Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lightningtiger88

  1. Realistic Mining and Metal Extraction

    I don't think that's really a viable sort of thing because it would make veins a lot easier to find. Think about it. The bigger that veins are, then the easier it is for them to be picked up on a propick, since it doesnt really test for rich/normal/poor. They would have to be bigger because the net amount of metal you could get from the vein would have to be about same as previous versions for balance/gameplay reasons. Even if the central 'rich' part was smaller, the outer area can still be picked up with a propick. As it is now, if you aren't paying attention, the veins are about the right size. If you changed it, you'd have to change the propick calibration, and people would have to relearn how to use it with the new radii.
  2. Integrated Map

    Honestly, I want to see this happen because I want to see a proper, believable and interesting paper-making process. This would be the perfect reward for the implementation of those mechanics. I think the mod at the moment needs to add depth. It's already a very broad mod, with many mechanics, but a lot of those mechanics don't really tie into one another. Dyes, for example, have a cool mechanic for being made and not a lot of uses. Adding their use in other things like as a tool for upgrading your maps would be amazing- it would also give a functional reason to use some of the minerals that only serve as dyes. Finding lapis isn't usually a big thing, but if it let you colour your oceans blue and finally get a good looking map? Well, that's useful.
  3. **Addon Request** - Tech advances.

    Perhaps the magnetite would have to be a Rich ore deposit. That way it's not too easy to get.
  4. Shelf in plank.

    I'm pretty sure you can do this as well if you chisel a full plank block for the backing.
  5. Punkin's an Watarmeloans

    As I said, why make a crop? Just make it so that you receive pumpkin or watermelon slices , a TFC food, when you break the naturally spawning pumpkins and melons. you'd just have to change the biomes that watermelons are allowed to spawn in to TFC ones, once we move to 1.7 (that *is* the one with watermelons in jungles, right?)
  6. Punkin's an Watarmeloans

    They'd be a type of fruit crop, I guess. You could just have them be edible, but be a one-time foraging resource. After a while, like trees and wild vegetables, they'd reappear, but you wouldn't be able to cultivate them/get seeds. That would be a lot easier to implement.
  7. TFC Build 79

    I know that you *can* do that, but honestly, it isn't really a valid long-term solution. Sure, it works if people are informed and rational, but I think it's better to solve the problem without taking shortcuts that rely on the player. I don't think it would be that hard, seeing as I've seen areas of sparser tree spread in TFC before. It doesn't have to be a forest or anything, but even one or two trees would be nice. Not to mention that really flat plains aren't entirely good for building either, as there's nothing to break up the horizon. A couple trees would fix that.
  8. TFC Build 79

    They don't have to have *no* trees though. Can't they just be very sparse? It would be good if say, even in the entire plains biome, there were only ten trees, spread out and standing on their own. That's enough that you can see one after a bit of exploring if you need one, enough to get started, and also that the amount of chopping you have to do to build is not really a problem. The early game is a tad more important than the late game, i think- if you want to build, you already have tools. Chopping down two trees to build your castle isn't really as much of a hassle as exploring for three hours to find a good starting spot.
  9. TFC Build 79

    Ooh yes, this too. I thought you guys had fixed this with the introduction of Acacia trees...
  10. A story of an empire

    This would be quite cool, but have you considered maybe a Machinima video? Writing stories is nice, but it can take a lot of time and revision to get it sounding nice. With Machinima videos, you'd only need to practice the lines and movements, and it's easy to see when you go wrong. Not to mention they're also more likely to get seen, so you can get some feedback.
  11. TFC Build 79

    I'd rather they ironed out the kinks in the builds first. On the stream, it seemed like it was still very buggy and needed work. BTW Dunk, I saw that there were fish implemented in the stream. Was the new bear model implemented as well? Did you also change the sizes so they seem larger and more bearlike? (I know that it's accurate in the current version, but I'd rather it be believable than realistic )
  12. Adding New Music?

    Yes, please. And make some more exciting nighttime music while you're at it! It's not very atmospheric to have calm and slow plinking sounds while hacking away at a horde of enemies... love the stuff though.
  13. Integrated Map

    I actually do kind of like that you could 'unlock' waypoints so that it was something you worked for- it would give us a reason to make paper as well and to add new mechanics in paper-making. Further, it could also allow a use for dyes, which are similarly only used scarcely. In addition to that, it would also mean that in killing a player you could obtain their maps and gain their waypoints... or if you died you might lose your waypoints and have to retrieve them from your death position. EDIT: Use for dyes could be to make more complex and more informative maps with more colours per biome or with ways of colour coding waypoints.
  14. Open Air Latrine Design

    Isn't a latrine a bathroom building? I thought this would be some sort of guide on how to build a Roman-style flowing water latrine... with cloth-topped wiping sticks and all!
  15. Integrated Crafting Guides

    I just got back into TerraFirmaCraft, after leaving it alone since flint tools were still a thing. And one thing which struck me about figuring things out this time around, especially since I was watching videos, was that, like almost any complicated mod, I had to go look at the wiki. That's normal. But, especially with TerraFirmaCraft which is all about believability, it ruined the immersion. And I noticed that what some mods do, like Tinker's Construct, is give you a book with pretty much everything in it. Of course, that ruins the game just as much. I began thinking about it, and I think there is a good way to do this. Why not break up the crafting guide into basic bits, and spread them around the world as loot in generated terrain? I think TFC already has quite a bit of exploring in terms of looking for certain kinds of land and rock, so adding something to take a peek at while exploring doesn't seem to be a bad idea. How would one format it? A straight up crafting guide with illustrations would be just as bad for breaking the immersion as going to the wiki. So perhaps one could format them as notes, written by survivors who had come before. Then they can be vague while giving a sense of direction and help to the player, especially in the stone-early metal age. The way I envision this is probably something like a skeleton on the ground, which you can loot. It would turn up a book. That book would have the basics of metalworking or of pottery, or things like that. Only mechanics, not recipes, or things like 'raw igneous stone is needed to create an anvil that can withstand heavy blows', without actually telling the player how to get raw igneous stone. Perhaps a crude drawing to aid with things like knapping? If the player knows they can find stuff like this, I think it stops them from going straight to the wiki, and at the same time keeps a reason to have complicated crafting to figure out. So, here are some examples to start; Pottery; " I've been experimenting with clay recently. It's hard to cook without some kind of pot; my food always chars without strict attention, and stew is an impossibility. It'll be great to finally have something to put water in. But pottery is harder than I thought it would be, not at all like I expected it. Without a proper pottery wheel I've had to resort to making crude vessels by scraping away at the corners to shape them. My attempts at handles have all failed, but having a jug with a handle would help with transporting things a lot. Firing them is another thing entirely. Baking them on the campfire didn't even harden them much. I need to figure out a way to keep the heat in. I've tried digging a hole to set the fire in, but the logs that i stacked on top to cover it and set fire to were too large, and let the heat out anyway. I need to find something smaller to cover it up." Melting Metal; " I've done it! The clay pots I made recently really do have a use. They were worth gathering all that straw after all. The ceramic kept the heat in, and the copper ore melted, right in the pot! This opens up so many possibilities. Tools, real ones, or even something to keep away the bears. A sword! But I'll need a mold to pour the metal into, something that won't catch fire or melt, and that I can break off afterwards." Metalworking; " The sword I tried to make yesterday snapped like a twig. I learned my lesson, i thought. The molded one didn't even set properly, so I hammered it into shape this time, but I must have gone wrong somewhere. I'll need to pay closer attention to what the metal looks like when i'm shaping it. If i don't master this soon cutting that rock will have been a waste. I went three kilometers just to find a stone hard enough to use as an anvil, i won't let this stop me. i had to cut all around that rock to get one large enough. I wasted two weeks! Everything's right here in my hand. I just need to work it out." You can see that each one is pretty vague, but that they give good hints as to the right direction. And even if you find a more advanced one, like the metalworking one, first, they give good hints as to what you need before it. Finding two helps you even more because they interlink. But they never tell you outright, even put together. They make the player think that they came up with the idea themselves. And they're little snippets of story that'll take people's mind of grinding a little bit. TFC's terrain gen's really unique and beautiful, so I think its good to encourage exploring. EDIT: Going back, I see an issue. What if they find the same ones lots of times? Any solution to this issue? They could just not take it, if we make the skeleton guys like a chest which you can look in. Then you also get an epic storage thing. Maybe use skulls instead of full skeletons? It could be used to just hold two or three things, all small, but act as decoration at the same time.
  16. Integrated Crafting Guides

    I thought I'd bump this again, especially after Etho also brought it up in his LP recently. I was thinking maybe we could just have a book, which looks to be some old and ratty survival guide, or maybe just a bundle of someone's notes, with diagrams and pictures. The diagrams and pictures probably shouldn't be too detailed or even extensively labelled, to give the impression of someone's notes, but they could still represent a way for us to introduce new concepts to the player. I'd even go as far as not telling the player what each diagram is but letting them figure it out from the picture. We might need some volunteers to put some time in designing the book though, to avoid it looking(and functioning) like a straight up hold-your-hand guide like those mods with quests etc. EDIT: To be clear, this isn't restricting a person's ability to unlock technologies, it just acts as an in-game wiki which doesn't break immersion and can teach the player new mechanics in an interesting way without either holding their hand or making them log out/pause.
  17. Let's See Some Builds

    Creepy, I think it's blocks of basalt placed outside of the window and chiseled. Then, he either chiseled planks of wood on the inside or used planks. The stone and wood aren't actually on the same block, the basalt is just chiseled down to a very thin panel over the wood which has been shaped separately.
  18. Slow down on animal model details

    That model could work for Large Vessels, couldn't it? Although, as stated by Kitty, that might have an inconsistency with the smaller vessels that has the plebs screaming for more models, so maybe not.
  19. Woven Grass

    I think straw could be used better to enhance the stone-age experience, especially with a few things that should really be available early on but are restricted to post-metal era. Woven Baskets; A vessel which is easy to access and doesn't require tedious inventory management, placed like a chest. It's disadvantage against the vessel would be that it can't be picked up with the things inside it, and that it can't be used to melt things. There's definitely a problem with early storage and the vessels are just annoying to use for *everything*. They have their uses as portable storage but they shouldn't be the only option. Grassweave Quiver; Stone javelins really are underused, and even though they are the only dedicated weapon in the stone age a lot of people swear off them because of their low durability. If an early game quiver was introduced, with a lower carrying capacity but still useful, I think javelins wouldn't be regarded so poorly. As it is people don't even use metal javelins because they have bad experiences with stone ones. Straw Hat; Just a clothing option for the hinted at Temperature Update, potentially to protect against rain or sun. EDIT: I know the woven baskets have been suggested a hundred times, but I figured i'd lump in another reminder of it while i got the quiver thing in, which was the main suggestion.
  20. Scythe work

    This thread was entirely about using the right tool for the right job, and even though it was a little rude in it's delivery, it has a point. Scythes are *not* good weapons. In fact, sickles which you are proposing to replace the tool with in order to free the scythe as a weapon are about as close to a useable-scythish-weapon you are ever going to get IRL. Firstly, scythes do not have straight hafts. They're a pain to hold upright and are designed for the blade to be held parallel to the ground. Second, the blade faces inwards; in order to attack an enemy, you'd have to hook around them and let them into your guard, essentially giving up any form of parrying/blocking. Thirdly, it's balance is incredibly off; you can't use it as an axe, because of the inwards blade, so the top heavyness of the thing will put you off balance. Honestly, you'd be better off cutting the scythe off of the haft and sharpening the staff instead, even if the staff is all crooked and has handles in the wrong place.
  21. all about Cheese (just cheese, nothing but cheese)

    Tofu-making is actually quite a complicated process. I'd wait for the Chemistry update (which IS coming, damn what the devs say, they'll give in eventually) for that to be implemented.
  22. A use for gems, Trinkets. More Equipment slots.

    I think the best use for gems would be as a decorative piece that you could eventually place... imagine crystal cups and jeweled swords on the wall, elaborate mosaics of colour... yes, I think that would be best and easiest.
  23. Fighting Skills

    Hmm, I'm not really a fan of the higher damage idea. I think if there would be a Weapons skill the only thing it should unlock is maybe something like being able to block or wearing down the weapon less as you use it more skillfully. That way it's still based around player experience and having the Weapons skill would just open up more options.
  24. Hang gliders!

    Sorry, but firstly I don't think it would really fit with the theme of the game, and secondly I'm pretty sure there's not really a believable material strong enough with TFC tech to produce a useable hang-glider. CrackPack and other tech mods mostly rely on you not really caring about believability and just going all out, which is well and good, but TFC seems to be trying to achieve the opposite.
  25. Armor... overhaul?

    Well, you have a made a common mistake. Armour is not actually cumbersome if made properly or even with moderate skill, and it is very easy to maneuver in full plate. There are videos of people doing acrobatics in the bloody stuff. It wouldn't be very useful in battle if it made you a walking piece of sheet metal, would it? The modern conception has the bad habit of comparing people in armour to tanks, slow and powerful, whereas in reality the most it might do to you is leave you a little more tired at the end of the day if you were unfit.