Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Large List of Ideas...

54 posts in this topic


Tweak - Obsidian is no longer created in its old form, Obsidian can now Spawn ontop of lava. It looks like a Stone but with a Obsidian Skin.

Tweak - Right clicking while holding a book will open the Book and Quill menu, If you do not have a Ink Well that is full of ink as well as a Feather the menu will not open. For every letter it takes 1 durability from the ink well.

Tweak - When you place a Sign it doesnt instantly open the menu it just places the sign. Right clicking a sign, you can open its menu assuming you have a Ink well and feather. For every letter it akes 3 durability from the ink well.

Tweak - Theres a new mode for the Chisel called Hieroglyph mode, In this mode if you have a Hammer in your inventory you can write on rock like you can on a sign.

Tweak - If a Creeper is following you and is within 3 blocks of you they will start to blow them selves up. If a creeper falls far he will blow up when he hits the ground instead of just dieing. If you look a Creeper in the eyes he will charge you. Creepers will avoid water but if theres no other way to get you they will go into it.

Tweak - Squids are now Neutral until approched where they will attack you and stick to you constantly doing damage until you kill it (Think metroids stuck to your chest).

Tweak - Bats now spawn in Caves and Ravines. Bats are not agressive but annoying and can do damage while swarming around in the cave after being disturbed. 9 times out of 10 Bats will spawn in their Sleep State hanging upside-down on the ceiling. You can disturb them by just getting close to them.

Tweak - Stews and Meals should start losing its bonuses the hotter they get, even cooling them down it should still have its penalties making it so overcooking them isent an option.

Tweak - Ability to place Tool Racks on Crafting Tables.

Tweak - Mushrooms should be edible. Red Mushrooms should be poisonous.

Tweak - Beds would be colored dependant on the wool used to make them. You cannot mix and match wool to make Bed.

Tweak - Make Mobs only Spawn Underground and in Dungeons not Just Dungeons.


Group - Armor and Tools can be made out of All materials but some Armors and Tools are horrible and useless.

Group - Studded Leather Armor is now able to be Made, It can have every kind of Metal as Studs.


New Block - Barrel, You can store up to 8 buckets of any 1 liquid in a Barrel. Right clicking on it will open its interface unless you have a bucket in which you will either dump the bucket into the barrel or fill the bucket with the barrels contents (Im leaving this open ended so the creators can use this for Fermenting and Distilling of Alchohol)..


New Item - Ink Well, Ink Wells are used for writing.

New Item - Clay Chunk, This is created by putting 4 clay into the crafting table.

New Item - Clay Brick, Clay Bricks are unfired Bricks. Bricks are used to make Brick blocks.

New Item - Clay Flower Pots, Clay Flower Pots are unfired Flower Pots.


New Function - When in a Small Inclosed space with no way for the air to escape, you will slowly run out of air and die from suffication just like being underwater.

New Function - By putting 2 Clay Chunks into the Crafting Table you would open up the Kneeding menu, The Kneeding menu is like the Knapping menu. Most clay things are made in the Kneeding menu including the Clay Mould.

New Function - Ive seen a Path Finding mod which extends the AI so far along that it makes Mobs very scary, I think that you Should Implement Path finding especially for Creepers.

New Function - Creepers can Trigger a Collapse if it Breaks a Support Beam.

New Function - If you are in the Rain for Too long you will get sick which will give you Slowness, Hunger and Slowly Depleting Health. It can be cured by eating lots of soup, Note that Curing your self requires 14 Bowls of Soup and you can only have 3 Bowls of Soup Per Day. It will go away on its own if you have not died after 2 weeks.

New Function - Temperature Bar, If its too cold you'll get frostbite, too hot you will be slowed.

New Function - Knives have 3 modes, Food Preparation, Slab and Stairs. This would allow the Knife to be used to Whittle Plank Blocks into what ever you Desire.

New Function - Blood Moon, Rarely a Blood Moon which will lengthen the night by 3 times as long as well as make Underground Mobs spawn above ground and excessively.

Ideas I feel are amazing:





http://terrafirmacra...c/2605-incense/ <-- Must be added too amazing of an idea.






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A freaking long post.

Did you use the search engine on the forums? Many things that you suggested have already been said or shotdown.

Remove? No, if there is no good reason, they won't be removed, there was another guy here posting things like that... He disappeared.


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there was another guy here posting things like that... He disappeared.

you mean this person?

-pulls skull out of the pile i'm sitting on-


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you mean this person?

-pulls skull out of the pile i'm sitting on-

I thought he exploded... or melted...


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I... don't... what... wh... why? why this keeps happening?

You know what, i'm not gonna get involved in a stupid argument like last time, i'm outta here :

*Leaves the thread for never posting again. Though he will be watching*


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You guys better be careful. The aztec god is watching...crouched ready to attack with claws sharper than an Aurum Ignis sword, ready to attack.


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This got derailed annoyingly quick.

Did you use the search engine on the forums? Many things that you suggested have already been said or shotdown.

Remove? No, if there is no good reason, they won't be removed, there was another guy here posting things like that... He disappeared.

Tell me what was shotdown or already suggested and ill remove them unless they arent exactly the same.


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What the heck, I have some extra time... *cracks knuckles*

Remove - Mob, Enderman.

I feel like Endermen are rare enough they don't need to be removed. This is personal opinion though, please state why you think this change should be made! Status: Clarify.

Remove - Mob, Witch.

I can't say much here other then agreement. NPC type mobs have no place in TFC Status: Approved.

Remove - Mob, Slime.

I feel the same way about this as the endermans. It's a nice mob, I am not quite sure your reason for removing them... Status: Clarify.

Remove - Mob, Spider Jockie.

Since mobs are being confined to underground dungeons in future updates, this is just removing good content. Status: Personal Disagreement.

Remove - Mob, Snow Golem.

I agree. A fantastical snow generator mod such as this has no place in TFC. Status: Approved

Remove - Mob, Iron Golem.

There is zero point to this as villages are disabled and you can't craft iron golems. This will only create issues. Status: Redundent

Remove - Item, Fire Charge.

You cannot access the nether, there is no way to obtain fire charges. Status: Redundent

Remove - Item, Mushroom Stew.

Sssshhhhh, Bioxx has overlooked this ;). In all seriousness though, agreed. Status: Approved

Tweak - Rocks are Colored, dependant on the Rock type. If its an ore, its coloring is that of the rock that would spawn there if it wasent an ore.

Erm, I don't understand this one. It appears to already be in game...Status:Clarify

Tweak - Change Reed icon, It doesnt fit TFC.

This is personal opinion. I and many others don't see any issues. Don't fix what isn't broken. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Obsidian is no longer created in its old form, Obsidian can now Spawn ontop of lava. It looks like a Stone but with a Obsidian Skin.

Need I say it?Status: Suggested.

Tweak - Right clicking while holding a book will open the Book and Quill menu, If you do not have a Ink Well that is full of ink as well as a Feather the menu will not open. For every letter it takes 1 durability from the ink well.

Not a bad idea, this gives Ink a reoccurring use... It would require adding a more believable and balanced way of gathering/crafting Ink though. Status: Approved.

Tweak - When you place a Sign it doesnt instantly open the menu it just places the sign. Right clicking a sign, you can open its menu assuming you have a Ink well and feather. For every letter it akes 3 durability from the ink well.

Not a bad Idea either! Status: Approved.

Tweak - Theres a new mode for the Chisel called Hieroglyph mode, In this mode if you have a Hammer in your inventory you can write on rock like you can on a sign.

This is a great idea, but it sounds complicated coding wise and hardly qualifies as a Tweak. Status: Major Idea, needs dedicated thread.

Tweak - Skeletons no longer spawn underground.

I am assuming this goes hand and hand with you wither skeleton idea... As is, that is the ONLY place they are planned to spawn. In their dungeon. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Wither Skeletons spawn underground now. Wither Skeletons have a Bow in their hand and Sword on their back. If your too far they will long range you with their bow, This cannot apply wither. If you are within 10 blocks of the Skeleton he will swap to his sword and slowly walk towards you, If you are within 8 blocks he will rush you.

I like this idea a lot, it sounds like a much better skele. Just as long as it's confined to it's dungeon. This is hardly a tweak though. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

Tweak - If a Creeper is following you and is within 3 blocks of you they will start to blow them selves up. If a creeper falls far he will blow up when he hits the ground instead of just dieing. If you look a Creeper in the eyes he will charge you. Creepers will avoid water but if theres no other way to get you they will go into it.

All good ideas. Status: Approved.

Tweak - If a Skeleton is following you and he hasent been within your screen yet he will get up to 5 blocks close to you before attacking, if he gets in your vision while hes walking up he will attack you. If a Skeleton is about to die the speed his fire rate with his bow will increase.

Goes in with your wither skeleton idea, not a tweak. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

Tweak - Mobs will attack Animals. Mobs will not attack Wolves or Squids.

Mobs are going to be confined to dungeons so this is pointless. Planned wild animals attacking your livestock is plausible, but also already suggested and taken into account by Dunk. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Silverfish can be found in caves as well as Stone while mining rarely (not as rare as normal minecraft) when stone with Silverfish in it is broken it can spawn from 3 to 20 silverfish.

getting tired of saying this, vanilla mobs have no place in TFC other than dungeons. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Spiders will only spawn at a certain highet and below it will only be Cave Spiders.

DUNGEONS! HULK! ARRRRRGH!!! Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Squids are now Neutral until approched where they will attack you and stick to you constantly doing damage until you kill it (Think metroids stuck to your chest).

Very good idea, I like it, but again not a Tweak. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

Tweak - Pigs no longer turn into Zombie Pigmen if struck by lightning.

I fail to see the point here... Have you ever actually seen this happen?Status: Clarify.

Tweak - Bats now spawn in Caves and Ravines. Bats are not agressive but annoying and can do damage while swarming around in the cave after being disturbed. 9 times out of 10 Bats will spawn in their Sleep State hanging upside-down on the ceiling. You can disturb them by just getting close to them.

Exceptional Idea, really well though out, but not a tweak. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

Tweak - Flower Pot is renamed to Planter.

sounds like a personal problem... Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Right clicking while not looking at a Block you can eat Sugar Cane.

Erm, eating raw sugar cane? I can see using refined auger as a meal ingredient... But this? Ehhhh. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Reeds are renamed to Sugar Cane.

They used to be called reeds, but they are now sugarcane... DOH! Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Stews and Meals should if cooked too hot

Should what? Looks like you forgot a word there ;). If you mean burn, then yes. Status: Approved.

Tweak - Right clicking with Ingots now allows you to place a Stack of Ingots, They work exactly like Log Piles and have a Maximum stack of 8 in each Slot instead of 4. The pile is Textured to Reflect what kind of ingot it is.

Suggested. Then approved by Dunk. Status: Suggested.

Tweak - Mushrooms should be edible. Red Mushrooms should be poisonous.

seems legit, the red mushroom client resemble quite a few nasty mushrooms. And the brown would make a good ingredient.Status: Approved.

Tweak - Beds would be colored dependant on the wool used to make them.

not particularly interesting, but seems legit. Status: Approved.

Tweak - You cannot mix and match wool to make Beds.

Status: Approved

Tweak - Beds can be stacked on top of eachother, the legs of the upper bed will extend down and the lower beds will extend up so it looks like a bunk bed.

seems like a lot of work for a pointless change... Status: Personal disagreement.

Tweak - You get out of beds next to them instead of on top of them on the Nearest Ground.

Sounds like a pointless nitpick to me. Status: Redundent.

Tweak - When Chiseling wood with any mode it will drop Soft Bark and Hard Bark.

and do what with the bark? Incomplete! Status: Redundent.

Tweak - Armor and Tools can be made out of All materials but some Armors and Tools are horrible and useless.

suggested and sort of rejected... Status: Suggested.

Tweak - Plate Armor is now able to be Made out of all of the Armors.

Tweak - Chain Mail is now able to be Made out of all of the Armors.

Tweak - Studded Leather Armor is now able to be Made, It can have every kind of Metal as Studs.

Grouping these together, all suggested and not tweaks! Status: Suggested.

New Block - Barrel, You can store up to 8 buckets of any 1 liquid in a Barrel. Right clicking on it will open its interface unless you have a bucket in which you will either dump the bucket into the barrel or fill the bucket with the barrels contents (Im leaving this open ended so the creators can use this for Fermenting and Distilling of Alchohol).

Not particularly special, but not bad either. Status: Approved.

New Block - Stack of Ingots, This is made by Right clicking with an Ingot. This block if Mined drops its content but breaks instead of dropping it self.

you already posted this up the thread and as I said, been suggested. Status: Redundent.

New Block - Glowing Mushroom, Produces a small amount of light, the same amount that redstone produces.

Status: Suggested.

New Block - Scaffolding, A new Climbable block that can be broken quickly and doesnt require much resources to make.

Sounds cool to me, needs more depth though, add onto it, what would it be made of?Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

New Block - Quick Sand, This can be found rarely in Deserts. Quick Sand can be seen slightly since it has two distinguishing features, 1. Its 1 pixel shorter than other blocks, 2. its texture is slightly diffrent but nearly unnoticable. You can barely move in Quick Sand and the more you move around the faster you go into it.

like it! Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

New Block - Anchor, Used to Hold Ropes from every direction except up.

You needs to say more about this. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

New Item - Ink Well, Ink Wells are used for writing.

This should have been grouped in with your writing/sighn suggestion. Status: Redundent.

New Item - Clay Chunk, This is created by putting 4 clay into the crafting table.

New Item - Clay Brick, Clay Bricks are unfired Bricks. Bricks are used to make Brick blocks.

New Item - Clay Planter, Clay Planters are unfired Planters.

Grouping these together Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

New Item - Page, You can find Pages in dungeons and rarely from zombies upon death. If you put a book and a page into the crafting table it will add its information to your book. Pages can have Pictures, Players cannot place pictures but they can delete them if you edit the page. There is 100's of Unique Pages, You can only get 1 of Each Page. Each page has Information releated to the mod that can help you and even teach you things you dident know. Pages are Extremely Rare and are a 1 in 100 Chance. You cannot get more than 1 Page every 2 days.

cool idea. Status: Major idea, needs dedicated thread.

New Item - Spoon, Used for Stews.

Status: Approved

New Item - Leaf, These are Leaves are dropped by the Leaves Block. These can be used as Fuel for a Fire but they burn up very quickly and cannot be used to smelt.

think about what you just said... Leaves are tinder not fuel, this is pointless anyways because the leaves would be wet. Status: Redundent.

New Item - Hemp Seeds, This would be used to grow hemp. Hemp is used in the Creation of Rope and many other things.

New Item - Hemp Fibers, This would be used to make Rope and other things.

New Item - Rope, This is made of Hemp Fibers. Acts as a 4 way ladder, Each length of rope counts as 5 blocks and if you have it touch the ground before 5 blocks it will have a coil of rope at the bottem. Can be tied to Rock, Stalagmites and Stalagtites as well as the Anchor.

Status: Suggested!

New Item - Hard Bark, No idea what it would be used for.

New Item - Soft Bark, An Edible part of the Tree.

Status: Redundent!

New Function - When in a Small Inclosed space with no way for the air to escape, you will slowly run out of air and die from suffication just like being underwater.

Actually a prett good idea. Status: Approved.

New Function - Stews, This would be a Varient of the Meal System just with diffrent Buff Ratios and Effects Hunger and Thirst but mostly Thirst. In order to create a Stew, the player must right click with a Spoon on the top of a non-dirt block and it will create a surface for the player to work on. The player may then add up to 3 ingredients + a bottle of water + a wooden bowl to create the Stew. This system encourages experimentation and the exploitation of many types of food. Once you’ve found a good recipe it will always be the same as long as the seed for your world does not change. Eating a warm stew now provides double the bonus of a cold stew. Just heat it up in a firepit until the temperature says at least warm. Leave it too long and you’ll lose it!

toally for this. It should restore some thirst too. Status: Approved!

New Function - By putting 2 Clay Chunks into the Crafting Table you would open up the Kneeding menu, The Kneeding menu is like the Knapping menu. Most clay things are made in the Kneeding menu including the Clay Mould.

not a bad idea... Needs improvement though, indexing is not removing like knapping, it's shaping. Status: Needs work.


I know not all of them are the best ideas, but these were all made at random times of the day/night so some of them are dilirous ideas.

Ideas I Like:


*GASP!!!* I don't know if I should have undertaken that. Anyways; Approved ideas are proper tweaks and should be applied to the Tiny Tweaks Meta thread, not your personal thread.

The major ideas are all ideas deemed quality. Spend some time creating a individual, WELL THOUGHT OUT, topic for each one. This allows separate ideas to be discussed at different times. A personal ideas thread like this is not allowed. Personal Disagreement is for ideas I thought poor for personal reasons, but I think most will agree with my judgement on these.

Redundent, Suggested, Needs work, & Clarify are all self explanatory...

I deserve a HUGE Kudos for completely taking care of this mess guys... I did this on a fucking IPod.


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What the heck, I have some extra time... *cracks knuckles*

*GASP!!!* I don't know if I should have undertaken that. Anyways; agreed ideas are proper tweaks and should be applied to the Tiny Tweaks Meta thread, not your personal thread.

The major ideas are all ideas deemed quality. Spend some time creating a individual, WELL THOUGHT OUT, topic for each one. This allows separate ideas to be discussed at different times. A personal ideas thread like this is not allowed. Personal Disagreement is for ideas I thought poor for personal reasons, but I think most will agree with my judgement on these.

Redundent, Suggested, Needs work, & Clarify are all self explanatory...

Also just for fun;

Agreed count:

Redundent count:

Major Idea count:

Suggested count:

Personal Disagreement count:

Clarify Count:

Needs work count: 1

TREYFLIX!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!! You forgot about the How old do you think I am? thread. Was it meant to actually be answered but you forgot or were you trying to troll all of us? Please answer I HAVE to know.


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Also just for fun;

Approved count: 14

Redundent count: 15

Major Idea count: 10

Suggested count: 6

Personal Disagreement count: 2

Clarify Count: 4

Needs work count: 1

So you have 14 tweaks to be applied to the Tiny Tweaks thread & 10 Major Ideas that need to be made into dedicated treads. Plus 4 ideas that need clarifying.

Edit: @Kimble; it's good to know I was missed :). I was gone for two weeks on business. Oh shit I totally forgot about that, I'll go see to that!


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Also just for fun;

Approved count: 14

Redundent count: 15

Major Idea count:

Suggested count:

Personal Disagreement count:

Clarify Count:

Needs work count: 1

Edit: @Kimble; it's good to know I was missed :). I was gone for two weeks on business. Oh shit I totally forgot about that, I'll go see to that!

It has been brutally derailed into a thread for posting our copyrights. Also, you missed my transformation in to the ALL-SEEING-EYE!!!!!!!!! (Look 2 my prof pic and member title. :) )


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It has been brutally derailed into a thread for posting our copyrights. Also, you missed my transformation in to the ALL-SEEING-EYE!!!!!!!!! (Look 2 my prof pic and member title. :) )

On a iPod so I can't look at your title, but that's cool :D. Looks like I have to go edit my location and finally tell everyone that I'm just a boring American :/... I consider myself Norwegian by principle and blood...


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Did you use the search engine on the forums? Many things that you suggested have already been said or shotdown.

Remove? No, if there is no good reason, they won't be removed, there was another guy here posting things like that... He disappeared.

Heh. He's sleeping with the fish....


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Im here, Im just monitoring the thread. I will remove redundancies and make it not like a change log in the future. Please stop derailing the thread though.


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That's a tall order. Especially when your OP is so long with so many different ideas (many of them already in the game, or discussed in the past) that we can't possibly have a decent discussion about any particular one of them.


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Scaffolding, Ink wells, More clay, and pages have all been suggest previously as well. Don't ask to not get derailed, we have all tried to prevent it but you must understand this is the internet not a boot camp things simply won't stay organized no matter what you do.


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Im here, Im just monitoring the thread. I will remove redundancies and make it not like a change log in the future. Please stop derailing the thread though.

Much appreciated. However I am still of the opinion you should

1: Take all 14 of the Approved tweaks and submit them to the Tiny Tweaks meta thread were they belong

2: Make well written posts for each of your 10 Major Ideas. They are all very good and deserve their own thread to be discussed and approved/disapproved by Devs. Trying to condense them into your own personal thread is frowned upon and frankly lazy.

3: Clear up your Clarify's and Needs Work's.

4: scrap your Redundents and Suggested's.

5: Possibly debate the two Personal Disagreement's.

6: once resolved, scrap the thread.

Edit: Bsb23 is right, those have been suggested. That brings it down to 6 Major Ideas.

I don't think I ever saw the inkwells idea posted, care to link it BsB?


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Much appreciated. However I am still of the opinion you should

1: Take all 14 of the Approved tweaks and submit them to the Tiny Tweaks meta thread were they belong

2: Make well written posts for each of your 10 Major Ideas. They are all very good and deserve their own thread to be discussed and approved/disapproved by Devs. Trying to condense them into your own personal thread is frowned upon and frankly lazy.

3: Clear up your Clarify's and Needs Work's.

4: scrap your Redundents and Suggested's.

5: Possibly debate the two Personal Disagreement's.

6: once resolved, scrap the thread.

Edit: Bsb23 is right, those have been suggested. That brings it down to 6 Major Ideas.

I don't think I ever saw the inkwells idea posted, care to link it BsB?

I will do as such, And police stating things is what ive done in the past and always will do. I wont go to the point of acting like a moderator but I will every time the thread gets derailed try to get it back on track.

Topic Edited Slightly, I removed Ideas deemed redunant and ones i just dident like after reading over it again. Thing is I copy and pasted this from my TFC_Ideas.txt so I had no idea what was in it, I just decided to throw it onto the internet.


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I looked through things again, you are right ink wells have never been discussed although ink has a lot. My bad. And after another sweep I believe I have found quicksand as well.


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I looked through things again, you are right ink wells have never been discussed although ink has a lot. My bad. And after another sweep I believe I have found quicksand as well.

Wasn't quicksand in the environment dangers thread, or one named like that? I'm pretty sure it was posted before...

Yes, i'm back : it takes Treyflix's return to make me post here.


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I like many things in your post.

the one i like the most though is the suffocation function!

no longer would the player be able to simply dig into the ground and wait there until the sun comes up again. which is one of the many things i think Vanilla lacks. the true fear of the night is easily overcome if you but carry a simple shovel!

I'm not aware of any mods that have done something like this before though so i don't really know how Bioxx would make something like this happen! it sounds complicated.


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I think in english they say Oops, Ups is a company.


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