Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. Wooden Arrows

    um where have you gotten your info? there is a reason wooden arrows were practicaly never used, for one they break practicaly on contack barely penetrating the skin, they are often dull which means that most never even penetrated the skin. and due to the light nature of wood, they would be impossible to control, first there is the need for counter balancing, then there is the fact that to counter balance a wooden arrow would require the arrow to be nearly twice its length which leaves to much room for flaws, bends and other imperfections for it to even be feasible. i suggest instead that we keep the current arrow recipie but also add a way to make metal arrow heads, maybe even metal bows and metal sticks to use for fully metal arrown and crossbow bolts, thus creating more ways of getting arrows and not making it too overly easy. also most tiny shapped metal objects take alot of skill to make so making tinyt things like arrowheads and nauls should take atleast alot of hammering, maybe 2 stages if you can figure out how it would be done, possibly breaking ingots up into Metal Bits?
  2. New Health and Medicine System

    wow, i knew you read some of these, but i never expected you to take a direct intrest in my idea, thanks for the support man, now if only some people would take a look at this and try to help me make it better. people i am open to ideas. if you do not like something say so, if you think something should be added, write a comment, bioxx is saying he might use these ideas for the health system, if you guys do not want something, or do want something, please post comments before he uses any of these ideas, if you guys like these ideas, say so so i know what ideas to keep.
  3. Slow Down! The Game Should Take Longer.

    personaly i like the idea of more challenging mobs, maybe you could create mobs with diffrent attack styles, like mobs that do hit and runs, they attack you run away then come running back and hit you again, and other mobs that block your attacks, things like this so that if you runn into 1 mob it gets intresting, if you run into alot of the same type it gets fun, and if you run into several types at once it gets challlenging and maybe even scary
  4. Torches should burn out

    i have a better idea, rather then just trying to come up wit all these little halfway ideas, how about torches and all light sources get some new coding, torches should create a Safezone effect, it would reach as far as their light source goes, so the typical torch as i is now would crate a safe zone up to 14 blocks away from itself, but, and here is the catch, if the torch goes out the safe zone goes away, unless there is a wall within that safe zone and/or a torch close by that has a wall in its safe zone, so this way, a torch can be used to create permanent safe zones and you just relight them to see, but if the torch does not have a wall or torch within its safe zone when the light goes out mobs spawn. a wall should be atleast 3 long and 3 high, this way the player can create a safe zone in a cliff for the first night. also naturaly spaned blocks should not be counted as a wall, instead a wall must consist of player placed blocks. i have seen several mods that are able to track which blocks are natural and which blocks are player placed so this coding is possible, although i do not know how difficult it would be to code so this is just an opinion, also, fecnces are another viable way to create a safe zone, fences could have a script that when being placed they search to see if they are connected on at least 2 sides by another fence, then when the "circuit is closed. meaning an entire area is closed off, the fences create a safe zone incside that area, that mobs can not spawn in. this would allow the use of less torches when herding and corraling farm animals. this could also be applied to other blocks, and when the fences are taken down, the circuit ends and the safe zone goes away. you could also make it so that player placed blocks run a simmilar script thus allowing the creation of an indoors as opposed to outdoors. however an indoors version of the coding would require a roof and walls atleast 2 high
  5. Scythes

    i agree that the way he holds items right now makes it seem like it would be used as a kama. yes i got the keyboard sorted out. but if you look, there is no real sprite size limit, the current sprite sizes are just default, but if you pay attention, mojang edited the bow to look more realalistic when being heald and fired, and bioxx and team altered the way the javelin is held, so now it looks more like you are holding and throwing a spear when you have it eqiuped, so it stands to reason that if they felt inclined they could make all tools have custom sizes that make them look more realalistic, and seeing as how i am a sucker for small details i think that this would be a cool addition, but in all honesty the sickle is actualy a hand tool about the size of most tools used in minecraft in comparison to steeve so he should either change the size of the tool, or change the name of it,
  6. Scythes

    sorry my computer is shit and i am tired, plus i suck at remembering names, it is called a kama, but for some reason i was thinking kai, and my computer messed up the keys again, my s and k buttons seem to be mixed up right now, i will have to get this thing fixed but to tell the truth i can not be bothered
  7. Scythes

    it also depends on the design, a farming sythe makes a decent weapon but a weaponized sythe, designed specificaly for compat makes an exelent weapon
  8. Scythes

    awkward? seriously have you ever even attempted to use a sythe as a weapon? i train daily with every type of weapons, except ranged. sythes are one of the most useful and versitile weapons i have ever trained with. I prefer the naginata but a sythe or hand sai are extremely powerful slashing tools that, yes they take alot of training and perserverance but, if you learn how to handle them they can prove to be very effective
  9. Villager trading and zombie drops

    im just going to say this outright, the current villagers not only suck, they look horrible and are not something that realy fits in with this mod, this is just my opinion and you obviously do not have to implement this but, you should replace those weird testificates with more realalistic npcs, like humans, or atleast something that looks good rather then like a caveman squidward, im all for tolerance and stuff, and there are some texture packs that make the current villagers look pretty good, like makking them look like vivi or those things from starwars. but to more realalistic feeol to the villages, i think a new mob/villager is needed, maybe even implement hostile villages, again this is just my opinion, and you may disagree with me entirely or may just decide to reskin them, its up to you, love the mod man keep it up
  10. Stairs, slabs etc.

    didn't say they can't just add them first, but i would just be sure to add in a what to do after they have been implemented, so they could at first be made regularly, then later, in a later update or beta, they simply alter how you get them so that it takes time and skill to craft stone into useful and beautiful items, and at least some skill to make wood into useful things, i would love to see furniature, im sure they could be used for something, or atleast be a cool decortaive block. plus i don't think that player should get blocks of planks, they should get an item called a plank and be abloe to craft them into blocks, that actualy makes sence rather then getting several bundles of planks from a log, cause in reality you can take a log an suddenly have a 3 times as much wood, just from cutting it up with a saw
  11. Stairs, slabs etc.

    i do have a comment but i am ay too tired to think of what it was, tommarrow morning, well it will be sunset but morning for me, i will be sure to write it when i wake up, something yo do with masonary work and carpentry
  12. New inventory

    i think gems should be used for enchanting themslves, so making jewlery witht he gems causes effects on the player, or in the very least, jewlery that does not have enchants could be sellable to villagers. and when using crafting tools you could encrtust handles with gems so that they enchant the tool, like a handle with rubies would give you fire aspect on swords but maybe nothing on picks and shovles, so depending on what tool you make determines if the gem has any enchancting value or not, and you should be able to add atleast 3 gems to each handle
  13. Torches should burn out

    you would not always have to replace them, most you would just have to relight in the firepit forge or with a flint and steel, which seeing as how low teir it is it should be re implemented, maybe not as flint and "steel" but in teirs, going from 2 flint all the way trhough iron and up to steel or red steel
  14. Torches should burn out

    i have a simple idea for how to tell the diffrence between indoors and outdoors, you see, you could but in, if it does not already exsist, a simple coding process that allows a the game to "record what blocks are natural and any blocks that are not natural, meaning player placed, will cause a searh to be done, the block will first see if it is part of a wall, atleast 2x2, and will count all blocks place iin a x and y positions around it as part of the wall, can count natural placed blocks as a apart of a wall but only as high as the player placed blocks and in the same direction of the wall, then it will check to see if the area is enclosed and has a roof.another way would use torches, torches would update any and all blocks that it lights up as a home base if it is in an enclosed location witha roof, meaning that if it does not find a wall close by, say 3 blocks away from here the light ends it does not cause a safe zone, the safe zone only effects a small area. meaning only the blocks it lights up, any locations above and or below it would remain hostile, then a second update if the torch is removed that causes any area that is not light up by the torch any longer to become hostile, if the area is still light then the area remains safe, if there are torches still around, that cause the safe zone effect then it does not make the area hostile even if the torches go out, so torches could go out but cause a safe zone effect around themselves that can be removed by removing the torches, also a later teir way to make a permanent lighting source, or atleast one that lasts longer, is lanterns. also i found a use for pertified wood, pertified wood is a fossil, they were once biological material that has fossilized, the thing to realize is that when something fossilizes it turns into fossil fuel as it seeps out of the hole it greated and allows stone to take its place. my idea is that petrified would could be used as a way of saying that there is fossil fuels bellow the wood, not directly down from it but close by some where under it, and the further down it is the farther away from the wood it is so if it is say 20 blocks deep it could be as far as 50 blocks north south east west or any other direction. this would allow the player to get oil for lanterns, and other such resources, gasoline is useless but fossilfuels have other uses and it would be a limited resource that would have to be managed carfully.
  15. New Health and Medicine System

    all great ideas, i was kinda just going to leave all of the decisions on ailments and injuries and how they should be done up to bioxx and his team though, if i go over every detail and say that everything needs to be done a certain way this leaves no room for bioxx and his team to maybe simplify or refine my idea. i like your ideas but i will leave it in the comments so that if they like your idea they can find it and use them from here. i will probabaly add the paper doll idea, maybe instead if making it something you open by clicking a button you need to make an operation table or something? something that opens the Gui, maybe in the smp version we can have it so that using the table yourself will work but like the anvil requires skill and allows two people to interact with it. maybe with two buttons, one that when clicked means you are getting healed and one that when clicked allows you to be the cartaker, i do not know how to explain this or how it would be done, so i will refrain from adding the idea of allowing a player to work on another until someone thinks up and explains away for this to be done, but i will add in the idea of a new gui for applying medicine and splints and such as needed
  16. Slow Down! The Game Should Take Longer.

    i like this idea alittle but not to this extreme, slowing down tree growth is ok, not to much, maybe 2 to 5 days for the fast growing trees and 4 to 7 days for medium, 5-9 days for slow growing trees. but slowing down block breaking again, tools suddenly breaking, not my personal favorites. if he is going to slow down cetain things though he should also slow down time entirely, so days are twice as long, yes this means that trees take even longer to grow but as more updates come out this will deffinetly be a real life savor. this also means longer nights, which means getting a bed quickly would be even more important, plus rain would happen more rarely but last longer, lots of things to do with this idea. i like the idea but not all your suggestions
  17. New Health and Medicine System

    see everybody this guy has the idea, instead of critisizing, help out with ideas and ways to make things either more fun or realistic or whatever. sir i understood most of what you said lost you around the paper doll setup thing as i do not know that type of set up, but thank you man you are one of the few people who actualy helps make the idea better rather then trying to tear it apart and leaving me to try to blindly stich up the holes.
  18. New Health and Medicine System

    i was not attempting to quote your post twice i was attempting to qute the post after yours first and for somereason it quoted you instead, sorry about that. and as too your later comments about what would a player do? my intention was exactly that but now that i think about it, you may be right. i mean a player that dies on urpose will just stick their stuff in a chest and some one that dies on accident will lose their stuff, but that is exactly why i said that i am open to ideas, i do not have all the awnsers, i just quick fixes, temoprary placeholder ideas, i am not only open to ideas but will edit my post until we get a system that the community is comfortable with, this is just my ideas, now i am looking to the community to instead of critisizing me, help me make it better, i do think there should be a need to research what herbs and medicines do what, but this is just my opinion, if you have a better idea post a comment and if everyone seems to like it i will edit the post to include or replace my own ideas, stop being a hater and help out.
  19. New Health and Medicine System

    did you even read my entire post? i say at the end in clear english that you do not come back healthy you come back at half health and nearly starving, on top of that there is a temporary, maybe 5 minutes, or a random time between 3 and 10 minutes where you can't even open a chest.
  20. New Health and Medicine System

    that is why i added the negative death effects, being reborn only brings you back with 5 hearts, and you have a bunch of negative effects too, like the inability to use gui's, such as chests or crafting tables
  21. New Health and Medicine System

    i thank you for the imput, and i will definetly be adding in a mention that from teir 5 up is all just me trying to add in a sence of difficulty, cause come on its not like in real life some one would just know how to brew up a bottle of medicine, and know how it would effect the human body, that is why i added the research system, like finding the organs allows you to test the reactions of certain things on the organs and bones. if this is to intricate please post a comment to help me refine or alter my entire system.
  22. New Health and Medicine System

    ok i followed you up to the M.D. thing, i understand you were trying to make a joke or refrence or make a light hearted poke at me, but in all honesty i do not understand exactly what it is you mean. most people say i am like a nicer but more evil version of sheldon from the big bang theory. i act nice to my freinds but the thing i dream up would make satin shit himself. anyways, i thank you for the imput, and i will definetly be adding in a mention that from teir 5 up is all just me trying to add in a sence of difficulty, cause come on its not like in real life some one would just know how to brew up a bottle of medicine, and know how it would effect the human body, that is why i added the research system, like finding the organs allows you to test the reactions of certain things on the organs and bones. if this is to intricate please post a comment to help me refine or alter my entire system.
  23. Rainwater

    i think this is intresting, and although i am against the idea of outright finite water in tfcraft, if he implements finite water then melting snow could turn into a q/16 block of water instead of disapearing, this would eventualy build up and run down hills and cliff and could be easily collected, and if you make snow blocks then you should be able to melt them down into water, good thinking man
  24. Monster nests (a new model for spawning)

    this is a great idea and exactly what my hunters update needs, i will deffinetly be reffrencing your idea in my thread when i post it, also i think there should be more mob types, and each mob type should have diffrent spawn hights, a can see zombies and skeletons on the surface and the bedrock level so they could be a general mob that you see every where, andas you go deeper you can find progressively stronger mobs the lower you go, i don't realy have any ideas, but if they redo the nether then they could use this to get a real lower levels of hell feel going with prgressively worse demons in game, and with the nest ideas this becomes simpler because certain nest types will only spawn at certain levels, great idea dude, this is a real help to my idea for a hunter update
  25. Kill mobs, get corpse

    i am actualy going to be starting a hunters update thread in the suggestions and this is one of my ideas, i am going to be expanding and explainging possible ways things could be done, when i get it up please check it out to expand on anything i say or you would like to see