Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. Happy New Year!

    Happy new year all! I apologize if someone else decides to post this topic at the same time, but I wanted to get it right a midnight. Have a wonderful next year! Now to watch the ball drop. See you all next year!
  2. Use for bones

    If decoration isn't a use, and this is the uses for bones thread, and decoration is the main idea in the op...
  3. Spelunking.

    Or a pickaxe.
  4. Spelunking.

    I think that they shouldn't stay 1*1 If you are going to make 1*2, then what about 2*1? They should be random tunnels, no specific width, then it would look good.
  5. Spelunking.

    For the first page and a half, I was thinking, what is Rook talking about, we do NOT need more caves. Then I saw That, I I thought it was a good idea. Sorry Rook, but please do not get mad at people for disagreeing with you when you don't actually have an idea to disagree with.
  6. [SOLVED] Null Pointer Exception

    I don't personally use it, but I heard an old optifine works better. I think.
  7. Minecraft 1.4.7

    What is wrong with MCnostalgia? Also, don't just google minecraft.jar 1.4.6, I'm pretty sure that is illegal.
  8. A detailed install guide?

    I'm sorry rook, but if you truly want people to help you, don't insult them. People assume your smart enough to know that, so when you do insult them while asking for help, they think your just trying to be annoying.
  9. Use for bones

    Bone also should make good weapons even without sharpening. Maybe not damage, but stun?
  10. Recycling!

    Where did its ashes go?
  11. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    The wiki is pretty much useless.
  12. Recycling!

    What happens when you melt an anvil in a bloomery, anyways? How many moods does it fill up? I disagree with the pick smelting thing, what about the handle? And why would you want to melt your pickaxe anyways?
  13. Use for bones

    It would look awesome. They would have to be a different shape, though.
  14. If you had to write an essay to apply for something, would you title it, "ok, so I wrote another essay"? While the title may have gotten more posts, it has gotten less posts about your suggestion. Titles are so that people know what they are about to read. Your title is completely useless, it's not like some is going to think "Wow, he posted a suggestion! I totally didn't know that, despite the fact it is in the suggestions forum!" Finally, you claimed that it made someone post, but then you complained that they posted something useless. So you are saying your title made them post something useless, but you still blame them.
  15. Creeper's mechanics (and random moster griefing)

    The problem with this is supports are really unnecessary. Mining without them is no problem, and if you are making an underground room, cave-ins help make the roof higher.
  16. Wait... 2 (small) ingots put together make a large item?

    †he solution ƒor the storage thing is using item frames.
  17. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    You guys seen the walls map? That, in vanilla ( :C ), with 2 of the best TFC players (spum, and, I dunno), 2 tekkit players (Duncan and someone else), and 4 state of the art players (captain sparkles, maybe etho and some of them, and I dunno.) Tfc would totally win. I would want to watch that. Someone know ridgedog?
  18. Shears

    Well, when you describe it like that... Okay, then. The rest of it.
  19. Shears

    You guys remember when you punched sheep? I'm thinking that even the need of metal is too much. You should be able to shear a sheep with a stone tool, but it would damage the sheep. Also, it should take 9-10 clicks, and the sheep should run away from you during the attempt.
  20. blueprints are way too op

    He is only vague when the other person needs him to be specific? I guess that is a yes, the Kimbble.
  21. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    So stone bricks are supposed to be hard to build. Maybe just making lines along the edges of a raw stone block will drop 4 bricks?
  22. Animals!

    Well then, several cultures are nuts. That explains a lot of things.
  23. Villagers

    Dunk, in this case, you should make the mode incompatible with NEI. No offense, but enough people will be playing your mod that it won't matter if 2% play it in an unbalanced way.