Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. Sticks & Stones

    I will add pictures as soon as I get to a computer I should probably add summaries of each sections as well.
  2. Sticks & Stones

    Adding pictures as soon as possible
  3. Garbage.

    Don't add shit, that is disgustingly unnecessary. Lets keep our ideas to "hey that's a good idea!" And away from "thats disgusting" this is almost purely adding content for the sake of realism which as we have decided reality sucks. Lets not be that mod people fun of ok?
  4. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Start with something simple and then do the entire FTB pack all at once just so we can rub it in all the non-believer's faces.
  5. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    While not a necro as you bring information don't expect a response. Jed only posts once in a blue moon. Check the date. That is a lot longer than it seems.
  6. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Golden Ages only happen during the summer. Nice try though. Edit:800th post.
  7. Grass

    Just a small thing but I figured it was too big for the metathread but only barely. I want a lawn. We can only break grass right now but if we allowed the scythe to cut the grass down to a shorter length it would look much nicer. This would mean grass would need to look different otherwise this would still look like crap. Rather than just an x what about an actual sort of hash pattern the more hashes the better. This is the part where it doesn't belong in the metathread. Remove grass blocks, have dirt with grass on top act like grass blocks, make it harder to run through tall grass, allow grass to be trampled, allow grass to be eaten (by animals). Added bonuses if they were easy to code; variations of grass area to area, variation of grass textures so two grass sitting next to each other won't be exactly the same, allow grass to grow multiple blocks tall. I understand this won't be high priority but from my understanding its pretty easy to code. Although I'm not the one coding it so.
  8. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Easy solution to label problem. Item+paper+scribing table+ink=new label. Any objections to that? Edit:We would need a new slot in the scribing table as well.
  9. That Damage Discussion: Round 16

    Poor argument, what Paki described may be similar to Skyrim's combat system but that doesn't mean it's automatically a RPG, in fact far from it. I see nothing RPG about it, perhaps you would like to show me? We don't need additional ranges although they are nice we need to prevent spam attacking and require that battles be won through strategy, so that a person with a tin sword could beat someone with a red steel sword even if this is unlikely to happen, there has to be a possibility of the tin sword winning through actual strategy.
  10. The Border...

    I made this post for two reasons and two reasons only. Congratulations on get a border Dunk!500th topic in Discussions! Woooooo!That will be all.
  11. Particles

    I'm pretty sure thats how it works in real life. I don't know did I miss the part where picks make rocks evaporate? This seems like an idea which is great you must admit that. The video showed nothing besides proof of concept, this was a here "I'll show you that it is possible because bsb23 was curious about it" video, not a "it needs to be like this" video.Edit: Look directly above the video. It says "It's not pretty or polished, but here is the rough concept:"
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Woah back up here. What about unlimited slots, where did that come from? What did I miss? Also Bioxx has said no NPCs quite a while ago, so this topic is basically dead.
  13. The Hoe

    Love the ability of the hoe, I certainly wouldn't mind if another tool was added to actually examine the tool but by that point it becomes unnecessary. I'm happy with it, the only other option is using a color-scale in the soil to tell nutrition level but lets be honest here people are far too dumb and stupid to understand that usually. Anyway we could do both Dunk or is that to much coding? (Once more I'm happy with what we got but obviously others aren't)
  14. Particles

    I'm sure its just an early version as was leo's original video which no offense looked horrible. But after work and with help from leo, we could develop this into a much larger idea. Much, much larger, like gargantuan, like so big we might need two forums just to properly hold all of the people coming in to say "WE LUVS U TFC, U IS MY FAV GAME". All joking aside a rubble mechanic would make a fabulous amount of sense. We break the rock and after it shatters we pick up the pieces, or not, maybe we want huge messy tunnels.
  15. Where the heck is Crysyn is probably a better question to start with. Apparently he is making his own game, I would at least like to know what he is doing though.
  16. That Damage Discussion: Round 16

    Not to be rude but that fixes nothing that means some people will be able to spam faster than others while making more weapon depth you have yet to make actual combat more engaging. It is still a spam-click system.
  17. The future of safe mod downloads....

    Ya I understand I'm just trying to toss ideas out there.
  18. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    That is isn't even close to what it can accomplish. For starters what about those falling trees and actual mechanical systems everyone was complaining about.
  19. The future of safe mod downloads....

    What if we made money in a different way? This is going to sound terrible at first but, why can't we seriously consider this? If ou mod were to be big enough, aka a lot bigger, what about in-game advertisement items? Take the soda industry for example, what if we said here is a recipe in-game to give you, Mountain Dew or something like that. maybe the recipe is a tin can some sugar and a glistening melon? Couldn't we remove the need for adfly by giving an alternate income, in this case for third-party advertisements. Obviously this kind of advertisement works. On America's got talent they always would set a particular drink in front the judges, on Shark Tank they would always carry a specific phone. It works but can we get a large enough player-base for large companies to become interested, and would this at all taint the experience and cause certain people to stop playing.
  20. Ok, seriously though, you gotta stop double, triple and even now quadruple posting, it is completely unnecessary. Just use the edit button at the bottom right hand corner of your posts please. In response top the crypts, yes they are man-made by ancient race, or so Dunk has told us. They are going to be that way according to Dunk. This doesn't mean we don't need an overhaul in fact, if nothing else, it requires an overhaul.
  21. Mod combinations

    Who was it that told me that they new someone that got railcraft working with TFC. They are all possible to use it just takes a bit of work to do and nobody is willing to put the effort into actually make a cross-over and constantly have to update it, so.
  22. Particles

    Do it! Despite this looking like a pain in the butt right now this will make mining far more interesting, I mean think of the possibilities. Same with blocks decreasing in size as you mine them that would be amazing. We would have the most amazing mining system ever! Excuse me while I go scream about this from roof
  23. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    Do you need permissions for a cross-over? I certainly wasn't aware of that. As long as we were out of Beta Bioxx would agree and I can't imagine any modpack would be too angry with a new addition, even if it required a separate pack for hardcore players.
  24. That Damage Discussion: Round 16

    I suggest you quickly add Jed's combat overhaul's to your list before I have to bring it up myself. On that note, besides bringing excellent ideas to the table you haven't addressed the single largest problem with Minecraft combat, that problem being the spam click method, without that fixed this is just another attempted change with no real power behind it. Until we fix spamming and make combat an actual strategic engagement, our combat will never be right.
  25. This is far better than what you started with but so far you have yet to purpose anything new beside mob genetics which you unfortunately go into no details about. The AI ideas have been far outmatched by previous ideas as well as your explanation of each of the lifeforms. The only thing I have yet to see from the AI section is that you wanted to skeletons to directly search for spiders. Can't wait until you move into something new and interesting though as your organization is excellent. May I suggest leading with a little more powerful ideas next time?