Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by aeroc

  1. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    How does it defeat the entire purpose of foods being based on seeds?
  2. Particles

    What's supposed to happen with tries? I was able to make it work. =)
  3. Particles

    I tried a similar thing in MCP with rock debris. When you break a stone block with the pickaxe, it spawns some rock debris entities which fly in random directions and when they land on the ground they form a rock debris block. This would mean the player would make a mess wherever they mine and have to clear the area of rock debris with a shovel from time to time. But I like your idea with leaves.
  4. ^^ He probably forgot to have the server refresh the list, happens from time to time.
  5. Saltpeter?

    Did some people above commit forum sin by talking about how simple ore generation is? I really hope there are plans to make it more dynamic. Once you find out about Y60, it takes all the excitement of prospecting and exploration out of the mod.
  6. Updated to 1.4.4
  7. World just committed suicide.

    My server friend showed me a link yesterday, apparently all the versions are available on
  8. [solved] bug with first anvil / (my) stupidity

    Not just igneous extrusive, but igneous intrusive as well: Andesite, Basalt, Dacite, Diorite, Gabbro, Granite, Rhyolite.
  9. Traveling cart

    But they would have no problem with perfectly chiseled stone roads. Am I the only one who loves the idea of surveying and engineering roads and bridges to connect communities for cart access?
  11. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    I had this problem consistently, then I turned music off and it never happened again.
  12. [Solved] B64 Doors instead of ores

    Is there a chance you have config files from an older version of TFC? If so, delete them and let B64 generate new ones.
  13. Official b60 bugs list

    In the forge in SMP, it is possible to instantly and repeatedly cook molds or cookable food items. Select a single stack of the uncooked item out of the player's inventory and left click (swap) an already cooked item still sitting in one of the forge's five slots. The freshly inputted item will be instantly cooked. IIRC, I could do this when all of the forge's five slots were filled. To add to the bloomery disappearing bug, the bloomery would remain and work as intended when placed in the east position, and disappear only after being filled with ore/fuel when in the south position (not sure about north).
  14. The scribing table server config problem is confirmed here: gwinans, please wipe the b60 server config files so we may have metal tools.
  15. Yep, I always wipe the minecraft folder and start from scratch with each update. Plus, the knife works. Try making a plan in a scribing table and let me know if you get the same result.
  16. When crafting plans in a scribing table, the output slot shows the correct plan. But when you pick it up the plan turns into either a bucket or a knife. Is it a b60 bug, or is it due to a server side config file? Either way it means no one can make any metal tools, except knives. =)
  17. Well I see the 52 map works with 59, however all my small stones have turned into stone hoes. I now have thousands of hoes. =) Could we get some insight from the server owner about whether or not the plan is to keep the map for as long as possible. I was looking forward to starting fresh with 59, but I'm indifferent as it's nice to keep existing work. Edit: Also I was traveling by boat through chunks that already existed since 52 and the server crashed.
  18. Crash in B59

    I was headed to the arctic in creative and it crashed over an ocean and crashes everytime I try to load the world again. This was a fresh install, and fresh world. java.lang.ClassCastException: yt cannot be cast to TFC.WorldGen.TFCBiome at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenPeatPit.generate( at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenSoilPits.generate( at TFC.WorldGen.BiomeDecoratorTFC.a( at TFC.WorldGen.BiomeDecoratorTFC.a( at TFC.WorldGen.TFCBiome.a( at TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.a( at id.a( at za.a( at id.c( at ic.<init>( at ib.a(SourceFile:171) at ib.a(SourceFile:202) at ge.a( at ge.c( at ge.a( at bce.b( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at bcb.q( at at
  19. Server was live when I joined with B59, but froze at login screen, looks like that crashed the server. Did you start with a fresh map? The 52 map won't work with 59.
  20. Could I be added to whitelist please? IGN: aero_c
  21. Animals!

    -Pack animals! Used to transport more than the player can with a pack saddle. Have them haul carts for even more carrying capacity. -Simulate actual animal running speeds, so in some close encounters running away is not possible. -More animals attacking other animals. -Make hunting animals more difficult (like in RL), forcing players to create strategies or work in groups to hunt effectively. Make prey sensitive to player activity and run away faster than the player can run. -Make predators more dangerous. Players should feel terrified at times when they encounter something big or vicious while alone, not invincible at all times. -Heards or hunting packs is a good suggestion from earlier. -Dead mobs/animals should drop a corpse which is an interactive entity or block that can be further worked for hides, meat, trophies, etc. Maybe they can attract nearby predators. Just look to reality and try to simulate as much of it as possible as accurately as possible and we will all be rewarded with a better game.
  22. Latest Changes to Chests...

    Please show me where I said Minecraft/TFC. wasn't. a. game. I am arguing the opposite. The better the game is at suspending your disbelief in this fantasy setting the more fun it is. Adding difficulty and complexity simply isn't enough. Imagine if you could put dirt into a forge and it would output wooden tools or golden apples (like industrialcraft's recyclers), that wouldn't take anything away from TFC for you? What if dirt fell upwards into the sky? What if the game was filled with non-sense recipes or behaviors like that? This sounds like a strawman argument to me, I never argued for some kind of obligation to complete and total real-life simulation/realism. I argued for more and better simulation/realism and that more realistic backpack weights is a good thing. The only argument Treyflix made against realistic backpack weight was that this isn't a simulator, which it is, all games are. If you have some arguments why backpack weights shouldn't be realistic I'd love to hear them.
  23. Latest Changes to Chests...

    Yes, omg yes! More realism, better simulation! All games are simulations, and Minecraft is an especially good simulation that happens to have lots of room for improvement. If you don't like simulation or realism why not go play industrial craft and get some magical teleporting pipes to carry all your gear crafted from "recycled" dirt? There are probably thousands of Minecraft mods that aren't TFC that ignore realism and simulation that you could go patronize. It's bad simulation that a player can carry literally tons of worthless dirt and stone at once. Limiting the player's carrying capacity can be replaced by implementing solutions, like pack animals, wagons, railcarts, villager slaves, barges or other logistical infrastructure. I imagine limiting player carrying capacity might also be one of the mechanisms that will help encourage economic activities on servers, along with scarcity and sparsity.
  24. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I can't help you if you can't help yourself. After reading your post I deleted my minecraft folder, freshly installed vanilla 1.3.2, ran MCNostalgia to revert back to 1.2.5, installed the TFC mod files and logged in to the Nessaja server without any trouble. MCNostalgia absolutely can be used to get 1.2.5 and I didn't lie.
  25. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server
