Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. [Solved] Cow Familiarization

    Also the red part of heart won't increase past a certain point with adult/wild animals. To max framiliarize them you need to start with babies. White border as stated is possible with all animals.
  2. [Solved] SSP Server D/C On Chisel Detailing

    For future reference if others have this issue. For Yosemite OS Apple stupidly removed a key method. You still want to use Java 7, but you will need to remove your old Java 7, redownload it from oracle and reinstall. The confusing thing is that it is hotfix and has the same build number (71 I believe). You can still have Java 6 SE and Java 8 on your system, just be sure to point your installer at Java 7.
  3. Wick.Minecart.

    Please split your different suggestions into seperate threads.
  4. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    Shooting a skeleton with an arrow is always a viable option to save your buddy. Sure it doesn't do any damage, but it does draw their aggro (autocorrect changed aggro to Afro ), even if briefly. I also use arrows on them to pull them.
  5. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Edit: Bit doopy from flu, my comment was meant to follow the last one on page 4. Either I missed there was another page or lost a lot of time. Not sure what your point is exactly. TFC is still in beta and many features are to be added. So they are making the race longer. And throwing up roadblocks and forcing players to fully explore one feature (which they may not enjoy) to access a fairly unconnected feature (which they do enjoy) is, as kitty said, selfish. As for configs, make requests for the ones you feel are lacking. However think about how they can be detected. Detecting agricultural progress, besides just skill level, isn't really feasible. Even querying skill level would take a bunch of new code. So I'd suggest building it yourself. For example: Use minetweaker to remove the bloomery recipe and make a new one with an unobtainable item in centre of recipe. Then using HQM create a quest where you have to submit X oz or crop A, B and C, which gives reward of unobtainable item needed for bloomery.
  6. For TFCSlimes is there a swamp biome condition? I've been playing around (using opis and Mob Spawning Controls 2) and can't get a slime to spawn. I've not been able to find a swamp to test if there is a biome condition.
  7. [Solved] Slime Spawning Conditions

    Thanks Xen. I had read much the same thing. In my tests I can avoid lighting up caves since I can turn off all hostile mobs except slimes. More for my own curiosity I think I'll do a larger test to sort out where they are spawning. Clear out 8x8 chunks and setup spawning platforms by chunk. Maybe there is a change in the algorithm to determine chunks. Using WE as I'm not crazy. Waste of time for my plans, but may help others in base TFC. @Kitty. Do you know where the slimes were found. The only place I know that is substantially deep is the deep mine at base. Otherwise it suggests that they may actually spawn higher.
  8. Make Stone Age Longer.

    All of this is possible with a bit of effort on the players part. Kitty has ore-dictionaried the mod and with the tools out there, Custom Ore Gen, Mob Spawn Controls 2, MineTweaker, ModTweaker, etc. you can do anything you want. I fairly certain that MSC2 is compatible with Mo' Creatures, so it likely is possible to make it work. I like that the devs have a good mod that they are adding to at a reasonable pace while maintaining balance. So many mods add everything and the kitchen sink and the mod looses focus and its theme. So they put a lot of effort into making it as compatible as possible with other mods.
  9. [Solved] Slime Spawning Conditions

    Thanks for help, since I can't convince them to show their gelatinous selves in any reasonable manner I'll just find a plan B to my schemes. I realize there is a pretty obvious one anyways.
  10. [Solved] Slime Spawning Conditions

    Yeah I'm at a loss as to their conditions. Vanilla apparently it is below lvl 40 in slime chunks and between 50-70 in swamps. I've made spawning platforms for the slimes in a slime chunks in a swamp biome (which oddly has no lilypads) in all those ranges and can not get a slime to spawn with default TFC spawning (no MSC2 loaded) or even if I turn off all other mobs and crank up the spawning rate by a factor of 4 with MSC2. I don't doubt that they spawn, but I'm at a loss as to the conditions. I think I'll just sort out a work around to substitute slime balls for sticky pistons.
  11. [Solved] Slime Spawning Conditions

    In 1.6.4 they spawn on surface all the way down to bedrock. So will be same in 1.7.10. Just in case though I took a slime chunk down to bedrock. I'll play with the spawn weights and see if I can get spawns.
  12. [Solved] Slime Spawning Conditions

    Odd. I've turned off all other mob spawning and still no slimes despite standing in the middle of a half dozen slime chunks. Hard mod and not a single mob Must be a condition I'm missing.
  13. Are apples the new sugar cane?

    Also as far as apple/fruit trees being OP. From make berry bushes unpick able suggestion. So a re-balance of them is possible.
  14. Respawn Wild Animals

    You can use opis to see how many of each entity are in loaded chunks on server. I would guess that there are just no animals outside their houses, so none exist. Same thing as all the glowstone being harvested when there is none visible from portal drop. Opis will give you hard numbers and you can say there are X deer in the chunks currently loaded, i.e. near players on.
  15. Torch Poll

    There is a nice little add-on that adds the permanent light source you desire. At this point things are just being rehashed. Until something is added to tfc r here is config to undo changes to torches and there is add-on that adds lanterns.
  16. What pages should be updated first?

    Is there a working list of pages on wiki that need to be updated? Would it be helpful if you were provided with text documents of page updates that could be used by approved editors. I'm not sure I have enough time to help with wiki to make it worth you vetting me for editing rights, but I thought I may still be able to contribute in some small way.
  17. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    AHHHH Cowthulu
  18. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    Don't think anyone thought you were angry or trolling. You just have a different opinion. But I'm sure you can see the devs view that you can't kill all mobs from range.
  19. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    My suggestion of some knockback and no damage was based on thought that it would give Stone Age players a chance to survive being trapped by giving enough room to escape. I'd even like to see the range such that you'd be in aggro range at max distance. For zombie, spiders, bears or endermen there are things you can do to possibly escape since melee does a small knockback. Either way I'm not too fussed, was more of a compromise suggestion since I don't care for blunt range weapon. Even well advanced I bob and weave and only engage if I have to.
  20. [Solved][79.13] Unable to work Bloom/Refined Bloom

    This sometimes happens to me as well. It was reported a good while back as well. The trick I use to fix is to throw it back in force when it should have completed. Let it warm a bit and then put back in anvil. Usually it completes it then. Others have suggested reselecting the plan, but that never worked for me.
  21. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    I think there is a need for a way to deal with skeletons, but I think a ranged weapon that can kill them makes life a bit to easy. What I'd like to see is ability to throw stones, which would knockback without damaging them. Would be nice if it also gave a 1 second stun effect as well. This would allow you to more easily run from them or clear a path. You could do the sling, but that would require a new item, mechanic. Whereas throwing stones may be able to use snowball mechanics.
  22. This is a known issue. In particular if Sequoia or Willow leaf blocks update, with snow for example, they will despawn. I think it is an issue with base Vanilla code as it also occurs with some Biomes O'Plenty trees.
  23. What are you reading?

    The two series that I have read and reread countless times is the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov and HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. They are well known for good reason. A nice introduction to Asimov's work is the short story The Last Question. More unknown is Guy Gavriel Kay. Fantasy author who uses historical events. I haven't read his last 2 books yet, but the two before that were less impressive than his earlier work. He is also one of the few male fantasy writers who can write strong female characters.
  24. Problem with starting a server

    As I said not on windows so I can't speak for syntax, but if that is what works for craftbukkit it should work.
  25. Problem with starting a server

    You need the -Xmx1024M arguement in your run.bat. Obviously with your desired RAM. Not a windows user so can't give script syntax, but lots of info if you google. Same as launching craftbukkit/spigot/cauldron just pointing at forge jar.