Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. What the...?
  2. Mobs - more challenge for you

    Sixthly install Zombie Awareness! It does many of the things you just addressed.
  3. Look without violence no one would want these games, that is just the cold hard facts. Now you wonder if these games cause shootings? Most certainly not, this guy had a personality disorder and was known to be a complete social recluse. He didn't talk ever, had few friends, and apparently even avoided on occasion getting his face in the yearbook. He had high tension with his mother apparently who was very hopefully for him. His mother was shot first then he stole her weapons and a bullet proof jacket. This guy was just messed up you can't blame entertainment for that. This guy should have had counselling that is what could have prevented this. Same deal with gun laws more restrictions won't help just look at the school stabbing in China, it is the same kind of thing. He stole these guns, we have no way of preventing access to weapons(black market, theft, kitchen tools, anything can kill he could have used a fork and probably had about the same effect). Although releasing restrictions won't help much either. Simply put the only way to prevent things like this is psychology exams.
  4. It is all for balance reasons, with any type of copy paste function those amazing structures people make are no longer quite as special. The detailing is an extra feature not a necessary one and therefore it certainly shouldn't be easy. As for servers/creative you should ask someone who deals with this sort of thing, maybe someone like Voxel? I don't know.
  5. I like this but how would this work? I'm pretty sure it would end up being just a single person selling directly to consumers. Why would you need a middle man?Edit: By middle man I mean sculpturer and not a retail salesman.
  6. Mining and mine carts

    We talked about an inventory overhaul quite a bit that would make this possible and not absolutely horrible at the same time. Although it was shot down for a number of very, very good reasons that you will have to go to the thread to find.
  7. Piles of stuff

    Yes definitely suggested searching piles should yield some answers. Although the idea of tossing something on there is new and would be great. Just throw something on a pile and eventually the bounding box would take up a whole cube so things would have to be thrown elsewhere.
  8. What about Wolf? He is from Northern Italy, I know there is a split between North and South but I'm sure he could translate some. It isn't that different of a language. (kind of)
  9. Great! Now just to download it! with the 404 this shall be interesting.
  10. 404 error, can't see the d*** changelog, somebody give me an update. What in the world is going on?
  11. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    I remember my first night (apologize for the off topic) it was interesting, it took me quite a while to make a house I kept trying to make my normal "hole-in-the-wall" style house and it kept collapsing on top of me. Then decided to try and guess recipes, I put a piece of dirt in the crafting table, and out came a red steel pick axe. You gotta love early alpha.
  12. Horse meat

    Agree with the above posts, Horse meat should carry its normal nutritional value with no debuff. If people think it is disgusting and don't want to eat it then this is an easily avoidable item just don't eat it. Sda, it should be filling and act normal simply because it is a viable option, if someone wants to survive of horses, let them do so, it isn't my first choice but hey whatever floats your boat, who are we (Or Dunk and Bioxx) to restrict their options just because we don't like their dining choices. Additionally......Crysyns back! I have been wanting to ask you because I apparently almost stole your idea, apologies for that, but is there anything on your mod/game/whatever else it could be called? Have you made progress? Do you have site or a thread somewhere? Will it be a game or a mod? Any additional details?
  13. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Don't get ahead of yourself do Thaumcraft and if it works, then start work on the next one (if you would like) ...Honestly though I agree with splode if you and/or other people ended up making a TFC version of FTB I would probably die of excitement. Then we could really have a pack to talk about. Of course this is way overboard.
  14. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    I was going to ask if you had remembered to add the nodes or not. Did you remember the nodes? Oh, and excellent job working on this so far this is incredible and if you could do this you could rub it in everyone's faces! The darn non-believers
  15. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I appreciate your comment in here and am glad you have thought about this but yeah I figured it would probably be a lot of work. Bummer that may have been cool, any news on Crysyn and his game/mod/whatever he is up to that Dunk said had an inventory system similar to the one we have previously had?And Pakislav, no hard feelings right? Did my best to keep away from personal arguments although I clearly failed, just trying to get you to argue in a bit more depth, I suppose you could say I have succeeded in that but I recognize my failure in using "polite" or honorable tactics and hope you can forgive me there.
  16. He makes a good point though should the beginning really include metals? We have plenty else to do.
  17. Random Items

    I honestly wouldn't mind it working that way with certain enchantments or with Thaumcraft for instance that would be cool to make it a little more difficult to make but as just a regular boomerang, it is way too OP.
  18. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I suppose you are right, what about that guys? You can carry a bit more than two tools worth of size to simulate the ability of two hands and a mouth being able to carry more than one thing each. I like it. We use the expandable inventory idea you had earlier. and just give the ability to carry a decent amount of resources.
  19. SMP: Prisons

    It's called anarchy =P there is ways to fix it and if you are ruled or overshadowed by an extremely powerful "greifer" that is called a tyranny. Our object here is to prevent greifers from logging on buying flint and steel, then torching a forest, then logging off while discouraged we shouldn't prevent them from working rigorously to create a malevolent empire if they are that good they deserve to be in power.
  20. Butchery

    When people refer to the RPG ideas its not so much the role-playing they don't like it's the "Level Up!" and the "Steve Thinks..." Kind of ideas.
  21. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Just a method arguing don't worry, Pakislav seems like a good guy, I just wanted to get him to talk and defend. Which he did I apologize for going too far but he simply wouldn't actually argue, now he is and I have no reason to use further insults. Once more I'm fine with three slots. I had a coach who told me something once "It isn't about where you end up, it's how you get there" I'm sure he pulled it from a book or something but ever since I've done my best to live by that. This is one of those times. What do I mean by that? I mean gameplay, our game here(yes Pakislav, ours not in the ownership sense but in the sense that we are a part of it, like being a citizen of somewhere "our country" it certainly isn't mine or yours but its what we are with), our game here is a wonderful thing Bioxx and Dunk are the first to make such a mod like it. This game is meant to be a challenge in every aspect not just in some areas, remember, believable? I certainly don't want realism , if I wanted realism I would have asked for a blown weight system, the inability to carry rocks, bags only carry a little, etc. Luckily I'm not insane, I just want believable, a challenge, a journey, an adventure. Now I know I'm being dramatic here but I'm sure by now you know by now what I want and what Pakislav wants. There really isn't much more for either of us to say but I have one last arguement left to pull out so please hear me out. One thing we have recently discussed is specialization, with the ability to control the hotbar and inventory we would begin to see a wide range of "styles" each one better adapted for their situation, think about it, maybe someone who loves exploring who pack light save some food and his trusty weapon while a blacksmith would carry the tools of his trade in his multiple belts and pockets, prepared for any situation. Or a miner carrying enough bags to lift a mountain from its roots. The list goes on about specialization and the more we have of it the better. Pakislav, please don't attempt to make fun of the military those are brave men out their fighting for our lives and the lives of others and after I have lost a couple people who were in the military. Don't worry I promise to defend my nation with honor as they have. So enough insults I promise to argue clean if you do
  22. You cant skip the night

    We thought about that in the wailing thread I even suggested Inception unfortunately it was shot down.
  23. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    My apologises, but you must understand while we would love to cater to everyone, most people our mod as a challenge or super hardcore. The focus of development thus far has been to find a balance between challenging and tedious and considering vanilla isn't even close to challenging this means things generally need to become more difficult. Its just our style, I will you though the current inventory is not at all challenging and should therefore be fixed. If he doesn't like things to get a little more difficult and require a little more time and effort to get back to normal. It is a simple prodding method to attempt to push people onto the defensive which generally means my argument is no longer being attacked. I certainly want nobody to leave, and I know he never would but that is why it works so well. I'm fine with three, i'll just we hold in our teeth or something, maybe under your arm.