Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. Farming makes even less sense now. [NEW OP]

    I'm using a metal one. Like I said, if I plant right away, I get about 3x the nutrient than if I let the tilled dirt sit for a minute.
  2. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    I feel very lucky. The first world I made I have about 7-8 ingots just from surface nuggets, and the one I am playing now has tonnes of clay, a willow forest that regens very fast, and all the metal I could ever want. Except there is too much zinc. I go mining for other things and I find zinc. I have found about 4 huge veins of zinc in about 1 zinc pick. Zinc armour is actually cheaper than leather. But now I'm ranting, so ignore this part.
  3. Mineral Storage

    He wants ores to take up MORE room, I think.
  4. [b72] Easy Perfect Smithing [Known Bug]

    Tool heads can stack, and when stacking they get the durability of the bottom on (the one they were put on). So, once you get one perfect tool head, the rest can be perfect too, just by stacking them, even if you screw the smithing up. The most obvious way to fix this would be to make them unstackable. I'd put pictures, but I don't think they could explain it any better than words, along with the fact that I'm too lazy, so if you don't understand what I mean just go stack some tool heads. Edit: Nevermind, it seems this is already known.
  5. [b72] Easy Perfect Smithing [Known Bug]

    Ah. Okay then. Nevermind.
  6. [b72] Easy Perfect Smithing [Known Bug]

    You can stack bows? Then this is a very big bug.
  7. I need Dynamite!

    How about you can mix sulphur and saltpetre and whatever else you guys like to put in your gunpowder, and then put it on the floor like redstone. A firestarter, and you have a string of small explosions, doing very little block damage, but still hurts. Take some paper and put the gunpowder in it and you have a small explosive, doing a little block damage, and mix them together and you have a much bigger boom. I love how tnt works in tfc, cobble blocks fly everywhere.
  8. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    I got one of the knap squares from a creeper explosion. I have not repeated this yet, but I am pretty sure that I got them from an explosion. Even if I didn't, I got them somehow, in survival, no NEI
  9. [B72] Explosions cause wrong stones to drop.

    Also, once I got the things you drop when you knap, except they stayed in my inventory, from an explosion, and I got an item titled bituminous coal, not just coal, from a creeper blowing up my coal vein.
  10. Vanilla Parkour

    I have recently started on a parkour map, and was wondering what people thought of the style. I wanted feedback before I finished, I didn't want to invest a bunch of time into something no one liked. I tried to make it different from normal parkour, the focus is not on jumping but on knowing where to jump. It is always fun on servers with elaborate spawns to try to get to the top of them, and I figured I could make a map with a similar idea. I got through this version in 10 minutes, but I know the way, so it will last much longer for you. It is supposed to look like a castle where you have been held prisoner and must escape. Pictures: Sorry about the door in my hand, I don't know what it was doing there. Download Thanks for reading this, any criticism or comments are greatly appreciated. Also, do any of you guys know any good parkour maps? I like parkour and would like to play a map that I didn't make. Thanks, all, and sorry for the self promotion thing.
  11. What the...?

    Just as I read this thread, the tap in my bathroom turned on. Then about ten minutes later, something tapped on my room's door, but nothing was there.
  12. Of course the gun didn't shoot itself. However, without a gun, how many less people do you think the the insane guy could have shot. Also, with the "Bad guys", how many bad guys have you had to protect yourself from lately? Obviously you need to make sure NOBODY has a gun if you get rid of them, but that is a ridiculous reason.
  13. The problem lies more in news than in video games. The idiots know that if they kill a bunch of people, then suicide, they get on television. While video games might make 1 or 2 people join gangs (and these people probably would have, eventually, anyways), it doesn't make someone go nuts and kill people. They obviously have something wrong in their head. The best way to fix it is either to get rid of all guns, or to give everyone a gun, and let them have it everywhere. While it may not apply at the schools, think of the mall shootings. No one there had a gun because of the no guns in the mall rule, except for the shooter. Do they think a crazy suicidal murder is going to care if they aren't allowed to have a gun? They might care, though, if when they start shooting, everyone else shoots them.
  14. Idea for new the awesome new chisel setting you added!

    You can still use the slab function to get one bit. I don't like this idea. TFC is supposed to be time consuming. If we add this, then why don't we add builders and all that other stupid tekkit stuff? If something is very detailed, then it will take a long time to make, it is supposed too. If you want to look at things this way, you should start with a full set of blue and red steel tools, because getting them takes too long.
  15. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    Also, he won't get really any cheaty information, as long as he doesn't do this in his survival world.
  16. How the hell do i find veins?

    once you have a reading, find where it is as high as you can get it. Then dig one way until it goes down. Mark the last block with a torch. Dig the other way, mark that end with a torch. Find the middle. Figure out the rest, I won't share all my secrets.
  17. Right now, inventories are a bit... stupid. In a chest, you can fit 144 ingots, but if you want to put 19 different seeds in, too bad. tl;dr: Inventories will have unlimited slots but a cap on size. backpacks will make up for your rather small inventory. Small wall of text explaining an example of how I think this could work: EDIT: A bit of a more specific description. Your hotbar would be all you spawn with. It would start off as one square. When you put something in it, another empty square appears. You can keep putting items in this empty square, and your hotbar keeps expanding. Once the hotbar has over 9 items in it, it would only display the first 9, and the rest could only be viewed when you open your inventory. Each item would have a certain size, between 1 and 100. An anvil would be somewhere around 95, and seeds would be 2 or 3. In your hotbar, if in your hotbar, when adding a new item, if the total size exceeds 100, then the item will not be allowed to be placed in the hotbar. THe fullness of your hotbar would be shown in a bar, to avoid the dreaded numbers. You could also craft a backpack, which would add another bar to your inventory (only visible when the inventory was opened), where there would be room for more items. This would be put on your back, possibly conflicting with armour (I dunno here). The slots would funtion the same as your hotbar, but only get displayed when you open your inventory. If the amount of items you have in one inventory exceeds nine only nine would be diplayed in your inventory, then arrows would be added to the side when you open up it's inventory, allowing you to scroll to view the other items. This would not would on your hotbar when you haven't opened your inventory. Chest would have a similar inventory, except with sizes 150 and 300 each. Also, if you have a large amount of weight in your inventory, you will be slowed down SLIGHTLY. No more than slowness II. If you are carrying something extremely large and awkward, such as an anvil or sluice, it would be slowed much more. This would make inventory management much more interesting and realistic believable. You wouldn't make room by getting rid of small useless junk, you would have to get rid of bigger and more important things. As well as that, having a lot of useless junk on you could make it harder to find items, just as it should. It also would fact you can carry a mountain with you. The reason I made this thread is because I am upset that 32m3 of dirt takes up as much room as a seed.
  18. You cant skip the night

    Well, either you afk, or you sit in a hole and stare at the screen for ten minutes. The goal of a game generally does not involve making you bored 50% of the time. Edit: Or you actually do something at night, but if you did, then you wouldn't need a bed anyways, so it doesn't matter.
  19. You cant skip the night

    I vote for 3 as well It is false difficulty to make someone wait out the night, as you generally just go afk inside a hole.
  20. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I don't get why we should have 3 or four slots. We should have a certain amount of size you can carry, not variation. Oh, and for the seed pouch, ya, that would work great for fixing seeds, but what about every other single item in the game?
  21. Emergency Survival Kit

    When you go on an adventure, it is generally a good idea to bring some stuff incase you get lost. So, what do you guys bring? I bring a piece of paper, an axe, a bucket of water, a firestarter, and javelins(Edit: Also, food. Derp.) . Also, I generally bring a sword, but I wouldn't if I knew I was going to get lost. I'll start a list in the OP if you have any more ideas.
  22. [B2 pre2] Weird Cave Spawn

    Actually, sea level is higher in TFC
  23. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    I would.
  24. You cant skip the night

    Wait, you can sleep outside without being woken up?
  25. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I don't really see why you think that this ruins the gameplay. It would add a new aspect to it, and actually make a lot of things simpler. I understand it might be impossible to code, and if it is, so be it, but I don't see why it would be so hard (Coming from someone who barely knows C) Finally, umm... forgot my last point. I'll edit in in once I remember.