Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Mod compatibility is the end goal of TFC ;P
  2. Fruit at the Equator

    temperature doesn't affect fruiting of trees or bushes; only spawn rates. If the plants are growing, they should bear fruit during the correct season. Note which side of the equator you're on. Fruits appear by season, not month. The southern hemisphere has reversed seasons
  3. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Steam looks like a long shot at this point guys, at least for TFC itself. Cross-overs with other mods possible, so there's that.
  4. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    Gunpowder trails were supposed to be used for powder kegs originally, but redstone just seemed much more useful: an existing feature that people were familiar with and that had pressure plates, switches, buttons etc. If powder trails are implemented (which I'd still like to do) maybe we can add a block which ignites something with a redstone signal? Not too hard to imagine, and might have other uses: you could set one next to a firepit or forge to light them without carrying around a flint and steel.
  5. Costum Year lenght.

    Interesting. I'll have to take a look at this. Best guess is that i accidentally coded something based on the length of a default month instead of a custom one, although I don't know why I would do that.
  6. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Quite sure it was here on the forums. I haven't tweeted anything significant in a while.
  7. Sky access for bloomery and forge

  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    The next version of TFC won't be released for quite some time.
  9. More animals

    I must have misspoken, non-breedable animals would be game, not domesticated animals. Goats would have to have some other deficit, and the likelihood of them finding a place in TFC is probably based around the climate types we can create. Goats and sheep inhabit drier, hillier, more rugged terrains than the prairie- and forest-dwelling bovines. I've done some research, and I've come to the conclusion that goats may not be anywhere close to viable as a source of milk. The data I've found is for goats and cows that have been selectively bred for dairy production, and I'm going under the assumption that both species would have the same relative potential; that the ratio of milk production for dairy goats : dairy cows would be roughly the same as wild goats : wild cows. The data shows that dairy goats can produce 6 - 8 lb of milk per day and dairy cows can produce 70 lb per day. That's a ratio of 10 : 1, meaning each goat gives you 1/10th of a bucket of milk in game. (remember, cows in game aren't giving you 70 lb of milk, that would be modern dairy cows, not the cows you find wandering around in TFC)
  10. Disappearing Everything

    Give us as much information as you can about mods or plugins you're using.
  11. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Blue steel nozzles, red steel fuel tanks?
  12. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Now you gonna make me feel bad for not tweeting Also, in response to the OP, I noticed you've linked one of my comments in there, but one from back in January. In the past couple weeks, I've restated my opinions and new ideas for the system. It's out there, but I've really gotta get started on my [actual] job [that I'm paid to do >.>], so I don't have the time to find it. Just letting you guys know it's there, if you wanna try to track it down.
  13. Transportation Infrastructure

    To be honest, I was putting faith in bioxx when I posted that, rather than looking at the code itself. I assume he would have done just that if it were possible, and I'm sure that was one of the first things he tried. Code duping is bad guys. I said it, Kitty said it, and now I'm saying it again. It is looked down on in the world of programming and software development. I work in that world. The people I go to class with know it. My professors know it. The other mod devs I talk to know it. My bosses know it and my coworkers know it. It's bad.
  14. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    Ooh code in the forums. Anyway, I think Kitty's done a good job of explaining how things are done. I do want to comment that % max health seems odd when you consider how nutrition affects it: "Eat your veggies and take higher absolute fall damage" What is the community's opinion on this?
  15. Cheese OP?

    TFC doesn't have to represent the world in total loyalty; and thus far has been decidedly skewed toward Europeanish / Middle Eastish scientific discovery, in how we present the timeline of history. Think of it like a version of the world where no one has to crap themselves from eating cheese As far as my aversion to anything disgusting... It's not so much that as that I don't want to have toilet humour... TFC is one of the more serious mods out there, in our approach to the game and the execution, and I just feel like it would ruin the atmosphere. I've rescinded my original rejection to manure given ONLY that it is deemed completely necessary; if it feels like a poop joke, I wouldn't want it.
  16. Buckets

    we were discussing water tables a week or two ago. They may be added.
  17. New device: Range: mid-game replacement for fire pit

    To address what has been mentioned many times above, a stack of fuel won't work in any device. It's just not how TFC operates. If a long lasting source of heat for a house is what you want, (and may very well be a requirement, I'm not sure yet) you'd probably want a device that could smolder a smaller amount of fuel for a long time.
  18. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Ah yes, I guess I haven't expressed my intentions with animals in recent months (to you, kitty or the community ) sorry about that. To clarify: pheasants are a wild relative of the chicken, as opposed to a variant. Animals that can be domesticated will have a "wild variant" that acts and looks different than the domesticated version. The key difference between the two is that a relative mob behaves similarly and serves a similar purpose, but a variant is actually based on the same entity class. In this case, wild and domestic chickens will be able to breed with each other and domestic animals will only be obtainable from their wild counterparts. Pheasants and chickens are not able to breed with each other. Aurochs are planned to be introduced as a dangerous wild cow, but they will not spawn along side the current cows as chickens and pheasants do (geographical separation aside) and instead will be the source of domestic cows, able to breed with them. Domestic cows produce more milk and don't try to kill players when attacked or startled. As you might have guessed, the wild-domestic separation serves multiple purposes: to make early hunting more dangerous, to provide a reward for selective breeding among your animals and to eventually provide livestock that don't want to gut the player.
  19. Wolf Aleles (To simulate breeds)

    That's the plan
  20. Cheese OP?

    Kitty had to be deceptive. Bioxx is in charge of designing and controlling the nutrition system (he can get quite touchy about anyone messing with it) and he has remained reserved in expressing his opinions on whether dairy should be changed into a supplementary nutrient instead of a major one. Until he makes a decision, it won't change. We can't do anything about it and the problem is still there, so sometimes it's just best to sweep it under the rug until it can be dealt with.
  21. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    I've been slowly working on making hunting more interesting, but vanilla AI mechanics are so hard to work with, and they often break. Deer technically have a mechanic that alerts near by deer of threats if one of them is attacked or startled which should cause them to run directly away from the source of the threat, but pathing and general vanilla handling makes it less than spectacular. I'd like to change this though.
  22. Wolf Aleles (To simulate breeds)

    Alleles... Yes, I have wanted to implement a basic form of genetics into animals for a while, and I plan to. Currently, they store some basic traits that just mix between parents, such as size, aggression, strength, climate adaptability, etc. but some stronger genetics might be interesting, if it was useful. I think it would be cool for different areas to have animals with different traits, and then the ability to mix them to see what you can get. This will require a (currently planned) feature of being able to more accurately examine the traits an animal has. I think I'd also enlist the help of EternalUndeath, who I know has degrees in genetics / biology. He could probably supply some useful information here.
  23. Farming

    Talking to my grandfather last month and he mentioned that onions are planted in fall and harvested in spring. It's not something I'd really thought about before, and I'm sure people who have more experience growing vegetables would know, but it certainly opens the possibility to change how certain crops grow.
  24. French guide - Guide Français

    I understood most of it except the nouns and verbs (so I couldn't make much sense of it at all ) glad to have you here