Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Upcoming Skill Tiers in Build 79

8 posts in this topic

In Bioxx's latest twitter post, he previewed the new skill GUI for build79 which shows that increasing skills will unlock skill tiers (Novice, Adept, presumably more like Expert and Master).


This could merely be way to add context to otherwise opaque skill numbers, but I suspect there will be gameplay aspects to achieving a new tier skill. This could be in addition to the current effect of increasing your skill points.


Let's speculate on what skill tiers might do.



Perhaps it would make sense if higher-tier metals cannot be Worked without higher-tier skill.


For example:
Tier 0 (stone) - Novice requirements obviously, there are no recipes
Tier 1 (copper) - Novice obviously, it's the first anvil you can really gain skill on

Tier 2 (bronze) - Novice, since you could bypass most things with casting
Tier 3 (Iron) - Adept
Tier 4 (Steel) - Expert
Tier 5 (Black Steel) - Expert
Tier 6 (Blue/Red Steel) - Master


Perhaps it would make sense if the advanced hoe modes were unlocked with skill.
For example:
Till soil - Novice
Water status - Adept
Growth status - Expert
Nutrient status - Master

Bioxx says he's already experimenting with this. Those inclined to read github might be able to find out more...



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I like the idea of hoe modes. I don't really see the need for the smithing idea though.

That progression is already enforced by the metal tiering structure as it is, why add extra tedium requiring you to work more things that you may not really need?

I think the skills should offer perks rather than limitations.


Someone who has worked copper on an anvil could probably fumble around with steel and end up with a workable item. It may not be very good, but he can probably do it. To say he needs to work 10,000 copper tools before he could touch an iron one is... Na.


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Perhaps it would make sense if higher-tier metals cannot be Worked without higher-tier skill.


This would only lead to grinding. Having to make X items in previous tier always lead to grind. Especially if you really don't have use for those item.


Perhaps it could make sense if the advanced hoe modes were unlocked with skill.

Hmm.. Dunno. Water mode is just convenience. You can do fine without it. Not knowing growth status will make things tedious, because if you don't know, you just check wiki. Only nutrient status makes sense, but then it can be circumvented by remembering what was planted where and putting different type of crop in there.



I really think skills should ONLY affect quality, not limit your options in making stuff. This is not a MMO.


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Please no more additional grinding :D


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I just wish there were mining and fighting skills added.


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Locking game progression behind a repetitive point grind is a terrible idea. TFC has the beautiful aspect of being fairly player skill dependant; if you introduce your suggestion, you put player skill on the backburner in favor of a virtual skillpoint system.


Also, this post should really go into the suggestions forum.


From what I could see and what Bioxx said, I'm fairly sure the graphical representation of skill bars and levels is just that, a graphical representation. Using a progress bar helps maintain suspension of disbelief better than the raw numbers we get to see right now. However, progress bars only work up to certain point values before you stop seeing any meaningful advancement - you may just have gained 30 points from harvesting a large field, but if the bar contains 10,000 points then you're not even going to see a single pixel in difference. Therefore, skill tiers are added, which lets you reset the bar to zero every X points, ensuring that the player always gets a clear indication of his or her progress.


There is potential to tie game mechanics to the skill tiers, but that's an option, not a requirement. At its most basic, it's simply a good way to design a user interface.


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To be honest, the way I play I don't see any real benefit of having skills or no skills progression. Skills may give bonuses in the late game but I would not go out of my way to smith tons of pieces of armour just to get more durable armour. The other aspect of a skill system is specialization, which is kinda neat for multiplayer. For example, Honneyplay in Pakratt's livesteam loves to be the cook. Not sure if everyone would like to specialize in only 1 thing, it might get boring quickly. I will see how it develops before I make my final judgment.


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How about the higher your skill level for a particular activity, the easier it is to perform or the more result you get out of it. Maybe when you level up your smithing skill, instead of having to nail exactly on the dot to smith a particular item, there becomes a wider range to land in (like there used to be when smithing). Or your skill is so good, you only need two last hit types instead of three. Or if you do nail the center exactly, you have a chance of getting your tool with enough material left over for an extra ingot or half-ingot because there is less waste due to high skill.


With farming, you could get back more seeds, or maybe two plants instead of one. Maybe if there's a building skill, you could get more than 4 planks out of sawing a log, or more stone blocks out of combining brick and mortar. These things aren't game breaking, IMO, but reflect the increasing skill of the workman to get more out of his tools and materials. 


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