasis on weed type plants(giving further reasons for plants such as hemp)


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Why does it have to be a real world thing? If the only objection to hemp is the name, then make up a fake plant that has all the same uses in game but looks nothing like the well known drug leaf.


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Why does it have to be a real world thing? If the only objection to hemp is the name, then make up a fake plant that has all the same uses in game but looks nothing like the well known drug leaf.

because then we get people saying "hey thatz not real guyzzz, i htough this mod wuz sposed to be relistc"


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So what, they'd be wrong because the mod is NOT supposed to be realistic. You just point them to the FAQ:

Is TFC trying to be as realistic as possible?

No, the aim of TFC is to bring some much needed believability to Minecraft. This means that sometimes realism is compromised for the sake of gameplay while still trying to present a world that feels real.

Blue and red steel aren't realistic either.


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So what, they'd be wrong because the mod is NOT supposed to be realistic. You just point them to the FAQ:

Blue and red steel aren't realistic either.

I just don't see a good reason to make something up when we've got hemp right in front of us.


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I just don't see a good reason to make something up when we've got hemp right in front of us.

Personally, neither do I,. I think hemp would be great to add to the game and used for string and whatever else it really was used for. I was just addressing the argument that it shouldn't be used because of the name or the association to drugs.


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I just have to link this:

Hemp has been beaten into the ground on these forums. It has been confirmed as an upcoming feature. If you have a problem with it, then call it something else, but it's still going to be added. Video games that use hemp for rope or string aren't supporting the mis-use of the medicinal properties of one specific gender of the hemp plant. In fact, they don't even mention that hemp is a drug. They simply use it for it's more known uses as a commonly found fibrous plant.


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Ryuugumo: I have mentioned this thread in fact I played the same role in both thread I was just hoping opinions have changed. And you have to understand here I know TFC will never add drugs however many people will think of the first thing they think of when someone says 'hemp' which is drugs. I do not like the association with drugs some people are naive and make quick assumptions or have very bad judgement and will either say "I'm not playing because it adds drugs" or "I love TFC because it adds drugs" even if we don't add drugs just the plant they come from we don't want either of those comments.

ECC: Hemp is widely used for is growth rate and ability to adapt to a large amount of environments neither of which help our gameplay. And added weed type plants just to make Hemp useful seems like overkill although I have to admit I would like weeds to be added but considering this is minecraft there are quite few better anti-weed tactics than only growing Hemp. I must be missing a use here that isn't easily replaced by something already added, I would like to know what it is.

VegasGoat: I appreciate you trying to find common ground here but we already have all of the plants necessary to replace all of Hemp's uses.

And back to Ryuugumo: Just because he put it on the vegetation list doesn't mean its added and just because it is added doesn't mean it can't be removed. These are the suggestion forums for a reason, I'm suggesting we not use Hemp.

ffxplayer: This is a very good point hopefully we would only end up with simple tools rather than every string/rope making tool invented because there are quite a few. What would you suggest to add?


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The first thing I think of when I hear hemp is rope. But then again I play video games a lot.


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Nonetheless some people aren't quite as informed on the more common uses of hemp.


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To be fair, we're talking about a fairly small demographic that collectively:

Plays minecraft

Knows how to mod minecraft without a self installer

Wants a more challenging/involved minecraft

Giggles/gasps when they read the word hemp.


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I agree with that. But nonetheless they exist, I was one of them a couple months ago being a "ignorant" American an all. And I'm not sure if its worth it to just let them walk away for a unnecessary reason. Even if it was just one person that one person could be an important part of the community or invite a ton of his friends to play. To use my own example, if BTW hadn't added Hemp I certainly would have at least tried it and would have probably convinced most of my friends (who play Minecraft) to try it.


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"Any person that cannot move past their own rigid views of the world and how it operates has no place in a creative community that expects to thrive."

- Random guy I just made up


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Haha that's funny you just wrote that like you thought it was possible for someone not to be biased. Unfortunately, everyone has rigid views of the world. If we didn't we wouldn't be people with emotions and feelings but rather just plants. Plants have pretty rigid views of the world. I see what you mean here but no matter what people say we want as many people possible to play TFC. That leads to a lot of good things. If we could drag complete noobs on here and teach them how to play without a huge amount of effort we would probably do it. That's why some people dislike the noobs, the fact that they overwhelm the forums but beside that fact noobs are going to happen in any successful mod no matter how challenging.

Are we catering to the noobs? I suppose a little bit but noobs make up the future whether we like it or not because honestly most hardcore people will get too busy eventually and be replaced by new hardcore-ists. Think of it as catering to the future. Anyways its not even work to do technically its preventing some work as we won't have to code and add in Hemp.


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Why would you not play a mod just because it adds hemp? That seems like a... strong reaction, not to mention a stupid one.


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