Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. Yes, but as was pointed out, you only need to babysit them for a few hours once. In that time you can get them up to the white border, familiarity won't decrease stage. After that you are fine to leave them for long periods of time and you can still milk/sheer them. It was also pointed out that familiarity is passed from mother to offspring. So I would then suggest getting a few breeding females up to max familiarity and breed only them. After one feed the offspring will be max familiarity as well and you cull out the others. For SMP this is quite nice as someone who is willing to devote some time is able to quickly build up a herd that after the first investment of time needs much less input as they are love you from day one. A few other observations as well. Assuming you don't miss a day it seems to take 5 days of feeding to get to the white heart for nearly all animals. They will gain the white heart on the next day after the 5th feeding. Each day seem to reduce the familiarity by about a 1/3 or a 1/4 of what you gain from a feeding/interaction. Some animals take an extra day to get to white heart. I haven't tested all animals yet, but Female sheep and male horses take 6 days for feeding. Wolves are confusing. They take the expected 5 days, but I missed a day in one test and they still got white heart for male, but not female. So they gain differently, but I'm not quite sure how it works yet. Probably would have to look at code or NBT data to get the hard number, but I'm pretty sure doing so is frowned upon on this forum. I have not tested birds or wild animals yet.
  2. [Solved] Missing silver unshaped recipe

    You can put ingots directly into the crucible, no need for the mold. It would also seem to me that the ability to put other ingots back into molds is not so much a bug as a remnant of an old mechanic. There is no need or value to putting ingots back into molds. This topic really should just be closed.
  3. Donkeys

    I really sounds like a corrupted chunk to me. Basically it can read, but can't save the chunk information. So whenever the chunk unloads it goes back to the last save it successfully did. Test it by altering other things in the chunk with the donkeys and then relogging. If it is corrupted any changes will revert. If it is a corrupted chunk it may be possible to move the donkeys to an uncorrupted one, but it is also possible that one of the donkeys is corrupted and causing the chunk corruption, so all you would do it move the corruption to a new location.
  4. Food don't matter

    I had a much longer winter voyage than I intended. Broken boat no trees for great distance and ocean between me and home. Starved while I swam and ended up with nutrition values of about 30% in all categories. Eating best food resulted in getting up to full nutrition very quickly. As the current configuration is much different than was originally implimented I would bet on a good amount of changes. But as it is I find eating best food quite benificial and in long run being able to limit the food types I need makes management easier. The nutrition bonuses would be especially helpful in hardcore and PVP worlds as you need to max health as much and as quickly as possible.
  5. [Solved] Missing silver unshaped recipe

    It was something possible in the past. There is sound logic to put solid metal in the mold and then melt it. Just because the mechanic has changed is no reason to be rude.
  6. Food don't matter

    From Changelog [*]Redesigned the way that taste interacts with nutrition and how satisfaction affects the player. Taste no longer directly affects the nutrition gained from eating a meal. Instead, it affects only the satisfaction gained, with more satisfaction being added the closer that the meal's taste is to the players preferences. When the player is satisfied, they will gain residual nutrition based upon the player's current nutritional levels with more nutrition gained when the player is malnourished than if he isn't. So yes it is worth raising the level of cooking and eating the best food as you will be able to more easily maintain your nutrition levels, especially in a situation when food is scarce.
  7. Have you ever found Graphite in Gneiss?

    Matter of luck. I found 2 pockets of graphite with random hit on a hill as I climbed it within 100 blocks of each other in schist stone. One had less then a stack, but other I've pulled out 8 stacks and says very large still.
  8. Donkeys

    Well as for your issue it sounds to me like a vanilla bug where an entity gets corrupted. If it is the chunk that the entity is in will continually get rolled back every time there is a restart, possibly when the chunk reloads. This would explain the results. The point where the rollback goes to the donkey was not framilliar enough, had just been fed and was wearing a saddle. Test by placing blocks around the donkeys and see if they vanish. Then to solve backup your world and start killing one donkey at a time, or any other entity In that chunk to see if that stops the rollback. Hopefully animals are separate or easy to identify.
  9. I think the quote of Bioxx's that Kitty has in her signature is appropriate. Yeah it isn't accurate, but it maintains balance.
  10. Version #:79.9.357 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Temperature Bug at y=252 feet heightSuggested Category:MinorDescription: When your feet are at y=252 the temperature suddenly goes up ~20oC. At 251 and 253 the value is as expected. I created a new 79,9 world and tested it in there as well. Images. you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes*If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? Fastcraft Optifine NEI Forge is 1217
  11. You are too fast and posted as I fixed it to Flint. Either way you know problem so I'll shut up now. Apologies for confusion that didn't help, last time I dealt with similar issue was combo ore dictionary problem and recipe handler.
  12. sorry missed the word gravel in there. I am aware that it's items have been ore dictionaried.Edit Flint not gravel.
  13. Ha actually the area I use is granite. I didn't even realize there was meta data on Flint as it doesn't even show up with Flint search. Sounds like the tfc flint hasn't been ore dictionaried.
  14. Quiver Help

    Try making a new world, cheat in javelins and quiver and test. Determine if it is old save or something else.
  15. Just tested the flint and steel recipe in my test world with latest 79.9 build (Fastcraft, Optifine and NEI) and it worked with both steel and wrought iron. Suggests it is one of the mods you have added causing issue. Only other possibility I can think of is that the ingot still had temperature NBT data.
  16. Adding a command to regenerate chunk(s)

    I always used WorldEdit to regen chunks in game. Never tested it with, but should work as it calls on the worldgen setting and seed. There is a forge version of WorldEdit now, although still in development.
  17. Can barrels stop Decay?

    You using latest build? That sounds like the decay not updating bug, that should be fixed.
  18. [Solved] Crash Upon World Generation [Large Biome]

    Large biomes are vanilla world gen and so aren't compatible with TFC. You have to use TFC generation option.
  19. 1001 Small Suggestions: Community Brainstorming~!

    I'd love to see 2 new stages added to crops. Over ripe and rotten. Basically harvesting in over ripe stage the food would drop with random amount of rot, say 10-30%. Rotten, the plant would only drop seeds. I think this would balance the various climates of the game a little by requiring those in warm areas to harvest crops when ready and not being able to cheat decay a bit. Yes warm means faster decay anyways, but you also can get more harvests in.
  20. I had this in SSP and had attributed it to MapWriter having issue rendering the charcoal pit change. However Mapwriter is clientside so wouldn't cause server crash.
  21. Cave in

    Falling blocks do destroy many tile entities, torches, signs, chests etc. destroyed chests will drop contents. The entities are not destroyed, but do end up in crazy places due to the way MC works, they tend to move sideways out of the way of falling block, but if they can't they enter block and move up. This is how vanilla item elevators work. With cave ins items can be pushed quite far as the falling blocks act like a zipper. And if they have to pop up out of block they will move up until they find an air/water/lava space. Also note if you use a version of forge over 1217 the items that drop out of destroyed chest will be invisible.
  22. Spawning in boring terrain.

    My issue is the mountains look terrible. They are unrealistic shapes, floating islands and generally defy any physics, even tfc's. I am fairly new to tfc, I maybe it has aways been like this. I'd love the worldgen to be more like ATG with more progressive and smother terrain changes with abrupt mountain spires being a rare find, not default.
  23. [Solved][0.79.7] Unrefinable Refined Iron Bloom

    Weird unzoomed they don't.
  24. [Solved][0.79.7] Unrefinable Refined Iron Bloom

    Are the images posted are examples where it should have worked? I ask because as far as I can tell the arrows aren't lined up enough.