Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by egeis

  1. OMG so you can code! When did this happen???
  2. I began working on a modpack a few weeks ago using Flaxbeard's, HQM, and TFC to name a few of the mods. After setting up Ore generation, making changes using minetweaker, and adding utility mods I decided to go through each mods items to verify recipies, identify crashes, and ensure all items function properly. To my dismay Flaxbeards steam tools failed to function with TFC installed. Since both TFC and Flaxbeards is under the same license and code is provided on GitHub I did some investigation. To get a "Pickaxe" item to work the changes are pretty simple, implement theICausesDamage interface and changed the material efficiency, and damage. To get a "Shovel" like item to work was a bit more of a challege, Shovels & Axes dont extend off of the MC classes of their related siblings, instead they use ItemTerraTool as their parents. So changing that and implementing the super followed by copying and pasting the block list was required to implement another mods shovel. ...Now for the "Axe" I implemented the shovel changes using the axe expecting it to work the same way. Rather than the axe being an axe its a generic item, the logs register the event for being harvested then check an internal list of axes. If the axe is on the list then the wood is returned, else the wood is placed back in the spot you tried to harvest from (Punching wood). To get an axe to work now the you must import the modded item into TFC and add it to the listRecipes.Axes during item setup. I cant imagine why the shovel and the axe would be created this way when it would be easier to check in the axe is a member (instance of) an interface (IAxe for example) then allow the harvest. Im still trying to figure out why tools are programmed the way they are rather than using easier more extensible approaches.
  3. [TFC 0.79.23+] Merchants Addon for TFC

    Rather than item stacks how about using the existing "weight" and using the anvil creates a number of coins equal to the units from a ingot. IE the coin with 50 oz creates two coins, a 1oz coin creates 100, a stack of 64 and an overflow stack of 36. Additionally any minted coin could be melted down in a crucible for their metal weight to be turned back into liquid metal to be re-minted (not like this was ever done in the history of the world.) I would love to see the ability to use the flans as a form of payment for other mods for example claim plots, towns, telaportation, railcraft tickets, etc. I'm not sure how I would target a 50oz Copper Flan since the item id's are the same for the blank flan. The biggest problem with any money mod is how is it useful, it has to have some value. Melting it back to liquid, or at least having the option to, would be a good start; other value additions would be up to the server admin, but then again we would have to have the ability to implant with a variety of mods that rely on item id. the only useful application right now i can see is hammer + nugget = coin ? --Have you considered adding a coin purse as an item to hold money or wallet (Burlap, Leather, Wool, Silk)? --Realism vs Gaming should be taken into account, from a realism standpoint this mod is great but from gameplay aspect items are only as valuable the number of uses and availability.
  4. Galena may have no uses in TFC however in other mods it has a function. Additionally TFC addons could leverage lead as a metal, for example if someone wanted to make a TFC pipe mod. T1 could be lead based pipes since historically plumbum, the root word for plumbing in English, was used by the Romans extensively for waterworks projects.