Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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abandoned mines

underground rivers, lakes, and crystal caves (a better view for your underground base)

100 posts in this topic

No it doesn't right now, it only differs in the color and light level emited, but it can't be differed -from what i know- if mobs will or not spawn if that kind of light is present. BUT, there is a light level in which mobs can or can't spawn -at least for now-. If this lifeforms's glow produces a light level minor than this limit, mobs will be able to spawn. This light level would be the same the moon has, so in the surface it wouldn't be noticiable; but in a dark cave? it will enlighten a fairly big bit of your sorroundings.

EDIT: Totally forgot about this :P

Now that i think about it, it's not similar to what the enchantment table already does in vanilla?

Not the block, but the tileentity

I think its this line:

EntityPlayer var1 = this.worldObj.getClosestPlayer((double)((float)this.xCoord + 0.5F), (double)((float)this.yCoord + 0.5F), (double)((float)this.zCoord + 0.5F), 3.0D);


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Not the block, but the tileentity

I think its this line:

EntityPlayer var1 = this.worldObj.getClosestPlayer((double)((float)this.xCoord + 0.5F), (double)((float)this.yCoord + 0.5F), (double)((float)this.zCoord + 0.5F), 3.0D);

Yeah... sure... ._:

*Has no idea of java or code*


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One word: Symbiosis.

now, before you all blow your tops over this, take it from a theoretical view. Lets imagine we have a area with no light what so ever. Its pretty deep, an there is abundant moisture. This place has a few cave fish, lovely little critters, a population of fungi, lets say a few glow for the fun of it, and there are plants. Yes, plants. Now, based upon what we KNOW plants cant survive without light. No known species can do it. Fine, but what if this environment was entirely symbiotic. The plant feeds the fish, the fish nutrient the water, the fungi eat the nutrients, and naturally the fungi die and feed the soul the plant is on. But thats not symbiosis, thats a micro ecosystem. On top of that, its not enough. So, lets add in insets, they feed from the plant, and feed the fish. still not quite symbiosis. Perhaps we can look at the environment again? Oh yes, the water flowing though, its very hot. Come to think of it, the entire room is hot. What does that say? Wait, lets be sure about this. Yep, traces of sulfur and more, this place is along an active fault line. I imagine there are hundreds of bacterial species in here, probably contributing in a dozen ways I couldn't bother to be able to record. This still isn't symbiosis. Shame, cant find it. One last look at this plant, what makes it so different from ones outside. Perhaps, it is two plants? Perhaps one acts to break down minerals in the water, waste from the fish and fungi? Perhaps the other supplies oxigyn and other simple elements back into this place? There are dozens of ways on how this could work, entirely separate from the surface world. and all it requires is a parasite that isn't a parasite.

all of this is a theoretical system on HOW this could work. Ignore my theatrics behind it

what I am saying here is in theory an entire network of subterranean species is available and when mixed in the right conditions could create a sustainable environment. Not only that, but in these extreme conditions and enough time, a symbiotic species could emerge that acts as a catalyst to normally functioning plant life. This is science fiction, but entirely plausible.


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One word: Symbiosis.

now, before you all blow your tops over this, take it from a theoretical view. Lets imagine we have a area with no light what so ever. Its pretty deep, an there is abundant moisture. This place has a few cave fish, lovely little critters, a population of fungi, lets say a few glow for the fun of it, and there are plants. Yes, plants. Now, based upon what we KNOW plants cant survive without light. No known species can do it. Fine, but what if this environment was entirely symbiotic. The plant feeds the fish, the fish nutrient the water, the fungi eat the nutrients, and naturally the fungi die and feed the soul the plant is on. But thats not symbiosis, thats a micro ecosystem. On top of that, its not enough. So, lets add in insets, they feed from the plant, and feed the fish. still not quite symbiosis. Perhaps we can look at the environment again? Oh yes, the water flowing though, its very hot. Come to think of it, the entire room is hot. What does that say? Wait, lets be sure about this. Yep, traces of sulfur and more, this place is along an active fault line. I imagine there are hundreds of bacterial species in here, probably contributing in a dozen ways I couldn't bother to be able to record. This still isn't symbiosis. Shame, cant find it. One last look at this plant, what makes it so different from ones outside. Perhaps, it is two plants? Perhaps one acts to break down minerals in the water, waste from the fish and fungi? Perhaps the other supplies oxigyn and other simple elements back into this place? There are dozens of ways on how this could work, entirely separate from the surface world. and all it requires is a parasite that isn't a parasite.

all of this is a theoretical system on HOW this could work. Ignore my theatrics behind it

what I am saying here is in theory an entire network of subterranean species is available and when mixed in the right conditions could create a sustainable environment. Not only that, but in these extreme conditions and enough time, a symbiotic species could emerge that acts as a catalyst to normally functioning plant life. This is science fiction, but entirely plausible.

there are newly discovered caves in south america that function in a similar manner. this would be an awesome adition to TFcraft but perhaps we should think about how this would function in game.

any ideas for symbiotic life forms É i know of several insects (like ants and termites) that use fungi and living plant matter to thrive in deep caves.


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As to light pulsing it is also doable, a light source that goes on and off given some ticks.

I have visions of underground TFC nightclubs fueled by the dancing lights of arrays of mushrooms.


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'any ideas'

Lets make a new one, something entirely unique. It does not have to be real world, we can have 'theoretical' plant life. make it something ultra rare and generated naturally only in a unique cave structure(using similar code to vanilla dungeons)


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'any ideas'

Lets make a new one, something entirely unique. It does not have to be real world, we can have 'theoretical' plant life. make it something ultra rare and generated naturally only in a unique cave structure(using similar code to vanilla dungeons)

... Well, as you said, the mushrooms would glow. Something you apparently didn't thought is that... well, even this plants are in fact in presence of light. I'm not saying no to your idea, it is awesome. But again, this plant has a connection to light that allows it to be alive.

How about this: In this rare cave systems, you can find this extremely rare plant and fungus that are, in fact, both importants ingredients to two wildly different process (for now, let's say redstone machinery and spell-casting, so you can get how wildly different these things would be). You have several problems with this ingredients:

1) They have to be let to grow to a full size before you can harvest them, just like normal crops; except this take a longer while to grow, and leave little output.

2) They can't be grown anywhere except in that particular area, because this living forms are just too adapted to their environment to leave it.

3) If you don't replant the plant or the fungus -depending on which one you harvested-, the ecosystem will die out fastly, because of the complete dependance of every single lifeform present on the others. If the ecosystem dies out, the plant or fungus won't be plantable in that area anymore, and it is completely and unreversably death.

4) You have to be really careful, because neither the plant or the fungus can be planted if the other is not present. Do not EVER harvest them both, or your only source for this extremely rare materials is gone forever.

5) And finally, if this is based off the dungeons, then it has to present some danger. And what is that danger? This particular environment attracs a kind creatures that are not part of it, but their presence doesn't destroys the environment. A creature only foundable near this places, very hostile, really dangerous. MEN! Cave spiders! Lots of cave spiders! They are attracted by the abundance of insects in this ecosystems, and spawn from a Spider nest structure. It will generate near, and it can only be destroyed by the force of earth itself... better known as, cave-ins or lava. If you are advanced enough, you can safely break the nest by burning it in lava, and then killing the spiders left alive; however, if you are not, you have no choice but to wait until you reach blue steel, or to provoke a cave in, and wish you survive both the cave in and the spiders left. EDIT: oh, yeah, and in a cave in, you are also risking the complete loss of the area. Yeah, better go look as fast as you can for those blue steel's ingredients.

For such a big sacrifice, the use this two ingredients have should be as rewarding as it's fair for it to be, shouldn't it? And it would be... iiiiif, i knew where to use it. (come on, how could i use a glowing mushrooms in redstone circuitry anyways? Unless you use it as a rather expensive way to ilumiante while you work...) I just have no idea what this things could be used for. Some ideas, guys?


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Everything he said

Luminescent mushrooms can be used as an ingredient for dishes, as the only food that gives you a potion effect, a low light source, something like dynamic lights mod where you can hold a torch in your hand, but in this case it is a mushroom, you can use it to make poisonous arrows, to decor your home and many other things.

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Yeah, but what i meant was some really cool feature unaccesable without either the mushroom or the plant. And you didn't said anything about the plant ._.


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Yeah, but what i meant was some really cool feature unaccesable without either the mushroom or the plant. And you didn't said anything about the plant ._.

Oh, yes, the plant...

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Yeah, but what i meant was some really cool feature unaccesable without either the mushroom or the plant. And you didn't said anything about the plant ._.

But this means that player progress will be linear, which is not exactly what it's supposed to be in TFC.

I actually can't think of feature that doesn't involve stuffing yourself, your cattle or your crops with the shrooms, but why it can't be this way?


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I never said it couldn't be that way. If a fertilizer system is ever implemented, this moshrooms could be the top tier fertilizer. I personally wouldn't recommend you to stuff yourself with a glowing moshrooms... ._:


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I personally wouldn't recommend you to stuff yourself with a glowing moshrooms... ._:

It's a game

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A game which is apparently not getting hemp because people might relate it to marihuana. And you want your character to stuff itself with glowing mushrooms. See the problem?


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I personally wouldn't recommend you to stuff yourself with a glowing moshrooms... ._:

Ah, come on, what's the worse that can happen?

Posted Image

There's some fitting stuff I drew a while back.


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Ah, come on, what's the worse that can happen?

Posted Image

There's some fitting stuff I drew a while back.

... I honestly wonder if you are a genius drawer, or have serious problems... I will go with the genius drawer :3


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'Well, as you said, the mushrooms would glow. Something you apparently didn't thought is that... well, even this plants are in fact in presence of light. I'm not saying no to your idea, it is awesome. But again, this plant has a connection to light that allows it to be alive.'

stop. No. Bad dog. Plants need UV light(or was it IR?), not visible. The bacteria that produces the 'glow' would not be producing this. The glowing mushroom is there as part of the theatrics I was pulling. And the whole 'symbiotic closed ecosystem' Plus, glowing shrooms is a trip maaan.

The symbiote is a single plant that is wrapped within the root system of its host as well as some surface material. it acts to steal the resources around it and convert it into usable 'fuel' for the host so the host can naturally produce what it feeds on, in this case, O2. It can not survive in direct sunlight, or above a certain altitude. It grows best when its life conditions are met: Host, water, magma(for heat and 'constant' mineral flow), and possibly wildlife. To harvest the symbiote safely, you cut some of it away with a knife and transplant it to another 'crop' structure. This lengthens the time it takes for the host crop to grow, but allows it to survive seasonal change, zero light, and other normally hazardous environments. All this buff has to have a downside, so, crop patterns are fixed, necessitating lava source blocks within 3 meters, FLOWING water within 2 meters, 2 blocks of air directly above the plant(does not include plant its self), and all of this grows on STONE. The (lets call it dwarven catalyst(DC)) is placed first then the Host is introduced. The DC can not survive more then a day without a host, and seeds gathered from host plants do not survive without a DC

this is a bit disorganized, inst it? :/


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Yep, a lot : i'm really not getting what exactly is the host of this plant...

I knew those where part of the theatrics, but, let's face it... an ultra-rare plant, or a ultra-rare glowing mushroom? I have completed several Mario games to know mushrooms are a pretty good thing, so i thought we should do something with them, other than "ohhh, it glows... *walks away like nothing happened*" :

EDIT: also, is sometimes confusing the fact that you quote directly the posts instead of using the quote button, and rarely separate what you quote from what you are saying ._:


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Think of a strangle vine. What is its host? Its host is the tree its slowly killing. In this minecraftian case, its an ordinary crop plant, such as wheat, tomato, etc.


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Erm. And why exactly plants and shrooms? Why not moss and glowing bacteria?


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because in order for the shrooms to produce light, it has the bacteria already within its thin translucent outer membrane. Moss was a given, however parasitic or symbiotic moss does not come to mind in such a circumstance.

also, mushrooms are often poison to humans, so there isnt much other use, especially for something thats acting like a lava lamp.


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Cave Ecosystem a definite yes for me I think we have a thread for that. So here is the deal about them though. There are four cave zones and different things live in each area we would base these areas off of light level and depth. There are the entrance the twilight, the transistion and the deep. enterance is classified by direct light. Twilight is classified by the lack of this direct light. Transistion is classified by the lack of all plants including bryophytes but Im not so sure about mushrooms. Deep is classified as it is uneffected by surface conditions. All contain different types of flora and fauna except the deep which contains almost no flora.

Now here is the deal this is TFC and this is the perfect chance to do something extraordinary. To add plants that don't exist. Heck to Kingdoms that don't exist ie one that survives off of geothermal energy only. They could be found near magma and could silicon based life (but would still use carbon we could make them look like anything, there are no limits whose to say they don't release excess energy in the form of light? Whose to say that this isn't where creepers evolved? The ecosystems possible with another kingdom are endless. We could make parts of the bottom of the world full of life, full of giant insects, moving plants, blind fish, and who knows what.

This is a perfect place to put redstone as well should someone explore near the core enough they should be rewarded with redstone. I love that idea. It could be a part of the new Kingdom now just to come up species and a name for the kingdom. What about Petradomi?


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I support underground ecosystems and general fleshing out of the underground environment. As it is, underground is pretty dull, sometimes the occasional chasm, nothing particularly noteworthy in there though. Adding more detail and intricacies makes it feel more worthwhile to be down there. I'm not a fan of making things stupidly laborious and painstaking to get in the name of "balance" though, difficult or unlikely is fine, but making something such a pain (Must harvest under specific conditions and replant in a certain time and all that.) isn't productive for fun gameplay.

When fleshing out caves comes to, maybe we'll get some more sea features too? They're big enough now.


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I like the concept of transitioning levels through the underground, as it gives a sense of progression when you know you can survive well in the lowest levels of the cave networks, especially if new dangers are added such as new flora and fauna. Only thing I could think of in terms of something new is based off the comment of evolution of creepers, plenty of people have talked about creepers being a heavily modified plant creature, why not make some stationary plants that are closely related or even involved in the reproductive process of the creeper, such as the stationary being the "female". If you walk near it or fall on top of it it would explode with a slightly less than normal creeper explosion. If you sneak up to the plant however, perhaps it could be harvested in some way.


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Holy crap that would be amazing. But wait lets make it better. Everything reproduces differently at least each kingdom so this kingdom would do the same or something different I suppose. The concept of male and female is old hat we need something crazy but understandable and something that would explain the explosive behavior of creepers.

To begin giant bugs would need to feed on something giant or extremely abundant correct? So what! Wouldn't these Petradomi need some form of protection? Wouldn't small mobile bombs work fine, especially in large groups? Think of them as fruit. Now for the crazy reproduction part. The explosion releases spores if these spores land on an animal they will restructure it into a "core" which would be well the core it is where nutrients are absorbed from the rock beneath it. Different rocks mean different Petradomi all within different adaptations to their environment.


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