Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ardent

  1. Small adjustments to ores/rocks/sluices?

    A bit of a problem with the gold pan idea, people could still place gravel in ore-rich areas to collect more of it. Maybe rather than run a check for nearby ores at every click, we seed gravel with metadata at worldgen that gives a % chance to yield an ore. Once used with a pan the % drops to zero, regardless of its yield. That way, we can transport gravel anywhere to do the sifting and it will still work just the same; and if the gravel can be right-clicked with the pan in the same way that a hoe or prospector pick works, the landscape doesn't have to be mutilated by the effort. Maybe we seed raw stone with metadata as well, so we aren't dependent on the ore itself or arbitrary nodes and placed blocks can't be used to detect ores. For the problem of rocks, maybe dirt and grass that hasn't been placed by a person can also have a % chance to drop a rock as well. Not that hard to believe and rather covert. Otherwise, maybe a mod command can be made available to seed a targeted spot with stones of a various type (or the biome default) in a defined radius.
  2. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Flaming arrows exist almost exclusively in movies. Realistically, an arrow lit on fire would be put out almost immediately because of the speed that arrows travel through the air. Those arrows with rags wrapped around them that you see in the movies aren't at all aerodynamic and in reality couldn't fly more than a couple of feet, not to mention that wood is usually not flammable enough to immediately catch fire from such a small flame. Kind of a cool thought, though. ...maybe something analogous to molotov cocktails or something might be viable...
  3. Terrafirmacraft on Technic Launcher

    The Technic team is infamous for their lax approach to permissions and usage rights. As such, there is an atmosphere of hostility surrounding them, and many people are loathe to patronize them. Many mod creators are unwilling to cooperate with the Technic team, and some have even reacted to their behavior by imposing rather extreme restrictions and limitations on their user agreements (see Railcraft) tl;dr There's lots of drama-lama with Technic, might wanna steer clear
  4. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    Yeah, the idea was that the number of each kind of block mined would be recorded in the item. When it finally breaks, the gem pops out and can be reused on a new tool. The block that was mined the most in the tools last incarnation would be easier to mine in it's next one. Maybe this is cumulative, making stones with multiple incarnations more and more valuable. An axe that can fell a douglas fir in a chop or two? A sword that eats through creepers? Similar things could be done with armor. Fall/explosion/lava/arrow resistant armor could come from training gems this way.
  5. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    Kind of a 180 on everything you said, but ok? Understand that it is near impossible to know if someone is sarcastic in print unless they make it painfully clear. Winkey smiles don't perform that function, and the length of your post implied you were serious. In any event, I still think magic should be made a modular addon to TFC if it's added. An ore that's only useful in alloying with other metals to grant power? Pommel-stones that records what it was used on most and can be reused when the tool breaks?
  6. Balance use of Custom NPC mod.

    I don't think anyone decided to drop the topic, I just didn't say anymore because I said all I had to say. Coining would still be a wonderful and awesome feature to see in TFC at some point, IMO
  7. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    I've never dismissed conjecture simply because of a lack of evidence, but I also choose not to act on conjecture without evidence. If someone who dresses in overalls and carries a pitchfork tells me he's a sailor, then why would I take his word for it? I'll wait for evidence first.The weak link between the English word pharmacy and the English word magic doesn't make pharmacy magic. You're making an argument for adding medicine to the game, not magic. Can you provide any evidence of people flying after taking these drugs? People who study algebra, analytic geometry, and physics don't claim that it is magic. They provide proofs to their claims, and make that knowledge available to everyone. Besides, not understanding something doesn't make it magic.
  8. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    Anti-gravity technology is unrealistic. FTL travel is unrealistic. May it some time in the future be possible? Sure. Is it appropriate in this mod? Not really. You're also (more or less) saying that because some people believe in something, it's automatically real. Some people don't have those beliefs - and if evidence isn't provided, their opinion is equally valid.
  9. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    I think that if TFC were to have any supernatural elements, it should be introduced through an add-on mod. There are many things that make me say "oh cool!" but I decline to approve of in the end because the realism of TFC is what I love the most. It would be rather fun to see things like enchanting or alchemy in TFC, but I would really prefer for there to be a separation between those things and the TFC mod itself. As for magic itself, I think it should be low powered, mundane-ish, difficult to obtain, and integrated into the mechanics of TFC itself. Imagine a rare mineral that you need quite a bit of and is used in the making of another type of metal. Armor made from the metal is rather weak (because of the impurities of this mineral), but grants various mild benefits like improved mining speed etc. Whatever happens in the field of magic, caution should be exercised to ensure that it stays in the spirit of TFC (difficult, rare, incremental, era-appropriate) and is balanced.
  10. My Build 77 Wishlist

    I would love to see the tool rack feature more items. Namely, the bow and fishing rod. That would be so neat ^^ Additionally, I wouldn't mind seeing an additional recipe for using a single flour with a water bucket. Seems silly that you need 2 loaves worth of dough to complete the recipe.
  11. B76 - Looking for Snow Biome Seed

    If you start walking north (or south), you'll hit a "snow biome" eventually ...I promise
  12. Sandboxing to kill time

    "Tiy" was the graphics designer for Re-Logic, the company responsible for publishing Terraria, but left after development stopped to become the founder of Chucklefish - the company that's developing Starbound.
  13. Bridge to Terrafirma Craft

    The beauty of TFC is where it starts: the beginning of technology. Assuming that development never stops, there may never be any official "endgame." The best part about starting at the beginning is that you have so much history to rely on and there are many advancements that can be implimented. Unfortunately for those who wish for a more modern TFC than is currently available, tech mods operate on a much lower level of complexity than TFC (3 copper ingots lined up magically becomes copper wire?) and TFC has an inescapable focus on collecting and processing very base materials (one of my favorite parts) which hasn't reached the threshold to produce usable components for a modern world. Bummer. My proposal? Make add-on mods tailored to TFC. Right now these guys are busy with fine-tuning what they've got and fleshing out the technology level that they're already at, and probably won't announce a climb up the technological ladder for quite some time. If you really want a higher limit on TFC, make your own - or encourage someone else to. Much of the MC modding community is driven by positive feedback and suggestions (and the occasional donation) and you might be able to convince someone to help out if you make an earnest attempt to develop an idea yourself. Spend lots of time on it; even if you don't know how to code, hours of research and concept design are juicy targets for those who do (and also share your interests). ...or just use custom NPCs...
  14. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    One of the things that Bioxx brought up in the latest post is the idea that: Honestly, I'm ok with that. I don't think that TFC should be the Greatest Smithing Simulator Ever, or that MC is a good platform for such a thing. Grinding for skills isn't fun, and having skills that improve the outcome of your smithing will incentivise players to neglect practicing their actual skill in favor of leveling up. Why bother being an expert at something if you can just commit the minimum effort over time to get the same effect?Bioxx, if you made the GSSE, hell yeah would I play it. I just think that MC is not a good platform for it, and adding a skills system may not be the best way to add depth to TFC.
  15. Stuttering kids and Nu-Disco. That is all.
  16. I would love to see a support section (or sub-section) in the TFC forums for the launcher. Being that it is a rather independent part of the mod it might be useful to have an area dedicated to it. As for myself, I wouldn't mind seeing a popup asking if an update is ok before installing it, like it does in vanilla MC. Finally, I'd like to gush a bit and thank Forkk (and others) for making TFC so accessible. The launcher is beautiful and the recent change to preserve user added mods through updates is what I've been waiting for. Thanks! ^.^
  17. Coinage and coining

    I really love the idea of a functioning economy in Minecraft. A functioning economy encourages cooperation and propagates community projects, increasing incentive for players to be online together. Often this is accomplised through a server plugin that adds a itemless credit system - similar to a debit card. The idea of a credit system in TFC, however, seems rather unrealistic - and the realism is what draws me to TFC. What I would love is to see a real system of trade that goes beyond bartering for goods. Something that historically increases in viability as technology progresses and society begins to stabilize. I'm talking about coinage. (I'm adding more as I develop the idea. The core concept is to give precious metals an additional function and include a way to subdivide ingots to make them easier to trade mundane goods with. A customised coining die could be used to indicate the creator and allow for (competing) national currencies, and coins could be recovered for the metal. Feel free to add your thoughts and we'll see what happens)
  18. Coinage and coining

    I'd rather avoid a "mint" block, because I've never heard of such a thing in real life at all. Mints are entire buildings and probably should be left up to the player to design. Historically, people used a coining anvil - a block of wood with one die imbedded into it and another die to be struck with a hammer.I imagined that a coining anvil be created like a stone anvil or food preparation surface - by clicking on a placed log with a completed die set. The die set would be made beforehand via anvil and a chisel would be used to carve out a pattern, in a similar fashion to the knapping interface, to finish the die. The metadata from the dies would be transferred to the coins as they are fashioned from the blanks, and consuming hammer and die durability in the process. If the chisel-carving GUI allows enough complexity, the design should be difficult to reproduce by others, although not impossible. If the design on the coin is identical, the metadata should therefore be the same and they should stack just fine. Different designs wouldn't stack, but metadata shouldn't stop the coins from melting like regular ingots. Whatever your division, it should always add up to 1 full ingot, however, and clay ingot molds range from 0 to 100. The amount should always add up evenly to 100, so 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10, etc... Because there are no "nations" or "governments" defined in the TFC mod, the metadata of coins will only contain the design, and that will be the only way you can determine who made them. If someone did a good enough of a job forging coins, shouldn't they get away with it?
  19. Coinage and coining

    Having legitimate concerns are certainly healthy, but I don't think they should be roadblocks. The concept of an economy is inherently complex, but I don't think it's necessary to adjust how things work or add arbitrary limits or blocks for coinage to be functional and balanced. To regulate the fluctuations of an economy and inflation/deflation in a god-handed way would have about as many unforseen negative effects as allowing them to exist (likely many more) and such nuances of society should be embraced, not discouraged. The economic landscape of a society is pretty plain and thrill-less if it stays the same throughout time, and players will inevitably find ways to exploit systems that are counter-intuitive and overly complex. To be honest, I loathe "arbitrary game balance". If it can't be explained in real terms, it appears kitchy and frustrates players. If by "mint" you mean coin press or coining anvil, then sure. There's a seperate block for preparing meals, smelting ores, and making plans, why not one for making coins? Just remember that unshaped ingots add up to 100. You need to be able to divide that ingot equally somehow, so 1/5 or 1/20 would work, but 1/8 would not. I'd really recommend reading the links I have posted in my earlier posts, or doing some research of your own. If you are informed, you can contribute much to the conversation.
  20. Reduce Repetitive, Mindless Clicks

    I like the idea of leaves falling to the ground after chopping down a tree, following dirt-like physics. That way, you can still break them for sticks and saplings. If you're not bothered to collect them, they rot away just as they would in vanilla minecraft, but without dropping anything. I think that would be realistic and balanced. As for the firepit thing, I think it's pretty good as-is. The ability to heat multiple items is the benefit of having a bloomery and forge. Although I enjoy realism in TFC, there's only so much I can handle: what if someone made the argument that cooking eggs in a forge is unrealistic? Besides, after your first couple of ingots, the tedium of the campfire is long gone. The first thing I do after getting a pick/chisel is build a bloomery/forge. (trees, on the other hand, will always play a part in your routine)
  21. Coinage and coining

    I would prefer coins to be struck from all of the available metals. Historically it might not make sense, but the utility is much higher in minecraft than in the real world. Because the damage values of ingots are determined, but the values for ores are variable, coins should represent a determined value relative to fractions of an ingot, so that they might be remelted to ingots at a more reliable rate. It might not be a feasable thing to introduce, but maybe coins of slightly reduced values can be produced through debasement and clipping, which might invoke the technology of milled edges. Personally, I'd recommend 5 coins per ingot, to keep things from getting out of hand. Varying denominations can be represented by the different metal types. The customization of coin dies could likely be accomplished with a "blank die" and a chisel for simplicity, and include a GUI similar to the knapping interface. Right-clicking with the coin in your hand might display the design, which would be rather cool for RP-purposes. Before coins were created from planchets; which are blanks punched out of metal sheets, they were made with flans; blanks made through the use of casts. A specialized clay cast might be in order. It might also be necessary to heat the coins before striking them. Also, coins were cast, albeit to a much, much lesser scale. http://en.wikipedia....coin_debasement http://coins.about.c...anchet_coin.htm http://coins.about.c...g/coin_flan.htm
  22. Ethics Question

    If the property of another is not: 1. of great necessity to me -and- 2. impossible to obtain otherwise I would never steal it. If it has been established beforehand that I can borrow or take his stuff without his explicit immediate permission, then sure. male, 20's
  23. TFC Build 76!!!

    I'm sorry I was trying to add constructive criticism? I guess I deserve being called dumb for having enthusiasm for the mod.
  24. TFC Build 76!!!

    I certainly can't wait to play the new update! Sounds really awesome. I was wondering about a thing or two, though: -An entire leather skin from an animal seems like a lot for a single book. Maybe craftable book covers are in order? (a result of x4 leather covers sounds reasonable) Or add damage values to leather used to craft a book? ooxooooxooxxxxxooxooooxoo-It also seems a tad redundant to have vanilla and TFC books. Can we just cut out regular books entirely?-Are clay bricks in the future of TFC? -Can we look forward to a rebalancing of food availability? I seem to rely almost entirely on fruit for food - which is real easy to come by, and crops take such a long time to yield that I almost never get anything from them. -Have spawn eggs been fixed to include the animals sex and other metadata? The rare animal wherever you want might make a tantalizing reward for a dedicated builder. -Will the stacking bug be fixed? In any event, What's going on now seems real cool. Honestly, I'm happy with what's been revealed so far, and am content if you want to save anything else for the next build.