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You cant skip the night

45 posts in this topic

Hi, this is a topic i would like to discuss, we all know the main goal of TFC is make the game a lot more challenging and realistic, so far Bioxx have done a great job but i still think there are some things that need ironing...

There are a lot of dangers in the wilds specially in the night so the main objetive of a real caveman should be finding a shelter to protect himselft for danger, but now people just run quickly to find a few sheeps and build a bed to "skip the night" in real life you can't just sleep in the middle of a forest and safely wake up... so i have a few suggest to avoid this practice

1.-Changing the recipe of the beds to make them need metals: this would prevent you for skipping at least a few nights in early game

2.-Change the conditions to sleep so you cant be below leaves, stone,dirt,grass or in a direct line to the sky, that way you must at least build a house to be able to sleep

3.-Simulating the environment while sleeping: This is the most appealing but also the hardest to something like the mod Insomnia, so when you sleep at night the world will be simulated until dawn (at high speed) so if you are outside there is a change to being kited by a Zombie or skeleton and forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night

4.-Debuff for sleeping outside: So its ok, you can skip the night, but if you are outside you will wake up with weakness and slowness for a few minutes

what you guys think?


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Hi, this is a topic i would like to discuss, we all know the main goal of TFC is make the game a lot more challenging and realistic, so far Bioxx have done a great job but i still think there are some things that need ironing...

Well, you must remember that the game is still in Beta, and is continuing to add features left and right. And remember, the focus of the game is not realism, but believability. Skeletons and zombies aren't exactly realistic, but they CAN be made believable.

There are a lot of dangers in the wilds specially in the night so the main objetive of a real caveman should be finding a shelter to protect himselft for danger, but now people just run quickly to find a few sheeps and build a bed to "skip the night" in real life you can't just sleep in the middle of a forest and safely wake up... so i have a few suggest to avoid this practice

1.-Changing the recipe of the beds to make them need metals: this would prevent you for skipping at least a few nights in early game

I wouldn't say to go as far as to require metal. That would mean you would have to skip many, many nights. Metal isn't easy to get you know. I would something more like first a fur cot (pile of furs), then a simple mattress (fur and wool), then a full bed. I know Dunk and Bioxx are somewhat for this idea, at least according to the posts I've seen. Each bed would give debuffs such as weakness or slowness for a couple minutes after waking up. I mean, a full mattress bed is obviously going to be more comfortable, and cause much less pain than a fur pile.

2.-Change the conditions to sleep so you cant be below leaves, stone,dirt,grass or in a direct line to the sky, that way you must at least build a house to be able to sleep.

Hmm, this is a bit tricky because it means that the only thing you can really build a house out of is wood, or wood related. Also, your idea doesn't exactly prevent the problem I think you are trying to address. I am pretty sure you are saying you shouldn't be able to dig a hole and just sleep easily. Well, by your current conditions, I could just dig a hole, place some wood over it, place my bed, and sleep.

3.-Simulating the environment while sleeping: This is the most appealing but also the hardest to something like the mod Insomnia, so when you sleep at night the world will be simulated until dawn (at high speed) so if you are outside there is a change to being kited by a Zombie or skeleton and forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night

4.-Debuff for sleeping outside: So its ok, you can skip the night, but if you are outside you will wake up with weakness and slowness for a few minutes

My question, why? I mean, it works to prevent the night problem, but you can't just go around suggesting random debuffs. Read the debuff thing I wrote in the response to 1)

what you guys think?


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well, in my humble opinion, i do think the night skipping should be worked, the debuffs itself would be related to the type of bed like kimbble suggested, and the simulation of mobs should continue, it should just hit a fast forward, however what i have not seen yet, how do you address the same situation in an SMP server where you are miles apart, i fear this would cause immensive lag


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1.-Changing the recipe of the beds to make them need metals: this would prevent you for skipping at least a few nights in early game

Kimb said enough in this part, but a bed can be made of wood. Why do you want to postpone the creation of a bed? It's not a good idea. This can be very annoying because before you get your metal a lot of days needs to pass.

2.-Change the conditions to sleep so you cant be below leaves, stone,dirt,grass or in a direct line to the sky, that way you must at least build a house to be able to sleep

This isn't believable. Why limit where a player can sleep? I would say that a player could even sleep on a plant, but then he falls instead of saying "You can't sleep on plants". Whith this I mean that you can sleep where you want, but if it isn't a safe place, had to be more careful.

3.-Simulating the environment while sleeping: This is the most appealing but also the hardest to something like the mod Insomnia, so when you sleep at night the world will be simulated until dawn (at high speed) so if you are outside there is a change to being kited by a Zombie or skeleton and forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night

Yeah, this is a good part, because if this would be implemented, it would be more believable. And it's also a good idea. This can be applied to the 2nd point. If you sleep outside, you will probably be killed by a nice creeper. Or if you go to sleep on a ceil of a cave, during the night it may fall and kill you.

4.-Debuff for sleeping outside: So its ok, you can skip the night, but if you are outside you will wake up with weakness and slowness for a few minutes

This depends on which bed you use to sleep, then apply this to the first point.

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Thanx for the quick answers =)

well, in my humble opinion, i do think the night skipping should be worked, the debuffs itself would be related to the type of bed like kimbble suggested, and the simulation of mobs should continue, it should just hit a fast forward, however what i have not seen yet, how do you address the same situation in an SMP server where you are miles apart, i fear this would cause immensive lag

i guess would happen like in most cant skip the night because everybody needs to be in the bed at the same time... so in big servers you simply cant sleep


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Wait, you can sleep outside without being woken up?


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Wait, you can sleep outside without being woken up?

Yes if you have a bed and there aren't mobs. This is possible, but very difficult to do :)

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Wait, you can sleep outside without being woken up?

Yes, just doesn't happen that often, as mobs could attack you. However, there is always the chance it wont. :)

EDIT: Wolf <_< , you ninja


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I vote for #3


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I vote for #3

Yes, this is the best idea there is in the post. :P

EDIT: OMG REALLY? Got ninjaed by wolf again with his feel like a ninja pic. <_<


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Yes, this is the best idea there is in the post. :P/>

EDIT: OMG REALLY? Got ninjaed by wolf again with his feel like a ninja pic. <_</>

Overwhelmingly useful post


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Why thank you! *sarcasm* And then again, think of derails. How many posts in the average derail are actually *useful* ?


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The main adversity of this suggestion is how are you to defend yourself against the hostile mobiles? Moving the vanilla hostiles to the underground will partially remedy this problem, as you have to worry about wolves, bears, and all sorts of Reality's predators. Well, I am aware that fire will completely bandage the wounds, but what if it goes out? Can't just simply have a torch forest all over at your nomadic home.


Welcome to the TerraFirmaCraft Forums, Mister Kionashi!


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Can't just simply have a torch forest all over at your nomadic home.

But you can turn a forest into a group of giant torches, by running around with flint and steel :3


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But you can turn a forest into a group of giant torches, by running around with flint and steel :3

You can do that, but there is an extreme chance you will either suffocate from carbon monoxide or the 'giant torches' will burn you alive in your sleep.


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No. This mechanic needs no changes and should never require changes. The bed feature exists to balance the game for new players and allow them to move forward though the early game. No.


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you only really need a bed to change the time if you are new to minecraft in general, not TFC. I doubt there are many people who are not going to play SSP or SMP vanilla for a decent amount of time before playing a game changing mod. I haven't made a bed on my save even though there are sheep available because it is a lot more fun trying to survive, if I had a bed it would be completely unrealistic.

The best option for this mod is to make beds make time go 2x-6x faster or something like this in my opinion. With this you can be attacked while sleeping, which means you have to build an actual shelter to house the bed and yourself for the night. It isn't a free pass to skip the night anymore, it is actually sleeping in the environment that the bed is located it.


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Yeah... we could even take that idea vanilla was going to implement but never did: when you go to bed, you have a chance of appearing in some other dimension, and you have to figure out how to go back to your own dimension. Only here it would be: On day you have to survive in a "normal" world, on night you are left in another different dimension and have to survive there as well. Two completely different games, periodically* moving you from one to the other... sounds good to me :3

EDIT: *strike that, you decide when to go from one to the other :3 much better.


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We thought about that in the wailing thread I even suggested Inception unfortunately it was shot down.


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I vote for 3 as well

It is false difficulty to make someone wait out the night, as you generally just go afk inside a hole.


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I disagree completely.

I would never consider afking inside a hole.


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Well, either you afk, or you sit in a hole and stare at the screen for ten minutes.

The goal of a game generally does not involve making you bored 50% of the time.

Edit: Or you actually do something at night, but if you did, then you wouldn't need a bed anyways, so it doesn't matter.


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I don't just sit around, usually, and I think this shows a problem in the game, I go kill monsters, often dying a couple times, I'd rather do anything than take a nap while playing, but I'd also rather do things in daylight just so it's easier to see.

I think the fact that you can easily afk inside a hole though really needs to be addressed, why do we build homes when you can just pop down 7 blocks and a door if we really wanted to be perfectly safe forever.


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I build a home because while 7 blocks and a door will make me safe inside, eventually I want to go outside and tame the world, and it's harder to do when I have to keep an eye out to make sure creepers haven't hidden behind a nearby tree.


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