Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by callisto8413

  1. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft! Sorry it took so long to link but I could not find the site! Weird.
  2. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft!

    Sorry - this one is short. Game crashed. Twice.
  3. Compatibility list

    I have not tried it in TFC, but backpack mod uses vanilla minecraft leather - so I assume it will not work with TFC treated leather.
  4. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft!

    Water ends. Ice begins.
  5. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft!

    Something like like that.
  6. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft!

    More ocean. *sigh*
  7. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft!

    How much ocean can there be?!?!?
  8. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    I love this idea as I am a great fan of honey bees and bee culture. They found cave painting in Spain suggesting that people would climb up, using ladders, to cave ceilings to try to get honey from bee hives. I don't know if the paintings, being very basic stick figures, were able to prove they used some kind of smoking method or just broke up the hives. As I hate heights and the idea of being attacked by a swarm of bees while a hundred feet above a stone flood I can't see this being something I plan to do in the future. Extreme Honey Collecting! Would honey combs be food if one could not press them? Or would there be bonuses to using a press?
  9. I don't know. Even in single player games it does become a problem but then you are just forced to explore more. As for servers, a new player is entering a society that already exists and can help him - a friendly server will supply him (or her) with worn tools, weapons, and a job if he (or she) wishes it. Or a new player can explore new lands and become a loner, finding lots of stones, sticks and new resources to trade with. It is a problem but surviving is about problem solving.
  10. Differences between TFC and MC - HELP

    I think there has to be a whole area on mining and gravity. I don't think that it can be stressed enough the danger of cave ins, and such.
  11. Greenhouse...

    On the server I was playing on before it all went to heck, somebody built a greenhouse which SEEMED to work even in winter. Do greenhouses work in TFC? I was wondering if anybody had tried it in the polar regions.
  12. Flintlock?

    I am sure guns may be frowned among but I found a very interesting Flintlock mod where not only does the crafting and LOADING seem realistic, but the creator got a lot of feedback and adjusted the damaged cause by the weapons to make them not OP but also some took more time to load and more gunpowder than others. Was there any chance, once a person gets to high tier metals, of making weapons such as these? Bow and arrow still seems better.
  13. Revamp: "Treecapitator" effect on trees

    Would it also not be realistic for the tree to crush you?
  14. Flatbed Boat?

    I am not sure if anybody has suggested this but sometimes I find myself in a position where I have to travel. There are not enough resources or the one item/mineral/material I need just is not available in the region, Now in normal Minecraft travelling for long distances can be dangerous. In TFC mod, it can be VERY dangerous. And if one wants to move one's home, almost impossible. I was wondering if there was any chance of a large boat in the future? Nothing too complex, just make a 3 block by 3 block flatbed boat? One where you could place a chest or two, maybe a bed, to allow you to travel rivers or oceans? Maybe put down sand and use it as a base for firepit? Not talking about a huge house boat of anything, just a very costly wooden flatbed boat, maybe held together with string/rope/leather? Would be useless in a mountainous region, of course, but for those in biomes with lots of connected water ways, it could prove to be useful in the long run. Of course, it would not be able to carry everything and people would still have to make decisions about what to take and what to leave behind, and cost a LOT of wood. I mean, large charcoal pit amount of wood. But see it as a choice that they would have to make. Maybe 9 normal boats put into a crafting table...(how many logs would that be?)
  15. Wood Ashes

    And soap! Smelly Frontier life.
  16. [Simple] Armor Stand.

    I think a stand would be good one you plan to retire a suit maybe...moving on to another. Like when, in Vanilla, people put tools or weapons into a frame so show off their first item and stuff like that.
  17. An idea for more dangerous cave-ins

    Well, I have had cave ins, mostly caused by my own stupid lack of supports. I think helmets are worthless when tons of rock come down on you but I don't think we need to increase the chances of cave ins happening. Not sure how I feel about this, while I agree they should be dangerous I am not sure I like the idea of being totally crushed by bad luck.
  18. [Offline] Join my server

    Nobody's mad at you Simo, just upset at the griefers.
  19. Sad to say, last episode of the series. Had to kill everybody else on the server. Joking. Too Many Griefers. Which sounds like a horrible mod. Oh well.
  20. YouTube video of me visiting a server - kind of just exploring. Enjoy (if you can stand me being braindead..)
  21. [Offline] Join my server

    My chests were all gone, my fences were destroyed, most of my doors removed, my pigs are all over the place. I'm done. They won. Not logging on anymore. Whoever wants my stuff, go get it. Check under the bed too. Have fun.
  22. Musical items...

    Much of the time I turn off music because it gets in the way of the natural feel of the game. But other times I wish there was something I could do, like play a drum or flute, while waiting for things to happen. Sometimes there is just nothing for me to do till the hides have been soaked or the corn has grown or sometimes I just enjoy the landscape and wish to sit there. So I was thinking flutes or drums or rattles would be something interesting to make and use. Just tossing it out.