Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Biome based everything

11 posts in this topic

The closest suggestion I found relating to mine was the "Biome based Animals" idea.

I like the idea of biome animals, but i'd like to take it a step further.. or maybe 20 steps further.

"My biggest problem as an avid gamer is the concept that every game is virtually the same the second time around. Skyrim was a ton of fun on my first character, but subsequent play-throughs were less and less fulfilling. Sure small things might have changed here and there, but it was all pretty much exactly the same every time. True randomness while maintaining coherency is not an easy thing to pull off for most games so I don’t blame developers for that. However I feel that its something that we all find appealing about minecraft and I plan to continue expanding upon that"


That paragraph resonates with me a LOT. So here is what would make minecraft perfect for me. Long post Incoming...

Larger Biomes with more variety -

I want there to be a reason to explore (the different rock types already do that) But to expand that concept, Just as how the rock layers change as you travel, have them coordinate with the changing of the biomes. It would give you more of a visual of what you'd expect to find there. The biome would need to take you at least a full minecraft day to get out, hopefully longer.

Biome specific animals -

You shouldn't find a cow in a jungle, nor should you find a cow in the desert. If you needed leather, you'd have to travel to a plains area to get it. Each animal in each biome would be able to provide you with the same *type* of supplies but not the exact same. In a tundra, a rabit would give you fur, you would craft fur clothing instead of leather but it would have the same properties. Maybe you could take it even further and each biome would have specific properties for their clothing (heat resistant gear in desert, cold resistant in snow, poison resist in jungle)

Biome specific weapons -

Let's say Reeds only grow in deserts (maybe not IRL) Your main source of weapon would then be a blowgun. If you're in a jungle (with poison frogs) you could make a poison dart. I'll stop with the examples since i plan to include a full list below. Hopefully you get the point.

Biome specific building materials and ores -

This goes along with the first item on this list and with the way the actual mod is already set up. The main problem with this is how the ore system is already set up. You're dependent on one type of ore (tin) to start with. If that tin was only found in a certain biome, that would really make it hard.

So, without further ado, here's my full wish list :)

Well anyway, here's a list I came up with for each biome


Animals - Lizard(food), camels(transportation), spiders(spider silk),

Weapons - Blowgun from reeds

Plants - Reeds(weapon), Cactus, Shrubs(sticks)

Clothing - Lightweight but strong white spider silk clothes.

Building materials - Sandstone, sand, glass, mud brick

*caves would be spider caverns with lots of spider webs

Snow: Better armor, resources

Animals - Rabit(food), Fox(fur),

Weapon - Ice Spear,

Plants - Pine Trees(sticks and logs)

Clothing - Fox Fur boots

Building Materials - ice brick, snow brick, snow block,

Jungle: hard to navigate, better food, weapon and tameable monkey, medium resources

Animals- Poision Frogs(weapon), Snakes(food), Monkey (tameable)

Weapon - Poison Darts (poison+stick) low range

Plants- Jungle Tree (Sticks)

Clothing- Crafted Pendant for head(that would be all you get) Or something like Bark Armor

Building Materials- Wood

Forest: Low quality weapon, armor and food, but better resources

Animals - Squirel (food), Deer(leather)

Weapon - Club

Plants - Trees(sticks),

Clothing -

Building Materials - Wood

Swamp: Medium Resources, lower quality weapon and food

Animals - Aligator(leather), Bird nests (eggs, food)

Weapon - slingshot

Plants - Vines(rope/string), Rice(food)

Clothing - None

Building materials - Wood

Ocean / Islands / Beachs: Rich food, rich armor, no resources

Animals - Crabs(food), Fish(armor), Shark (weapon)

Weapon - Fishing Spear

Plants - bananna Tree(sticks and food)

Clothing - Fish scale armor?

Building materials - None?

Mountains: High resources, low food and no weapon

Animals - Goat, sheep

Weapon - none

Plants - grass (food), Flaxseed

Clothing - none

Building materials - stone

Hopefully, this list illustrates my idea a little better. I would not expect for any / all of this to be added simply because i think it would be a major revamp of what is already done but who knows, maybe this sort of thing is planned? In all reality, in this type of enviornment, it would be necessary to "conquer" the biomes before you could even begin to think about going for ore or leaving the bronze age. To make it a little easier, you could do variations of each weapon, so you could essentially get everything in one biome, but it would take longer. You could grow flax seeds for string to make a slingshot, normal spiders would drop spidersilk but no where near the same quantity, fur from most animals but lower quantity droped, etc etc.. I could probably exagerate even further but i guess i'll stop here :)



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I like the idea. That first paragraph touched me too. (where are you world of goo? come back to me!) anyway though, while this seems like a great idea, I think that we have to come to a consensus on butchery before we can go crazy with animals


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There needs to be a way around tin since it is a choke point when you look at the development tree. Spears also should be added on. Simple tools or make shift gear should be possible such as what the OP suggested. I do want to put an emphasis on that each weapon is different in some way which makes it unique. For instance the a blow dart requires you to inhale air but you can only hold that air so long so you have to shoot before you have to breath again. Things like that add challenges and make players have a different experience when they are playing a game starting a game in various biomes. More weapons, tools, and use things should definitely be added not because it's necessary but rather because it's a new way of playing the game.

Biomes need to almost be approached differently. I haven't looked vary closely at what is currently done for biomes so maybe this suggestion is already implemented but a biome shouldn't be the same throughout. Simply put, biomes should have sub-biomes where those sub-biomes are similar as other sub-biomes in that biome but slightly different. The biome is then 2 or so days to travel across making it a daunting task and a very different experience when you spawn in different biomes. In multiplayer this will promote the concept of trading and traveling merchants because apples can't be grown within a few days from just about anywhere.

The layers of rock under biomes should be predictable to a certain degree but not specific. For instance, a jungle may be very well known for a specific type of rock to form under it but it doesn't have to be the case. This adds in an element of surprise. Also, the deeper you go, the less it is predictable based on the biomes above. The deepest layers should pretty much have no correlation.


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I could be wrong, but I believe the rock types are already biome specific. Just specific to that type and number. I remember someone saying over 100 biomes are added with this mod. The highest number I've personally seen for a specific type was Hills7 (using F3). Then there's little sub-biomes like River Hills and Hills Edge, with multiple numbers of their own. So it would make sense that if you saw a bunch of Hills biomes, it's entirely possible you never saw the same one, and therefore different rocks.

Like I said, I have no proof of this, but I do know that whenever I see a desert, they always seem to have Siltstone, Chert, or Basalt underneath for the first stone layer. So I think there's already set stone type layers for biomes, there's just that many out there that it doesn't seem like it.

Also, making reeds desert-only is an extreme no. We use those for paper/plans, and while I haven't had problems personally, I have heard several people complain about it.

Otherwise you're idea is interesting. The proposed uses for the watery biomes is something I like in particular.


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I believe there are 2 other metals that you can start from, zinc and bismuth. People just seem to focus on tin first.

P.S. There is a spear - it's the javelin made from flint and 2 sticks (vertically)


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I could be wrong, but I believe the rock types are already biome specific. Just specific to that type and number. I remember someone saying over 100 biomes are added with this mod. The highest number I've personally seen for a specific type was Hills7 (using F3). Then there's little sub-biomes like River Hills and Hills Edge, with multiple numbers of their own. So it would make sense that if you saw a bunch of Hills biomes, it's entirely possible you never saw the same one, and therefore different rocks.

Like I said, I have no proof of this, but I do know that whenever I see a desert, they always seem to have Siltstone, Chert, or Basalt underneath for the first stone layer. So I think there's already set stone type layers for biomes, there's just that many out there that it doesn't seem like it.

Also, making reeds desert-only is an extreme no. We use those for paper/plans, and while I haven't had problems personally, I have heard several people complain about it.

Otherwise you're idea is interesting. The proposed uses for the watery biomes is something I like in particular.

well, you could have the deserts have reeds (papyrus), and you can make paper using bark (our everyday paper) or leather/hide(parchment) instead.

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well, you could have the deserts have reeds (papyrus), and you can make paper using bark (our everyday paper) or leather/hide(parchment) instead.

As long as we can get paper for plans some other way, then yeah there shouldn't be a problem.

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Rock type is biome specific in that it is determined by the seed, however, I don't believe rock type should be particularly influential on biome type or visa versa.

For instance, Granite should be able to show up in a Jungle biome as easily as a Desert biome. Beyond that however, I am totally with you. Flora and fauna, and the basic tools and materials you have available, should totally be biome specific. Also, each biome should be balanced so that any biome can be a viable place to live. (within reason of course. You shouldn't be able to live on a volcano as easily as you could plains.)


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I am dunkleosteus, and I am currently in charge of mobs. We are looking into actually moving away from "biomes" and more into having flora and fauna based on the climate (temperature and moisture) of an area.


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I am dunkleosteus, and I am currently in charge of mobs. We are looking into actually moving away from "biomes" and more into having flora and fauna based on the climate (temperature and moisture) of an area.

This sounds interesting. I still think my basic idea would work, whether it be in a biome or in a climate. If certain animals are only spawned in a certain climate, then only those corresponding weapons/clothing/food would be available.


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