Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Palisight

  1. Torch Discussion

    There is really no reason for someone to be complaigning about a change that is completely configurable If you don't want to play with torch burn-outs, turn the feature off.
  2. Torch Discussion

    You can use the chisel slab mode to do this. I get the feeling this is considered to be a exploit considering the last time I mentioned it Kitty made the following post
  3. Obsidian/Nether/Strongholds

    Due to the TFC torch burn-out mechanic and the existance of glowstone in the Nether, making it to the Nether would have to be made dependant on having access to Blue Steel for balance reasons You don't need strongholds to get to the End. You need a enderframe portal. Which can be made to be craftable (see the Blood n Bones modpack for a example of implementation).
  4. Can't place vertical support beams more than 2 high

    Pyrocantaes is reporting that it is a bug that you can only place support beams on the bottom face of a block (I'm not sure if its actually a bug, but that is what Pyrocantaes is reporting) The rest of the message seems to be describing how it is difficult it is to place 4 block tall support beams
  5. Better Forest Fires

    1.) Is this suggestion based off of speculation, or are you actually observing overgrown forests taking over? 2.) If forest overpopulation is a problem, why would a solution based off humidity be a good thing? Wouldn't the problem continue to exist in wet areas, while making it difficuult for trees to survive in areas where there would already be less trees and not have the overpopulation problem? 3.) If forest overpopulation is a problem, wouldn't changing the time of growth or sapling failure chances be better options?
  6. b79 Staying ahead of the nutrition monster

    Personally I'd question the choice of taste effects on nuitrition being based off of trial and error for individuals, while the intent of the system seems to be specialization of labor so a server chef makes meals for everyone
  7. Some people like the ideas of weight mods. While weight in TFC will probably always be abstracted in "vanilla TFC" the way it is now, some people want carrying capacity in thier games Now if someone were to make a weight and carrying capacity add-on (or compatibility patch with a existing weight mod) (this is something I think will happen some unknown time in the future), they will run into the problem that what makes weight capacity mods playable is the ability to store items in donkey chests/minecart chests/boat chests etc and no mobile transfer option really works for ingots/logs/tools The reasoning for the inability to place these items in chests seems to be "we have made these cool features, so we will make it so players have to use them" The thing is though you have made cool features that most players will use anyway (obviously all players won't use them) They have a purpose even if you can store the items in chests. You can visually distinguish the contents, which you can't do in chests Ingot piles/log piles/tool racks would still be a convienent and visually distinct way of stacking/storing ingots, logs, and tools that I imagine most players would still use rather than search through disorganized chests Ingot piles and log piles also have no material cost, where storing them in chests have a material cost This suggestion would also make donkey chests/minecart chests/boat chests more convienent mobile transfer solutions even for Vanilla TFC players, its just that those solutions would be convienent rather than vital
  8. Personally I like the idea of mobs being able to break blocks, but it would definitely be something that would have to be either configurable or hard/harcore only Actually for that matter, I think this entire suggestion if implemented would have to be configurable And its pretty apparent based off of what players such as lightningtiger have said, that there should be a configuration for monsters to not be able to spawn above sea level
  9. Then you probably want to reword your suggestion so it sais something along the following Change above sea level mob spawning so it requires both 1.) Light level below 8 and 2.) Sufficient Monster values Perhaps it could be something along the lines of taint in Thaumcraft (or at least it used to be [i haven't played Thaumcraft since 1.2.5]) Chunks could have a monster level that decreases when players kill monsters in that chunk. The monster level would slowly increase if no players are within 4 chunk radius or so of a player similar to the current spawn protection mechanic At high enough monster levels, mobs can spawn above sea level At even higher monster levels, you could experience effects listed in the original post
  10. While I think this overall idea is a improvement over the current spawn protection mechanism, I'm not sure why you want to disable overworld spawning based off of light levels That change would allow hostile mobs to spawn above ground any time of the day or night. I personally think hostile mobs shouldn't be spawning frequently above ground in the daytime (sure there will be instances such as mobs leaving caves, but overall daytime should be a time where you don't have to worry about mobs that much)
  11. A slight modification to logpile block physics

    As an alternate suggestion, the log piles could be changed so the inventory couldn't be accessed if a solid block is placed on top of it. Seriously, who collects thier firewood from the bottom of the log pile rather than the top? (I'm talking real life with that statement)
  12. Realistic Mining and Metal Extraction

    If you want it, you will need to make a add-on 1.) A grinder is too mechanical for the devs to want to implement it 2.) Modern separation techniques aren't going to make into the mod. You will still be using bloomeries late game in vanilla TFC 3.) I'll take it you haven't got far enough in the mod because I don't think you know how the existing metals system works
  13. Rail, Rails, Rails!

    Railcraft compatibility is easy. Just use Minetweaker Minetweaker can be used to make craftable pistons, bricks, furnace carts, fire charges, hoppers etc in TFC Sure some of the things you have to do sound kind of cheaty (make nonsensical recipes for materials normally found in the nether), but thats what you have to do until the devs fix dimensional travel (don't hold your breath for that one)
  14. [Solved] Bismuth bronze not working? Your quantities are wrong
  15. Kimberlite ID

    Go to your configs TFCOre.cfg ctr+f kimberlite
  16. Minecraft 2 early access

    I really should have watched that video before posting that comment
  17. Minecraft 2 early access

    Read the video description "*Not actually Minecraft 2 nor authored by Microsoft"
  18. The torch page discussion is now 6 pages, and its mostly filled with players freaking out about the lack of permanent lighting, while the devs/Kitty explain how the plan is to have mob spawns controlled by spawn protection The way devs described is players have to conquer the wilderness to prevent mobs from spawning. While the concept of this is fine, how it was executed was strange. Since Minecraft is tied to the concept of nighttime danger, you would think players would have to survive at least 1 night in an area to prevent mobs from spawning. But in TFC with default settings players don’t. The 5x5 chunk area is large enough so players don’t have to build a shelter at night with spawn protection on. All they have to do is find a productive chunk 3.3 minutes before mobs start spawning and start their productive stationary activities. That still gives players 8.3 minutes for mobile activities and still have a mob free night (if their day starts at 5 AM) So I’ve analyzed the different hourly gain settings to see the in game effects 8 (default): 8.3 mobile minutes, 3.3 stationary 7: 8.3 mobile minutes, 3.3 stationary 6: 7.5 mobile minutes, 4.2 stationary 5: 7.5 mobile minutes, 4.2 stationary 4: 5.8 mobile minutes, 5.8 stationary 3: 4.2 mobile minutes, 7.5 stationary 2: 0.8 mobile minute, 10.8 stationary 1: Must survive night for spawn protection From the analysis, it seems 5+ hourly gain spawn protection is completely overpowered. 3-4 hourly gain spawn protection allows mob free nights if players sacrifice 50-64% of their daylight hours for stationary activities
  19. Tutorial site in the making!

    I guess my question is why are you putting content on a separate site from the TFC wiki? The wiki has a convienent link on the top of webpages so it will always receive more traffic
  20. Analysis of Spawn Protection Settings

    Reasons: 1.) Mob variety. In the current setup, you will basically face zombies, more zombies, and even more zombies. 2.) Does anyone actualy like the zombie apocolypse mechanic??? Why is it supposed to balance spawn protection? Especially since you can prevent all zombies from hitting you with a 2 block high structure. Without skeletons/spiders that can shoot/climb you are invincible except from hunger/fall damage/lava/drowning etc 3.) If you can hit a zombie with a knife or sword, its only fair if they can hit you back.
  21. Analysis of Spawn Protection Settings

    Well you are right about the zombies. The 1st two nights I tested standing outside in plain site no mobs saw me, but on the 3rd-4th tests zombies and no other mobs did indeed find me. Of course zombies can't hit far, so you can just stand on top of two log blocks and attack the zombies, heat things in a fire pit, knapp, or whatever. You will have to turn your sounds off once zombies find you for your sanity, but since spiders/skeletons/creepers won't find you, you won't need sounds In a multiplayer setting, the only thing that could change this is player(s) that decide not to follow with the stationary plan and walk away from the protected chunks and attract non zombie mobs So basically from this I conclude either 1.) Non-zombie aggro range should be increased or 2.) Spawn protection should be changed to 4x4, so non zombie mobs have a chance of spawning in aggro range Its also rather unfair you can hit zombies at a further range than they can hit you
  22. Food

    Theres a good chance that the point of this thread is not to talk about how eating food alone is boring, but that dunkleosteus is looking for people in downtown Toronto to eat food with
  23. Localized weather integration

    This topic has been derailed by Tsuarok and I considering the compatibility issues starting in post #8 are no longer related to the localized weather mod. Its unfortunate that Tsuarok and I chose to derail this topic with mod compatibility issues unrelated to the localized weather mod considering mod compatibility with the Localized weather mod should be on the LW devs and not the TFC devs. Most of the time mod incompatibility is due dimensional/health/damage/blockresistance incompatibility caused by the TFC devs for no good reason. Thats the problem irritating Tsuarok and I. Neither Tsuarok or I should have derailed this topic, and I apologize for my part in the derailment. Its a serious problem that needs to be addressed, but its off topic here
  24. Localized weather integration

    I suspect the TFC mod compatibility stance isn't purposely dishonest, just completely misguided. I suspect its actually a reaction to FlowerChild's stance of being purposely incompatible with everything. So the devs can say "we are not like Better Than Wolves, we are made with compatibility in mind because we use Forge." Mean while they rescale damage/health/block resistance, remove the nether/the end from the game etc for no good reason. Yes they don't make TFC purposely incompatible with other mods. But their mod compatibility stance is equivalent to FlowerChilds until around BTW version 4.0. He used to expect mod authors to make thier mods BTW compatible so thier users wouldn't have to abandon BTW to play thier mods. He thought people wouldn't want to play Minecraft without his mod. He was wrong Many people want TFC to be THE early game tech mod. The TFC devs made its far less work to recreate TFC features in other mods than it is to make TFC work with other mods. The end result is that all the TFC features non-TFC players want will be eventually be made into other mods. Many of them probably won't be as detailed as they are in TFC, but that won't be important to most people
  25. Tall Worlds Mod

    The Tall Worlds mod is going to be made using the M3L (assuming Microsoft doesn't destroy the Minecraft 1 modding community) M3L doesn't use coremods. Its planned to be compatible with forge mods that don't change world generation. Cuchaz currently has no way of having forge mods to "communicate" with M3L Mods that change world generation would have to be written using the M3L Basically "intergrating the TWM into TFC" means rewriting world generation into a new game engine. The non world generation tech tree might be able to be separated into a separate forge mod depending on how well the planned M3L-forge compatibility works out