Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Shukrat

  1. Agriculture and Livestock

    As the title states, this will be dedicated to suggestions for agriculture and livestock. I'm very eager to see what Bioxx is doing for agriculture. What would be great is different animals for each of the different biomes. For example, on the plains you would end up having small mammals such as prairie dogs, squirrels, and birds that nest in the ground. For the same area the larger animals would consist of horses, bison, cows, and the like. Forests could have deer and wolves. Each of these animals would have different uses, such as horses tamed for riding, or just bison used for meat and leather. I know it was suggested in another thread that instead of animals simply fading out once they die, that you could get their corpse instead. This would be great, especially in conjunction with the knife suggestion from another thread. the knife would be used to skin the animal to get leather and meat. You could gather bones for bone meal, and maybe skulls for 'decoration?' Just some thoughts... I will definitely update this post with any other suggestions given, and certainly once Bioxx releases his updates. Other suggestions are welcome!
  2. Getting sticks

    I suggest the addition of other ways of getting sticks. Punching literally hundreds of leaves gets old pretty damn quick, and I sure as hell don't go outside and gather the branches from trees when I need kindling or what not. What I suggest is in a manner similar to how you use place an ax and a log in your crafting pane to get wood planks, do the same thing with those wood planks. Place a wood plank in there with the ax and get a handful of sticks. That's how I make kindling in real life, and it also follows a logical progression from log to wood plank to stick. Thoughts? POSTED SUGGESTIONS: - Use an axe on planks or logs to get a handful of sticks. - Add leather to sticks to get shafts for tools. - Leaves drop to the ground after tree has been felled, and stay to either rot or for you to churn through for sticks/saplings - Leave system as is, but generate 'junk' piles under where the tree had been. Texture to look like leaves and sticks. Open these to find sticks or saplings or nothing at all.
  3. Punching Trees

    I was just thinking... why wouldnt someone be able to break cobble? Its just a collection of rocks. I can tear apart a fieldstone wall easily, it just takes a while.
  4. Punching Trees

    I agree. The only possible blocks I can see being harvestable by punching would be dirt or gravel. The others are pretty absurd. Planks are a maybe, as I've seen wooden planks pulled up just by brute force alone.
  5. Actual Age Progression

    I don't think there should be set "Well done, you're in the Iron Age!" type progressions. While for history we put these labels on certain periods, that's not really how it works. Realistically, it's a steady progression from let's say Bronze to Iron Age, or whatever that transition would be. As it is in TFCraft, that's already reflected in the required resources. Yes, you hit the Tin/Bronze Age once you finally fine cassiterite or the other 's' ore. However, more than likely you'll still be using stone picks until you find copper. Once you find copper, then you easily progress through the 'ages.' TL;DR: I like it as it stands now, with you finding ores and 'progressing' through the ages. No need to change.
  6. Punching Trees

    People punch doors, hell ive watch someone punch concrete. It doesnt necessarily hurt them. Players already dont receive any resources when trying to break a tree trunk with slappers, why add MORE to that? There's already no incentive to do so.
  7. Landslides

    Keep in mind this is still a game. Im certain Bioxx doesnt want to limit what people can or cant build out of. By limiting what someone can build on the top of a mountain or the side, theres even less incentive to settle there. The grass eliminating the chance of landslide makes sense. However, i still disagree completely with putting landslides in. Id rather not have the 5 high bloomeries or beautiful forge i built to come crashing down. All that tells me as a player is to leave the forge open without any enclosure. Like i said, less incentive to build, even less to make something look really cool/pretty.
  8. Agriculture and Livestock

    That could be entertaining. Though frustrating. In the wild it makes sense. Perhaps domestication of certain animals is possible while others not.
  9. Landslides

    This sounds like an idea that would make building on slopes absurd. As it stands, it's best to build higher for your forges and what not. Why make that even more tedious?
  10. Getting sticks

    The only downside I could see to letting people get sticks from places other than leaves is that then you leave persons sitting there punching leaves just to get the saplings. I like the ideas that we presented earlier, such as the pile of stuff that could get left after you chop down a tree. It'd be cool if there were one or two 'junk' blocks that get placed under where the tree used to be. Texture would be sticks, leaves/rotten leaves, etc. You can open them to see maybe a 3x3 storage interface where it could all be junk, or there could be a slim chance they're all saplings.
  11. Spotter's Guide

    VERY Helpful!
  12. Getting sticks

    Yeah, anything to get away from having to punch thousands of leaves. Whether it be crafting handles from logs or from planks, or just getting sticks from planks or logs. Either way would be preferable to what it is now. I understand TFCraft wants to be as realistic as possible, but I'm also trying to make suggestions that take tediousness outta the game.