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TFC spawn chest

49 posts in this topic

This argument is sound. That is all.

Sound argument true. I don't like it though. There are plenty of guides on what to do outside of TFC, I'd rather like to keep it that way. I just don't want TFC to have the option to pussy out. It certainly wouldn't fit with the theme we're trying to push (you told me yourself Bioxx that you want players to try to AVOID combat, I think that sets a tone for the game that goes against this helping hand. It's like giving a kid a free ice cream and then slapping them in the face)

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It's like giving a kid a free ice cream and then slapping them in the face.

Awww come on dunk, now you made me vote for this option, cause that sounds funny.


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The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.

I dunno Dunk... I agree; I dislike the idea too but only in that it seems a bit unnecessary to me personally, not really offering much (except a chance to survive when you happen to spawn in the middle of a giant desert). But like it or not, you and Bioxx have not created a mod that is believable in the context of being a caveman. We could role play ourselves as cave people to dumb our knowledge down... but that would be highly artificial and this isn't supposed to be an RPG either, right?

So either we are a contemporary human with contemporary basic knowledge of geology, metallurgy, and agriculture enough to identify rocks and metal ores and know how to build a house in a matter of a few months but resource strapped without civilisation, or we're a pre-civ and we shouldn't know how to do any of that stuff (which could be easily coded in to maintain the believability of a pre-civ player). It would be equally fun with either design style... but that choice appears to have already been made - and not by us.

I understand... it's about balance of fun and believability, but the mod as you both have presented it to us is just as fun and even more believable when you imagine yourself to be crash-landed on a remote planet or some such thing.


I wrote a huge long post with a cool-seeming idea that is a direct result of what I've said here, but I have reluctantly removed it because I realised I was hijacking ECC's thread with a completely different idea. I'm presently moving it to a new thread and will link to that thread here when done cleaning it up. Please don't reply to this post without having read the other idea, because I feel what I've said here will not be understood the same without knowing where the rest of the thought went.

*a while later...*

Here's the post that continues the thought.


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well, once the mainstream bomb hits and we get an INFLUX of new people, there needs to be a very obvious way of guiding them through their first steps, perhaps move some guides onto a mainpage section called guides?

also, a spawnchest with SOME TFC items could work out fine as long as it isnt anything you can live LONG off, just enough for your first 2 days tops.


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well, once the mainstream bomb hits and we get an INFLUX of new people, there needs to be a very obvious way of guiding them through their first steps, perhaps move some guides onto a mainpage section called guides?

also, a spawnchest with SOME TFC items could work out fine as long as it isnt anything you can live LONG off, just enough for your first 2 days tops.

Spawn chest with a couple sticks, maybe some rocks and a book explaining what to do with them is about as far as I'd go. And not a chest either, those are too valuable. We need a smaller container that seems more ancient.

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dunk, a caveman way of securing items was a amount of rocks placed in such a way you could put stuff inside without wild animals getting to it, but it still being visible to humans, perhaps make a chiseled stone figure (dont ask me to, i suck with them :D) with the items in a Gui, only for the spawn chest, covered by any form of breakable block (not dirt) that'd make it stand out to humans.

also, dont plant it really close to the player either, make them find it on their own, so that they could actually miss it, even if they activated it :D


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dunk, a caveman way of securing items was a amount of rocks placed in such a way you could put stuff inside without wild animals getting to it, but it still being visible to humans, perhaps make a chiseled stone figure (dont ask me to, i suck with them :D) with the items in a Gui, only for the spawn chest, covered by any form of breakable block (not dirt) that'd make it stand out to humans.

also, dont plant it really close to the player either, make them find it on their own, so that they could actually miss it, even if they activated it :D

The thing about "cavemen" is that that specifies a HUGE time period. Modern humans arguably evolved roughly 200k years ago. I think there's evidence of arrows from 70k years ago, but the first settlements are much more recent, probably 10-12k years ago. I know Gobekli Tepe is 12000 years old, but there is evidence that that was built by nomads. I think TFC tries to establish itself right around that time, when humans were first developing agriculture, so i don't think that ceramics are too far out of the question.

I'd like to move away from wood. Keep that to the more modern era. You don't see ancient huts made from planks lol. I'd like to have clay generate more abundantly and get clay and ceramic to be more prominant, force the player into clay and mud huts, maybe with more ceramic storage containers that are smaller.


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dunk, you just responded to yourself ;) not sure if that was intentional, but like i said, there is a stone/clay made minicave with items inside that the ancient caveman used (cant remember the name) its from my book series based on archeological finds

by the way, with caveman i mean the Cro-Magnon cavemen, around the last ice age


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dunk, you just responded to yourself ;) not sure if that was intentional, but like i said, there is a stone/clay made minicave with items inside that the ancient caveman used (cant remember the name) its from my book series based on archeological finds

what are you talking about?

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ARRG, the double posts buuur- Waiiiit... DUNK DID THIS?

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ARRG, the double posts buuur- Waiiiit... DUNK DID THIS?

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still don't know what you're talking about.

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wait, you all changed the spawn chest to actually contain TFC items?(like I said, I have NEVER used the option. EVER)

did not actually know. personally when I saw it being implemented it came to thought 'perhaps a tutorial would fit in its place' because when I first started VMC it was like how when I started TFC. did. not. know. diddly. crap.

spanzer actually has a point over a starting manual here, as that would allow people to rely on an in game resource rather then focus on the external and very much not offline compatible wiki.

yes, I get the game is for the hardcore of us..... but in order to continue with a renewable member base putting a few things in to power the newbies into playing is what is needed.

Which was the exact reason I asked for an offline wiki and for some reason got shot down for it.

Edit: Yes social suicide, I'm bringing this back up.


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Which was the exact reason I asked for an offline wiki and for some reason got shot down for it.

Edit: Yes social suicide, I'm bringing this back up.

there is a wiki and everyone thats capable of accessing the forums or multiplayer has access to the mod, if one needs to go offline and play singleplayer, take notes or print a page ;)


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there is a wiki and everyone thats capable of accessing the forums or multiplayer has access to the mod, if one needs to go offline and play singleplayer, take notes or print a page ;)

But that takes to much time and can get lost, ruined, or can get stained by my coffee. Haha. My point is I don't have the time to print it all off. And at that it is constantly changing and will not stop for a very, very, long time.

Edit: I don't even drink coffee. just a point though :D


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But that takes to much time and can get lost, ruined, or can get stained by my coffee. Haha. My point is I don't have the time to print it all off. And at that it is constantly changing and will not stop for a very, very, long time.

Edit: I don't even drink coffee. just a point though :D

you selfish son of a ! You don't have 5 minutes to print something off so you want the TWO programmers for this mod to stop everything and spend HOURS bug testing and developing a new feature.

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you selfish son of a ! You don't have 5 minutes to print something off so you want the TWO programmers for this mod to stop everything and spend HOURS bug testing and developing a new feature.

Oooh ok calm now. He did not behave least send him a pm.

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you selfish son of a ! You don't have 5 minutes to print something off so you want the TWO programmers for this mod to stop everything and spend HOURS bug testing and developing a new feature.

That was not what I was asking, I am sorry if that's what came across. In my original post (other topic) I was asking if maybe a third party might be able to do so. I understand and really appreciate the work you both are putting into this, I love it, and have been an avid supporter outside of the forums (IRL) for a decent amount of time now. I'm truly sorry if I came off like you said, but that wasn't what I meant.

Edit: I was also considering looking into doing this myself if I was able to get a hold of the resources.


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That was not what I was asking, I am sorry if that's what came across. In my original post (other topic) I was asking if maybe a third party might be able to do so. I understand and really appreciate the work you both are putting into this, I love it, and have been an avid supporter outside of the forums (IRL) for a decent amount of time now. I'm truly sorry if I came off like you said, but that wasn't what I meant.

Edit: I was also considering looking into doing this myself if I was able to get a hold of the resources.

Bioxx has a strict "no more coders" policy. I'm apparently a special breed as I can work with him.

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Bioxx has a strict "no more coders" policy. I'm apparently a special breed as I can work with him.

I wasn't asking them to specifically join the team, I was wondering If they would make an unofficial manual (like the ones for minecraft) that are done completely separate from the devs. Unfortunately I can't afford the Developers software needed to create such things so my dream just died in a blazing fire.

Again I'm sorry if I misspoke, and I hope you have a good night.


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I wasn't asking them to specifically join the team, I was wondering If they would make an unofficial manual (like the ones for minecraft) that are done completely separate from the devs. Unfortunately I can't afford the Developers software needed to create such things so my dream just died in a blazing fire.

What?... I'm sorry... WHAT Developers software? If you're talking about coding everything is free...


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What?... I'm sorry... WHAT Developers software? If you're talking about coding everything is free...

Yes but my post was to create an app for say a mobile device like the iPhone, and in order to do this you have to have a developer pass.

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No matter what way its looked at there are a great number of artificial walls the community as a whole has set up. I am one of the few in here entirely for addons and mods of any kind and a number of support programs all dedicated to one of my favorite games. I believe that in order to continue to survive the gamescape as it is now as apposed to 20 years ago, developers and users alike must be willing to adapt and work together. Modding communities are springing up throughout the web because of this adaptation becoming more and more sanctioned. thease communities are often tight knit and can last years after the core game or games have fallen. I often sit in the IRC now and talk with everyone. I have realized that TFC has little to no future beyond when the updates stop flowing if the community as a whole can not come to allow the necessary adaptation. I understand the reasoning behind a no unofficial development policy, however I feel this ideal should soon come to close even before the beta ends. Perhaps if we take to your code we can start showing you our ideas instead of talking them.

We can do a lot, we just need permission.


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