Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Waz

  1. With a bit of random click and shift-clicking I still get disappearing stacks, but in all cases so far closing and reopening the GUI fixes it. Sometimes in very weird ways though - I'm certain it pulled stuff back out of my inventory in many cases. Edit: yes, quite frequently I'll take stuff out of the alloy calculator, but before I can put it into a vessel it's disappeared from my inventory and it's back in the calculator GUI. Something is still very wrong. This happens quite quickly so it should be easy to reproduce.
  2. Should tree farms be a thing?

    In the small group of 4 that I play with, this is exactly what we do, plus the rule of leaving the stump. In both TFC and vanilla. We'll break the planting rule with stuff like rubber tree mods need, and the stump rule whenever it gets in the way of construction, so hard-and-fast options to turn such rules on wouldn't be interesting. So yes, not everything has to be coded in. Role playing is fun.
  3. Mammoth in terrafirmacraft

    Many paleontogolists place the extinction of mammoths and other Proboscidea and large mammals in general firmly in human hands (the retreating Ice Age didn't help either), so I don't think "they're extinct so players can't hunt them" is a reason they wouldn't be in a world populated entirely by players. Quite the contrary. I'd certainly rather the night was prowled by nocturnal sabre-soothed cats and than zombies and skeletons. There is only a small list of realistic candidates for animals that could harm the player. Boar, bears, wolves, large cats, and very large herbivores such as elephantines, and very large predatory birds (flighted and flightless). You'll note how in real earth we made nearly all of those extinct, at least regionally. We have boar, bear, and wolves. Sabre-toothed cats, mammoths, (Haast's) eagles, and moas would be examples of the others. Personally, I'd love to see skeletons and zombies gone, at least from the surface, and replaced with non-despawning beasts that are more aggressive at night and need to be (permanently) killed to replace the "protection" mechanic.
  4. I'm seeing the same thing pretty frequently (eg. mess around moving stuff in and out for less than a minute), but I also haven't reliably seen exactly what I've done that caused it. Things that might affect it: holding shift; dragging while adding the ores. It's a pretty nasty bug early on when you're desperately trying to make bronze with the tiny bit of some component you've found then end up losing some of it. Edit: Just tested with a pile of junk tin ore - no shift-clicking just dragging out the stack and repacking it into one stack in the GUI. A stack of 16 was reduced to 1 within about 1 minute of moving it around. Ouch.
  5. I'm relatively new to the game and prospecting is of course no exact science, but I feel I'm getting a lot less positives from surface prospecting than in 0.78, and I'm wondering if this is the new gravel layer often putting the goodies out-of-range of the prospectors pick? The gravel layer and new mining collapse mechanics are already making mining harder, so it being harder to find ores from the surface compounds the difficulty. Seems just as useful to just look in crevasses and forget digging elsewhere.
  6. This works a charm. You have to wait for it to light, then refill the hole. I find it easier than the old way (and more logical).
  7. The oredict for logWood seems wrong. Minetweaker shows:Ore entries for <ore:logWood> : <minecraft:log:*> <minecraft:log2:*> <terrafirmacraft:item.Log:*>But as this is only items (?) not placed logs it means, for example, that Electrical Age resin taps cannot be attached to TFC trees. Workaround is by Minetweaking:var log = <ore:logWood>;log.add(<terrafirmacraft:log>);log.add(<terrafirmacraft:log2>);
  8. I too confirm it's fixed by using the right forge. Sorry, I can't work out how to edit the title so say [solved].
  9. Version #: SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single Suggested Name: Ingot piles initially invisible Suggested Category: Annoying Description: Shift-clicking to place an ingot in anewpile creates the pile, but it is not visible. Workaround is to save and quit - the stack appears upon restart and adding additional ingots causes no problems. Reproducible in Creative mode. Particularly annoying is that walking on the invisible pile can get you stuck in it. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
  10. [Solved] Still large ocean?

    Agreed - it means the new world north or south will be significantly different, rather than a series of slowly-changing biomes. It's also a lot easier to make an epic journey for sheep (and tow them back) via sea than via land. Spawning on one of these islands is a unique challenge (one I've never had any luck against though). A basic rule of procedural generation is to allow the outliers, because they provide long-term newness to replay.