Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sting_Auer

  1. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    ------------------------- If you have Sphalerite and Bismuthinite, or Silver and Gold, you can make Bismuth Bronze or Black Bronze.
  2. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Is there any place to see the crafting recipes without installing NEI? I prefer to keep my amount of mods installed to a minimum, so I'd rather avoid installing NEI.
  3. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    New uptime hours, and new mods added! Check the OP or our website for more information.
  4. How not to play Terrafirmacraft

    A few questions. 1.) How did you give the zombie a nametag? I've never heard of this before. 2.) How did you keep a zombie from despawning when you logged out or left the area? I'm going to assume it involved the first thing somehow, or has to do with it wearing armor/items.
  5. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    The main problem with challenge over tedium is this: What is tedious to one person is a fun challenge to another. For example, I am in favor of creating an inventory that is limited by volume and mass instead of stack size and slots. I want the player inventory to be limited to carrying more realistic amounts and weights of items (i.e. no castle in your pocket), with carts/wagons/pack animals to pick up the slack. I would find this a fun and interesting challenge that requires more decision making and prioritization, and would also add in a need for resource investment in wagons, carts, animals, and the infrastructure to properly use, build, and repair them. It would also make multiplayer cooperation more important when working on larger projects. The thing is, to many other people, this would be pointless tedium. Needing to make multiple trips to get the resources for a house, or to move some items from one base to another, or to get the ores out of a mine, is more work than is currently needed. My point is that, depending on playstyle and viewpoint, one person's fun, legitimate challenge, is another's pointless random artificial difficulty crap the devs added because they're lazy (according to their viewpoint).
  6. Avoiding The Grind

    ----------------------------- uuuhm. Sluices already serve the role of the "high level" of prospecting. Scans a huge area (201 x 201 x not sure how deep/high) and only tells you if there's stuff within that area. Use this to roughly triangulate the location of ores, then use a prospectors pick to find the more specific location.
  7. More dairy uses and more

  8. More dairy uses and more

    Once food spoilage is added, cheese could be a way of making food to last the winter. Cheese is generally quite hardy and takes a while to spoil.
  9. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

  10. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    Is sulfur rarer than I'm thinking it is...? I've always thought that sulfur was hard to find, but had tons of it and was fairly easy to find the next part of a chain when you found a pocket. EDIT: Wow, apparently the knowledge I had on sulfur was completely incorrect :l. Disregard what I said about the gunpowder recipe.
  11. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    The difference is that this wouldn't benefit my specific server, but rather all servers that have a competitive aspect
  12. Mountable animals & more realistic mobs

    This stuff has already been suggested to death and is already confirmed to an extent. Surface mobs will be replaced entirely by real-life animals, and the current hostiles will be moved to crypts and tombs.
  13. What's with all these suggestions lately that people are only suggesting because their specific server would benefit from it?
  14. I really hope I'm not TFC famous. [spoiler: I'm not]
  15. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Nope, it's completely free to play. You have the option of paying to receive certain benefits. On that note, if anyone has any complaints about it being too "pay-to-win", feel free to bring them up on our official forums at I'm working on some serious overhauling of several facets of the server, and I'd love to get your feedback.
  16. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    I don't understand the context of this post... Care to elaborate?
  17. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server has been reconfigured and fixed, and will now be relaunching! We will construct a better, proper spawn area, with protection from mobs and certain facilities available to players.
  18. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server will be offline until further notice due to problems with our new router. People outside the network cannot connect regardless of anything I have tried. As soon as the server goes back online, a news update will say so.
  19. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server is temporarily offline until Sunday, August 18
  20. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Usually gets around 4+ people, it's still very active. Prior to some technical difficulties, we'd get 12+ for most of the day nearly every day, and it's beginning to approach that again.
  21. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    I am very sorry that you will not be able to take part. Thank you for your consideration!
  22. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server is back online with a new, faster router, and a new IP address!The new IP is:
  23. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Whelp, the modem died at the location of the server. Because the modem has worn out, the server will be offline while a replacement is installed. I apologize for the inconvenience.The ironic thing is that this happens just days after I fix the internal problems with the server and manage to boost performance and stop the crashes.
  24. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Oh no! I am very sorry that you are not able to play! But fret not! We are considering launching a minigame-centric server that will run in the morningtime instead of the afternoon, and will feature such games as Zombie Survival, Archery, deathmatches, and more!
  25. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server is shutting down early today because of crashing issues. It will go back up at the normal time after today.The issue is expected to be a corrupted installation of Forge.