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Water source improvement

14 posts in this topic

So we have a water source and a finite water.

Finite water is great, but how about turning the water source into an actual source?

Here is how the new water source should work:

instead of awkwardly spreading the ?semi-finite? water in 7 blocks range that never fills anything and never stop either,

make the water source to constantly fill any adjacent air (or non solid) blocks with finite water. (under the source and on the sides)

So for example you can dig a poll near a water source, then connect it to the water source via some channel, and then you can sit back and watch your poll slowly filling with finite water.

What do you think?

The change is not big either

Don't you want to find a water source on top of a mountain and flood the whole island :D


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sure, it seems nice enough, until you walk into a flood due to your mountains becoming one big watery grave ;) the limit was there for a reason, else we'd be using gills already


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sure, it seems nice enough, until you walk into a flood due to your mountains becoming one big watery grave ;) the limit was there for a reason, else we'd be using gills already

The problem is that it's always covered, so unless you release it..

Also I never seen water about sea level.. is there?

Also don't forget that finite water can enter water source and disappear (into the sea for example), and since it seeks for the shortest way down, you will get a nice river going into the sea ;)


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The problem is that it's always covered, so unless you release it..

more interesting, and how would one go about finding regular water? remember, if you have even 1 opening in your source, it'd flood non stop from that opening ;)


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The problem is that it's always covered, so unless you release it..

Also I never seen water about sea level.. is there?

Also don't forget that finite water can enter water source and disappear (into the sea for example), and since it seeks for the shortest way down, you will get a nice river going into the sea ;)

I'm guessing you mean above sea level? In real life there are lakes up on mountains near my cabin, but that's probably not what you mean. I actually haven't seen water above sea level in TFC which is odd and should be changed IMHO.

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You didn't happen to see the tsunami video of Crysyn's? It was from some early tests with finite water and a similar mechanic. If there is a water source somewhere high up, your entire world fills with water.


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more interesting, and how would one go about finding regular water? remember, if you have even 1 opening in your source, it'd flood non stop from that opening ;)

why? only to the sides and below it and only if it's not full already, so if the sides are full it wont fill it more.. (you should guess it btw)

You didn't happen to see the tsunami video of Crysyn's? It was from some early tests with finite water and a similar mechanic. If there is a water source somewhere high up, your entire world fills with water.

Not from what I can tell, can you give a link?

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Dunk: Links or it didnt happen. I want toseeeeeeeee

Vlad: I am not sure changing water into source blocks is exactly 'TFC.' Finite water were artificially added to bring some believability(and shut up a group of 'realists' I think) into water mechanics.


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The idea is to avoid this awkward finite-infinite streams cut offs:

like this - http-~~-// 0:50

Dunk: Links or it didnt happen. I want toseeeeeeeee

Vlad: I am not sure changing water into source blocks is exactly 'TFC.' Finite water were artificially added to bring some believability(and shut up a group of 'realists' I think) into water mechanics.

Can't say what is TFC and what is not, but the idea sound nice.


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I actually like this idea.

It would work perfectly with the sluice, now we just assume that it sinks into the ground I guess... But with the feature of the video above we would need to actually dig reservoirs for the water to flow to, or otherwise it would overflow the suilce.


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With the way sluices work now, won't fly at all. There won't be such thing as cut of the flow, where you supposed to put sluice.

But I like this idea, actually. We just need rule for waterspread that prevents tsunamies. I can even propose a couple:

- finite water fills top side of surface composed of the solid blocks;

- full finite water blocks considered solid by finite water flow;

- if there is non-solid block underneath finite water - it moves only down, not sideways;

- infinite water block considered non-solid and adsorbs any finite water from the top of it;

- infinite source block spawns finite water slower than water update tick happens to prevent "fake solid water blocks".

And sluices should act like infinite source blocks when powered.


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That's the point. To change the way sluices work.


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A few rules for finite Water spreading from source blocks:

-Every generated block is a source block.

-Source Block are created by vanilla rules (two adjacent source blocks)

-Finite water slowly dries up if not connected to a water source that's above or on the same level. Speed depends on the blocks it's placed on. Vanishes Quite quickly on things like dirt, sand,gravel. Slightly slower on cobble. Lasts quite some time if placed on Smooth Stone (raw or smoothed)

-Finite water can't grow higher than the source block it's coming from.

Those would actually be enough to make really cool finite water things as well as making it believable. Only problem would be sluices. With the "Water never raises above it's source block" you at least couldn't totaly overflow the sluice area.


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You didn't happen to see the tsunami video of Crysyn's? It was from some early tests with finite water and a similar mechanic. If there is a water source somewhere high up, your entire world fills with water.

then it clearly wasn't finite :P


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