Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    It's about what I said..making tier 2 more stable: "Also make iron more rare like copper, so you can't just jump over tier 2 to iron.." and this: "But something specific would be: after iron we get more then black steel, but types of iron (green steel, yellow steel, whatever..), same as with copper."
  2. Texture mapping

    How about changing the texture mapping so north/south texture would have different y flipped compared to the west/east textures, for example bricks looks good on a flat wall but from a corner it looks miss mapped like the wall is made out of non uniform size bricks but small and big ones too. so if north/south would have different y flip then west/east is would fix it, but would it harm other textures?
  3. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    I'm not sure but aren't rules are already random?
  4. TFC Rare Drops?

    That is the part where I zip, before dunk comes..
  5. TFC Rare Drops?

    I never did, I don't have the source.But I did made a finding that really helps me mining for ores..
  6. Changing the speed of the year

    You should of made a back up, the end is near
  7. Unbearable Lag on High Power Computer

    Can't say that happen to me, but I did notice some fps jump when suddenly looking up.
  8. Anvil Tweak

  9. Anvil Tweak

    What ever was before, glad everybody in understanding with each other now. Of course I don't mean 80 exactly. Just that "Perfect tools should be more rewarding" Sure, except that I don't want a way around, but a way to avoid making these unnecessary mistakes, but as dante80 said it's unnecessary, there are well defined rules and it's well reasonable to follow them.Anyway I tried to explain why this feature won't make anything easier in note 3 in the main post.
  10. Anvil Tweak

    yes sorry, I was editing a few times before leaving.Off topic because he was assuming that I was suggesting to make it easier which I never did, and what I did suggested DOESN'T make it any easier. So saying "not a good suggestion, because stuff should be hard" is just off topic. Now that is how you double post without anyone noticing
  11. Anvil Tweak

    Are you sure?You said: (think 80 is too much) Dante80 said: (agrees and like the punishment of bad tools) I would say it's EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what Dante80 said
  12. Anvil Tweak

    I think you are off topic again The first note was specifically for you. The amount of hits done is indeed a nice addition to the second suggestion.Breaking anvils are not goon and annoying I think, mainly because they are expensive anyway. I can agree with Dante80 that this is not so important, it's rare and it's my mistake only.
  13. don't think it's about the temperature (maybe efficiency but not the growing or not), here: http://terrafirmacra...soil-nutrients/even though I had +5, nothing grew. I guess you can only grow crops below the +-10000 z axis (near the equator)
  14. Anvil Tweak

    Better?So what do you think? Never suggested such thing Instead I explained how bad would it be to add it. For the future, my suggestions are starting with the words: "I suggest ..." and not "... adding this would remove any challenge ..."
  15. TFC Rare Drops?

    The The All Seeing Eye is burning it self? (ops, now me too) Not if you know my secret I would tell but.. can't post numbers about the game..
  16. TFC Rare Drops?

  17. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    I see you never played quake (quake pro...)About the side view, why would you look there? The FOV is basically the zoom, the less FOV the more zoom, and I can't take mining when I'm ZOOMED IN DAT STONE.. makes you crazy..
  18. Anvil Tweak

    I've completely rewrite the post, please reread.
  19. Anvil Tweak

    How quoting me should contradict me You contradict yourself, you say that why would it be SO damaged when it's near done so that's not believable, but you also agree that allowing the finish action IS believable and even SHOULD be like that but you don't wanna add. That means you do not only want the believable stuff but some challenge too, that why I say that getting a perfect tool doesn't make much of a difference and this is bad, making a perfect tool should be more rewarding, that's why let's make bad tool start at 80% damaged.
  20. Anvil Tweak

    and I'm suggesting making it even harder and more punishing
  21. TFC Rare Drops?

    Can't imaging how lucky a person would be if in the beginning of the game he would get a bronze pickaxe , he is half game through.
  22. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Yeah, the funny thing is that I was going to suggest to add this since vanilla have this and then.. wait a sec, if vanilla have this so as we I really see no reason to remove this from TFC.
  23. Changing the speed of the year

    What if a won't set the date to 21/12/2012?Still the world will end?
  24. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    He shall make a game, and it's name will be randomized with each use Even the style of the game and the physics in the game would be random. A complete chaos (with some degree of order). How to make such game? Easy. Make a program that makes an executable that weights a random number between 1mb and 10gb, and fills it with random bits, hopefully you will get a game
  25. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Added the recipe to the post.