Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Additional structures

14 posts in this topic

I was thinking that we could use some things to make to assist in the world. One of the primary things I was thinking of is a sawmill. It doesn't necessarily have to have a huge power system, but I was thinking it could be used to make the production of boards more efficient. It'd require a blade to be installed, but this would break less easily, and it'd give you ten boards instead of eight per log.

Another thing I thought could be interesting is a spike pit. It'd be a basic structure to be used if you wanted to have traps to kill mobs around your structures. I was thinking it could primarily be just to kill them, but further than that, maybe it could have an inventory and collect drops from the mobs that died in it, that way you could actually use these traps for a productive purpose.

Larger scale tannery equipment might be nice too. I was thinking in terms of large vats and things of that sort, so that you'd have to have more to be able to produce leather. Mostly, it'd be slightly more efficient as for time.

Windmills and watermills might be a nice feature. I was thinking that they could power a few things, through basic mechanical force (of course, with the need of an axle to connect it to the block being powered. I was thinking that the things we could have is mechanical rails, which would be like booster rails, but mechanically powered, as well as grain mills powered with mechanical force. This wouldn't be the only purpose for the grain mill, to be used for grain, but it's one thing I had thought of. I was also thinking that we could have bellows being powered by the force of a windmill or watermill, that way we could have automated bellows. It'd be functional, and it's easily doable for real, as I can already picture how one might look in real life.

And I'm not sure of anything else. Other suggestions might be nice though.


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the trap is a bit OP, especially given the current moronic ai that'd either completely dodge it, or just leeroy jenkins it. a solution to that would be a BARRIER, (perhaps implemented with arcanum, if thats still in development (bioxxx!!!))

this barrier would block mobs from passing through certain area's, while allowing players to do so (perhaps at a food or health cost for balance?) of course, barriers dont exist forever and mobs could just pile up, potentially causing a MASSIVE breach in town security if it fails (in comes the horde)

as for design: it should be a line on the ground with some sparkly effects on it, (no not red like redstone, i like blue more) they could be crafted from gems, with seperate types of gems giving it seperate effects (5 second speed buff on passage, or a lessened passage cost, or a prolonged durability, etc) (perhaps even make the sparkles colored based on the gems?)

i've given enough for people to work with


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the trap is a bit OP, especially given the current moronic ai that'd either completely dodge it, or just leeroy jenkins it. a solution to that would be a BARRIER, (perhaps implemented with arcanum, if thats still in development (bioxxx!!!))

this barrier would block mobs from passing through certain area's, while allowing players to do so (perhaps at a food or health cost for balance?) of course, barriers dont exist forever and mobs could just pile up, potentially causing a MASSIVE breach in town security if it fails (in comes the horde)

as for design: it should be a line on the ground with some sparkly effects on it, (no not red like redstone, i like blue more) they could be crafted from gems, with seperate types of gems giving it seperate effects (5 second speed buff on passage, or a lessened passage cost, or a prolonged durability, etc) (perhaps even make the sparkles colored based on the gems?)

i've given enough for people to work with

I was just suggesting a cheap method to keep areas safe, really. I thought it made sufficient sense. And anyway, people can camoflauge traps themselves if they want the AI to run right into them anyway.


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I am ALWAYS in support of Multi-blocks.

Especially the tannery.

Eventually when brewing/fermenting is implemented, a large scale option should be available.


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I would really like to see mechanical devices and windmills/watermills implemented into TFC, but about the whole barrier stopping mobs thing, what about the most common and real life defense, walls? they keep mobs out and were what has been mainly used throughout history to keep invaders or enemies out.


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I would really like to see mechanical power implemented into TFC, such as water wheels, windmills, etc.

As for the whole barriers/pits thing why not just use the simplest thing: walls. They are effective against keeping mobs out, and are what people have used in real life to keep enemies and attackers out.


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double post, and walls, unless you have tons of resources and designing power, are ugly as hell. i prefer to have a invisible mob-blocking but NOT player blocking entity, for it would allow PvP to gain a interesting amount of skill too: creeper/skeleton guard traps anyone? :P


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I would really like to see mechanical devices and windmills/watermills implemented into TFC, but about the whole barrier stopping mobs thing, what about the most common and real life defense, walls? they keep mobs out and were what has been mainly used throughout history to keep invaders or enemies out.

My idea wasn't simply for defense, but offense. You'd kill the mobs with the spike trap and be able to retrieve the drops, which are useful for their various purposes.

And on to the topic of mechanical power, the best thing about it, really, is that it'd really allow for so many advanced bits of machinery, and it'd rival steam power in cost effectivity and power at times.


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I apologize about the double post

My idea wasn't simply for defense, but offense. You'd kill the mobs with the spike trap and be able to retrieve the drops, which are useful for their various purposes.

And on to the topic of mechanical power, the best thing about it, really, is that it'd really allow for so many advanced bits of machinery, and it'd rival steam power in cost effectivity and power at times.

Agreed, it would be cool to have something like traps

double post, and walls, unless you have tons of resources and designing power, are ugly as hell. i prefer to have a invisible mob-blocking but NOT player blocking entity, for it would allow PvP to gain a interesting amount of skill too: creeper/skeleton guard traps anyone? :P

And I still don't see the problem with walls, they can look totally badass, with towers jutting out at certain intervals. And if you're complaining about having to have a basic notion of design to make nice walls, why do you even play minecraft if you don't enjoy being in the least bit creative and creating large structures?

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You can already build a spike pit ?

Just dig a 3x3 hole about 5 or 6 blocks deep and put a few fake spikes (tfc planks) in the bottom.

Great for mobs, as theyll burn in the day and you can just collect the mobs.

And just like real hunting, Build a long trap fence (just plain fence) and have the pits in the fence




X's are pit area. You can place another at the edge then more fence, and so on.

I also know this works as i've tested it catching skeletons and animals.

Basically, i'm saying this because i like the idea of just, building this kind of stuff yourself.

Maybe just add the ability to turn a tfc plank into a stake with a knife. Then you can place these stakes yourself in the bottom of a pit using the same place mechanics as a plank.

Could even consider allowing them to be placed horizontally off of walls, maybe ? Im not sure, that would seem a bit overpowered


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My idea was more that you could right click on the spikes to claim the goods, much like pulling a dead carcass off of them. There would be an eventual pileup of these though, and it'd become ineffective. And as for the walls, they are really a pretty late game item, I'm considering something very primitive that can be made right from the start.


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i still hold to the idea a spike trap that kills mobs walking into them, while every mob but the enderman has a leeroy jenkins AI, is an overpowered thing. perhaps it should be a single mob kill before its filled up, or a trap you HAVE to toggle manually, because else you can just encase your house in these and never ever die, (and just create a tunnel or waterfall outside of it)


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i still hold to the idea a spike trap that kills mobs walking into them, while every mob but the enderman has a leeroy jenkins AI, is an overpowered thing. perhaps it should be a single mob kill before its filled up, or a trap you HAVE to toggle manually, because else you can just encase your house in these and never ever die, (and just create a tunnel or waterfall outside of it)

I was thinking more of a pit with spikes in it, so you'd put a block of camo on top, such as leaves, or another partially solid block that the AI will pathfind onto, and let them fall into the pit. I did say that I like the idea of actually making it so that the trap will fill up after a few mobs are killed in it. It's a trap, it's not really a defensive structure to a large degree, but it'll do the job if need be.


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Maybe if you have to reapply the camo every time a mob falls into it and the spikes should have durability as well. (believable?)


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