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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Kandid Kandace

Redstone (And How It Should Work)

95 posts in this topic

Instead of calling something electricity or kinetic energy, we could always just refer to it as energy, and the means of utilizing it in the game would be by combining cinnabar dust with a gem and a gem setting, making essentially an energy battery. From that battery you could make whatever basic machines or devices that would be allowed.

Examples of ways to capture energy would be largely based on the gem used. For instance; rotating one mounted jade by a series of others using something like a waterwheel or windmill, using a lightning rod to attract lightning during storms to then be stored in mounted topaz, submerging mounted sapphires in moving water, cooking a mounted ruby in a firepit or forge.

Uses for this energy could be anything from basic movement and powering, such as current redstone, use in a more sophisticated enchantment system, or even in a basic magic system if that's somewhere the mod is going.


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Instead of calling something electricity or kinetic energy, we could always just refer to it as energy, and the means of utilizing it in the game would be by combining cinnabar dust with a gem and a gem setting, making essentially an energy battery. From that battery you could make whatever basic machines or devices that would be allowed.

Examples of ways to capture energy would be largely based on the gem used. For instance; rotating one mounted jade by a series of others using something like a waterwheel or windmill, using a lightning rod to attract lightning during storms to then be stored in mounted topaz, submerging mounted sapphires in moving water, cooking a mounted ruby in a firepit or forge.

Uses for this energy could be anything from basic movement and powering, such as current redstone, use in a more sophisticated enchantment system, or even in a basic magic system if that's somewhere the mod is going.

Interesting... A sort of techno-magic/enchantment...

*claps* bravo!


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'Bioxx hates redstone.'

Can I assume that this means he has trouble using it? because typically the people who hate redstone actually don't know how to use it. thats typically how it works.

oh god, this is going to be read as an insult, i just know it. :/


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'Bioxx hates redstone.'

Can I assume that this means he has trouble using it? because typically the people who hate redstone actually don't know how to use it. thats typically how it works.

oh god, this is going to be read as an insult, i just know it. :/

late post is late?

but yeah i know, for a long time i didnt like redstone before i learned how to use it


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I wasnt active for a few days, catching up am I. (:


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by combining cinnabar dust with a gem and a gem setting, making essentially an energy battery.

And a lemon. Every good battery needs a lemon.

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redstone works fine the way it is, no need to change its mechanics. You would not believe how many fanatics would complain if you changed even one detail of redstone. Other then fixing lag machines that is. That being the only exception.


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No, Bioxx isn't ignorant. He just thinks the whole premise is a bit far fetched, illogical, and unbelievable. I agree with him, and in the theme of this mod, electricity or a like mechanic doesn't really fit.


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But... but... Binary transfer D:

I agree that redstone is a not within this mods scope, but any changes short of removing it from generation AND replacing it with a 'in era' counterpart would be badly received. I suspect that is why you all decided to leave it in the mod(that and the big C word, compatibility)

OT: Somehow, even knowing the definition of ignorant(Lack of knowledge iirc), it still oddly registers as an insult in my head. :/


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The fact of it, isn't that it was implemented for electricity but rather for signals and computing which did exist well into BC. If a new system was added this would be a perfect time to debuff it to discourage use. I suggest not removing though as it a part of minecraft and some people are use to its familiar symbol. It takes work to delete it anyways. Deleting extra content is like taking frosting off a cake, the only thing it can do is hurt us. If Bioxx doesn't like frosting let him shave it off his own cake not all of ours.


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If Bioxx doesn't like frosting let him shave it off his own cake not all of ours.

if bioxx doesnt like frosting, then it's his mod to chose weather to put it on the cake or not

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No, although it is his mod, I highly doubt that Bioxx would be selfish enough to ignore a large group of people like that. Seriously if he doesn't want to use it personally, he doesn't have to. I agree the stuff is super OP and thats why I liked the idea of it "decomposing" after a while. The explanation I presented made enough sense to fit into the believable category so that solves that problem. I also eliminated it from being electrical based as well, as far as Steve would know its a magic powder that can be used as a signalling system.


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No, although it is his mod, I highly doubt that Bioxx would be selfish enough to ignore a large group of people like that. Seriously if he doesn't want to use it personally, he doesn't have to. I agree the stuff is super OP and thats why I liked the idea of it "decomposing" after a while. The explanation I presented made enough sense to fit into the believable category so that solves that problem. I also eliminated it from being electrical based as well, as far as Steve would know its a magic powder that can be used as a signalling system.

Wow, really? You can't EVER call a person who has put hundreds of hours of programming "selfish". Are you serious? Who gives a damn if redstone-lovers are excluded from TFCraft, it's not like this mod was made in order to cater to everyone's needs. I sure hope you don't feel entitled to this mod somehow, because I doubt a single mod was ever made solely for fellow Minecrafters.

I'll vote +1 for primitive electricity, there are things that were possible in ancient times such as electroplating, and it would be interesting to see the potential applications. Perhaps a spark-powered firestarter? Plated weapons with increased corrosion resistance?


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If Bioxx does indeed dislike redstone, I doubt we'll get much in the way of conventional redstone implements. He seems to have some plan for it, judging by the fact that he even bothered to include cinnabar in the ore generation, so you probably don't need to worry about its outright removal.


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If Bioxx does indeed dislike redstone, I doubt we'll get much in the way of conventional redstone implements. He seems to have some plan for it, judging by the fact that he even bothered to include cinnabar in the ore generation, so you probably don't need to worry about its outright removal.

If Bioxx says that he hates redstone and he wants to remove it, I think that he has something cooler to implement.

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If Bioxx says that he hates redstone and he wants to remove it, I think that he has something cooler to implement.

As long as I'm able to build complicated contraptions, I'm fine with it.

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I love redstone, but honestly... i don't want it to have a debuff, when you get to know it, you realize it has a great number of disavantages already, like the 15 dust limit? -god, i hate that -__- so much devices not working because of a f*cking repeater delaying the whole thing...- I really couldn't care less about Bioxx removing redstone, he already removed most of it's applications by making vanilla materials that hard to get. This mod, IMHO, was never meant for people to make awesome redstone devices; it was meant for people to have to endure the world they are living in, create civilizations -*in SMP-, advance through the ages, ally or battle with other civilizations*, for people to get a full experience about how the humanity had to pass big obstacles in order to get to what nowdays we could call "the middle ages". So honestly, if some kind of mechinisms are added, they should be physics based mechanisms instead of redstone.

If you like redstone, that's fine, i do too. Now, let's not bother people about not taking it out of their own mod. That would only make US selfishs instead of him, as you just said. They may happily take the input of the community, but it's not the mod of the community, Bioxx and Dunk will always have the last word.

EDIT: besides, you can go to creative, they won't remove them from the creative menu :

now that i think about it... removing vanilla items/blocks would give them more IDs to place stuff into, right?... i have the feeling i'm just saying something really stupid from a programmer point of view ._.U


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I don't think ID's are huge problem but I could be wrong, does redstone take up an ID? I suppose it would but I don't know it seems more item-ish. That is very true redstone would be in creative and I honestly didn't think of that. My point is though is that I know Bioxx isn't selfish and wouldn't remove something so popular especially if it still had function. It is an excellent rare tier zero siganlling system. Lets be honest most likely the next signalling system won't be easy to get to, so we keep redstone, debuff it place near the surface very rarely maybe near some specific landmark maybe i don't know. The point is that if we had a bunch of players treasure hunting for redstone it encourage the concept of exploration. And it would be a great prize for doing so.

It appears many of you are unfamiliar with my idea so I'm going to link it.


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I wasn't talking specificially about redstone, but all vanilla blocks in general; i mean, what use you could give to a vanilla emerald ore block in the mod?. I think the redstone wire placed in the world is a block you can't get. But yeah, normally it only takes up an item ID, and we have plenty of those.

Well, i'm not really sure about it... Bioxx has got a point -or at least Dunk did when saying what Bioxx thinks...-, it really doesn't makes that much sense that something like redstone exists...


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I wasn't talking specificially about redstone, but all vanilla blocks in general; i mean, what use you could give to a vanilla emerald ore block in the mod?. I think the redstone wire placed in the world is a block you can't get. But yeah, normally it only takes up an item ID, and we have plenty of those.

Actually, it's all blocks. Repeaters, wires, torches both lit and unlit. You can't get it through normal menus but you can get it by block id. Heck, even the piston head is taking a block id. But I don't think it's possible to replace this blocks with TFC blocks or any other really. At least not without base class editing.

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No, and what about walking skeletons or creepers? Those don't make much sense either. You can try to explain them but it will never truly be real no matter how much you explain it. That's called fantasy and I think I remember Bioxx saying he wanted a little fantasy in the mod. Well Mojang is handing out free fantasy so why are we throwing it away?


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because their ideas tend to clash with ours/boixx's

Plus, you know, TFC creepers would be much more badass.


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Once normal torches become finite, you could always make redstone a component in long or indefinite light sources, sort of like torches being tier 0, lamps and candles tier 1, redstone/magic light being tier awesome.

Plus, you know, TFC creepers would be much more badass.

One word, holyshitroflconda.


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And thus we could incorporate another piece (redstone lamps) of free work into TFC. ECC you are right and you are wrong I see no conflict in interests, I see a conflict in execution which is much different. If we execute this differently (rarity, harvesting, finite) it could serve us very well. We just need to change how its done.


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I'd still put my vote in for mechanical power, and redstone being some kind of magical... something or other.


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