Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by OneWolfe

  1. Thats a great idea, the Mon Properties wiki is that way for me For Just Another Spawner wiki, im looking at GitHub which appears to be add free at the moment
  2. I am about to dive into this mod today and see what I can make of it, but before I get hip deep into all the scripts I was wondering if you know if its possible to set up Y level specific spawns such as Slimes only spawning underground or have specific mobs that only spawn above ground?
  3. This all looks great! I cant wait to give it a try and see it in action! It is unfortunate that you cannot get the TFC mobs to recognize the different biomes, because I would love to put more spiders in the swamps, and trolls on the mountains instead of just having everything spawning everywhere like they currently do. Thanks again
  4. I just grabbed the latest versions of each. I am not entirely set on which versions I use, so if you know of a compatible pair I would be more than happy to use them. RailCraft_1.7.10- TFC-Tweaks-1.7.10- I also have tfcrailcraft-0.2.0 and TFCWaterCompatability-1.5 but adding or removing them does not seem to make any difference. Thanks in advance for any help And great work on the mod it has been much needed OneWolfe-
  5. I'm wonder if I am doing something wrong, but I cannot seem to get RailCraft boilers to recognize any form of TFC water. I have tried using wooden and metal buckets, ive tried BC pipes and Liquid Ducts but they still do not take on any water Iron Tanks seem to take any kind of Liquid so there isn't any issues there.
  6. I would love to see how you set it up with all the TFC biomes. Can you post a sample config file?
  7. OH! That is an amazing looking mod! I think I might just have to start using it! It might be a lot cleaner and more reliable than the Mob Properties tricks ive been using
  8. [TFC 0.79.25+] TFCRailcraft

    Is there anyway to get Railcraft to recognize TFC water? I am really struggling to update my TerraFirmaPunk pack and RailCraft is being a pain
  9. Cool, thanks, this recipe is very useful
  10. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Hey Bunsan! I am back and working on my pack again, so I will probably need to pick your brain fairly soon
  11. Sorry for the late reply. What I did was spawn the special mobs ridding on the backs of TFC Zombies and then killed the Zombies I think ive got a better trick now which I will be testing out soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey Everyone! Im back and ready to get back to work on an Overhaul for this pack! Look for some cool new things coming out very soon!
  12. [Solved] Continuous fall sound for dirt/cobble

    I am also experiencing this bug with tons of different vanilla and modded blocks such as half slabs, stairs, vanilla leaves. Basically anysemi transparent blocks seem to be causing the falling sound loop. Thanks for finding this bug and I look forward to the fix in version 79.18
  13. The UDary mod has two kinds of acid that could be used in this process
  14. Server is running, but im still working on the permissions and several settings so just send me a private message and I can add you to the whitelist.
  15. Will this mod be updating to 0.79.17?
  16. [Tfc 0.78.17] Tinker's Firmacraft 7.77 Final (1.6.4)

    Great job on getting these mods working with TFC
  17. I would say that the simplest and most straight forward method would be to change all of the crafting recipes with MineTweaker. Most of the tools and machines interact fairly well with the TFC world. The hardest part of integrating Cogs was probably coming up with a way to craft Galvanized Iron that actually made sense. If I could add a crafting recipes to the TFC anvil I would have an iron or steel ingot welded with a sheet of Zinc, but for now I just have them combined in the crafting grid. Another method I could have used would be to add it to the Flaxbeard's crucible as a dipping recipe where you would have to dip iron ingots into liquid zinc. Dipping recipes can be added with ModTweaker. I have also included certain parts from Cogs as quest rewards in the HQM book and reward bags.
  18. Thank you for posting these issues and concerns 1. Yes Gravestones deletes anything on you back when you die Currently it is heavily tied into MobProperties and the HQM quest book, so yes, disabling causes the pack to crash. I will have to go through the pack with a fine tooth comb and remove all the dangling bits of Gravestones and might replace it with Open Block. 2. I never liked Inventory Tweaks but was requested many many many times to add it into the pack. I didnt know Kitty had a fix for it so I will have to go check it out and see what it does. 3. I also only ever use 2gb so hopefully the other's suggestions have helped. For the server I was planning to have it up this weekend, but forgot about the big holiday, so I will be letting people on slowly over the next week or so to see how it works out. Thanks for your interest , if I dont send you a direct email on here in the next week feel free to contact me directly on here. Thank you, OneWolfe-
  19. It should be fairly soon
  20. ALTGC Podcast Interviews TerraFirmaPunk:
  21. [TFC 0.79.15] Tenebrae Opus - Suffers Savages and Planes

    This looks very interesting
  22. New Improved Hedge Maze!
  23. Thanks, I will put you on the list I did not realize that traincraft had updated, I will have to look into it. Thank you
  24. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    This looks interesting, I will have to give it a try