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SMP: Prisons

36 posts in this topic

player to player if I kill you you can come back and kill me. Player to greifer if I kill you you get locked in a jail cell until someone gets you out. Im a greifer and so are my buddies and guess what... we are camping at the prison and you cant get broken out because anyone that tries dies and looses their awesome diamond level gear.

all I see in this idea is the ultimate greifer tool.


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player to player if I kill you you can come back and kill me. Player to greifer if I kill you you get locked in a jail cell until someone gets you out. Im a greifer and so are my buddies and guess what... we are camping at the prison and you cant get broken out because anyone that tries dies and looses their awesome diamond level gear.

all I see in this idea is the ultimate greifer tool.

if the griefer infestation ever gets THAT bad, where there are more of them than the regular players, then you're going to need moderators to ban them all anyway.

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Yeah, I agree. If your server has such a griefing problem, Id try whitelisting a little more conservatively. Furthermore, you cant leave out potentially good features out of fear of something that might happen on some servers.


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I know that's all you see, you've stated that, but that's not what has happened on Civcraft, the only server I've seen attempt this.

Griefing isn't against the rules, nobody is banned except for hacks and people still manage to play in a world not overrun by griefers.

For one reason, griefers don't cooperate with anyone for long, they'll piss eachother off kill eachother, take care of themselves, then there are the players willing to rescue you, it's almost impossible to NOT find one if you've been captured without reason.

So, your gut feeling is against the only experience I've had with the idea.

If we had some other people with experiences it'd be nice to see how they differ. But from what I've actually experienced you're just straight wrong.


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It's called anarchy =P there is ways to fix it and if you are ruled or overshadowed by an extremely powerful "greifer" that is called a tyranny. Our object here is to prevent greifers from logging on buying flint and steel, then torching a forest, then logging off while discouraged we shouldn't prevent them from working rigorously to create a malevolent empire if they are that good they deserve to be in power.


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There are already a lot of good strategies to prevent griefing. And the most effective is the auto-save. With this you can ban the griefer and reload the safe save. All will be like if nothing was happened.


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'if the griefer infestation ever gets THAT bad'

obviously your under the idea that all greifers work alone. I know a few greifer teams and they can be VERY organized in an attack taking a solid week to prepare for a full out assault.

look, if this idea is all that great to you, make a plugin when development leaves beta and go for it for your own server. I do not agree with such an obviously flawed system. This system is great irl, but on a game where death means literally nothing it has no effect.

the system you continue to push for is not a system all servers could want and putting it in the core game can and will push players away.


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Is an obviously flawed idea obviously flawed when in practice it works flawlessly? Or do you have experience you haven't mentioned?

There are already a lot of good strategies to prevent griefing. And the most effective is the auto-save. With this you can ban the griefer and reload the safe save. All will be like if nothing was happened.

That method does literally nothing to prevent griefing, helps recover from it, but it won't stop them if they just come onto a server to grief.


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+1 prison pearl.

I'm going to have to agree with renadi, the system works with one of the most fleshed out, popular, and populated servers. TFC's problem is that the playerbase isn't that big, and probably won't be TBH.

When you have 90-130 active players at any given time, then you could get some results from meta-game avenues. If no one is there to save you, then you are stuck in the end.

All this is irrelevant, unless TFC becomes compatible with bukkit, or they write their own similar system.


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Well, I think that's what this thread was supposed to do, convince them to.. do something.

Dunk's specifically said lasso's wouldn't be useable on other players, but I think that's probably something that could be changed.

Judging the Minecraft community by the forums or youtube one would think Civcraft was pretty niche but they've managed to do quite well. I'm sure primarily by having one main server. But I imagine there are a ton of people looking for TFC that just have no clue it exists.

They proposed a test of TFC until someone mentioned that it wasn't compatible with bukkit, which I don't think is coming >_<


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renadi, thats why we have youtubers such as Spumwack spreading the word :D


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