Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by raymondbh

  1. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    I have removed most of the server mods now, and the time issue is now solved. We will run like this till I can the server over to KCauldron. No warps, no dead-chest before I can solve this, so be aware!
  2. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    Updated! 1.0.0(Release)
  3. FTW ;-) Opensource your mod. Easier to get input from other modders, and even help if needed.
  4. When can we play tfc2?

    Maybe you can make a road map of where you want to go, and what you want to make in TFC2, so ppl can contribute? A little help have never hurt anyone... ;-)
  5. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    That's exactly what I have been thinking too, but IE don't have the mechanical side unfortunately...
  6. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    I have removed Morpheus (server mod), hope this will fix our time problems...
  7. @Sladki did a little update work for you on this addon too. Check github.
  8. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    @Sladki, take a look at github, gave you a little hand with the 0.79.23 update...
  9. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    I have added you to the whitelist. No griefing. No stealing. The server is in Norway, so I will not be online at the exactly the same time as you. But the last days I have not had the time to play at all... There are not many other ppl playing at the server right now, but I hope that will change as soon as I can get the permission system up and running (so we can disable the whitelist).
  10. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Well, that kind of rules out the IE water/windmills as well, as they generate electricity...
  11. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    It would be cool to add oil... maybe we could ask Emris to borrow some of his code from his BC addon...
  12. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Sure, would be cool to work together... :-) As far as I know, there is no big case adding an additional ore to TFC, I think you actually can do it the TFC ore config?
  13. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Sound not far away from what I have been thinking. As soon as I am done with my own TFC add on, I wouldn't mind working on this as well. But I really need some help with textures for my own mod first....
  14. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    I will replace ForgeEssentials and other Forge server plugins, with bukkit plugins when I have the time to do all the permissions...
  15. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    This command is not used, but this seems to happen every time the server is restarted... are they any addons or other mods than can call this command..? Morpheus maybe?!!
  16. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    hehe, it's definitely not a bug, I would ask noisy...
  17. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Did you loose your waypoints?! I didn't.... Streams broke the world, so have to recover from a backup...
  18. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Currently working on running the server with Cauldron and plugins, so we can remove the whitelisting... this can take some time, but I think it will be worth it.
  19. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Ok... I will try and look into it :-)
  20. I get this on my server... [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: A TileEntity type terramisc.tileentities.BlockTallowCandleTileEntity has throw an exception trying to write state. It will not persist. Report this to the mod authorjava.lang.RuntimeException: class terramisc.tileentities.BlockTallowCandleTileEntity is missing a mapping! This is a bug! at net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.func_145841_b( ~[aor.class:?] at terramisc.tileentities.BlockTallowCandleTileEntity.func_145841_b( ~[blockTallowCandleTileEntity.class:?] at [aqk.class:?] at [aqk.class:?] at [ms.class:?] at [ms.class:?] at [mt.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71267_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( [MinecraftServer.class:?] at [MinecraftServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ [li.class:?]
  21. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Thank you :-) Could you send me a PM @TonyLiberatto. Have some questions about Cauldron...
  22. I added your addon to my server modpack (
  23. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Yes I'll add you. Remember: NO stealing NO griefing. It had crashed... Up again now, I will look into what's happend. Check my post in the Addon section of the forum (TFC-Additions).
  24. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Sorry, but industifirma is just a bunch of Minetweaker/customitems, and I do not like any of those mods on the server. I am open for a tech mod, but haven't found anything that I thinks fits in. Immersive Engineering seems like a mod I would like, but need to make some compatibility layers for it, and that's a lot of work, and first I have to finish my own addon/mod.