Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LiesTech

  1. I like this idea. What it really reminds me of is the recently added method for creating torches, that is just right clicking on a torch with a stick, though less efficient I don't have to go into a menu and I can just right click until I have enough, plus now I can just carry sticks around and one stack of torches without having to make a fire pit every few blocks.


    With the convenience factor I think this proposal is on that same tier because even though the molds + vessel method works fine being able to make 4, 8 or even 12 tools all at once without having to look at the vessel UI, or any UI for that matter, just seems so convenient and relaxing.




  2. Exactly Bunsan, I'm looking for more roles I could potentially fill on a server that are supported by the mod. Nothing stops me from playing how I like; except inconvenience and gameplay that is the exact same as vanilla. Currently most heavily supported roles are in a segment I like to think of as 'Town Builder' roles, but exploration and discovery roles are a little lacking in variety, except for finding new types of wood, ore and food, which is the exact same as vanilla. Plus what if I never want to stop moving and really want to take more than 100 stacks of things with me? Or maybe I want to be the eternal savage, I'm not saying make the mod longer I'm just expressing an interest in the mod supporting more than just the Town Builder roles.


    Again I can play how I want, but eventually I have to become a town builder or never do anything besides a couple of tasks in the mod.


  3. @stringburka I like new features. Plain and simple. Left Lite it Up when they didn't update to 79, even though I had a really nice town with its own Parthenon. These devs just do such a good job I always want to try something new and I'm to lazy to keep swapping mods, forge versions etc. just to play an old version. Hope that answers your question. :D


  4. Hello, this is LiesTECH. I just wanted to say that I play on InsaneJ's server (I just use the facilities, I don't donate) and have also played on whitelisted servers. I just want to say that both had similar play experiences and both were enjoyable, BUT the whitelisted server still used Cauldron (LIU) and the smaller whitelisted server without cauldron got deleted within days of my first logging on because the owner got bored. After that last experience I didn't touch TFC for a bit.


    Really then without Cauldron Protections your experience in TFC MP is either going to be very brief, very closeted(i.e. only close friends), or very violent a la RUST/DayZ/7 Days to Die with javelins. It's human nature and here there are no consequences to stop us. And yes I will likely only ever play the newest version of this mod, so if he needs cauldron and you invalidate cauldron and he has to stick with a previous version I will leave. It isn't personal, but I will. Even if it is just to play SP.


  5. Hello, I have skimmed the forums and this seems to be mostly unique and I have posted in discussion to hopefully get some feedback without breaking the one suggestion rule.


    What I want to talk about is game roles and professions (loose sense of those words.) Really what I'm talking about is play style. Currently TFC makes great pains to support a few play styles/roles. Namely:

    • Farmer: Dozens of crops, nutrient management and animal husbandry
    • Cook: Two meal types, with more on the way, and varied flavors dependent on region/cook time
    • Miner: Support beams, Pro-pick, cave-ins and dozens of ores
    • Blacksmith: Interesting and varied system with leveling and multi block apparati
    • Builder: Many different wood/stone types with pleasing palettes, chiseling and plank items

    It makes sense as these roles epitomize MC, but my question is "Should TFC support other roles as well?" Maybe a nomad tree to go along with the current metal-age village one, maybe a warrior tree, or even a bit of forestry? I'm not in favor of making the mod itself longer. The progression to Red/blue steel is plenty long. Instead I think that lateral growth should be the focus. Allowing and supporting life styles that don't quite go through the linear progression to steel.


    Let me know what you think, please give your honest thoughts and, if you are so inclined, describe some aspect of lateral growth you might want to see.


    Thank you, LiesTECH


  6. Yes, good idea. The stone age does need something to liven it up. At least a little. Make it terribly inefficient with resources, yes, but please. I really can only do so much before I have to go for metal at least to some extent. Then all there is left is more metal and frankly I've done most everything in the smithing  system, while it is interesting for 15-20 hours of gameplay (good job on that), it seems to be the only section that merits such attention and has received such obvious TLC, with the food system being a close second. Yes, it is absolutely brilliant, but I would like something else just as well done. Cooking may soon become the second, with soups, stews and (please) baking in earthen ovens.


    In conclusion give serious consideration to suggestions like this one (which seems a good way to placate unwilling SP Smiths), but could provide a bridge into introducing a new lifestyles. Namely The Nomad and The Savage.


    Thank you, Liestech


  7. Should be a thing, but should be prioritized along with Obsidian tools. In other words low. Unless their hinted tree rewrite makes this incredibly easy. Then sure.


    • Carts are good, but no human powered carts.
    • Should be useful, but will be less so in rough terrain (definition of TFC terrain.)
    • Useful for trading and possibly setting up new outposts.
    • Issues: Oceans, Rivers, Bodies of water greater than one block deep, mountains, ravines, SP applicability, making new animal models (big time sink) and the potential for these to turn into flans vehicles as this is still MC.

  8. Maybe flakes can only stack up to 64? With only one unit per you could only get 10 ingots using four vessels in a pit kiln and that's with pure metals. You could even make the stack limit 32 which would cap a pit kiln at 512 units when only using flakes and limit each one to a single bronze ingot, or equivalent. Plus even though you can use sluices for iron, you could say that it's 'to impure' for our tech level and so we can't get iron from a sluice.


    I like the idea of gravel type based drops as I have never felt the need to prospect via sluice. I just walk around, look for nuggets and mine when I see what I am looking for; usually doesn't take long even on SMP.


    Just my two cents and Happy New Year nine days ago,






    Or you could make the sluice that even captures flakes at a reasonable rate require iron riffles made from an iron grill.


  9. Application: 

    In game username: LIESTech
    How long have you been playing TFC: B78.10 on through
    Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Played on a server with teleports. Made TFC extremely easy. Me and three other guys proceeded to make an all marble Greek themed town with Parthenon and Administration offices in about a week.
    Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: I'm applying for Vanilla TFC with base protection, no teleports and no trade interaction with normal players on the server. So Yes.




    Sorry my name is actually LiesTECH. I have been mainly playing SP so I forgot. Also my intention in the hardcore world is to be a trail builder and day shelter engineer with the intent of making the continent easy to cover without being caught out in boring nothingness.


  10. I must hail Thread Necromancer Timorr again before I post. Hail!


    Now comes the organized bullets of thought:

    • I get where you all are coming from. No need to alienate people by forcing them to do something unnecessary.
    • I had sheep, farm and an orchard started in the world where I achieved Iron by midsummer. It was just extremely favorable (I spawned next to a cherry tree, by exposed nq malachite and the luck kept up in that fashion)
    • My only issue is that the stone age is so bereft of features (I can make a shelter and a stone axe, yay.)
    • Maybe don't take his suggestion on requiring 1000 health to mine (that seems excessive) I normally hover from 800-850. Requiring regular meals is plenty on that score.
    • However, maybe, eventually, add the features that can add to, instead of subtract from, play styles.
    • Familiar animals will follow like a tame wolf if instructed=The possibility of a nomadic play style without the normal pain of moving your animals. (maybe larger,  unfamiliar animals will try and break tethers if this is implemented?)
    • Tents, fences and bonfires add ambience to this new nomadic lifestyle
    • A clay oven (that takes several days to cure) would add ambience, and better bread, to sedentary farmer lifestyles
    • Mushrooms, that grow on thatch, in the dark, would make it possible to be the crazy miner man, that only comes up for lumber, water and to trade.

    In conclusion, I enjoy this mod in the extreme and like to be a jack of all trades, but I would eventually like to see several emergent lifestyles crop up in addition to the sedentary farmer/rancher/smith, the sponsored explorer, and the bleeding edge of survival hunter gatherer.


    Thank you, LiesTECH


  11. All Hail Timorr The Thread Necromancer!!!!!


    In all seriousness though I shouldn't be able to get to the iron age by my first fall. Let alone by mid summer as I have managed on some particularly favorable seeds...


  12. Yeah, I have not used the wiki since 79 came around as it still has that 'under construction' banner. Until then I have been just using the change log when I'm curious about something. I think I might have just mixed up vinegar's requirement with alcohol's. Those bullet points must have jumped around on me.


  13. Um Xen, I think your math is off a bit:

    • To have successful fermentation a minimum of 100oz of the source material is required (and sometimes more in my experience*), that is 10oz per 1000mb
    • I used 15lbs (or 240oz of raw sugarcane) and got 22.1oz of sugar
    • So multiply by five to get a conservative 110oz of sugar for guaranteed fermentation.
    • That comes to a staggering 1200oz of raw sugarcane, requiring 7.5 barrels of water to process.
    • When you divide 1200oz by 7.5oz (approx. avg. yield per mature sugarcane) you get roughly 160 plants to get a single barrel of rum.

    *I have 100oz of rye flour in two different barrels and they have not fermented in half a game year. Same with some cornmeal.


  14. I like the idea, but let me try and clarify it a bit. If I'm off base let me know:

    • Ores are heated (giving them a 'cooked' appearance I assume)
    • Then ground in a quern
    • This results in ore dust
    • Each ore dust equals 5 units of that metal (So poor quality equals 3 dust etc.)
    • You gain no metal from this process, only simplicity of smelting


    • Can you do this to iron, if so what purpose would it serve?
    • What stack size would you recommend for the dust? 32? 64? 128? 
    • How much time does cooking take?
    • What quantity of heat does dust pull from a crucible?

    Thank you, LiesTECH


  15. Well I just started playing again (not really I just don't have much time) and I got my first real sugarcane harvest in (30 ish plants) and I thought 'Rum, give me Rum me boys!' So I made sugar by sealing 15lbs of sugarcane in a couple barrels of water and got back... 22oz of sugar. Barely enough for a wee dram let alone to get rip roaring drunk on. Meanwhile half a dozen apple trees produced enough apples to make around 16 barrels of Cider. And I think 'What!?! I would need 50lbs of sugarcane to make just one little barrel of the hard stuff while a mere 10lbs of corn can make a barrel of whisky and an apple tree can make two barrels of cider.'


    In short, do you think apples are OP now compared to what sugarcane used to be and has sugarcane been nerfed beyond usability?


    Thank you, LiesTECH


    side note: If I need 50lbs of sugarcane for a barrel of rum that would mean at least 100 plants, maybe more....


  16. Hey all, With the season and all (at least in the US) I thought it would be a good idea to have at least one thread full of the things we really like in the new patch. I'll start:


    • Meal Mechanic and animal taming. I never did get how we could just walk up to any two animals and say "Hey make more of you."
    • The new animation for the fire starter.
    • Food preservation namely smoking: I always wanted to make BBQ ribs in MC and I almost can.
    • The butchery skill: I have not had to bury anybody in meat like I did in B78.
    • The metal trapdoors. Enough said.

    Leave your favorite features below and let the devs know we do appreciate their work and aren't just a bunch of backseat programmers.


    Thanks, LiesTECH


  17. I want to make standing pies and with the repertoire of animals there are I could manage a bearsteerbucklambenfish standing pie (no pig because that is used in the crust, mhhm; lard.)


    Though it would have to take high butchery skill and at least the cook time of a charcoal pit. Not sure how the flavor would be, but I want to feed a server on a three by two by three golden brown, gravy filled monolith!!


  18. Is there any way you could find it in your hearts to revert the charcoal production particle effects. They look kind of silly now before it seemed quaint; really giving a sense of immersion. Now Smoke billows like a chain smoker from that thing and it rises faster than smoke really seems like it should. It's just a little aesthetic change I would like to see.


    Thank you, Liestech
