Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Tathar

  1. I need a seed to use for an upcoming open TFC b77 server. I'm looking for a seed with spawn located on an island in an ocean biome. Ideally, everywhere 500m from spawn should be ocean, save for islands. I want to discourage people from building bases near spawn, and I'll be using a mod to supply players with boats and other starting materials that tend to be in short supply on open servers. Therefore, nearby resources are not necessary.
  2. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    I never could adapt to my turning speed being limited in games, and Minecraft game mechanics require at minimum the means to jump a full block high. Other than that, those suggestions could work in theory. However, keep in mind, nutrition would be a mechanic separate from hunger, so it's not really about having enough energy to do stuff.
  3. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    Abstraction isn't necessarily a bad thing. TFC does have an abstract "health number" that determines how close you are to death. That said, whether missing out on certain food groups should give you certain ailments depends on what type of gameplay we're trying to encourage. I didn't want to force people to eat a variety of foods (especially not early on, when such foods are hard to obtain) by threat of illness or death. Other people might be more willing to push for a more hardcore version of nutrition. Maybe Bioxx would be one of them, but I doubt a hardcore version would make it past internal playtesting.
  4. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    I really wanted to avoid tracking individual nutrients when I wrote up the OP. There were several reasons for this decision: one, it would be difficult to understand and act upon; two, RL nutrients aren't well-aligned to individual food-related game mechanics in TFC; three, tracking RL nutrients would be an anachronism in TFC. There are a lot of important nutrients in real-life, and there's no simple system to remember which foods are good sources of which nutrients. If TFC were to track individual RL nutrients, even TFC experts would have to routinely check the wiki to maintain their nutrition levels. This is hardly desirable. I expect that most players would give up on trying to maintain good nutrition if the mechanic was that complex. Picking on Vitamin C, oranges and other citrus fruits are well known for containing it, but actually all fresh, uncooked food contains Vitamin C, raw meat included. Other nutrients also have good sources in multiple food groups. Each of these sources are interchangeable for that nutrient, too. If your goal is to encourage people to eat a greater variety of foods, tracking RL nutrients won't help at all. Since TFC food production mechanics are tied closely to different food groups, if you want people to try each of those methods of food production, then you need to encourage people to eat from each food group too. If you were to track RL nutrients, it doesn't help that you can obtain all required nutrients in a vegan diet, without supplements, as long as it contains soybeans. As for the nutrients themselves, you have to consider that TFC is designed with heavy (but not absolute) weight on historical accuracy, and anything from the 1700s or newer is generally considered too modern for inclusion. RL nutrients don't fit at all into the historical theme. Nutrition as an area of study in chemistry didn't even exist until the late 1700s. We didn't even know that scurvy was linked to a Vitamin C deficiency until 1932, after Vitamin C was first isolated. Even if you didn't know that, a system trackingchemical nutrients wouldn't be believable in a time period lacking sufficient understanding of chemistry in general. In contrast, accounts of nutritional experiments based on food groups are found as far back as biblical times in the Book of Daniel.
  5. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    I don't like mushrooms, but if my character eats them, I don't have to! That's how it works, right?
  6. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    What do people think about adding berries and berry bushes to TFC? I mentioned it here since it would add another food group to nutrition, but what about berries on their own?
  7. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    Ah, I see what you're talking about now. The "detailed" part is just an optional thing that Bioxx and Dunk could add if they felt it was appropriate. I don't expect that they would, and I'd try nutrition without it at first, personally.
  8. [77.11] Looking for island spawn seed

    If something can be done about the spawn bug, where you initially spawn in one place and respawn in another place, and neither of them are the spawn point in level.dat, then I'll have to look into those seeds. Until then, my SMP world is just going to have to settle for making people type /spawn to move to where I really want them to spawn at.
  9. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    With the body, you can still get a rough idea of how healthy you are through several indicators, taken together. As a HUD element, the closest approximation to this would be a nutrition bar or some other "imprecise" indicator. TFC already does this for other things. You can't tell exactly how hungry you are in RL either, but we have a food bar for that.
  10. [0.77.12] No Cheese for me

    As for the file location, from within the mod zip, it's in assetsterrafirmacrafttexturesitemsfoodcheese.png. Replace cheese.png with Cheese.png.
  11. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    For all the people "liking" my idea, I'd still like to get more actual feedback. What do you like about it? What are you merely OK with? Do you have any questions about how it works, or why I decided on a particular part of the system? I appreciate the "likes," but I still want to improve the idea if I can.
  12. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    How did you make that?
  13. Ingame money

    Actually, while I don't see coinage in TFC's future, that doesn't mean you can't put TFC and other mods together to implement a working economy based on coins for currency. I'm planning on using Custom NPCs and a money+wallet mod I commissioned to implement this on a public server. The only catch is that the mod I commissioned, by design, does not allow players to mint their own coins or melt them down into base metal. If that's a dealbreaker, you can just use Custom NPCs to add crafting recipes to your liking. Or you could just use one of the other money mods out there that do more or less what you're asking for. There's actually quite a few of them out there -- the only reason why I didn't use one of them was because I wanted a very specific set of features for my server.
  14. Ingame money

    Then why not trade using tool metal ingots? Or some other commonly-used commodity? As for dollar bills, fiat money has no *inherent* value, and what value it does have depends on how useful it is at obtaining other things that do have inherent value. In other words, just because a government can say RL fiat money has value, that doesn't mean that the average person would be able to replicate that on a whim. You're basically looking at adding NPC traders (or something of equivalent purpose) who will accept your money for useful items.
  15. Can't Make Wrought Iron Hoe - Impossible Directions

    If someone were to photoshop another 7 onto the 7-Eleven logo, we could declare this thread complete.
  16. Ingame money

    I'll break up my thoughts on this idea based on each mode of play: SSP We aren't going to see NPCs any time soon, so who would you trade with? Coinage would be completely useless in SSP for lack of value. Communal SMP (where everyone works together) There are other people, but are you really going to implement an economy for your little village? More importantly, currencies only work when they have value. Your non-tool metal coins are pretty much play money. If you use tool metal for coinage, then you can't use that metal for more useful things like tools and armor. You're probably designating all resources as community-owned anyway, so what good is money?Public SMP There are other people out there being hermits, so there's opportunity for trade. That's a plus. Still, currencies only work when they have value. Your non-tool metal coins are still pretty much play money. It doesn't matter how precious the metal is in RL, people won't want it. If you use tool metal for coinage, then you can't use that metal for more useful things like tools and armor. You're probably better off using charcoal as a currency since it has inherent value and tends to be traded for a lot anyway. Overall, the main issue with this idea is that coinage doesn't have any inherent value separate from the metal used, and it would not be commonly exchanged.
  17. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    I'd leave that up to Bioxx and Dunk to decide among themselves. I went with 50% starting nutrition here since it keeps the hunger rate and health regeneration at current levels to start with. Depending on which direction they want to take it, it might make sense to start higher or lower. I wanted to show that nutrition could be used for both positive and negative changes to hunger rate and health regeneration so they aren't locked into doing it a specific way.
  18. Shipwright Steve

    Pretty much anything made out of wood is out... Maybe just use sticks? Do we really need supports, though? What do they even do? Surely a felled tree of sufficient size isn't going anywhere, right?
  19. Shipwright Steve

    As long as we can make some sort of boat before finding metal, then yeah. Stone Age enough. EDIT: Wait, no. Fence posts require a crafting table, which needs metal now.
  20. where's the kaolintie?

    I'm not sure how useful a tie would be if it was made out of china clay. However these polymer clay ties make nice pins for a vest or jacket: I'm as surprised as you that such a thing even exists. But hey, it made the joke work, right?
  21. Donations

    This reminds me of DF donations. Toady publishes monthly donation figures, and people flock to donate. Dunk mentions donation figures once, and the same thing happens. Mod authors, take note.
  22. [77.11] Looking for island spawn seed

    I just tried it in 77.11, and it spawned me at a mountain. Which build are you on?
  23. [77.11] Looking for island spawn seed

    As long as there isn't a mainland too close, that's perfectly fine. Thanks.
  24. Shipwright Steve

    I'd rather see a seafaring option for the stone age, actually. One of the biggest issues for a public TFC server is what to do about getting newbies far enough from spawn to get started on the server. I've just been giving people a couple boats in a starter kit, but I'd prefer a solution within TFC that doesn't involve people getting free stuff with no effort required. Also it would be nice to be able to chip off rocks from one of the boulders found everywhere. That would solve the other main issue with getting started on a public TFC server.
  25. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    How do you even fit 4 stacks of gunpowder into a barrel that size?