Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Tin Compass?

    Magnets are 'magical', and have you ever tried getting a compass near a nice solid piece of iron?
  2. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I had a different idea for working around the issue with Electric Age. What if one of the unused TFC ores (Microcline, Olivine, Petrified Wood, Satinspar, Selenite, Serpentine) was added back in as a custom generation. Then a recipe for cooking it in a TFC fire/forge to produce nuggets and a crafting recipe that would turn that output in to the material that the mod is expecting. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to add those two recipes but that offers a way of working around the above linked violation of registration timing.
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    It does indeed. This is what we were discussing. Would I pretty much do then point Eclipse at the cloned github project?
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Searching on github it's self I believe I found the project, but looking over the code I feel I should ask a basic 'will this possibly work' type question. The mod is producing a block that is a complete, non-TFC ore. It's behavior and NEI's output leads me to think it is a simple vanilla block+meta based block that is not a title entity. It seems that TFC might be using (non-ticking) tile entities to install a custom render pass that provides the ore mask over the native block. 'will this possibly work' : Given the above, is it possible to 'custom gen' extra non-TFC blocks using this ore gen configuration method? PS: I also started looking at the Forge/FML/Minecraft Block class... I think you might be correct in that by the time it gets to this area of the code it is too late. If a guard is to be installed it'd probably have to be in whichever area is parsing the config file.
  5. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Frustratingly, yes, I can type that in and the block stacks. My guess is that it is a race condition caused by Electrical Age registering the block in some manor that isn't always early enough. About your most recent post... I'll take a glance at the TFC site and see if there's documentation / easy steps for doing so. However interrogating and 'safely' extracting strings fromMPBlockone field at a time (wrapping with String.valueOf()) is what I'd do in the exception handler. Edit: Looked over the main site, wiki, and forum areas. At a good glance I cannot find any guide to setting up a development environment nor a link to someplace like GitHub.
  6. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Isn't that exactly what something like this wrapping is useful for? try {} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) { System.err.println(String.format("A serious error occurred while attempting to generate an ore vein. (%s:%s:%s)", String.valueOf(somod), String.valueOf(soname), String.valueOf(someta) ); throw e;}This should cause some additional data to be generated (sadly in the logs, not the crash report, but at least it would exist) and then still throw the error back out to let the game crash. Edit: I also saw Java has String.valueOf() which provides the safety I desire in a more compact manor.
  7. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    That was indeed a transcription error. My previous post will be corrected shortly. I believe you're correct as you have both the experience and there is only one candidate entry that isn't vanilla TFC. The code path appears to indicate that it is TFC's oregen which is causing this. What I would prefer is for a little more data in the crash report; actually printing out what TFC is handed in some manor that sanitizes (clearly suspect) input. This way the difference between expected and actual ore generation settings can be determined as well as the ore in question if there's more than one entry. Edit: Additionally while it /appears/ that all the other entries are TFC, I am not the author of this pack and don't know for sure that those haven't been altered. It's possible stray input or a typo might have corrupted one of the other entries. The additional exception information I'm suggesting be captured would also be useful in such a case.
  8. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I actually did that, and mined it to see what it would drop. At least once the game is fully loaded... Tungsten Ore (#0697/5) 697:5Eln:Eln.OreOre Dictionary names: oreElnTungstenWeight: 1.0Electrical AgeI can try reloading it with that disabled, however the crash isn't providing enough data to make this more than a strong supposition. If this is the cause I take it that Electrical Age isn't registering its item/block types early enough? Edit: grammar Edit 2: Corrected Eln.Eln.Ore to Eln:Eln.Ore to reflect NEI. Sorry for the transcription error.
  9. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    It appears that version 2.5.3 of the pack already includes the suggested fix. At a glance these entries seem to all follow the suggested pattern. # Configuration filebismuthinite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive sedimentary > I:oreMeta=7 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}"bismuthinite surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < igneous intrusive sedimentary > I:oreMeta=7 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins}"bituminous coal" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=90 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=14 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=large S:type=default}borax { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < rock salt > I:oreMeta=0 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore3 I:rarity=120 S:size=large S:type=veins}cassiterite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous intrusive > I:oreMeta=5 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}"cassiterite surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < granite > I:oreMeta=5 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins}cinnabar { I:"Horizontal Density"=80 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=30 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive shale quartzite > I:oreMeta=11 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=150 S:size=small S:type=veins}cryolite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < granite > I:oreMeta=12 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=100 S:size=small S:type=veins}galena { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive metamorphic granite limestone > I:oreMeta=6 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}garnierite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < gabbro > I:oreMeta=8 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=150 S:size=medium S:type=veins}graphite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < marble gneiss quartzite schist > I:oreMeta=4 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}gypsum { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=1 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=120 S:size=large S:type=veins}hematite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive > I:oreMeta=3 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=125 S:size=medium S:type=veins}jet { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=8 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=110 S:size=large S:type=veins}kaolinite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=0 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=90 S:size=medium S:type=default}kimberlite { I:"Horizontal Density"=80 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=30 S:baseRocks < gabbro > I:oreMeta=5 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=200 S:size=medium S:type=veins}"lapis lazuli" { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < marble > I:oreMeta=2 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore3 I:rarity=120 S:size=large S:type=veins}lignite { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=90 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=15 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=default}limonite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=11 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=150 S:size=medium S:type=veins}magnetite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=10 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=150 S:size=medium S:type=veins}malachite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < limestone marble > I:oreMeta=9 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=large S:type=veins}"native copper" { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive > I:oreMeta=0 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=120 S:size=large S:type=veins}"native copper surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive > I:oreMeta=0 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins}"native gold" { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive igneous intrusive > I:oreMeta=1 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=120 S:size=large S:type=veins}pitchblende { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < granite > I:oreMeta=10 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=150 S:size=small S:type=veins}platinum { I:"Horizontal Density"=80 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=2 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=150 S:size=small S:type=veins}saltpeter { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < sedimentary > I:oreMeta=13 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=120 S:size=medium S:type=veins}silver { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < granite gneiss > I:oreMeta=4 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}sphalerite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < metamorphic > I:oreMeta=12 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}"sphalerite surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < metamorphic > I:oreMeta=12 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins}sylvite { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=90 S:baseRocks < rock salt > I:oreMeta=15 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore2 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins}tetrahedrite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < metamorphic > I:oreMeta=13 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=120 S:size=medium S:type=veins}"tetrahedrite surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < metamorphic > I:oreMeta=13 S:oreName=terrafirmacraft:Ore1 I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins}"tungsten surface" { I:"Horizontal Density"=40 I:"Maximum Height"=240 I:"Minimum Height"=128 I:"Vertical Density"=40 S:baseRocks < igneous extrusive igneous intrusive > I:oreMeta=5 S:oreName=Eln:Eln.Ore I:rarity=35 S:size=small S:type=veins} Am I missing something obvious? Possibly Eln:Eln.Ore isn't valid? Edit: It seems that is item 697:5 on my world.
  10. Where to find saltrocks?

    Is there a uniform distribution of size or is this like vanilla biomes (varying in size and shape in pseudo-random ways)? Also do 'top layers' occur within shallow/deep oceans (if you're really desperate)?
  11. Tin Compass? It would be naturally magnetic, however the act of chipping away at it would probably disrupt the natural magnetic field. You might be able to use an iron whisker or sliver and a piece of magnetite ore to magnetize the sliver. It would be very useful (and interesting) if this would point towards other ferrous ores and structures.
  12. Prospecting and ore levels help

    I have not yet played TFC in 1.7.10, but in the previous version there were /some/ instances of (and I think Pakratt encountered this on his last TFC Tuesday stream) 'ore veins' that were very... 'sparse'. The density of individual blocks of ore was nice enough, but the overall density (closeness) of ore within the world was not worth recovering the material. Sometimes you 'find' the location, but it isn't the kind of vein you're looking for.
  13. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I too am having similar crash issues. They seem to only occur when structure generation is enabled. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----// Who set us up the TNT?Time: 1/7/15 9:12 PMDescription: Exception ticking worldjava.lang.NullPointerException: Exception ticking world at at at at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinable.BODgenerateVein( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinable.createMine( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinable.generate( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenOre.createOreVein( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenOre.oreSmallVein( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenOre.generate( at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( at at at at at at at at at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p( at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ searching makes me feel like this is a related post, but the above crash isn't generating enough detail for me to easily determine which mod has the bad behavior. The seed in question (flying around a bit from spawn) that I seem to be able to 'often' reproduce the issue on is 1574030000. I was near -213,?,-87?? (and flying vaguely less negative Z in creative) as I crashed the most recent time. Trying to clone the world it crashed on startup that time. I suspect it depends on some mod's added plant item (given the above) which appear to be placed with more random elements. A precisely repeatable test case seems elusive, but the environmental zone that this item occurs in is a requirement for the test case.
  14. Time indicator for Torches

    You seem to be /entirely/ missing the point of my suggestion for this idea. If there's going to be any change at all to torch behavior (from what it now is) I suggest the following. Visual indication: Should only matter for /distant/ torches (I made two suggestions on what might show that visually). Why? Because as Kitty has already noted, the act of 'checking' a near by torch relights it. Relighting modes: Instead of forcing torches within distance to be re-lit by explicit action, it also makes sense that walking around holding a torch indicates you're fulfilling the job of aLamplighter. In that mode it makes sense that the player's presence would refresh the torches (instead of making them decay). This would be useful for cases like where Pakratt is going down the mining tunnel in the cart. There's also the fact that inside your own work area you are likely to keep torches lit (when within reach). No where have I suggested keeping vast fields of torches lit, as you seem to continuously delude your self in to thinking I mean.
  15. Time indicator for Torches

    The idea is more that the creation of replacement torches and the re-filling of sconces is such a trivial task once you have any form of tree farming in place that simply /being/ there is considered sufficient 'effort' to execute that maintenance. It would also only effect the area within actual /reach/ of the player. This would mostly mean that work areas and domiciles would be lit. However the 'torch in hand' rule would also make things like going down a mine shaft re-light all the torches.