Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Drinking Rain

    I think, minecraft cauldrons are already working like that.
  2. List of Mods that go well with TFCraft

    Speaking of MAtmos, I can slowly work on adding enviroments into it. I don't have much time, but I still should be able to add some kind of feel to it in couple of weeks of work. For now I mostly done with "vanilla" atmospheres and looking for ideas for custom TFC stuff, like support beams creaking, etc.
  3. Community is fueled by either new members or new events. We haven't really have that many events lately, and being community of mod that still is in beta we don't get that many new members. That's that. I don't think we should really be speaking of death, but of hibernation.
  4. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    If anything, Antipoison should not require empty bottle, but water bottle instead.
  5. Research as indication of progress

    So, when the game or server or OS lags, or if one doesn't have a very good mouse, no matter how good or bad he is, cursor movement will be unpredictable.
  6. Chainmail

    What makes you think that chainmail is cheaper? Far as I can tell, it will be cheaper only if you don't count man-hours of work that put into it. The... what? Why?
  7. Planetside 2 anyone?

    Ah, come on. Why use alien tech, don't you know better? Make your own, for god's sake, in warm embrace of the Empire.
  8. Of Trees, Ores and Latitude.... and Fruit!

    The main thing with fruit trees for now is that if developers were to make them take more time to reach maturity - we will be pushed to not bother with domesticating them at all, especially with the same production amounts - little outcome with big waiting periods. From the other hand, if picking fruit will not result in stripping tree off leaves, and making young tree to still bear fruit, it will be fine. And aren't trees getting more overhauls anyway?
  9. Tiny string of sphalerite lead me to a ravine that had its walls built out of zinc ore. From one side of deposit sphalerite was mixed with magnetite, from the other side - with limonite, just slightly to the right in cave I dug up sparsed deposit of tetrahedrite. Down the ravine in plain sight there were two veins of coal.
  10. Method for cooling metal components?

    It depends. Rapid cooling is used in contemporary metallurgy to get certain types of metal. Specifically - the ones with maximized volumetric proportions of amorphous phase over crystalline phase. If done right - received material will be very durable and hard and have very high viscosity and tearing energy.
  11. Avatar(s)

    I'm just keep seeing that on srgnoodles' avatar there's a half of a face instead of a girl, I can't help it. Now that I have said that, I will proceed with my life.
  12. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    To my knowledge, TFC aspen plank blocks are crafting equivalent of vanilla spruce plank blocks because of the way items IDs are set.
  13. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    Also Birch, Aspen and Chestnut.
  14. Даже сам разработчик не в курсе. Сия вешь - процесс длящийся и методичный. Иными словами, when its done.
  15. So today i made a bucket..

    What is set in my mind is that smithing fever where five of us melted down two double chests worth of sphalerite using two bloomeries and on five anvils made all that zinc into all sorts of ingots and sheets. Just to free up for good haul of newfound magnetite.
  16. Stealth

    You can, actually. It's not nearly as effective.
  17. On Replacement/Removal of the HUD

    Zeppelin, not Zipline. Alhough ziplines are fine too, just not in the same way.
  18. Spelunking.

    As small, as you're suggesting, they probably will be near-straight tunnels.
  19. Spelunking.

    It's easy enough to generate current caves, they are just curved lines and blobs, essentially. What people are suggesting is to add more tight feel to them by placing additional stone blocks inside, from what I can tell. It is very hard to do with providing natural feel to it.
  20. On Replacement/Removal of the HUD

    And now imagine how new players will try to deal with it. Current HUD is almost too confusing already, and there's just a single extra bar added. Besides, HUD represents inner feelings of the person. If I'm hungy, I can tell it not because my sight turned black, same with when I'm cold (and oh I know how is it to be cold, believe me) and blue tint/frozen texture over my cornea. Also I'm pretty sure I can tell how long I have before I starve. Checking on HUD is like checking on myself if I have something wrong. Now if I have some serious problem, my attention should be brought to the specific part of the HUD. So, maybe this kind of representation as coloured bars is not the best we can have, but different tints aren't what we need either, I think.
  21. Spelunking.

    Not all crystals composed of gems. I'd say gems are the least frequent material for that, usually it's salts. As for tight caves, you guys realise that this is a very hard to code, right? You, sentient beings, built structures that resemble tight caves, and said that it's not completely accurate, and then you expect a machine to try and repeat what you did? I can't compose descent enough algorithm from the top of me-head, can you?
  22. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    I saw confirmation on spawn earlier, but this was before the ore spawning rehash, and I've never seen it myself in the world since beta1.Then, I think, if mod will introduce higher tier bandages and use for cacti, then lapis should be pushed for higher tier because of its rareness, or even all current bandages should be pushed higher altogether. Because cacti regrow, and flowers - don't from that I can tell.
  23. Longer correct time. At night there is no monster, the day is: (

    You should not do that ever, it makes harder for everyone to understand this things.Попробуй переустановить с чистого minecraft.jar, удалив TFC.cfg заодно.
  24. Chunks not loading?

    What versions of mods you are using?
  25. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    Does Lapis spawn in the worlds now? I think, requirement for .zip is the forge thing, so I doubt anyone other than Forge developers can do something about it, and even then it's easier to beat into people's minds that "place" doesn't mean "unzip".