Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Treyflix

  1. Stay out of this JAG, I intend on finishing this. It is off topic after all and we de rail all the time.
  2. First off Demitri, cool off! Secondly at your 'mine craft is violent' thing, what is its focus? Creation. Building. All kinds of games are going to have violence, but the problem is when it's FOCUSED on deliberate manslaughter! I think the reason people are so quick to defend these games is because they're addicted to them (dont blame you, they're fun. i was addicted to at one point but i saw how wrong it was and shook it off) I simply do not understand how you can not see the issue with a game that focuses on bloodily slaughtering other people! Furthermore, there is zero legitimate age control so young children get access to it and it-just to a certain degree, don't get all huffy on me-normalizes killing. It begins to degrade the part of the brain that says "hey there, hold on and wait. That's a pack member, killing bad!". There has actually been scientific studies that have shown significant increases in mood swings, impatience, and unreasonable aggression towards other and in some cases yes, violence. I'm not saying that this guy went off and played CoD then said "hey I'm gonna go slaughter my mother and a bunch of kids, teehee". What I am saying though is CoD is NOT good for your mental well being. Play a game like mine raft that BUILDS areas of your brain instead of a game SOLELY focused on killing people. Heck, go smoke some pot, it'd be better for you frankly. At the core of it you simply have to admit that a game in where you bloodily slaughter people left and right in a very realistic environment is morally and bodily WRONG. The game solely exists for the function of the army get more recruits. Killing more people. Making more war. If you can't take a step back and see that, what does that say about you? Edit: this is interesting "So, in conclusion... shut the fuck up...and check your fact before you go around and start whining and complaining about shit like that, because it makes you look like a fucking ass!" Telling me in a very lewd manner that you don't care what I say, so just be quiet. Also that I was whining and being an ass (definition, a stubborn person who says mean things, also with the word before it, it implies that I was having intercourse as well). I showed no stubbornness. No mean words. I did not whine at all. And I was most certainly not having sexual intercourse. So you falsely accused me of several things, insulted me, told me to shut up, and provided a laughably weak argument of "minecraft is violent to so why don't you just ban all video games". You showed unreasonable aggression, impatience, and lack of attention. What do you think is a possible cause of those symptoms? (Don't say me, I gave you no reason. Perhaps I invoked a trigger point, but that would be in result from other people, not me)
  3. I agree, America (and I say this as a citizen nearing voting age) needs to crack down on gun control. But that's not the main problem, the stressful environment coupled with Violent FPS's like CoD is what is making these people go crazy. Can I possibly be the ONLY one that think shooter games that are so blatantly violent are wrong? But god, those poor children.
  4. TFC Birthday Contest Discussion Thread

    Thanks fanz. If you look in the other thread though, I totally failed, TFC's birthday is jan 2nd. Mine is dec 12th Anywho, re rail this!
  5. TFC's 1 year anniversary.

    Fail :L Thanks though everyone! Haha it was a "sweet 16".
  6. TFC's 1 year anniversary.

    Oh, yeh... Soz. If dunk sees this, I would kindly request he moves it.
  7. This is a great suggestion that could make chiseling a much more viable profession...
  8. TFC Birthday Contest Discussion Thread

    .... No WAY! I HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS TFC! I'm not sure why that makes me so excited, but it just does...
  9. Rainfall and making trees grow

    Hypothesis, SDA, Hypothesis. Not theory, Hypothesis.
  10. What is that picture from? It looks entertaining 0.0
  11. You cant skip the night

  12. You cant skip the night

    I vote for #3
  13. Encouraging specialization

    The scary part is it only does it some times... But the really scary part is it only happens to me!
  14. Encouraging specialization

    I'm not doing that 0.o *shits pants*
  15. Potentially helpful smithing stuff (spoilers)

    Bwahahaha! As soon as I get on a computer next that is being SIGGED!
  16. Encouraging specialization

    ._. Ah, but I didn't say the post! Haha.
  17. Encouraging specialization

    Three words (or five depending on how you look at it): Physicscraft is opensource!
  18. How to find better metals like hematite?

    What I'd do is find a spot, dig down to the second rock layer, and if it's sedimentary go digging for limonite!
  19. Waaa? Sweet powerbeat. Great mod!
  20. This is a good series, I like it a lot so far! Just one thing, when you get your pick, PLEASE build a nice house 0.0
  21. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Actually Kimble, that is the 64 edition of the TFC faithful pack.
  22. Alloy Simulation (no 'fixed' alloys)

    Joey, YOUR BACK where ever did you go? Also Dunk, thanks for clarifying, I understand why this has been rejected now.
  23. Alloy Simulation (no 'fixed' alloys)

    I still think this is a good idea, not sure why everybody hates it. Especially you JAG, I didn't think you could be so narrow minded :/
  24. Snow Removes Torches

    It snowed in your world? O.o isnt snow broken?
  25. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    Renadi, no. Seriously, I'm to tired to discuss this.