Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. Gems + XP = Idea!

    Post it now if you are still awake.
  2. Fishing

    I agree good idea, however Sexy Creeper rather than make useless supporting posts like we both just did we probably should have hit the like button. Ich stimme gute Idee, aber Sexy Creeper anstatt zu nutzlosen Stützpfosten wie wir beide nur haben wir wahrscheinlich sollte die Schaltfläche getroffen haben. (Hoffentlich können Sie lesen meine Übersetzung) Edit:Nice textures also slow poke
  3. Seed pouch

    Wow I posted this in two threads at once didn't I! Although I am bummed about this one I was bumping it to look for suggestions/insults for this idea, sorry bout that folks. I definitely agree srg like I said this is the second bump like this I have made today.
  4. Gems + XP = Idea!

    Other suggested sources?
  5. Gems + XP = Idea!

    I see it being used to require work out of players but not such a huge amount and it definitely needs a name change in fact from now on I'm calling it Xenergy. Just for the heck of it. Unless someone has something better. I suppose it could be a boost instead for example more Xenergy means more power and the quality of the gem will effect how much Xenergy can be held without dramatic magical problems.
  6. Seed pouch

    I guess we are going to be stuck with the vanilla system after all, what a shame I expected people to want to fix it.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Yes cevkiv you have posted ideas in this thread that unfortunately does not allow for you to make posts that are completely useless. On that though this topic is dead everyone has posted the same ideas over and over and over and there really is nothing to add. Unless we want to repeat arguments I suppose. I agree with Wolf though feel free to attack each other over nothing, it makes our lives more interesting.
  8. Grinders

    Well, it was worth a shot guess we are going to be stuck with vanilla combat after all...
  9. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Sorry Doc but he is right Bioxx made an announcement a while after that explaining the focus on believability and not realism (red steel, blue steel)
  10. Gems + XP = Idea!

    all of my points stand for enchanting systems. Go find my enchantment page if you want more on what I think. I'll link when I'm not using my phone. it certainly isn't subtle however not all of it needs to be added the basic point of it is simply gems plus catalysts plus Xp plus sword equals enchantment. this system is extremely effective at all the above points (structure, avaliable mid-game strongest late game, possible failure, etc.). I would like to hear any arguements against it if possible. Only two problems with it, it needs the nether to be effective, and it has as I said earlier Dunk already been said to be put on the bottom of Bioxx's list
  11. Gems + XP = Idea!

    I agree powerful magic and harmful affects in the hands of newbies or even mid-game players would be horrible with world corruption. However, there are two things to fix this, number one only very experienced players will gain access to this and if someone does mess up they could be punished just like if they had done it themselves. I imagine some towns would ban any use of magic within even a close vicinity. Next, a structure of some sort should be necessary, just some sort of table like structure filled with magic. (gems, nether, XP, blood, etc.) The kind of effort taken to build one would be ridiculous and also would be a great time to implement the vanilla beacon to prevent hiding(and probably moving magic underground unless a view of the sky was required). So unless the town was barren no one would allow it.
  12. Tomahawks as an upgrade to Javelins?

    Would it spin? And if so would the spin affect damage? Because I'm not sure if its possible and it would look bad if it didn't spin. And I'm not so sure about the insta-kill given our present balance.
  13. Timed crafting

    Rather than a boring timer I could live with some type of "mini-game" or actual crafting (like actually chopping wood in half and stuff) but sitting there twittling are thumbs doesn't make any sense and would be plain annoying.
  14. Gems

    We could definitely use that if we could copy the glitch that would be frickin awesome
  15. Gems

    Can't you sink in charcoal piles or was that glitch?
  16. Gems + XP = Idea!

    This is all great and I'm glad we are getting back to this. I'm going to warn you though according to Dunk this is extremely low on their priority list. Now onto ideas, this system needs to be a scary hidden dark secret. People should be afraid of magic. Only the greatest should be able to use it correctly without some sort of harm. Access to magic should be subtle at first maybe a little boost here or something else random. This first magic should be mid-game, and once more have very little benefit, I picture this as more of a brewing system. Then we move to more power now it noticably becomes magic something that couldn't normally be performed. But now a huge risk is taken. You never know what might happen explosions, serious injuries, mass transmutations, death. It could all happen at random. Then as we get access to greater metals the system becomes extremly complicated and confusing this is to deter everyone, even the bravest of the brave would think twice about using these complicated spells. I'm not sure what punishment is fitting but death, world corruption, animal mutation, and possibly even debuffs that would stay permanently until cured. The question is what magic do we want? Wands? Enchantments?(its got my vote) and if not those than what? Another big question is how do we allow more experienced players to do better with this magic than the others? A minigame? A code perhaps. Maybe a long list of necessary steps. As for a rare gem I vote nether it sounds like they fit together better and it would prevent random discovery.
  17. mobs excessively difficult to kill

    If we aren't we need to, I'm not referring to those who are incapable of playing period but rather the people who could play but are immediately turned off by something. It doesn't need to be easy it just needs to be understandable. As for surviving at the equator it should still be possible but it should by no means be easy at all. Does that mean random trees in the middle of the desert maybe in an oasis but thats about it. Does that mean that tools should be possible to use without wood, just less efficiently, yes.As much as I dislike his defensive stance kotoroshinoto does have a point we shouldn't need to restart maps over and over to find a good seed, we should be able to effectively start from anywhere although hopefully our game will be very different depending on where we start. Edit: Didn't see the previous posts, nonetheless my point still stands.
  18. Grinders

  19. Grinders

    I thought the same thing about no RPG elements what this man says isn't law. He is human he thinks and changes his mind same as you and me. He may not change his mind, but I firmly believe that Bioxx is the kind of person willing to learn something every now and then and listen to the people around him. If he doesn't change his mind then so be it, but I will at least be content knowing that I tried and didn't roll over and take whatever we were handed this a forum for a reason. Because we love this mod and we want to see it operate at full potential. Now are we going to continue to argue about it? Or are we going to at least try to help Bioxx.
  20. Grinders

    Honestly, I'm angry at the conversation but he has yet to add or remove anything or remove anything from the game that has angered me at all minus the unbalanced attack values and the removal of wild plants (I was really looking forward to plant genetics). However I think really we are mostly just mad at the combat system, as it says Bioxx is having difficulty finding a system that works and isn't complicated, we want a system that is more exciting than what we have now. So what happens now? This is a forum and things said above aren't set in stone lets come up with some ideas otherwise we are doomed to spam click for the rest of our lives. (and Dunk was types of damage also shot down?) To Begin... To start we have to fix the death penalty, it makes things way to RPG however Bioxx is right we haven't really presented any solid ideas to fix the problems (punish death harshly, no permant problems and no RPG, but still easy to code[i thought this was Bioxx and he could do anything, but apparently this is necessary). The Idea... Look this has been suggested before but I'm going to put this out there, what about the physical abilities idea? Jumping will make you tired but eventually you will jump higher sprinting will get slowly faster over time as well as it would last longer, and for my own sake punching ability, my God it needs to be one of these physical traits maybe dealing up to twenty damage if you have been playing forever (still isn't very much but it certainly is better). Others could include but aren't limited too striking speed, javelin range, bow range/speed, firestarting, length of swimming, resistance to fall damage, turn speed, striking power, mining power, other types of tool efficiency and so forth. I don't expect all of these to be added just some groupings would be nice (general strength, weapon experience, foraging experience, stamina, and maybe outdoorsman. The Conclusion... It isn't perfect but we need to think, don't mudsling ideas, think them through refine others ideas, find compromises between differing ideas. We need something or else Bioxx won't have a choice but to leave us in the eternal state of vanilla combat/death. We should reopen Jed's threads and revise his ideas as well.
  21. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    At one point I thought Bioxx had said no RPG elements and although there has been a recent change in that I'm standing firm on it until I'm told this mod is changing. The problem with XP like this is once more just believability and thats about it. If we were trying to appease only casual gamers than this should stay but that isn't the way this mod was made. A several XP system would be nice it doesn't have to be anything complicated or confusing just something simple aka the more you jump the better at jumping you are. no "spending" no "collecting" no "farming" just believability. Sorry for the late response. I agree we need to change the name, and I agree gems need a use. There is kind of two options here, remove xp and have no uses for gems or gems could store/manipulate the energy to do various things. Take your pick.
  22. Grinders

    Well, this officially sucks, I understand what he wants but he seems to be moving exactly against what he wanted a month ago. I was all rev'd up about the ideas and now half of them are dead in one fail swoop. Its like somebody replaced Bioxx with an anti-Bioxx, an Evil Bioxx. Oh god, Evil Bioxx was Joey, Joey has killed Bioxx and taken his place! Everyone run!
  23. StarForge - Stress points when building

    Oh thats right they don't have collision yet do they. Everything else is so perfect.
  24. Huge Mountains

    Bigger is better, the higher we can bring them the better as long as we have enough features on them to continuously make them interesting. If we could make enormous super-mountains, by all means please do.
  25. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Reasoning? I'm sure he has a better idea, right? A 'secret plan'? A double top secret super hush-hush kidnap the *CENSORED* kind of deal?