Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by puxapuak

  1. 1.4.2... thoughts?

  2. Remove F3

    Ooo and worn-in paths cause people have walked on that patch of dirt a million times. (Edit: I can't not think about this now. That would pretty much completely solve my inability to find my way around. It would also be cool for the AI... cause wild animals make and use paths too. They could roam the countryside, subtly drawn to those pathways.) It doesn't feel like a tough thing to do... but not sure. I've never looked at the code concerning grass.) (Editmoar: Nope, I'm convinced it would be pretty easy. Just a new path-block with a couple degrees of wear applied to it that gets swapped in depending on how much it's been walked on. Random tick could reduce that counter over time to regrow the grass around it. This wouldn't mod the world generation because it would be a swap of the block, not something that gets generated anew.))
  3. Rip-off?!

    Sorry, I was quite vague. What achartran said there just reminded me a lot of what I study and what my thesis is on and I kinda just threw that out there. The intent behind it was very much as Jed said though. Over longer time scales, one can trace the history of a "species" of idea and establish a lineage. But when you see, in the same time frame, a second thing that is made just like the first thing, it absolutely is a rip-off. Over time that may change. Both the ripoff and the original may take very different paths, and one (hopefully the rip-off, but history tells us that's not always the case) may even die off, or they both may succeed in very different ways. In a single ecosystem of ideas though, the rip-off and the original are going to compete for the resources of our attention and our thoughts. The fittest, the most adaptable, will have the best shot at surviving. (Also... somebody out there either had a very twitchy clicker finger, or really liked that post )
  4. Rip-off?!

    Speciation. Ideas are like species. They start off as nearly indistinguishable replicants, but bit by bit, idea by idea, each idea either dies or branches off turns into something unique unto itself -until that too branches onwards. Uniqueness is only a statement at a moment in the chain, and doesn't translate across larger scales.
  5. So I searched around a bit and didn't see much mention of any of these so I thought I'd start a new topic with an assemblage of small suggestions in it. These are just little things that could be added to increase awareness of some less-than visible environmental effects. Also much more easily implementable than that other thing I suggested. A number of people have talked about crops failing and temperature dependency of such things. I thought it would be kind of neat to have little wispy puffs of haze occasionally show up just in front of you and nearby animals when the temperature gets below 3-4C. This would add a nice visual indicator for an environmental factor that is otherwise invisible to a player. Similarly in more humid environments the walking graphics could be changed to the little splash rain drops make to show dew, instead of kicking up brown stuff. Or maybe add just a little bit of slip while moving. Also with temperature, healing could take place a bit slower (I don't know how easily that could be coded though) and you would get hungrier a little faster. Another thing was birds. People have brought up birds before, but rather than actually making full mobile entities that chew up resources, it could be just a little visual effect (particle - like redstone sparkle) with some bird songs to go with it. Different types of environments could have different types of songs being played, and at different seasons. Or in tall forests, the hammering of a woodpecker played sporadically. Small jumping insects could be added in the same way, with various buzzing and chirping they do. Or near-surface underground, occasionally a little wormy creature slithering across the block face. In the evening, cricket chirps through the summer and fall, and the occasional firefly. (Have you ever been in an Iowa corn field on a warm July/August night? Quite the site.) Zombies could even have a trail of flies follow them from time to time. Could have an alternate cloud layer that occasionally shows flocks of geese overhead depending on season with the distant avian combination played in the background quietly. Thoughts? Additions? Edit: I think this would totally increase the spook factor in places too. If your eyes are being caught and attention dancing around when its dark by the animals in the environment, it's much easier to miss and be startled by some zombie that crept up on you.
  6. Invisible coal! (minor issue)

    I searched around and couldn't find any mention of this. So I built a coal pit and filled it with a 5x5-1 layer with a 3x3 centred on top. Built fire, left overnight, etc. The next day there was very little coal in the pit... only two stacks, one slightly taller than a block and one slightly shorter. Nothing else but dirt. Left it for a few days and came back later with a load of lumber to discover that there were invisible 1-layer deep stacks here and there in the pit. Kind of odd. Minor, but still a bug.
  7. Remove F3

    Yeah that works great if your decently powered machine can handle a rendering distance that can spot those landmarks (my well-powered machine has issues I'm trying to figure out) at a useful distance. And yep, I could fill my walls with paper-drawn maps of my world in a desperate attempt to deal with my directional impairment in virtual worlds. But a little sticky paper with a pair of cords works better and I don't have to spend hours of my life wandering an MC landscape just to find a safe place to sleep. Iow... 2 numbers equals a landmark.
  8. Crops hybridization

    ...Tell that to an Australian. Happy term for your fun-loving nephew is the C-bomb. Here we often use the f-bomb to refer to each other in often friendly ways. Emotional expression is limited on the Internet, I agree - but that only means that you end up interpretting it in your own local dialect. That does not make it mean something other that what it does in the dialect of the person speaking. That is sometimes known as the 'Fallacy of Local/Traditional Knowledge'. Ie, applying what you know on to what everyone *must* know.
  9. How old do you think I am?

    He's retreated. 'Oh man, maybe I was hasty...' No, Trey... tell us... tell us... tell us...
  10. Grass

    I just blew up my computer trying to install the new Ubuntu >.< 4.5 hours and I don't have a working OS. Pile of fuc...
  11. Chunk Calculating

    Double rainbow...
  12. Crops hybridization

    That said, swearing at someone is usually a term of endearment around here... A word is a word is a word. People mean different thing by words you might take specifically. It's the nature of language.
  13. You have a thing about spoons there... you know they don't work too well to elevate noodles (especially sugary ones) to one's mouth, right??? Of course if they're sharpened, why would you want to...
  14. Remove F3

    I don't really consider myself cheating. Seriously, some of us just cant find our way in a virtual world. We don't want to spend all our time building safety houses in all corners of the world. I don't want to spend an hour building an awesome medieval castle never to see it again.
  15. Remove F3

    Well, it is better than wolves, and wolves could never have done that because they don't have fingers and I don't think they can program at all.
  16. Remove F3

    Lmao...I am very good at building things and imagining the ways that parts fit together. Irl, I have an extraordinary sense of direction. None of this translates to the virtual world... in the slightest. I would spend most of my time building new homes if not for those blessed blessed coordinates.
  17. Crops hybridization

    I have to tell my 1st year students the same thing. There's a huge difference between attacking a person and attacking something that person says. We all make stupid mistakes. If we can't take the subsequent fallout, then we need to reconsider our priorities. People are always so busy trying to find ways to feel offended... *sigh*
  18. Grass

    I'm curious what you run? I'm really getting annoyed. I have an i5 2500K with a 560Ti, using OptiFine, and I still get weird lag spikes and if I walk to far in a given load, then my FPS drops to between 20-40 with the occasional drop to 1. It's ridiculous. It started with 1.3.2 and all the mobs started walking stuttered too. When I first load into a world my FPS is around 280 but it drops fast. Even without OptiFine, mobs still skip around like they only exist in half of each second. Kind of tempted to run a separate Ubuntu partition and see if it happens there too. Edit: Wait... I wanted to comment on the thread again too. What was it? Oh yeah... I approve of.. Grass.
  19. Remove F3

    I was like 'Wth? - I needz my coords' until I read your idea. That is awesome.. and would make some use of that blotter table after you've made all your recipes. I mean you could always just do this irl too beside you while you play but somehow that isn't as interesting. Funny how that works. I wants a treasure map! ...but I don't think you can remove F3... can you? I guess OptiFine makes some changes to it, so maybe.
  20. Meteors

    *resurrects a dead thread* There's another alternative here (and wayyyy simpler to do and more believable) which is just to have the odd surface rock come up as a chondrite, and with it the chance to find a few small bits of surface iron. As an added use, a chondrite could be like flint and used for arrow heads that pack slightly more punch but don't shoot as far. Chondrite wouldn't ever be a block found in stone form since they are generally just little bits of glass and iron. They are really common in some places though (I can't take a walk in the fields around here without coming across them), and many stone age cultures used them extensively because of their density and durability. I realise though that this would still result in a change to world generation which is not presently desired. But we've been discussing such things anyway of late (not that I've been here long enough to have a good fix on what is 'of late'). Also 'cause meteors are cool and don't have to be ridiculously rare to the point of not making sense and not being worth all the coding required.
  21. Anyone know how to make chainmail?

    Yeah I meant blackened. I think that's often a coating though... But yeah, both would look good.
  22. Anyone know how to make chainmail?

    The brass would look really good in pattern with a carbon steel base. I don't know what the stitch would have been called. I just fiddled around with a few links until I found one that worked well. I made most of a vest but it got squished in a move.
  23. We all make the mistake sometimes Treyflix, I'm trying out MAtmos. Pretty good, and I notice the same engine can be manipulated too. Maybe TFC just needs its own sound DB for it... I do agree with Achartran too that TFC needs to be grittier. Still, in the meantime this makes at least the audio environment a little more pleasant. [and then I spilled coffee all over myself. crap. karmic retribution for avoiding my thesis.]
  24. Anyone know how to make chainmail?

    Ahh it is aluminum eh, I suspected but wasn't sure. Much lighter than anything I was doing, but just don't go riding into battle with it! Sure more pics always cool