Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Akush

  1. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Please don't say this mod is dead.. Being waiting patiently for an update a day still nothing
  2. Ign: akushner11 Age: 18 location: United Kingdom
  3. hosting server max 20 people

    Name: Kyle Ign: akushner11 Age: 18 Why you want to join: Because playing TFC in a small community is so much better What skills you would bring to the server: I'm great at building and I have alot of experience with terrafirmacraft and I'm great with my metals. How often would you play: Everyday for atleast 4 hours, unless I'm away Skype: fusionvibez
  4. Looking for a really nice mountain biome seed, must include: 1.) A forest 300 blocks with in spawn 2.) Enough copper by spawn to get started 3.) Have graphite within a 1000 blocks 4.) Possibly by limestone rock And finally looks amazing For 79.14, I look forward to your replies all the best akush
  5. Salt Food & Ores Request

    Great seed, I'm really considering using it, I'm just worried just incase I can't find graphite
  6. [Offline][0.79.15] Terrafirmacraft Server

    Hey veseno, just saw that I got accepted, thankyou for that, but I see you down graded, I just wanted to say that 79.15 is more secure that 79.14, some blocks cause the server to crash in 14, but 15 seems to work fine. Just saying just in case the world crashes in the future
  7. [Offline][0.79.15] Terrafirmacraft Server

    IGN: akushner11 Age: 18 Expectations: To be able to have a good time on the great mod known as terrafirmacraft with mature people and not have to worry about people griefing or stealing and to be part of a good community!
  8. Name: Kyle IGN: akushner11 Age:: 18 Why you want to join: Well first of all I want to join, because playing Terrafirmacraft in a community is so much better than on your own, secondly because the server I used to play, no one goes on and there's loads of lag issues and I refuse to return to Singleplayer. What skills could you bring to the server: First of all I'm great mining, I don't mine because I need to, it's just a hobby, secondly I'm good with numbers so smelting is easy I have about 6 months experience on terrafirmacraft so I don't need much help and finally I'm a great builder How often would you play: pretty much everyday from 4-9 hours unless I'm away. Skype: fusionvibez
  9. TFC newdb looking for partner/s

    Is this dsheric of frogs server? If so Im very interested, it's akushner11 btw add me on Skype at: fusionvibez
  10. Username: akushner11 Skype: fusionvibez Age: 18 Timezone: GMT Why you would like to join: Well I've being playing TFC for a while now and I have never played it on a server. So I think it would be better so I would have people to talk to and I'd have more tasks and I would love to help everyone out!! How can you contribute: I'm great at mining and have the prospecters pick fully mapped! Secondly I'm good with numbers so smelting different alloys is no problem for me ah. Thirdly I'm a great builder! In all honesty I'm not 100% good at building in terrafirmacraft as I haven't tried yet, but practice makes perfect right? But to be on the safe side, I have many people in the normal minecraft world very interested in my building, I prefer building medieval / gothic themed. How can you describe you player style: Hmm.. This is a tricky one ah, well I'm like notch apart from the fact I have no teeth and my character looks like a alien ah, but no let's be serious, I'm a mature person with a good sense of humour, I always like to get the job done and I think that terrafirmacraft will go further than minecraft! Don't you think?