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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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21 posts in this topic

Hi, I've been playing TFC for a while, and I have some sugestions about buckets.

First of all, It makes no sense for me, that wooden bucket dont move water blocks... If you can keep the water inside the bucket, as for reallity, why you can't place it?. I understand you want to make the game harder but... making a red steel bucket it's like... not possible. Eventhough, I have some suggestions.

- To keep the similarity of the game, in wich the wooden bucket can't move water blocks, I think it could work as a watering can, I mean, wet the dirt, wet the farm-plots, watering the crops, even extinguish fires. At least, to make wooden buckets usefull. Although, I don't understand why you cant drink from a bucket (not to mention you can't actually drink milk... I wish you had to warm it before drink as pasteurization)


- Other question, why the barrels also dont move water blocks?. It could work the same I said about wooden buckets... Also, that if it has an empty block in front, and you empty it, it could fill it up with what it had inside.


- Maybe, the wooden bucket could not fill an empty block in the ground with water fully, but maybe you could fill it pouring water many times there, making the cuantity of water there grow up.


- Also, the ceramic vessel could work as a water moving object, the same as a bucket.


- I don't understand why buckets can only be made of special steel. In the past, people had tin, brass or copper (even copper covered up with tin) pots, buckets, and other household things (tubs, pipes...). I've seen my grandma cooking in one tin pot, making large meals for the family. It may look old fashioned, but, the game mechanic could agree with those moving water buckets, not only the steel ones. When you have metal to make a bucket, it has no holes in the structure like wooden bucket could have, why couldn't you move water?


That's all I can think about buckets, lovely buckets! xD

Hope you like my suggestions.

Sorry if my English is not accurate enough, but I did my best! Hope you understand me.

Best regards.


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The reason why you can't move water is simple: Just moving 2 source blocks of water gives you infinite water in a single spot.

This completely negates any reason to pick your house next to water so you have easy access to it for drinking, farming and other uses. If you could create infinite water stream anywhere, you could build your house anywhere and just create infinite stream inside of it.


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First of all, It makes no sense for me, that wooden bucket dont move water blocks... If you can keep the water inside the bucket, as for reallity, why you can't place it?. I understand you want to make the game harder but... making a red steel bucket it's like... not possible. Eventhough, I have some suggestions.

Wooden buckets work they way they do simply for the sake of balance. You can risk saying it's the vanilla/red steel buckets that may be somewhat weird, allowing creation of everlasting springs of water but the reason behind lack of easily movable water sources is that water if of far greater importance for survival in TFC than it is in vanilla Minecraft and it affects not only thirst of the character directly but also things like crops. By making it hard for people to simply spawn springs wherever they want to, some more stress is put on exploration and/or intelligent choices regarding the location for settling down.

- To keep the similarity of the game, in wich the wooden bucket can't move water blocks, I think it could work as a watering can, I mean, wet the dirt, wet the farm-plots, watering the crops, even extinguish fires. At least, to make wooden buckets usefull. Although, I don't understand why you cant drink from a bucket (not to mention you can't actually drink milk... I wish you had to warm it before drink as pasteurization)

I wouldn't mind to be able to use filled wooden bucket to make certain area where water was dumped more wet. Would be nice for setting up temporary small gardens in desert regions at the price of regular watering.I am not sure whether you can use wooden buckets to extinguish fires but that certainly should be a possibility if it's not yet.Drinking from wooden bucket could be nice as well though it'd make jugs and bottles obsolete and, frankly, worthless beyond beginning of the game as everyone would just run with buckets fo water in their inventory.

- Other question, why the barrels also dont move water blocks?. It could work the same I said about wooden buckets... Also, that if it has an empty block in front, and you empty it, it could fill it up with what it had inside.

Barrels cannot be simply moved around with their content still inside and making them to drop water (or whatever else) source I am not overly fond for already aforementioned reasons.

- Maybe, the wooden bucket could not fill an empty block in the ground with water fully, but maybe you could fill it pouring water many times there, making the cuantity of water there grow up.

I believe it still would lead to above easy creation of water sources which thing I am not overly happy with. Even if you'd have to pour dozen of buckets to make such, it wouldn't be hard as usually if you can make one bucket, you are able to make plenty of them.

- Also, the ceramic vessel could work as a water moving object, the same as a bucket.

It could but I hope it won't. Again, for reasons stated before.

- I don't understand why buckets can only be made of special steel. In the past, people had tin, brass or copper (even copper covered up with tin) pots, buckets, and other household things (tubs, pipes...). I've seen my grandma cooking in one tin pot, making large meals for the family. It may look old fashioned, but, the game mechanic could agree with those moving water buckets, not only the steel ones. When you have metal to make a bucket, it has no holes in the structure like wooden bucket could have, why couldn't you move water?

Bucket designs are limited to the use of only three types of materials - wood, blue steel and red steel - because buckets you get from processing each have different qualities. Wooden buckets are simply for storing and transferring mundane liquids, blue steel is solely for moving lava the vanilla game way and same is the function of red steel bucket in regards to water (including water source block moving).Again, (non red steel) metal buckets don't move water source blocks by design, not because of problem with the realism (before someone will try to point out it's about believability, not realism - well, most of the believability in TFC is stemming from semi-realistic - at least in comparison with vanilla game - mechanics). And again, it's so you will have to actually be quite late-game to move water source blocks.Given that there is (and probably shouldn't be) no durability for buckets (at least as far as I can recall, correct me if I am wrong), adding buckets made from whatever other material would have only aesthetic effect as tin, steel, iron, whatever buckets would all work like the wooden ones. Though I wouldn't mind it if the feature would work a bit differently - it would require quite some work especially as I am quite sure people would start requesting rust for iron buckets and happy fun effects after a period of time of drinking from lead buckets.

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About moving water with a wooden bucket, I think ther could be ways to make it usefull. For example, I wish that if you get a wooden bucket filled with water, you place ir in a hole, it must have 5 blocks arround, you know, one in the bottom, 4 covering the sides. That way you can only fill one block of water. Then if you take of any of the blocks arround, the water will be drain by the terrain. Even make that this water lower it's level, as for barrels, making it not forever lasting. Or even that if you leave that water there, it can evaporate if not covered or if hot temperature...

I don't know. I know that infinite water is a fail of the game, but seams realistic to me, that if you pick water enough from a river (realworld) and place it near your house, you can have a pool, or whatever, even filling it with rain water.

And about for infinite water... I have a pond near my house (in TFC) but I don't have infinite water, I cant make it grow further from it's shape, I have to make terraces to sow my crops for farming. So, the game it self make it tricky to get water for cropping. Also, to have a river near the house don't make it sure that you can crop, because some biomes in TFC froze your crops... So there you have, it is hard to crop without moving water, also to drink it...


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I vote for wooden buckets placing water flow blocks.


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I used to use a mod for vanilla that I have since forgotten the name of, but the core concept of it was the removal of infinite water sources and making water a finite, measurable resource. The only water that remained infinite was that of oceans as draining them would be an unrealistic task, all other water sources we replenished either by this or by water accumulation from rainfall. This would be my preferred fix for the bucket situation. You can move an amount of water but cannot create or move source blocks. The other feature of the mod was water pressure, if you tunneled into a lake/river/ocean from below the water would drain into your shaft, filling it up and possibly drying out the body of water you dug into. Basically it put us one more step closer to turning minecraft into dwarf fortress since those are the same basic rules that water in DF operates under already.


Also Visitor you can actually move full barrels, I do it all the time. I go fill 5-6 barrels from a local water source and then lug them up to my mountaintop home for easy quenching/drinking/leatherworking.


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Also Visitor you can actually move full barrels, I do it all the time. I go fill 5-6 barrels from a local water source and then lug them up to my mountaintop home for easy quenching/drinking/leatherworking.

Must be a recent addition or a bug I've encountered before as I am quite certain that picking up a barrel made it empty.Other than that, I'd rather not have water source block movable but I like the idea of setting the bucket outside and letting it gather water from the rainfall (rather than have it fill holes with water).

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Barrels do indeed retain their inventory when you pick them up. If you had a full barrel of water and breaking it gave an empty barrel, then either it wasn't really full, or it was a bug.


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I used to use a mod for vanilla that I have since forgotten the name of, but the core concept of it was the removal of infinite water sources and making water a finite, measurable resource. The only water that remained infinite was that of oceans as draining them would be an unrealistic task, all other water sources we replenished either by this or by water accumulation from rainfall. This would be my preferred fix for the bucket situation. You can move an amount of water but cannot create or move source blocks. The other feature of the mod was water pressure, if you tunneled into a lake/river/ocean from below the water would drain into your shaft, filling it up and possibly drying out the body of water you dug into. Basically it put us one more step closer to turning minecraft into dwarf fortress since those are the same basic rules that water in DF operates under already.


Also Visitor you can actually move full barrels, I do it all the time. I go fill 5-6 barrels from a local water source and then lug them up to my mountaintop home for easy quenching/drinking/leatherworking.


TFC attempted finite water a while back.. unfortunately it resulted in tsunamis due to a few bugs, and was quickly reverted.


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I have a few bucket sugestions as well,


1) make buckets placeable, like ceramic jugs and vessels. I dont want to keep bringing them back to my house, I want to leave them at the river next to a barrrel.


2) let buckets get water from flowing streams. This would provide some way to get water into your house without building directly over the water


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I think not only buckets, but jugs and bottles should also be fillable from flow blocks


and buckets placing flow blocks would be nice as well


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… 1) make buckets placeable, like ceramic jugs and vessels. I dont want to keep bringing them back to my house, I want to leave them at the river next to a barrrel. …


You can leave the bucket in the barrel.


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or, just put a chest full of buckets next to the barrel.


Isn't like anyone's gonna take it or something, right?


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To be honest, I just wish you could dig a well, but I do like the watering can idea.


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To be honest, I just wish you could dig a well, but I do like the watering can idea.

Provided it is implemented properly this is a brilliant idea. I believe it's been brought up in the past (1-2 ish years ago)

Since then there have been some changes to generation code and I think wells and aquifers deserve another look... Off to start a thread :P


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To be honest, I just wish you could dig a well, but I do like the watering can idea.

Ah yes! Dig a well! wells! 


I like this! Can this be a thing too?


Instead of placing the water yourself early in the game a well would be quite usefull and should require being placed strategically and have the risk of being overused so it would have to refill from a nearby lake or from groundwater. By the way, why not just get rid of the abilities for placed water from a steel bucket to create an infinite water source altogether? that would make more sense to me than making wooden buckets place water, also why not give wooden buckets a durability aswell?


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First of all, double post for the loss :/


This is not the place to discuss wells. The title of the thread is buckets. Let's keep the bucket talk on the bucket thread, no?


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I don't think wood buckets should move water sources.

I like how realistic is that when choosing a spot to settle your first consideration is how close it is to water.

That's how all civilizations behave.

I think we should be able to fill wood buckets and jugs from flowing water and also water should flow farther then 8 blocks so we could have a more efficient irrigation system.

Maybe even the creation of aqueducts?


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To be honest, I just wish you could dig a well, but I do like the watering can idea.

we were discussing water tables a week or two ago. They may be added.


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Fantastic. Since stone layer generation generally follows the surface contouring adding a water table level that mimics reality would be simpler. Anywhere the water table moves into air blocks we get artesian springs, water source blocks above sea level. (provided that there was a way to keep every cave from flooding) My hopes are that wells would be multi block structures of somewhat customizable size that slowly fill with water. Rain and storms could fill them quickly.


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we were discussing water tables a week or two ago. They may be added.

Having a water table will make it possible for us to have wells.

Maybe a use for water pumps as per my suggestion here


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