Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Temujen

  1. squids

    Agreed, just bad luck. You could try building a squid trap near a lake. Find a small-ish lake that's 3-4 tiles deep in the middle, dig it deeper if needed. Fill in an outside edge where the water is only 1 deep. On that same edge, dig 8 tiles away, so that the water flows away from that edge to dry earth. Squids that spawn there and move to the edge will get pushed to dry land by the water flow and die. If your base is near a lot of deep water, it's not worth bothering... but if you're landlocked, with limited water options, it works nicely. Just wander by and check for ink sacs sitting there.
  2. Sequoia crash

    I'm sure it's being worked on, but not fixed yet. Still happens periodically on my server as well. Bonus info: It's not just stone axes, metal ones have the same issue and even slightly worse. Crash seems to happen more often and there's an exploitable aspect. With metal axe, you get the 'break' and the right number of logs come raining down... then freeze and crash. When you log back in, the leaves and logs are there just like a stone axe... but so is most of the tree. Chop again and you've gotten roughly double the logs out of the Sequoia. I can't stand those hanging leaves, so I climb up with ladders first and chop near the leaf line (hold shift to avoid moving on ladder while you work). Leaves pop like they should, no crashes yet. Then chop again at the base and tree pops like you'd expect, no doubles. Takes a little longer of course, but worth it. Anyone had this happen on Kapok?
  3. Anvils

    The wiki has a page with pictures of the various stone types to help your search: If you find the right stone type, you can gather 1 raw stone to bring back and use as an anvil. You'd just have to find a boulder that looks good, then break off a piece of raw stone. If you break all the stones around it (top, bottom, and sides) then the center piece will fall off as raw stone. Take that home and place it, right click with hammer, voila you have an anvil without having to move homes.
  4. Cannot see the texture of the ore vein. [SOLVED]

    Actually it sounds like you're seeing it just fine, but don't realize what you're looking at =) TFC ores don't appear as a separate block type like they do in Vanilla. Instead, you'll see the same base rock that you've been mining in, with additional coloration to indicate the presence of the ore. So when you're mining Basalt (black) and bump into a copper vein (orange) it really stands out. Same for Cassiterite (green). But when you're mining in a while/silver/grey colored base stone and run into Sphalerite (light silver) it's exceptionally easy to miss the change, especially if you're conservative with torches. I've mined right past white-white veins before. When you're not sure, test with your proPick. If it's ore, you'll get a response that names the ore. Not a deposit size or anything, just "Sphalerite". Another test is using your pickaxe. Regular stone breaks slowly and you'll see it chip apart over 7-12 strikes. Ore doesn't have the breaking animation, but still takes 7-12 strikes... no chips basically.
  5. Crystals/Gemstones

    I like that idea
  6. God-tier songs

    Contains cursing. If that's inappropriate for forums, kill it with lasers
  7. Lag issues regarding FPS

    Out of decent ideas here. Delving into the realm of crazy old man ideas... I used to have a similar issue back in the pre-Launcher TFC days, but that was related to the audio somehow. Anytime it had to load a new sound, I'd get sudden and prolonged lag spikes. So first time I heard a cow Moo, I'd get 5-10s pause. Then as soon as he ate grass, another 5-10s. Punch grass, 5-10s while that sound loads and plays. The pause was always immediately followed by the sound. Eventually updated the LWJGL files used by Minecraft and problem went away. But If I recall correctly, the Launcher checks and updates LWJGL on a Force Update now? At work, so can't confirm that. Going from memory and I'm old enough to find that unreliable. If you want to try the LWJGL approach, there are details on the Minecraft Wiki about LWJGL updating.
  8. Growth Time in Days?

    I don't think the rainfall indicator directly translates into % chance of rain. It seems more like a scale to me. Rainfall indicator goes from very low (62.5) to rains all the damn time (8000). Also impacts other things like grass growth and trees. Find an area with 62.5 rating and really look around; grass will be patchy browns and grays, tree leaves will be burnt brown looking. Very, very noticeable if you're standing on the border between a high and low rainfall area. Lots of green vs lots of bleh. As I understand it, rain is needed... but I'm not sure if it's actual in game rain or just being in a region with a high enough rain indicator on debug screen. The two go hand in hand tho. I typically look for areas with 2000 rainfall ratings. Crops grow well and I'm rarely trapped indoors waiting for storms to pass. 4000 and 8000 are manageable, but in my experience you'll be stuck inside periodically since rain leaves the mobs alive while the sun is up. Also, in 8000 I've had my house burned down by lightning strikes but I think that could happen anywhere if you're unlucky =) As to the list, the wiki has a breakdown of crops by nutrient type. Here's a link: You'll want the column called "Cycle Type" that shows if it's red, orange or yellow. In game it looks more like Red, Dark Red, Light Red. I don't think the temperature stats are posted, but experiment and see what you can find.
  9. Lag issues regarding FPS

    Simple test that should work: In the Launcher, click options, set your minimum and maximum memory options to higher values. Minimum 2048, Max 4096 for example. Click OK and Login. If the Launcher closes and nothing happens, then you're running in 32-bit Java. If the Launcher closes and Minecraft opens, then you're running in 64-bit Java. 32-bit Java can't handle the higher settings. I think technically it throws an error back to the Launcher, but the Launcher either doesn't catch it or is closed by the time JVM responds. So to the user, it just closes and nothing happens.
  10. In-game Forge UI missing [Solved]

    Had a similar experience in the past and cause was lack of open air. I'd setup the chimney incorrectly. Right clicking did nothing in that situation. You might want to confirm your chimney setup. Here's the wiki link for reference: Good luck
  11. Vegetarian TFC

    I'd definitely recommend a 3-crop rotation. My experience is much the same regarding fallow farmland. If there's nothing planted, nutrients seem to decay over time and at a much faster rate than they recover. I've experimented a bit and seen full nutrient farmland (all 3 bars maxed) drop to zero within a few days sitting entirely empty. If there's a crop you have an abundance of, plant that instead. Even if you don't need the crop, it allows the other two nutrient types to recover nicely. I've had farmland that was effectively out of Red nutrients, but I planted Wheat anyway and left it for a month. At the end of that month, Wheat growth was minimal, Red was still empty, but both other nutrients had recovered nicely. I tore out the wheat, recovering my seeds and planted a better crop. And 100% agree on food being far too abundant, specifically meat. It's been discussed before, but a great solution would be stored food decaying over time. That would prevent the typical solution of killing a herd of sheep and living off mutton for a year. I even looked into creating a mod with that goal, but couldnt find a way to implement it without touching the TFC files. I may have to look again tho, it was several months back.
  12. Growth Time in Days?

    Here's a list of the crops in rough order for growth times. Slow ---- Maize Barley Squash Wheat Rye Oat Rice Potato Cabbage Garlic Soybean Carrot Greenbean Tomato Pepper Onion ---- Fast Actual rate of crop growth is based on several factors. Is there sunlight on the farmland? Is it warm enough to grow crop x? Does the soil have enough nutrients of the right type? Is there enough water and rainfall? TFC uses the answers to all those questions to determine if and how much a crop should grow... or for that matter if a crop should die. Sunlight, water, and temp are effectively yes/no situations. No sunlight, no crops. No water, no crops. Temp can be a little tricky if you're right on the border of where your crop type can grow, but generally if you're seeing snow in the early game it's probably going to be too cold to grow much. if you're not sure, experiment... plant seeds, wait overnight when temps drop, check your fields in the morning... if temps in your area are too low, the seeds will be sitting as an item on the ground instead of planted. Once you make a metal hoe, you can check nutrient levels. Wiki has details on this step and it's likely to be part of your issue. Keep in mind that freshly moved or excavated soil starts at zero nutrients. So if you placed blocks or removed blocks to setup your 5x5 farmland, it will take some time for the nutrient levels to recover.
  13. TFC Launcher - Unable to load game

    Had the same issue after using the May 30 launcher. No issues prior to May 30 version. Issue persisted into June 2 version. After playing with it for a while, I found that the launcher had somehow swapped to 32-bit Java as the default 'run with' option. The failure to run MC was being caused by a combination of higher memory options I had set in the launcher and 32-bit Java. 32-bit Java doesn't work with those higher memory options, thus fails to start when they're set. No error or anything, just "logging in" then closes launcher and nothing. Also explains why deleting the %appdata%/tfcraft folder would work as a 'fix'. Once deleted, your higher memory options are reset to defaults which work in 32-bit Java. Anyway, I resolved by re-installing 64-bit Java. After that, I was able to set memory options where I wanted them and launch without issues using June 2 launcher. Could probably just manually change the default 'run with' program option, but I still had the 64-bit install .exe for java. Hope that helps.
  14. Arctic Expedition

    Agreed on a single block feeling like cheating, plus it's just ugly. Always bugs me when a tree falls and leaves that one leaf block floating. Or Sequioas a few builds back leaving their entire leaf structure. I was thinking more of an ice greenhouse. Gather dirt, stack it high enough on an existing hill, cover it in a layer of ice, hollow that out down to stone level. Place enough dirt and plant trees. Wouldn't work for crops since temp would still be too low, but might keep snow off the saplings long enough for them to root.
  15. Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

    Losing sound here as well, but doesnt seem specific to music. Just randomly and no trend that I've noticed. Seems to be happening on vanilla MC as well tho, so guessing it's not TFC related
  16. Arctic Expedition

    bump for pic request! Sounds pretty fun. Could you make an ice shelter for your saplings? not fully enclosed, but an overhang to prevent snowfall? Would also be curious if you could use Ice to effectively kill critters around your shelter. Dig a hole at your entrace, once the critter is standing in that, pour in a bucket of water and see if it freezes. If so and the system treats it as a solid block similar to cave in, you might be able to kill them without using up valuable supplies.
  17. A question about farming..

    Not sure if lack of grass causes shrinkage, but greener areas are probably a good idea. From what I've seen, the mossy dirt you're describing means little-to-no rainfall area. Crops will suffer for sure. Shortage of grass may mean your critters drop eventually as well. I try not to use it since the indicators are there once you learn what to look for (green grass, green trees, rain/snow), but you can hit F3 and rainfall is on the debug screen there. Temperature is harder to judge (also on your f3 screen), but important for crops. If it's snowing and not winter, you're probably too far north for much to grow.
  18. 1.6 snapshot

    I think everyone is missing a vital point here. Leashes work on Squids. Now we just need Saddles to work on them.
  19. Earlier access to support beams

    I maybe odd, but I usually start with a Saw as my first metal tool as it allows each log to be cut into 8 <woodtype> planks, so 2 wood blocks. It's not usually that hard to find enough small metal via stones on the ground. If that is an issue, setup and feed a few sluices in a decent spot.
  20. cant start whit launcher

    Same issue here. Launcher fails w/ same PlayerAPI reference. Manually installing works great.
  21. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    Smelting small Sphalerite in a firepit. Had 2 Ceramic molds in the bottom slots. When the ore finally melted, both molds vanished and had a single (partial) Zinc Unshaped So basically lost 1 Ceramic mold. Hardly game breaking, but there ya go =)
  22. [B75] Shift-taken items damage bug.

    Possibly related to the javalin damage bug? Throw 2 javalins. Use a third javalin as a melee weapon on a mob; 3rd Javalin becomes damaged as expected. When you pickup the first 2 javalins, they'll have the same damage levels and the one used in melee. </guess>
  23. Bug With Sluices

    Noticed the same pattern. Found a workaround that may at least reduce frustration until bug is fixed. Posting as well since workaround may help Devs figure out the glitch. Manually remove ores from sluices and place into empty inventory slots. Don't use Shift Click to auto move/stack. Manually move the ore from inventory to empty slots in a chest. Still avoiding Shift Click. Once in the chest, you should be able to safely shift click to auto move/stack back to your Inventory. After the stack has been 'chested' once, it seems to work fine afterwards. No guarantees of course, but this has worked flawlessly for me so far. Hopefully it helps someone else.